
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 47

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 47

Ten minutes later.

Yao Kesi Office.

Lin Jiang sat on the chair casually, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yao Kesi wrapped his arms around him, stood in front of the window, and gave Lin Jiang a wonderful back.

She was very angry now, and her delicate body trembled with anger.

The moment she pushed open the office door, the explosive scene made her lose her mind for a moment.

But she didn't make a noise or make a fuss, but closed the office door again and gave Tong Susu a decent life.

Otherwise, as long as she shouted at that time, the staff on the second floor would flock to it, and when they saw the protein on Tong Susu's face, they would naturally understand what happened

In this way, Tong Susu still has the face to continue to stay on the TV station?

After a while.

Yao Kesi slowly turned around.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lin Jiang closely.

During this time of getting along, she had completely ignored Lin Jiang's age, because he did not look like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man in all aspects.

"Is the deal between us still valid?" Yao Kesi's voice carried a hint of coldness.

"Of course it works."

A smile rose at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "You don't think that Tong Susu will threaten your status?" "

Yao Kesi did not answer.

She did have concerns about that.

After all, Tong Susu is not bad in all aspects, the most important thing is that she comes to coquette and sell cute, the leader of the stage, some figures with status above, who does not like her.

"What did you promise Tong Susu?" Yao Kesi asked softly.

"Didn't promise her anything for the time being." Lin Jiang really didn't promise anything to Tong Susu.

"For now?"

Yao Kesi keenly heard the deep meaning of his words.

"If you can promise me a condition, I can stop dealing with her." A conspiratorial smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

"What conditions?"

Yao Kexiliu's eyebrows frowned slightly, what she could give, almost all of it had been given to him, what else was he worried about?

"Give me a baby."

Lin Jiang said it unabashedly.


Yao Kesi was slightly startled, his beautiful eyes surged with a trace of panic, he was only seventeen or eight years old, he wanted a child?

"I can give you another promise, as long as you give birth to a child, the resources of the TV station are at your disposal, and even, I can send you to a broader platform for a lifetime."

Lin Jiang believed that his condition would definitely arouse Yao Kesi's heart.

After all, some things, once they taste sweet, will want to keep sweet, even if they know that they are wrong, they will not turn back.

Just like stars in the entertainment industry, they accept the former rules for the first time, and they are very resistant in their hearts, and the second and third pre-rules will make them slowly change from resistance to obedience, and finally willing to be submerged.

"For a lifetime?"

Yao Kesi listened to Lin Jiang's words, and he was indeed moved.

After all, after getting along during this time, she felt more and more how powerful the connections behind Lin Jiang were.

Moreover, she is not resistant to Lin Jiang now, on the contrary, there is a trace of unexplained good feelings.

If you can give him a baby, it will be a good thing.

"Thoughtfully, women always have to have children all their lives, taking advantage of your age, giving birth to children now will not affect your future development, if in a few years, when you go to other broader platforms, then having children will not only affect the rise of your career, but also make your body out of shape, and the gain is not worth the loss."

Lin Jiang also gave birth to a child in order to let Yao Kesi willingly.

Yao Kesi also knows that having children at this age is the best time.

But her relationship with Lin Jiang is somewhat awkward.

To put it bluntly, her current identity is Lin Jiang's lover.

Giving a child to a lover is a little uncomfortable.

"This thing... You asked me to think about it. Yao Kesi thought that having a child was a big thing, and she needed to calm down and weigh the pros and cons.

"Did you secretly change the contraceptive pill?" Lin Jiang frowned and asked.


Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes surged with a hint of panic.

She did secretly change the Yuting that Lin Jiang bought.

Otherwise, the great aunt would not have come as scheduled.

Lin Jiang looked at her flustered look, a trace of clarity flashed in his eyes, and he thought that if she hadn't secretly changed Yu Ting, maybe the child would have been pregnant in her belly.

"You think about it, give me an answer."

Lin Jiang got up from his chair and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Yao Kesi hurriedly called out to him and said softly, "Go to my place tonight." "

"I'll talk about it another day."

Lin Jiang asked her to sharpen her gun in order to give birth to a son.

If it is not for the birth of a son, which gun will be sharpened.

He turned and walked out of the office.

He goes.

Yao Kesi fell into deep thought, looking hesitant.

She thought about it.

The pros and cons of being born and not having are analyzed.

After giving birth to a child, Lin Jiang will definitely continue to hold her, after all, there is a child as a bond.

If she does not have children, although Lin Jiang will guarantee her status as the host of the golden column, he will not continue to bet on her.

During this time, she also learned the tip of the iceberg of Lin Jiang's financial power, that is, very rich, as for how much, she did not know.

She only knows that he has many luxury cars of the level of Cullinan and Rolls-Royce Phantom.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 47

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