
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 40

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 40

17th floor.

Room 1702.

It was a young couple who lived.

The male is a staff member of the tax system.

The woman is a window worker in the civil affairs department.

The two have been married for several years and have never been pregnant.

The relationship between the husband and wife is very tense.

The woman accuses the man of being too small to do anything, and the man accuses the woman of having a physical ailment.

The two are fighting each other in the living room, and there is a tendency to fight.

At this time, there was a rhythmic banging sound from the roof.

The couple was taken aback, what are you doing upstairs at night, decorating?

Another thumping sound.

And it's a constant vibration.

It was as if someone was pushing the head of the bed against the wall.

The man's mind is too bad, the big night to engage in decoration, what do you think upstairs?

The woman's temper is very short-tempered, saying that she will go upstairs to theorize, how can there be such a thing, big night to decorate, how can they rest?

The man hurriedly persuaded his wife, they are all public servants, they must pay attention to the image, and they cannot smear the face of the public service army.

The woman's thought is also that finding a door-to-door theory for such a little break will damage her identity and image.

But what made them both depressed was that the decoration time upstairs was too long, and it took forty or fifty minutes, and they were staring at each other and upset.

An hour later.

The sound of decoration finally stopped.

The couple secretly sighed in relief, so they went to wash up and prepare for a beautiful night's sleep.

But as soon as the two of them lay down, the sound of the renovation thumped again.

This time, the two were in the bedroom, and they heard very clearly.

A moment later.

The couple glanced at each other.

The eyes are full of incredulity.

What's the special thing about renovation?

It is clearly engaged in body art activities.

The man couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, thinking that this buddy upstairs was a human!

The woman stared at the ceiling, her expression was a little dull, listening to the movement of others, and then looking at her husband who was lying next to her like a wooden man, she couldn't help but be a little angry.

The movement upstairs is getting louder and louder.

It can no longer be described as a nuisance.

It is clearly to destroy the relationship between husband and wife and affect the physical and mental health of others.

"Do you know who lives upstairs in us?" The woman asked.

"I don't know."

The man's eyes are a little evasive, he once took the elevator, he saw the female resident upstairs, is a particularly beautiful beauty, tall, sexy and beautiful, just because the female resident was wearing a mask at that time, he did not see the specific face, but judging from her exposed eyes, nose bridge, face shape, it must be a high-value beauty.

Of course, he would not tell his wife next to him these words.

The two stared dryly, leaned on the head of the bed, listened to the sounds upstairs, and could not sleep.

Finally, the two covered themselves with quilts and slowly slept.


A sharp hiss sounded.

Wake up the sleeping couple.

They faintly heard someone shouting for help.

"Something seems to have happened upstairs?"

"I heard it too, someone shouted for help."

"Call the police."

"It's too late, notify the security guards of the property in the community, let them go up and take a look, don't really kill people."

The man picked up his mobile phone and hurriedly called the property: "Room 1802, a unit of Building 18, someone shouted for help, you guys go up and take a look." "

Hung up.

The man had a burst of random suspicion, thinking that the beauty upstairs was not the kind that met the robbers, robbed wealth and robbed?

At this time, the woman exclaimed: "Two o'clock in the morning." "

The man glanced at the phone screen, two and six o'clock.


Are there cattle upstairs!

Even if it is livestock, you can't do it recklessly, you need to rest.

Ten minutes later.


Lin Jiang is immersed in the sea of decoration and can't help himself.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

He couldn't help frowning, who is so lacking in morality and disturbing his decoration?

Yao Kesi exerted the strength of his whole body, pushed him away, and said hoarsely: "Open... Open the door. "

Lin Jiang put on his dressing gown, went out of the bedroom, and opened the door.

There were three security guards standing outside, led by a security uncle, who looked about fifty or sixty years old.

"What are you doing?"

"Renovation for the big night?"

"Upstairs and downstairs residents are complaining about you."

"Also, the downstairs residents heard someone shouting for help?"

After the security uncle finished speaking, he was about to break into the room.

Lin Jiang hurriedly stopped him, Yao Kesi's current appearance was inconvenient to see people.

"Are you doing something illegal?" The security uncle looked at Lin Jiang with a wary expression.

"Uncle, you are mistaken, I am watching a movie with my daughter-in-law, it may be too loud and noisy to the residents upstairs and downstairs, I'm really sorry."

Lin Jiang was about to scold his mother in his heart, and he finally had a good time, but he recruited the security guard, and it seems that the unit building in the community is not safe.

Also, didn't Yao Kesi say that this kind of house is very soundproof, how can it be heard upstairs and downstairs?

"Watching a movie?"

The security uncle frowned, thinking that the current young people do not know to be a little more modest, and watching movies at night affects physical and mental development.

"Uncle, don't take an example."

Lin Jiang was really a little troubled, and he thought about quickly sending the security guard away.

"No more disturbances."

Seeing that there was really nothing wrong, the security uncle gave a word of advice and left with two young security guards.

Lin Jiang closed the door.

Prepare to return to the bedroom.

At this time, there was a pop, and the bedroom door closed from the inside, followed by a clicking anti-lock sound.

He was a little confused.

Yao Kesi locked the bedroom door, what did she want to do?

"Open the door."

Lin Jiang knocked on the bedroom door.

Yao Kesi's voice came out from the crack in the door: "Please... Leave me alone. "

"You open the door first." Lin Jiang glanced down and thought to himself, how can this be rectified?

"Not on..."

"Open the door."

"No... I don't want to die. "

"Open the door."

"I hurt . . ."


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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 40

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