
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 42

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 42

"You guys...?"

Shao Xiaodong's eyes were torn, and his eyes were burning with jealousy.

He was the heir of the Shaw Group, and he was humiliated by a half-old child three and a half times.

"I ask you where there is a pharmacy?" Lin Jiang didn't bother to care what mood he had.

"I... I don't know. "

Shao Xiaodong would not tell him even if he knew, and after sleeping with Yao Kesi, he asked him where he sold Yuting, which was too deceptive.

"Silly lack."

Lin Jiang glanced at the unfortunate child, hurriedly got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom car, and drove out of the underground parking lot.

At a pharmacy at the entrance of the community, he bought a box of bottled Yuting, bought another box of vitamin tablets, and put the vitamin tablets into the bottle, and Yu Ting, who was urgently avoided, was thrown into the trash by him.

Return to the underground parking lot of the complex.

Shao Xiaodong's stupid lack was still standing at the elevator door, his expression was lost, as if he had been hit very seriously.

"Why are you still here?"

Lin Jiang thought that this unfortunate child's perseverance was strong enough, and he wanted to put it on ordinary people, and he would shake his head and leave early.

"I . . ."

Shao Xiaodong was speechless for a while, he was slow to leave at the elevator door, he wanted to wait for Yao Kesi to come out, and asked her in person, why did he choose a half-old child and not choose him?

Lin Jiang shook his head, too lazy to wrestle with him, and entered directly from the elevator.

Shao Xiaodong saw the Yuting bottle in his hand, and his heart hurt again, Yao Kesi really let this half-old child practice with real guns and live ammunition.

Lin Jiang took the elevator to the 18th floor.

He forgot one thing.

Yao Kesi's home is a smart door lock, he doesn't know the password, how to get in?

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and called Yao Kesi several times, but no one answered.

He sent a text message to Yao Kesi, hung the plastic bag containing Yuting on the doorknob, and turned to leave.

He came out of the elevator again, Shao Xiaodong had left, it is estimated that this unfortunate child is really discouraged.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, Yao Kesi is now his woman, if Shao Xiaodong dares to continue to entangle, he doesn't mind making this unlucky child's ugly story public.




Nanhai University.

Boys' dormitory.

Lin Jiang is sleeping.

Suddenly, the fat man ran in from outside the dormitory and shook his arm vigorously.

"Fatty, did you have a stroke?" Lin Jiang was dreaming about Zhou Gong, and was woken up by the fat man, and 10,000 grass nyima rushed past in his heart.

The fat man was full of joy, and a trace of disgusting hara flowed from the corner of his mouth, "There are beautiful women looking for you outside." "


Lin Jiang glared at the fat man, this product is too unrestrained, isn't it a beauty, as for Liuharazi.

"Lin Jiang, I envy you too much." The fat man thought to himself that he was a roommate in the same dormitory, how could the gap be so big.

"Hurry, who's looking for me?"

Lin Jiang thought that since Li Xinyu suspended school, he had almost no communication with the beautiful women in the school, how could there be beautiful women looking for him.

"Fang Jing."


"New school flower, Fang Jing?"

"Go and tell her where she came from and where she went back."

As soon as Lin Jiang heard that the person looking for him was actually Fang Jing, he directly turned over and continued to sleep.

"You're okay, are you? The school flower is looking for you, and you don't give face? The fat man was surprised.

"Fuck off."

Lin Jiang thought that Fang Jing could vomit out, let alone go to see her.


I heard a laughter ringing out at the bedroom door.

"Lin Jiang."

But it is a beautiful woman with a height of one meter and seven meters, with a sweet smile, wearing a gray shorts, a white vest with an open navel, the vest is supported by a large piece, very material, the figure belongs to the plump type, and a pair of long legs slightly split a slit.

As soon as the fat man saw her, his eyes lit up.

Lin Jiang turned around and glanced at her, reluctantly got out of bed, came to the door of the bedroom, and said coldly: "What happened?" "

"Lin Jiang, do you have time?" Fang Jing said sweetly.


"That... Is it convenient to leave a phone call? Or is the VX number okay? "


"Don't get me wrong, I just want to get to know you."

"Sorry, I didn't want to know you."

If Lin Jiang didn't know Fang Jing's details, based on her figure, he would be willing to get to know her.

But he not only knew Fang Jing's details, but also knew it well.

Fang Jing begged a bored and turned away with an embarrassed expression.

After turning around.

The sweet smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by a sneer.

She thought viciously in her heart, isn't it just driving a Rolls-Royce Phantom, what kind of high pretend.

She didn't believe it, with her appearance and means, Lin Jiang would be indifferent?

Moreover, men are hypocritical creatures, and the clearer and taller they are, the dirtier they are inside.

Lin Jiang took out a bottle of air freshener from the bedroom and sprayed it on the place where Fang Jing was standing at the door, the smell was too strong, affecting his mood.

"What are you doing?"

The fat man was a little unable to understand his operation.

"Get rid of the commotion."

Although Lin Jiang did not believe in feudal superstition, he believed that a troublesome woman would really bring bad luck to people.

"Why don't you give me a way to live?" The fat man can't help but feel sorry for himself, people are more angry than people.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 42

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