
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 51

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 51

Yunjin Hotel.

Jiang Shuying came back from filming.

Took a shower.

Changed into a long white dress.

Stunning makeup.

Graceful posture.

Tonight, she had a party.

The other party is a predator in the South China Sea business community and Wang Lao Wu in the jewelry industry.

It is said that this Wang Lao Wu intends to invest in an urban drama, and the choice of the heroine is temporarily undecided.

Jiang Shuying thought of accompanying the other party to have a meal, and then let the gold lord behind her come forward and win the heroine of this drama for her.

Just as she was about to go out.

The phone rang.

She glanced at it, it was the boss of Su Twist, and it was also the gold master behind her, Zhang Dong.


"I'm going out?"

"Han Sanping?"

"I didn't offend him."


"Goose Factory lowers my resources?"

"I have offended people who should not be offended."

"Who have I offended?"

Jiang Shuying looked confused.

She has always been cautious in the entertainment industry.

Those with backgrounds, she was one who did not offend.

"You can't help me?"

"Are you the boss of Su Screw?"

"Aren't you very tough on the top?"


The phone hung up.

Jiang Shuying was shocked in the local area and could not return to his senses.

In a word, the gold lord behind her actually compromised, saying that he couldn't help her.

This made Jiang Shuying's heart fall to the bottom.

Since her debut, she has experienced many ups and downs to have today's identity and status.

In a word, Han Sanye's resources in the entertainment industry will be downgraded, which means that for a long time in the future, she may face the embarrassing situation of having no drama to film.

Jiang Shuying returned to his senses.

Busy opening your phone's contacts.

Trying to find someone from the address book who can talk to Third Master Han.

She rummaged for a long time and finally found such a person, the other party was a director, she met at the wine bureau, and it was said that this person had an extraordinary relationship with Han Sanye.

She hurriedly called the director and asked him to help find out from Third Master Han, who did she offend?

This director is also a cheerful person and directly agreed to her.

Ten minutes later, the director called her back, and Han Sanye said that she had offended a big man.

The director hung up the phone and sent her a text message with a string of phone numbers.

Jiang Shuying dialed the phone number in anxiety.

"Hey, hello."

"I'm Jiang Shuying."

"If I offend anything, I hope you Haihan."

"I really don't know what was wrong?"

"Please also point me up."

"I taunted Yang Chaoyue on the set?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I was just angry for a while, and I didn't mean to target Chaoyue."

"I apologize to Chaoyue immediately."

Hung up.

Jiang Shuying didn't expect it.

The real reason why she was named by Han Sanye and the resource downgrade was actually because she satirized Yang Chaoyue on the set, thus offending the big man behind Yang Chaoyue.

Let's be honest.

She looks down on Yang Chaoyue from her heart, she wants acting skills without acting skills, can't sing or dance, can't even remember the lines during filming, why is she mixed in the entertainment industry?

But what she didn't expect was that the background behind Yang Chaoyue was so hard, she could be regarded as kicking to the iron plate.

Jiang Shuying knew that it was not easy for him to get to where he is today.

It is not because of such a small matter, years of hard work should not be wasted.

She prepared for a while, went to the other end of the hotel corridor, and knocked on Yang Chaoyue's door.

In the room.

Yang Chaoyue just woke up.

She was still thinking about the young figure on the coast last night.


There was a knock on the door.

Yang Chaoyue glanced at the door of the room, lazily walked out of bed, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Jiang Shuying has long hair and a shawl, exquisite makeup, and a white long skirt, which wraps her slender body in clear curves, delicate, and full of royal sister style.

Yang Chaoyue raised her eyebrows lightly, and her beautiful eyes flashed a trace of doubt, what is she doing here?

"Super Yue."

On Jiang Shuying's beautiful face, a smile appeared, holding a small box, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood on the set today, and I didn't choose to say anything for a while... This is a jadeite pendant that I auctioned at an auction abroad, with a price of 2.6 million. "

Yang Chaoyue's beautiful eyes were filled with deep doubt.

Jiang Shuying is a well-known scheming green tea in the circle.

Artists, directors, etc. who have worked with her have negative evaluations of her.

But Jiang Shuying apologized to her and gave her a jade pendant worth more than two million.

"I accept your apology, and the gift is not used." Yang Chaoyue said softly.

"This is a little bit of my heart, please accept it." Jiang Shuying was very unhappy in his heart, but his face was full of smiles, and said: "My heart is straightforward, there is no scheming, if something makes you unhappy, please don't remember it in your heart." "

"I didn't remember it."

Yang Chaoyue is not a little girl who does not know the world.

After all, she has been exercising in this big dye vat full of human feelings in the entertainment industry for several years, and she can also see some things.

Jiang Shuying suddenly came to apologize to her, which was definitely not a conscience discovery.

The only possibility is that the mysterious boss behind her made a move, forcing Jiang Shuying to apologize to her.

Think of it this way.

Yang Chaoyue became more and more eager to see him.

After all, every girl hopes that there will be a Prince Charming who will stand up when she needs protection the most.

"Beyond, please accept the gift."

Jiang Shuying hurriedly stuffed the gift box into Yang Chaoyue's hand.

Immediately afterwards, she said some apologetic words, asking Yang Chaoyue not to take it to heart.

Jiang Shuying apologized and left the room.

Yang Chaoyue hurriedly picked up her mobile phone and called the person behind her.

"Jiang Shuying came to apologize to me just now."

"Thank you."

"All these years, without your protection, I would not be where I am today."

"I'm really sorry about what happened last night, I didn't know you were that young little brother."

"In the evening, shall I treat you to dinner?"

"Another day... When was it? "

"After filming?"


South China Sea.


Lin Jiang leaned naked on the head of the bed.

He hung up Yang Chaoyue's phone.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Shuying thought that he would apologize to Yang Chaoyue and send a broken gift, and this matter was over?


Jiang Shuying called.

Lin Jiang pressed the answer button.

"Two years ago on March 12, you signed a yin and yang contract in Shangyuan."

"A year ago on May 18, you signed a yin-yang contract in the capital."

"On August 15 last year, you signed a contract privately with an advertising sponsor."

"If these things are exposed, your star path will end here, and you will also face sky-high fines from the tax department."

"What do I want?"

"Interviews are possible."

"I'll send you the positioning."

"Give you half an hour to arrive, it's too late."

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 51

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