
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 48

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 48


Blue sky and white clouds.

A gentle breeze.

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

A business passenger plane of China Southern Airlines landed slowly at Nanhai Airport.

A tall woman with long hair and a shawl pulled a suitcase and walked out of the airport.

She was about twenty-four or five.

Graceful age.

The height is about one meter six or eight, and the front is convex and the back is small and brute.

A very beautiful face, as if like a person in a painting, a pair of star eyes are very bright.

She wore denim shorts, showing her plump and round beautiful buttocks vividly, a pair of long legs, the logo is well-proportioned, straight and tight.

The upper body is a white T-shirt, the mountain peak is very majestic, and the t-shirt is propped up high.

Her name is Yang Chaoyue.

She used to be a rural girl.

Now he is a popular traffic flower active in the entertainment industry.

A few years ago, she was living on the street, penniless, and received a strange phone call.

It was that strange phone call that saved her life and created Yang Chaoyue now.

She still remembers that day, the mysterious man said to her: All people are born equal, as long as you are willing to work hard, you have what others have.

She believed without hesitation.

Under the arrangement of the mysterious man, she signed a cultural company, became a trainee, and practiced singing and dancing every day.

Later, under the arrangement of the mysterious person, he entered the Fire Sword Girl Group and officially debuted.

Later, the mysterious man gave her resources to let her enter the entertainment industry, shoot TV, receive advertisements, and appear on variety shows.

In just a few years, she has changed from a little girl living on the street to a big star, worth 200 million.

These years.

Her happiness and unhappiness are known only to the mysterious man.

The hardships and hardships on her road to fame are only known by mysterious people.

She regarded the mysterious man as a beacon to illuminate the path of her life, and believed his every word.

Even if the mysterious man told her that the end was coming, she would believe it without a doubt.

She has raised more than once that she wants to meet the mysterious man.

But the mysterious man just wouldn't meet her.

Until some time ago, she learned from the company that the boss behind the company was in Nanhai.

When she learned the news, she was excited for a day and a night without sleep, and she couldn't wait to fly to the South China Sea.

But at that time, she was filming fairy tale dramas in another crew and couldn't get rid of herself.

Until she came to the South China Sea to film with the crew this time, she could finally meet the mysterious man.

In the past few years, she has been imagining what the mystery looks like, how old she is, how tall she is, and so on.

In her imagination, the mysterious man is probably in his thirties, one meter eight tall, handsome facial features, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and extraordinary demeanor.

Outside the airport.

Yang Chaoyue opened her mobile phone and dialed the mysterious number.

Once...... No one answered.

Twice...... No one answered.

Three times...... No one answered.

Four times... No one answered

Ten times... No one answered.

Yang Chaoyue's fanatical heart gradually became cold.

The mystery man does not answer the phone.

Explain that you don't want to see her.

This made her heart full of loss.

"Super Yue."

A man in his forties came over and urged, "What are you rubbing?" Hurry up and get in the car and go. "


Yang Chaoyue nodded gently, didn't say a word, and got into the car and set off accompanied by his assistant.

Nanhai University.

Today, the whole school teachers and students are talking about Yang Chaoyue coming to the South China Sea to film.

Even, the student union organized a group of students to prepare to go to the hotel to meet the idols.

Lin Jiang was not interested in this kind of thing.

If he wanted to see Yang Chaoyue, he could just make a phone call.

But he didn't want to see Yang Chaoyue yet.

After all, Yang Chaoyue came to the South China Sea this time and followed the crew to film.

"Lin Jiang... Surpass...... Chaoyue is coming. The fat man gasped.

"It's coming, what's the excitement?" Lin Jiang said angrily.

"I heard that Yang Chaoyue's crew lives in the Yunjin Hotel on Songjiang North Road." The fat man said busily.

"So what?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself whether the fat man was full of food, Yang Chaoyue came to the South China Sea to film, what was he excited about!

"You stupid you, with a specific address, we will go to the door of the hotel to squat, we will definitely be able to squat her, take a few more photos of her when the time comes, come back and hang it on the wall, and look at her every day..." The fat man's smile was a little lewd.

"You go to squat, I don't go." Lin Jiang shook his head.

In his eyes, creating talent is the top priority at present, and nothing else is more important than this matter.

"You . . ."

The fat man shook his head, in his opinion, Lin Jiang was stupid, Yang Chaoyue was red and purple in the past two years, and he was actually not interested at all.

"Fuck off."

Lin Jiang chased away the fat man like a fly.


He pulled out his phone.

Come near the school stadium.

Returned a call to Yang Chaoyue.


"You're in the South China Sea."

"I'm a little busy today."

"Meet in the evening?"

"In two days, I'll talk about it when I have time."

"After the filming of this scene, you go back to rehearse the program of the Spring Festival Gala."

Hung up.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Back then, he transferred a thousand yuan of living expenses to Yang Chaoyue, who was living on the street, and pointed her out a good road.

And Yang Chaoyue did not live up to his expectations, under the accumulation of various resources, he forged ahead all the way and became a small flower of the current traffic.

Of course, he has his credit for this.

But in fact, more factors are because of Yang Chaoyue's appearance.

Because her face and figure conform to the public's aesthetics, she can bring her own traffic.

Lin Jiang had never asked Yang Chaoyue over the years.

He knew in his heart that no matter what conditions he put forward, Yang Chaoyue would not refuse.

After all, Yang Chaoyue's today was created by him.

Without him, Yang Chaoyue might still be adrift, or he might be like ordinary people, marry and have children.

At night.

A gentle breeze.

On the street, the lights are neon and the traffic is busy.

Lin Jiang came out of Chen Huang's sea-view villa and prepared to go to Li Xinyu.


The SMS alert sounds.

He clicked on the text message and took a look.

It was sent by Yang Chaoyue.

Content: Over the years, I have been listening to you, what you say, what it is, I believe in you, surpassing anyone, and surpassing myself, this time I come to the South China Sea, I just want to see you... I'm waiting for you at Clear Water Bay Beach.

Looking at the text message sent by Yang Chaoyue.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but have a big head.

What if you meet?

Could it be that Yang Chaoyue is willing to give up his hard-won star café position and stay in the South China Sea to give birth to him?

He thought about it for a moment.

Decided to take a trip to Clear Water Bay.

Since Yang Chaoyue wanted to see him so much.

He granted her wish.

PS, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, beg for everything.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 48

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