
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 41

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 41

In the bedroom!

Yao Kesi couldn't regret it, and his eyes were filled with tears of humiliation.

If she could choose again, she would rather lose her position as the host of the prime-time column than agree to Lin Jiang as a lover.

But there are no ifs in life, and there are no regret pills to sell.

She admitted that she was a little cautious, thinking that Lin Jiang was young and might not be very well developed, and she would not look for her in three days.

The facts taught her a vivid lesson, Lin Jiang's physical strength and endurance can no longer be described as a person, and the livestock cannot catch up with him.

Once, she was hosting a live event outdoors, and there was a scene that she remembered vividly, of a donkey pulling and grinding.

At that time, the live broadcast camera had just reached the donkey that pulled the mill, and the donkey suddenly stopped, and under the attention of hundreds of thousands of viewers, he peed on the ground.

She remembered that the live broadcast audience at that time was not concerned about the donkey peeing on the ground, but that the donkey thing stunned the audience.

She found that Lin Jiang was more than a donkey.

She couldn't believe it now.

How could I accept him?

Of course.

It's too late to regret now.

She could only pray that in the next year, Lin Jiang would stay away from her, otherwise, a long time of wear and tear would make her figure out of shape.

She didn't want her proud long legs to become X-shaped.

And the most crucial point is that Lin Jiang's bastard didn't use Durex and croaked directly at her seven or eight times.


Lin Jiang was also upset.

During this time, he has been recuperating his body.

Take down Yao Kesi.

He was ready to fight until dawn.

Who knows, he was actually locked up outside the bedroom, which made him hold a fire in his stomach and have nowhere to vent.

He came to the living room sofa and lay down, thinking about taking Yao Kesi to sharpen the gun this month and strive to win the bid next month.

He silently calculated in his heart that when a total of five Lin descendants were born in May, June and July next year, he could make five wool systems, Shouyuan, Magical Abilities, and Strengthening...

Lin Jiang slept groggily, and in his dream, he dreamed that his children and grandchildren were full of children, and at the age of a hundred years, he was still seventeen or eight years old...

This sleep.

He slept very sweetly.


It's past seven.

The phone alarm went off.

Lin Jiang glanced at the time, it was time to go to school.

He got up from the couch, went to the bathroom to take a break, and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Half past seven, it's time to go to work."

There was no sound inside.

This made him slightly worried, there would be no accident, right?

Then he knocked the bedroom door.

A lazy and hoarse voice sounded: "I'm not feeling well, I'm not going to the stage." "


When Lin Jiang heard that she was okay, he immediately relaxed his heart and said, "I'm leaving." "

"You... Help me buy a box of Yuting. Yao Kesi's voice came out.


Lin Jiang has the experience of stealing Qiao Xinyuting last time and is very willing to help.

He pushed open the door, pressed the elevator, and left straight.

The elevator comes to the parking lot on the minus second floor.

Lin Jiang shook his spirits and walked out of the elevator.


A large bouquet of flowers appeared in front of his eyes.

He was a little confused, he had seen flowers sent to beautiful women, but he had never seen flowers sent to men.

"You... How are you? "

A thunderous roar sounded.

Lin Jiang looked up and saw that it was Shao Xiaodong's unlucky child, he was wearing a white suit, tie, flowers in his hand, and his expression was full of anger.

"Are you sick?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself that this unlucky child was holding a large bunch of flowers early in the morning and guarding the elevator door, what did he want to do?

"You... How did you show up here? "

Shao Xiaodong's eyes were about to bulge out.

"Why can't I show up here?" Lin Jiang frowned secretly, he remembered that Shao Xiaodong, the unlucky child, had chased Yao Kesi for more than a year, and just when Yao Kesi was about to promise him, it was revealed that he had an illegitimate child....

"You... You......? "

Shao Xiaodong stammered and was speechless.

Could it be that Yao Kesi was with him?

His heart was suddenly like a knife.

In order to chase Yao Kesi, he insisted on it for more than a year, secretly driving away many fierce enemies, only in exchange for Yao Kesi's sentence, she considered it.

When he was full of confidence to take Yao Kesi, the matter of the illegitimate child was exposed, and Yao Kesi directly classified him as a scumbag.

In order to ask Yao Kesi's forgiveness, these days, as long as he has free time, he will send flowers and warmth to Yao Kesi.

Even so, Yao Kesi was still disgusted with him.

This morning, he deliberately corrected the alarm clock and waited at the elevator door before Yao Kesi went to work.

Who knows, the person who came out of the elevator was actually Lin Jiang, a half-old child.

This made him suddenly have a bad thought, could it be that this half-old child lived in Yao Kesi's house last night?

Thinking about it this way, he had an urge to go crazy.

He chased Yao Kesi for so long, and he didn't even hold hands once.

"What are you doing here with your stupid pestle?"

Lin Jiang glanced at it, and the flowers were quite good, about ninety-nine.

"You... What about Yao Kesi? "

Shao Xiaodong glared angrily and roared loudly.

"She... Sleep it. Lin Jiang looked at him with pity.

"You... I...... I'll kill you. "

When Shao Xiaodong heard Lin Jiang's admission, he became angry, threw the ninety-nine flowers in his hand on the ground, and smashed his fist towards Lin Jiang with a grin.

Lin Jiang shook his head slightly, this unlucky child was too deeply poisoned, and for a woman who did not belong to him, he actually made a move with him.

Between the whiskers.

Shao Xiaodong's fist rushed over.

Take the Lin Jiang face gate directly.

He reached out with his left hand, grabbed Shao Xiaodong's arm, and slammed it over his shoulder.


Shao Xiaodong was smashed on the concrete floor of the parking lot, screaming and screaming.

Lin Jiang clapped his palms, thinking that this unlucky child was too weak, and a over-the-shoulder fall could knock him down, which shows that he is greedy for beauty on weekdays and is seriously weak.

Shao Xiaodong struggled to get up slowly from the ground and patted the dust on his body.

At this moment, he hated not only Lin Jiang, but also Yao Kesi.

He chased Yao Kesi for more than a year, and he didn't even touch his fingers, why could the Lin family stay at her house?

"You... What is the relationship with Yao Kesi? Shao Xiaodong asked impatiently.

"Silly lack."

Lin Jiang glanced at him with disdain, couldn't he even see this.

"You . . ."

Shao Xiaodong has never been so angry, he dreamed of marrying Qiao Xin who entered the door, and called Lin Jiang's father, his favorite goddess Yao Kesi, who was possessed by Lin Jiang.

"Inquire, where is there a pharmacy outside the community where you can buy Yu Ting's?" Lin Jiang hurried to school and asked Shao Xiaodong.


Shao Xiaodong almost didn't catch his breath.

Yu Ting?

Doesn't this mean that Lin Jiang and Yao Kesi are together, real guns and live ammunition, even Durex is useless.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 41

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