
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 46

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 46

Television station.

A black Cullinan drove into the yard parking lot.

Lin Jiang got out of the car, as usual, directly entered the office building, and went to Yao Kesi's office with a familiar car.

Second floor, staircase.

A beautiful woman wearing tight jeans came over with a smile and said, "Mr. Lin." "

Lin Jiang heard the voice and looked up to see that it was Tong Susu from the TV station.

She is about twenty-five or six years old, about one meter six or five meters tall, her face is gorgeous, her body is plump, a pair of tight jeans, wrapping her round legs tightly, plump buttocks, willow small waist, majestic peaks, a round and delicate face, small and delicate, a pair of watery eyes are very hooky.

Lin Jiang is the first time to see Tong Susu himself, and he is a little more beautiful than in front of the screen.

Of course, compared to Yao Kesi, she is still a little worse.

"Isn't this the host of the Asahi Shimbun, Tong Susu beauty?" Lin Jiang smiled lightly, with a hint of ridicule in his words.

"It is my honor to be remembered by Mr. Lin." Tong Susu's watery eyes had a seductive look, and his voice was a little coquettish.

Lin Jiang smiled slightly, and Tong Susu suddenly greeted him, the purpose was somewhat intriguing.

"Is Mr. Lin convenient now?" Tong Susumei's eyes flashed a hint of cunning, and asked softly.


Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, Yao Kesi should still be busy at this time.

"Mr. Lin, go and sit in my office?" Tong Susu said with a sly smile.


Lin Jiang nodded in agreement.


With a coquettish smile on the corner of Tong Susu's sexy lips, he took Lin Jiang to her office.

In the office.

She took matters into her own hands and made a cup of jasmine tea for Lin Jiang.

"You wouldn't be specifically inviting me to tea, would you?"

Lin Jiang never believed that beautiful women would fall from the sky, and Tong Susu invited him to the office, with her own purpose.

"I said I wanted to meet Mr. Lin, do you believe me?" Tong Susu smiled coquettishly.

"I like to get straight to the point." Lin Jiang said lightly.


Tong Susu's pink lips pursed lightly, and his expression crossed a deep groan.

She learned from Deputy Director Zhang.

The gold lord behind Yao Kesi is the Mr. Lin in front of him, although he looks only seventeen or eight years old, his heaven-reaching means make her actively ignore his age.

Yao Kesi has him, the gold lord, not only firmly in the position of the first sister of the TV station, but also promoted to the deputy director of the news center channel, and the leaders of the station have to be polite when they see her.

This made Tong Susu envious in his heart.

She thinks that she is no worse than Yao Kesi, and what she lacks is a gold owner with a strong background.

Although she often participates in various drinking parties and meets some characters with backgrounds, compared with the Mr. Lin in front of her, those so-called big people are not worth mentioning.

"Who do you think is more beautiful than me and Yao Kesi?" Tong Susu said with a coquettish smile.

The intriguing look at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth is even stronger, Tong Susu wants to dig a corner?

However, compared to Yao Kesi, he liked Yao Kesi more.

"Of course it is... Yao Kesi. Lin Jiang said with a playful smile.

"When you say that, people are a little sad." Tong Susu said coquettishly.

Lin Jiang swept her from head to toe, and said with a smile: "Your legs are not as long as her legs, your waist is generally thin, your hips are not as plump as her hips, and the peak is one size smaller than her." "

Tong Susu's beautiful eyes crossed with a hint of surprise.

This Mr. Lin really doesn't care about the image at all.

How can he comment so directly.

"Yao Kesi has you as a backer, and the resources are constant, and I can't compare to others." Tong Susu said this deliberately.

Lin Jiang has long been immune to women's desire to indulge.

Tong Susu made such a pretentious gesture in front of him, didn't he just want to hug his thighs and obtain resources.

"What resources do you want?" Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Then it depends on what resources Mr. Lin gives me?" When Tong Susu spoke, he twisted his plump hips and thin waist and sat down next to Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang looked at Tong Susu, who was close at hand, and was a little worried, but he only craved her body for a beautiful woman like Tong Susu, and it was enough to give birth.

"I'll have to think hard about what resources are right for you."

Tong Susu is thoughtful.

As soon as she heard this, she immediately understood that she needed to pay.

After all, in the eyes of these big people, the most valuable thing about their beautiful hostess is their face and figure.

Tong Susu clinged to Lin Jiang's ear and said coquettishly: "In the evening, see you at the hotel." "


Lin Jiang frowned, he was going to sharpen the gun with Yao Kesi tonight, as for Tong Susu, come to Japan.

"Forget it tonight, another day."

Tong Susu couldn't help but feel depressed, she was a big beauty, she was so obvious, he actually refused.

You know, the big people outside who want to ask her to the hotel can't count a slap.

But she never responded positively.

"Mr. Lin."

Tong Susu snorted coquettishly while gently shaking Lin Jiang's arm.

Lin Jiang was a little stupid and uneasy, after all, he was shaken by a beautiful woman, with a look of seeking satisfaction, as if a man could not resist

But he has always been very sane.

In his thinking, sharpening the gun is the right thing.

Simply sharpening guns is a pastime.


Looking at Tong Susu's red little mouth.

He got up from the sofa and looked at Tong Susu condescendingly.

The latter looked slightly shocked, this is an office, if it is discovered, it will not be discredited.

But Lin Jiang didn't care so much, he pressed his palm on Tong Susu's head...

Tong Susu was half-pushing, and slowly rubbed the gun for Lin Jiang.

Her work of wiping the gun was a little jerky, and Lin Jiang's teeth grinned several times, and her face showed pain.

Second floor.

In an office on the left.

Yao Kesi was wearing a white OL suit, a delicate face, radiant, charming eyes, and a trace of worry and anxiety welled up.

She just received a text message from Qi Tai, and Lin Jiang went to Tong Susu's office.

A sense of crisis suddenly arose in her heart.

On Nanhai TV, the most likely person to threaten her position as a Hua Dan is Tong Susu.

If Lin Jiang was seduced by Tong Susu, she didn't dare to think about it...

After hesitating, she took out her mobile phone and called Lin Jiang.

The phone rings over and over again, but no one answers.

This made her very scared in her heart, after all, everything she had now was given by Lin Jiang.

If Lin Jiang is lost, her position in the TV station will be in jeopardy again.

Yao Kesi waited for a few minutes, and did not see Lin Jiang call back, she was anxious in her heart, and walked directly out of the office and went to Tong Susu's office.

She and Tong Susu's offices are on the second floor, less than ten meters apart.

When she came to the door of Tong Susu's office, she forgot to knock on the door and pushed it directly in.

The scene in the office made Yao Kesi directly shocked in the local area, and it was difficult to return to his senses.

Lin Jiang felt that someone came in, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help but snort, and the bullets flew out randomly.

Tong Susu never thought that she would have such a embarrassing scene, and her round little face had become Lin Jiang's living target.

What made her most humiliated was that this indecent scene was witnessed by her biggest competitor, Yao Kesi.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 46

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