
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 45

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 45

The years turn into songs.

Time passes like a flower.

The years passed in a hurry.

Time is not repeated.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Late autumn quietly passes.

The temperature in the South China Sea drops again and again.

Although it is not as cold as the inland area, in the morning and evening, the breeze carries a hint of cool coldness.

For most of the month, Lin Jiang's life was as calm as usual, just like the water on the lake, without a trace of waves.

It is worth mentioning.

Chen Huang, who was pregnant first, began to gradually reveal her pregnant belly after experiencing morning sickness.

Lin Jiang is very happy, and having a pregnant belly indicates that the child is developing stably in the mother's womb.

And Gong Xue and Li Xinyu's belly has not yet begun to show, but it is also fast, after all, the time when they and Chen Huang are pregnant is only one or two months apart.

During this time, he would visit them almost every day, chatting with them, playing games, walking, and eating.

In terms of material life, he did not treat Gong Xue and Li Xinyu badly, and every few days, he would send them a big red envelope.

After all, both of them were pregnant in college, and if they were not employed, they naturally would not have an income.

Gong Xue is a proper Bai Fumei, there is no shortage of pocket money, Lin Jiang sent her a big red envelope, just to make her happy, after all, a pregnant woman, the mood is like a June day, cloudy and sunny.

Li Xinyu is different, her mother has been hospitalized, half of the two million she took from Lin Jiang has paid for the medical bill, so Lin Jiang sends her a big red envelope every few days, so that she does not lose herself, shopping, eating, shopping, no need to save.

As for Chen Huang, Lin Jiang never gave a penny.

It's not that he's stingy.

It's that Chen Huangzhen doesn't need money.

Although she is not a big-name star, in the past two years, with the behind-the-scenes support of Lin Jiang, she has received several big-name advertisements, and her worth is 780 million.

And Qiao Xin, who returned to Shanghai, would send him one or two greeting text messages every day.

Of course.

These days, he did not go to Yao Kesi to sharpen the gun.

Since being disturbed by the uncle of the community security guard in the unit building that night, Lin Jiang no longer believes in the sound insulation of the community building.

Therefore, he found the location where Yao Kesi sharpened his gun, and changed it to a hotel suite, in a car, a late-night seaside, and a park parking lot where no one cared.

One thing made him very puzzled, he obviously bought vitamin tablets for Yao Kesi, but her aunt this month actually arrived as scheduled.

Lin Jiang fell into deep self-doubt, is the quality of his children and grandchildren declining?

This is unlikely, but he is brewed three cups of tea every day such as goji berries, astragalus, yellow essence, ginseng, deer antler velvet, etc.

Still, Yao Kesi's physique is not easy to conceive.

In any case, making a baby is a top priority at the moment and cannot be delayed.

This day.


A gentle breeze.

In the afternoon, Lin Jiang came to the school parking lot, ready to go to the TV station to find Yao Kesi to discuss marksmanship, after all, her aunt has passed two days, and he has also saved enough ammunition.

He walked briskly towards the Cullinan car.

The car was sent for repair for more than half a month, and only returned to him yesterday.

Lin Jiang put his hands in his pockets and hummed the Cantonese version of the glorious days in his mouth.

He came to the front of the Cullinan car and prepared to get in and go.

Suddenly, a figure ran out from the side of Cullinan's door.

"Lin Shao."

Fang Jing wore sexy black silk shorts with a pink short-sleeved shirt on top.

Lin Jiang frowned, since the last time Fang Jing found him driving a Rolls-Royce Phantom, she had stuck behind him like a dog skin plaster, annoying him.

"What tricks do you want to play today?"

"Lin Shao, how is my outfit today?" Fang Jing opened her arms and spun around in front of Lin Jiang.

Small mesh boots, black silk, shorts, and a pink shirt look seductive.

But Lin Jiang could vomit it disgustingly.

A writer once said that under the glamorous exterior, the panties have long been yellowed.

It may be a person like Fang Jing.

"Get out of the way."

The disgust in Lin Jiang's eyes was clear.

"Lin Shao, this is a gift that people have carefully prepared for you." Fang Jing was not angry at all, she didn't believe that a sexy outfit every day, Lin Jiang could still endure it?

Lin Jiang bypassed her directly and got into the Cullinan car.

"Lin Shao, I opened an e-sports room in the hotel, can I play games with you?" Fang Jing hurriedly smiled.

A mocking smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "Play with chicken? "


Fang Jing nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"But... I hate your mouth. "

Lin Jiang stepped on the accelerator, and Cullinan's car roared out.

Fang Jing's face turned blue and white for a while, she was looking for him, he actually disliked it?

She told herself in her heart, endure, must endure...

Cullinan on the car.

Lin Jiang listened to DJ music, drove like a tiger, and went to the TV station.


The phone rang.

Caller ID - Yang Chaoyue.

He glanced at his phone, pulled over, and pressed the answer button.

A pleasant female voice came out from the mobile phone microphone: "Boss, I will go to Nanhai tomorrow to film." "


Lin Jiang snorted lightly.

"I know you're in the South China Sea, and I'd like to meet you if it's convenient." Yang Chaoyue said.


Lin Jiang also happened to want to see Yang Chaoyue, so he agreed.

"See you tomorrow then?" Yang Chaoyue's voice was full of joy.


Lin Jiang hung up the phone.

A few years ago, when Yang Chaoyue had not yet set foot in the entertainment industry, Lin Jiang contacted her, pointed her into the entertainment industry, and used resources to hold her up.

Otherwise, how can she, a newcomer who is not good at dancing, singing, and acting, be on variety shows, make movies, and play the female number one?

In recent years, the Internet has been speculating who is the gold owner behind Yang Chaoyue, some people say that it is Zhang Liang, one of the four young people in the new capital, and some people say that it is a capital goose.

In fact, they all guessed wrong, the gold owner behind Yang Chaoyue is an eighteen-year-old college student.

Of course, there is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason.

Lin Jiang spent resources to hold a beautiful woman from a non-professional background, and he fancy her beautiful face and figure, otherwise, if a beautiful woman who wants to enter the entertainment industry grabs a lot, why should he hold Yang Chaoyue.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 45

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