
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 43

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 43


Around four o'clock.

Lin Jiang just finished class and took out his mobile phone to take a look.

Yao Kesi sent a text message.

Content: Shao Xiaodong is making trouble on the TV station, please help.

Lin Jiang couldn't help frowning, Shao Xiaodong, the unlucky kid whose head was kicked by a donkey, actually ran to the TV station to make trouble.

He went to the school parking lot, got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom car, and prepared to go to the TV station.

Just as he stepped on the accelerator, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of the car.

When he looked closely, it was Fang Jing.

He couldn't help but be embarrassed.

"Are you sick?"

Lin Jiang rolled down the window and shouted at Fang Jing.

Fang Jing was not angry at all, walked to the side door of the cab with long legs, and said with a smile: "Lin Shao, I like you." "

Lin Jiang could see at a glance what she was thinking.

She just saw her Rolls-Royce car and thought he was a super rich second generation, so she took the initiative to give him a hug.

"You like this car, don't you?"

Lin Jiang patted the steering wheel, and his disgust was not hidden in his eyes

"Because of this car, people who like you, can't they?" Fang Jing's idea is very simple, take Lin Jiang, the 'super rich second generation', and improve her quality of life.

"But I don't like buses."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and he stepped on the accelerator, and the Rolls-Royce Phantom car roared away.

Fang Jing stood in place with a confused expression.

Public transit?

Lin Jiang actually said that she was a bus?

Fang Jing came back to his senses and stomped his foot fiercely, it was too hateful, it was great to have money, and it was great to drive a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Half an hour later.

Television station.

Lin Jiang directly drove the Rolls-Royce Phantom to the TV station compound.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Shao Xiaodong with a few big men in suits, standing under the office building of the TV station, looking like a troublemaker.

"Shao Xiaodong."

Lin Jiang walked over quickly and shouted.

Shao Xiaodong looked back and saw that it was actually Lin Jiang, the half-old child, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Jiang, what are you doing here?"

After Shao Xiaodong went back this morning, he was very angry in his heart, he chased Yao Kesi for more than a year, and Lin Jiang only took a long time to put Yao Kesi to sleep, and he really couldn't swallow this mouthful of gas.

Therefore, he came to the TV station and asked Yao Kesi to give him an explanation, otherwise, don't blame him for not talking about face.

After all, the Shaw Group still has some connections in the South China Sea, and it is easy to suppress a popular host.

"I heard that you came to find fault, I'll take a look." Lin Jiang thought that this unfortunate child really owed discipline, and actually dared to run to the TV station to make trouble.

"Let me affirm, first, I'm not here to make trouble, I just want her to give me an explanation, second, this is my business with her, it has nothing to do with you, if you dare to interfere, don't blame me for being unkind."

Shao Xiaodong has a strong jealousy of Lin Jiang, after all, Lin Jiang can take Qiao Xin and Yao Kesi, which shows that the background behind him is extraordinary.

"Want to explain?"

The corner of Lin Jiang's mouth crossed with disdain.

"I've been chasing her hard for more than a year, and she slept with you silently, so you have to give me an explanation, right?"

Shao Xiaodong held a fire in his stomach, and if Yao Kesi didn't give him an explanation today, he let Yao Kesi be completely ruined.


Lin Jiang nodded, Shao Xiaodong wanted to explain, but this explanation was not given to him by Yao Kesi.

With a disdainful smile on his lips, he walked into the TV station office building with a sturdy stride.

As soon as he entered the hall, he ran into Director Qi Tiangang of the TV station.

"Mr. Lin, you are here." Qi Tiangang's fat face was full of smiles.

"Take me to Yao Kesi's office." Lin Jiangdao.

"Yes, please."

Qi Tiangang was a smart man, and he already knew that the big guy who called him last night was at the behest of Mr. Lin.

This made him more convinced that Mr. Lin had a background that could reach the heavens.

Moreover, he specially observed today and found that Yao Kesi's posture was somewhat strange.

It shows that Yao Kesi could not withstand the pressure and finally fell under Mr. Lin.

"Shao Xiaodong, do you know?" Lin Jiang asked as he walked.

"Shaw Group is one of the sponsors of our TV station, and I know Shao Xiaodong, but I don't know him very well."

Qi Tian just hurriedly cleared the relationship, he knew what Shao Xiaodong was here for today, and someone also greeted him, but he ignored it.

A moment later.

Qi Tian just took Lin Jiang to the door of an office.

"Mr. Lin, this is Kesi's office, I'll send you here." Qi Tiangang nodded and smiled, his expression was extremely respectful, three points more respectful than seeing the top boss.

Lin Jiang nodded slightly, pushed open the office door and walked in.

In the office.

Yao Kesi sat at his desk, looking a little tired and indignant.

She wore a white suit today, with a shining diamond hanging from the front of her fair neck, long hair draped over her shoulders, and a layer of heavy makeup on her face, looking more beautiful than usual.

But the tiredness in her eyes speaks for itself.

The so-called heavy makeup is to hide the haggard look.

After all, she is the host, and the image is very important.

"Here you are."

Yao Kesi saw Lin Jiang come in from the office, and her beautiful eyes crossed with a trace of ease.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't go to work today?" Lin Jiang asked casually.

"There's something in the stage, I came at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Yao Kesi didn't want to come to work today, but the station repeatedly called her, saying that the prime-time column must be hosted by her, so she dragged her uncomfortable body to work in the station, who thought, Shao Xiaodong didn't know what was crazy, and actually ran to the TV station to ask her to give an explanation.

Moreover, Shao Xiaodong also sent text messages to threaten her, if she did not give an explanation, he would publish her and Lin Jiang's affairs on the Internet, and find someone to ban her.

Yao Kesi knew that the Shaw Group was powerful, and she couldn't afford to provoke it, so she sent a text message to Lin Jiang.

After all, Lin Jiang is now her gold lord, and when this happens, Lin Jiang, as the gold lord, wants to put Shao Xiaodong in place for her.

"What does Shao Xiaodong want to do?" Lin Jiangdao.

Yao Kesi gave him a white look, thinking that it was not a good thing he did, deliberately stimulating Shao Xiaodong, and the result really Shao Xiaodong.

"He wants me to give an explanation, otherwise, he will shake our relationship out and completely ban me."

"This kid... It's really underdrawn. "

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone, walked to the window, and dialed a phone number.


"Shao Chengfeng, your son is a little ignorant, and he actually ran to the TV station to make trouble."

"You come and bring him back, discipline him well, and don't let him come out and embarrass himself again."

"In addition, Yao Kesi is now my person, if she lacks a hair, there is no need for your Shaw Group to exist."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang put the phone back in his pocket and turned to look at it.

But he saw Yao Kesi staring at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and his eyes were full of adoration.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 43

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