
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 4

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 4


The corner of the stadium.

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and dialed an unfamiliar number.


"Your father Gong Tao raised a lover outside, her name is Yin Hongtao, and the two have a three-year-old child..."

"Your mother Chang Rong is a former regular male subordinate, and she has a private room in the CapitaLand Hotel all year round..."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang smiled and turned to leave the stadium.


In the hallways of the school.

Gong Xue's beautiful eyes were all shocked.

Beneath the proud exterior, there is a fragile heart.

Especially when she learned of her father and mother's unbearable private life, she trembled with anger.

Her father is a decent person, how can he keep a lover, and how can he have a child with his lover?

And her mother, a typical good wife and mother, goes to work on time, comes home on time after work, rain or shine for many years, how can she do the things of the former rules subordinates.


She had to see it with her own eyes before she could believe what the mysterious phone call was saying.

Gong Xue calmed down and glanced at the mobile phone screen, the display time was thirteen:05.

According to the mysterious phone call, her mother would fool around with her male subordinates every day during her lunch break and go to the 923 private room of the CapitaLand Hotel.

From Nanhai University to CapitaLand Hotel, it takes about 20 minutes, and the time should be in time.

Gong Xue walked a pair of slender snow-white legs and ran out from the corridor to the school gate.

A few minutes later.

At the school gate.

Gong Xue stopped a taxi, got into the car, and said busily: "Master, go to the CapitaLand Hotel." "

The driver kicked the accelerator down, and the car roared away.

More than twenty minutes later.

On the doorstep of the CapitaLand Hotel.

Gong Xue scanned the code to pay and got out of the car, and entered from the lobby of the Kate Hotel.

She went straight into the elevator and pressed the button on the 9th floor.

A moment later.

The elevator comes to the 9th floor and the elevator doors open.

Gong Xue came out of the elevator and followed the room number to find it.

Room 923 doorway.

Gong Xue looked at the door number and was slightly startled.

She was about to raise her hand and knock on the door.

But he was afraid of everything, just as the mysterious phone call said.

If you don't knock on the door.

She was a little unwilling.

After all, her mother's impression in her heart has always been a good wife and a good mother, and if she doesn't confirm it, it's like a thorn stuck in her throat.

At this time, the laughter of women was heard in the room.

Gong Xue's white and flawless face was suddenly filled with anger, hatred and other looks.

This voice, she is all too familiar.

So familiar that you don't need to see people to know who the owner of the voice is.

Thinking of her mother over the years, fooling around with men during the day, coming home from work to wash vegetables and cook, and pretending to be a good wife and mother, Gong Xue's emotions were slightly out of control.

She kicked the door hard.

Bang bang.

In the room, a woman in her forties was lying on the arm of a young man, enjoying sweet words and being happy.

Suddenly, the sound of a tight kick on the door suddenly scared her into a hurry.

The young man was also taken aback, thinking that it would not be his wife Chagang, right?

If his wife finds out, he fools around with his female boss and can't eat him.

"Chang Rong, from today onwards, you are no longer my mother."

Gong Xue kicked the door a few times, her voice mixed with endless anger, and left angrily.

In the room, Chang Rong was dumbfounded, she thought that a competitor or her husband came to catch the adulterer, but she never thought that it was her daughter who came to catch the adulterer.

At this time, her good wife and mother, who had been disguised for many years, were mercilessly revealed.

A moment later.


Chang Rong shook his hand and gave the young man a loud slap in the face, spilling all the resentment in his heart on the young man.

The young man was slapped, and his heart was very angry, but he did not dare to defend.

After all, Chang Rong is his top boss, and he also pointed to the other party to promote so that he could leave the window business and do credit business.


Gong Xue's face was bursting, and there was a trace of indescribable sadness.

She never thought that her virtuous and dignified mother would be so unruly.

Also, is the father who stands tall in her heart also outsourced to raise a lover and an illegitimate child as the mysterious phone call said.

She came out of the CapitaLand Hotel, hailed a taxi, and headed to the Haoting Spring Community.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped under the one-unit building of Haoting Spring 12.

Gong Xue got out of the car, entered from the unit building, went straight into the elevator, and went up to the twelfth floor.

Room 1201 doorway.

Gong Xue took a deep breath.

I hope you don't get caught by the mysterious phone call.

Otherwise, with such a strange pair of parents, how will she see people in the future.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

There was a slight sound of footsteps in the room.

With a click, the door opened from the inside.

A young woman in her twenties, wearing a set of white home pajamas, looks beautiful and has a tall figure.

"Who are you looking for?"

The young woman looked at Gong Xue with vigilant eyes.

"I came to find Gong Tao."

Gong Xue's beautiful eyes were shining with cold.


At this time, a man wearing slippers, holding a two- or three-year-old child in his arms, came out of the bedroom.

Seeing this man and the child in his arms, Gong Xue's heart sank, and he was still hit by a mysterious call.

"Little... Light snow. "

The man's face was stunned, his expression was a little flustered, and his voice was a little stuttered.

"Your golden house is really powerful."

Gong Xue said sarcastically, turned around and left, not dragging mud and water at all.

"Xiaoxue, you listen to my explanation." The man was about to explain, but as expected, Gong Xue had already slammed the door and left.

"You raised another little lover outside?" The young woman's kiss was full of scrutiny.

"Nonsense... She is my daughter. "

The man hurriedly stuffed the child in his hand to the young woman and hurriedly went to chase Gong Xue.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 4

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