
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 44

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 44

Half an hour later.

Lin Jiang and Yao Kesi stood in front of the office window.

The two looked together at the bottom of the office building.

A Mercedes S-Class black car drove in from the TV station compound and pulled over.

A man in his fifties, wearing a black Zhongshan suit, got out of the Mercedes.

As soon as he got out of the car, he went straight to Shao Xiaodong.

Shao Xiaodong was leaning in front of the car, playing with his mobile phone, waiting for Yao Kesi to explain to her.

Suddenly, a man in a black Zhongshan suit came to him.

Shao Xiaodong looked up, his expression was slightly startled, and said, "Dad, why are you here...?" "

He wasn't done yet.

Shao Chengfeng raised his palm and smacked Shao Xiaodong's big ear scraper fiercely.


Shao Xiaodong's face was hot, and he grinned in pain: "Dad...?" "


Shao Chengfeng was pumped over with another big ear scraper.

Two big ear scrapers in a row directly stunned Shao Xiaodong.

"Mess around, who let you run to the TV station to make trouble? You especially want to die, don't involve our Shaw family. Shao Chengfeng said angrily.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Shao Xiaodong looked confused, for such a small matter, as for the public to beat him?

"Let me ask you, are you pestering a woman named Yao Kesi?" Shao Chengfeng hated iron and asked without steel, he always thought that Shao Xiaodong was very mature and would definitely be able to be alone in the future, but now he found that he was too tender, and the tender was not as good as the grass chicken.

"I didn't pester her, I just couldn't get angry, just ask her for an explanation, is this excessive?" Shao Xiaodong thought to himself why he was so unlucky, because of such a little thing, the old man was shocked.

"Not too much."

Shao Chengfeng said sharply: "If it's other women, how you want to toss, whatever you want, but Yao Kesi can't, she has big people behind her, it's not something our Shao family can offend." "

"Big shot?"

A trace of jealousy surged in Shao Xiaodong's eyes, and he didn't guess that the big man must be Lin Jiang's backstage background.

"In short, don't provoke Yao Kesi again, let alone engage in small actions behind your back, otherwise, no one can save you." Shao Chengfeng said sharply.


Shao Xiaodong nodded reluctantly.

"Now get me in the car and hurry up." Shao Chengfeng drank.


Shao Xiaodong was like a defeated rooster, and he turned around and got into the car.

Shao Chengfeng was an understanding person, he turned around, walked towards the TV station office building, and bowed fiercely one hundred and eighty degrees.

His big bow is not to the TV station leader, nor to Yao Kesi, after all, their status is not worthy of the chairman of the Shaw Group to personally bow and apologize.

A moment later.

The Shaw father and son left by car.

And the TV station office building, after the Shaw father and son left, directly fried the pot.

Some insiders are speculating who has so much energy to let the chairman of the Shaw Group personally apologize.

Some low-level personnel who do not know the truth look at the flowers in the fog and do not understand anything.

Director Qi Tiangang saw it clearly, Shao's son-in-law Shao Xiaodong is not a fart in front of Mr. Lin, even if his old son comes, he has to bow to Mr. Lin and apologize.

"Yao Kesi is a big man this time, and his future is limitless." Deputy Director Zhang said with some yin and yang strangeness.

"Lao Zhang, in the future, Yao Kesi will be the pillar of the stage, and her status can not be replaced, in addition, the deputy director of the news center channel is designated as Yao Kesi." Qi Tian just did this, he wanted to sell Mr. Lin's favor.

"Director, the deputy director of the news center channel, the station is planning Tong Susu, you also agree to this matter, moreover, my side has notified Tong Susu...?" Deputy Director Zhang thought to himself, how can he explain to Tong Susu now?

"Tong Susu?"

Qi Tiangang smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "What is her background, what is Yao Kesi's background, you still don't understand this?" "

Deputy Director Zhang couldn't help but be deflated, slowly nodded, and said: "There is also Sun Zimeng, a newcomer in Tai, originally Tai Li decided that she would replace Yao Kesi and host the prime-time column, but you made a phone call and asked her to host the night column, she had a very big opinion, and the one in the city was also quite critical." "

"If the one in the city has an opinion, let him talk to the big guy, in addition, Sun Zimeng is a newcomer, just arrived at the TV station to host the prime time, what do you think of our TV station?"

Qi Tiangang was disdainful in his heart, Sun Zimeng had a background, but for the background behind Yao Kesi, the difference was not a star and a half.


Deputy Director Zhang sighed secretly, this matter was his miscalculation, he thought that Yao Kesi, who had lost his background in the city, could be left to Taili, who knows, in just one day, Yao Kesi had a big guy behind him.

"Lao Zhang, you have to take a long-term view, Tong Susu, Sun Zimeng, they are nothing, but Yao Kesi is different, her current identity, even if it is you, I have to be polite, understand?" Qi Tiangang hinted.


Deputy Director Zhang sighed, the matter had come to this, and he could only pinch his nose and admit it.


Lin Jiang pulled over Yao Kesi's office chair, turned around and sat down, and lifted Erlang's legs.

Yao Kesi is wearing a white women's suit, a small suit on the upper body, the support is very obvious, below is a pair of white wide-leg trousers, although the straight and round long legs are hidden, but from the slender and tall posture can still be seen that her figure is very enchanting.

"Thank you."

Yao Kesi felt the benefits of having the backing of the gold lord.

The leader of Taili was polite to her.

Taili's resources began to tilt towards her.

Even Shao Xiaodong, a rich and powerful rich second generation, can't afford to turn over a little wave.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Moreover, the disadvantages are very obvious, the body is sore and weak, and there is a tearing force, faintly hurting from time to time, and she is not sitting or standing when she is tormented.

"There is no need to say thank you in the future, the transaction between us is very fair, I guarantee you a year of safety, you guarantee me a year of physical and mental happiness."

Lin Jiang has never believed in feelings, in his opinion, the so-called feelings between men and women have long changed in this era, in contrast, he prefers the exchange of interests.


Yao Kesi nodded slightly.

Then, her expression turned pale, and her beautiful eyes showed a trace of fear.

But it was Lin Jiang who pressed her shoulders and pressed her down on the marble floor, a trace of humiliation welled up in her eyes, and in her office, she knelt under Lin Jiang...

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 44

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