
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 49

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 49

At night.

Clear Water Bay Beach.

A tall beauty wearing a sexy bikini and a tulle silk coat.

She blows the sea breeze, steps on the soft sand, and steps on the waves that keep coming up.


Her mood was in turmoil.

It's like a churning wave, not knowing where to go.

She didn't know.

Will the mysterious man who escorted her all the way to the thorns appear?

But she'll always be here waiting.

Wait until sunrise tomorrow.

If he still doesn't come.

Then she finished filming tomorrow afternoon and continued to come here and wait until he appeared.

The beach at night was very cold and there was no one around.

Yang Chaoyue stood alone on the beach, her delicate body was delicate, and under the moonlight, she looked slender and sexy.

Recalling what happened in the past few years, she couldn't help but want to cry.

For a rural girl.

This road to fame is destined to be full of ups and downs and thorns.

She was lucky to meet someone who knew her warmth and coldness, and understood her sorrows and joys.

She took this person as faith in her life path.

But this person even pushed back when she saw him, which made her feel a little sad in addition to loss.

After ten o'clock.

A black off-road vehicle rides on an asphalt road by the sea.

After a while, the black buggy was parked in the parking lot of Clear Water Bay Beach.

Lin Jiang got out of the car, it was windy at night, he wore a black tracksuit and a pair of sneakers on his feet.

After getting out of the car, he glanced towards the beach.

On the coast, a tall and slender figure is very conspicuous.

He had never met Yang Chaoyue.

If I have to say that I have seen it, it is also on TV.

There were also a few times when Yang Chaoyue celebrated his birthday and sent him a birthday selfie.

This was the first time he saw Yang Chaoyue.

Although she is far away, her proud figure can still be seen from her tall and graceful figure.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly and walked slowly towards the coast.

On the beach.

The waves are churning.

Wave after wave.

Yang Chaoyue was barefoot, allowing the sea water to flood her calves again and again.

The sea breeze blows, the thin sand draped over her rises, and her long hair flies, which is a special charm.

The bikini cover her three-point line, but not the rest of her.

Fortunately, there is no one here, otherwise, if people see her as she is, it will be difficult not to commit a crime.

A few minutes later.

Lin Jiang came behind her, his eyes swept over her golden curves, and a trace of beauty surged through.

Yang Chaoyue, who was standing on the coast, seemed to feel someone behind him and looked back.

Behind her, stood a young handsome man of seventeen or eighteen, about one meter seven or eight in size, wearing a black tracksuit, heroic and tall.

She just glanced at it, then turned back and continued to look at the sea.

In her mind, this young man could never be a mysterious person, for the simple reason that she had been associated with the mysterious man for several years, and at that time, this young man should have been twelve or thirteen years old.

Lin Jiang didn't make a sound.

He stared at Yang Chaoyue Miaoman's back, and the expression in his eyes kept changing.

After a while.

Yang Chaoyue turned around and glanced at him, his eyes did not have a trace of color, and said coldly: "You want to sign?" "


Lin Jiang thought that the current Yang Chaoyue, full of stardom, was no longer the little girl who cried to him about the difficulties of life.

"Can you go farther?"

Yang Chaoyue was in a bad mood, and his tone of speech was naturally not good.

"If I'm gone, don't regret it." A playful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


Yang Chaoyue glared at him in disgust.

"I'm leaving, don't beg me to come back." Lin Jiang smiled, turned around and really left.

Yang Chaoyue thought that he had encountered a street slipper, so he was not impressed.

Lin Jiang returned to the parking lot.

After getting in the car.

He edited a text message to Yang Chaoyue.

Content: Silly girl, I saw you, wearing a bikini at night, you are not afraid of catching a cold?

After the SMS is sent.

He drove Cullinan away.


Yang Chaoyue's mobile phone tinkled twice.

She busily opened her phone and clicked on the text message.

Look at the content of the text message.


She lost her mind.

Could it be that the 'street boy' just now was him?

Yang Chaoyue shook his head, how is this possible?

That street slipper just now looked to be seventeen or eight years old, how could it be him?

Yang Chaoyue hurriedly replied to the text message: Where are you?

Lin Jiang: You let me go far, I'll go back.

See the content of the text message.

In an instant, Yang Chaoyue broke his defense, his expression was full of surprise, and he muttered incredulously: "It's really him." "

Yang Chaoyue: You're back.

Lin Jiang: You let me go, why should I go back?

Yang Chaoyue: I beg you, come back.

Lin Jiang: Rest early.

Yang Chaoyue: I was wrong, you come back.

Yang Chaoyue: Please, come back, I have a lot to say to you.

Yang Chaoyue: .......

Yang Chaoyue sent many text messages, all of which were lost in the sea and there was no news.

At this moment, she couldn't help but regret a lot, she had already known that the young man was a mysterious person, and she would not let him go if she said anything.

She remembered the young man's words when he left: I'm gone, don't beg me to come back.

She couldn't help but leave two lines of tears, dialing Lin Jiang's phone over and over again.




Lin Jiang went to school as usual, attending and leaving class, repeating a calm and boring life.

Yang Chaoyue called him a few more times today, but he ignored them.

At noon, he received a call from Yao Kesi asking him to meet and talk at the Century Garden Hotel.

Lin Jiang was very interested in this, and if Yao Kesi agreed to his conditions, then this month, she would win the bid one hundred percent.

Parking lot.

Lin Jiang went to Cullinan and went directly to the Century Garden Hotel.

Fifteen minutes later.

Century Garden Hotel.

303 private rooms.

Yao Kesi ordered a table of exquisite dishes and opened a bottle of red wine.

Today, she is wearing a very sexy dress, wearing a pink OL uniform suit, perfectly outlining her golden curves, a pair of slender round long legs, wrapped in imaginative shredded meat.

She has long hair and a shawl, delicate facial features slightly painted with light makeup, beautiful and sexy, red lips alluring, and a brilliant diamond necklace hanging from her fair swan neck.

Lin Jiang pushed open the door of the private room and came in.

He glanced at Yao Kesi, his eyes were very clear, without any distractions.

He pulled over the chair, sat down directly, glanced at the hearty dishes on the table, and then glanced at the red wine that had just been opened, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

"How's it going?"

"I agree, but can the time be delayed for a few months?" Yao Ke thought clearly and agreed to give birth to Lin Jiang, but not now, after all, she had just been promoted to deputy director of the TV News Center channel.

Lin Jiang pondered for a moment and said, "We can't delay until the end of this year at the latest." "

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes surged with a trace of doubt, she couldn't figure it out, why did Lin Jiang choose to be a father at this age?

Of course, she wouldn't have asked that.

After all, there is a trading relationship between her and Lin Jiang.

"One more thing, I don't want to see Tong Susu on TV." Yao Kesi said softly, as soon as she saw Tong Susu in the past two days, she would involuntarily think of the incident in the office.


Lin Jiang thought to himself that it was a big deal, give Tong Susu a different place, anyway, what he has in his hands is resources.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 49

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