
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 5

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 5

All the time.

Gong Xue believes that her family lineage is her proud capital.

Only today did she realize that her proud family background was so unbearable.

As the mother of the president, she is a former subordinate of the ruler.

The father of the chairman of the energy group, Bao raised his lover and had children.


The phone rang.

She glanced at the caller number, it was the mysterious number.


"What did you say?"

"My father made a will in private, and 20% of his shares will be inherited by his illegitimate son."

"How is this possible?"

"My mother lent money illegally, with more than 100 million bad debts and more than 20 million bribes, which is absolutely impossible."

Hung up.

Gong Xue was stunned again.

The mysterious phone call just now told her that her father had made a will, 20% of the shares were inherited by illegitimate children, and her mother had illegally lent more than 100 million yuan in bad debts and received bribes of more than 20 million.

If it had been two hours ago, she would never have believed it.

But after witnessing her parents' unbearable side, she subconsciously believed that what the mysterious phone call said was true.

First heard of this kind of thing.

Gong Xue's first reaction was to quickly remind her mother, quickly clean up the aftermath, avoid being reported, and finally end up in prison.

She picked up her phone and quickly edited a text message to send to her mom's phone.

Yangtze River Branch.

Chang Rong was dressed in a black uniform and a white shirt, dignified and atmospheric.

It's hard to imagine that she is the female boss who ruled the male subordinate all year round.


The SMS alert sounds.

She took out her mobile phone, clicked on the text message, and hurriedly swept it, and her face suddenly turned pale.

She hurriedly entered the office, locked the office door and dialed her daughter's mobile phone.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, what nonsense are you kid talking about."

"How can mom be corrupt and take bribes."

"You can't doubt your mother's character."

"Tell me honestly, where did you hear the slander?"

"Someone called you."

"Remember, no matter who calls you, you are not allowed to answer."

"In this day and age, fraudsters are everywhere, and it is likely that they stole our personal information and deliberately scared us."

Hung up.

Chang Rong hurriedly turned on the computer, ready to check the illegal mortgage bad debts in her hands, and had to quickly find a way to make up for it, otherwise, once the matter was exposed, someone from above was sent down to investigate, her position as president was not guaranteed, and she had to squat in prison for more than ten years.

At this time, the mobile phone rang.

She took a look.

It's a strange call.

He put his phone aside and ignored it.

Then, the phone rings twice and three times.

Chang Rong was a little impatient with the noise, so she pressed the answer button.


A low middle-aged voice came from the mobile phone microphone: "Chang Xing, you are so angry." "

"You are?"

"How do you know?"

"You're the one who called Xiaoxue!"

"What do you want to do?"

"You... You...... How do you know so clearly? "

"Please... Don't report it. "

"Whatever you want, I can satisfy you."

"A million ... Ten million. "

"I listen to you."

Hung up.

Chang Rong suddenly collapsed on the chair.

The illegal things she has done over the years were all said by the person on the other end of the phone just now.

Fortunately, the man said that he would not report it for the time being, and she still had time to fill the loophole.

Nanhai University.

In the hallways of the school.

A sneer welled up at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Chang Rong's phone call was made by him.

There are as many corrupt state-owned enterprise cadres as Chang Rong, and he is too lazy to make a report call.

Just now on the phone, he gave Chang Rong a small warning, letting her understand that all her handles were in her hands.

For a cadre in the banking system like Chang Rong, it is also a channel for him to expand his network.

Over the years, cadres like Chang Rong who held real power had a large number in his hands.

He would call a random phone number, and these people would fart him to get things done.

Of course, warning Chang Rong was just a small episode.

His goal is still Gong Xue.

After all, many children and many blessings are not something he can create alone.

Gong Xue is excellent in all aspects, and he is in line with his other half of the baby.

But this kind of thing is urgent, step by step slowly, just like boiling tea over a warm fire, the heat should be just right.

Just like Chen Shao, it took him three years to gain her trust and awe step by step.

After a while.

Lin Jiang came to the classroom.

This year's freshman management department, there are about 100 people, divided into three classes, he is in the first class of the management department.

In the Department of Management, the proportion of men and women is usually five to five.

This year seems to be a bit of a yin and yang.

Seventy per cent are female students.

Lin Jiang glanced at the girls' shoes in the classroom, most of them looked very average, and there were a few outstanding looks, compared with Chen Huang and Gong Xue, they were still a little worse.

The person who gave them the freshmen class was a middle-aged man, the class was boring, and he listened to him drowsy.

Finally, in the next class, the teacher was a middle-aged woman, with acne marks on his face, and his stomach was sour.

I finally got to the end of class.

Lin Jiang came to the bottom of the teaching building to breathe and met the fat man in the same dormitory.

The fat man is a fan of Gong Xue, and as soon as they met, they talked about Gong Xue's past, spitting and spitting, and the head was the Dao.

Lin Jiang listened helplessly, but still nodded in agreement.


Lin Jiang didn't even study at night, so he came out of school and took a taxi to leave.

Just kidding, no matter how good it is to learn to use a fart, it is better to study more and study the art of making babies, this is the right thing.

Compared with anything other than making a baby, in his opinion, it is a side door, and it is okay not to learn.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 5

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