
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 52

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 52

Half an hour later.

Jiang Shuying came to the hotel where Lin Jiang was located according to the positioning.

She was very upset.

After all, offending a mysterious big man who can be compared to Third Master Han, the mood can be imagined.

On the surface, she is a high-ranking star in the entertainment industry, but in the eyes of those bigwigs above, a word can make her lose resources and even be blocked internally.


This mysterious big man actually knew about her signing the yin and yang contract.

Her heart was filled with shock and fear.

If this matter is exposed.

Her end was even more miserable than Sister Bingbing, who was banned for tax evasion that year.

After all, signing yin and yang contracts and evading taxes is something that the law does not tolerate.

At the moment, no matter what price she pays, the matter of the yin and yang contract cannot be exposed.

Otherwise, she will not only be officially named and banned, but also face sky-high fines from the tax department, and even compensate the major brands that endorse the loss.


Room 6996 doorway.

Jiang Shuying adjusted his mentality and prepared to knock on the door.

But unexpectedly, the door of the room was hidden.

She gently pushed open the door of the room and walked in with high heels.

In bed.

Lin Jiang leaned on the head of the bed with his bare arms, holding his mobile phone in both hands, his expression focused, as if he was playing a game.

He glanced up at Jiang Shuying and said nonchalantly, "Here it is." "

Jiang Shuying's eyes were stunned.

For a moment, she suspected that she had gone through the wrong door.

After all, this person in front of him is too young, how can he be a mysterious big man?

But from the other party's expression, it can be seen that he is not surprised by his arrival, as if he knew in advance.


Jiang Shuying stood in front of the bed, his hands on his lower abdomen, and he was just about to speak.

Lin Jiang interrupted directly: "You sit for a while first, I'll finish this game." "

Finish talking.

He continued to focus on gaming.

Jiang Shuying looked a little embarrassed, so he went to sit down on the sofa and waited.

She waited for half an hour.

She was very impatient in her heart, but she did not dare to show anything on her face.

Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded: "Whatbi, Lao Tzu stole the crystal with a single belt." "

Jiang Shuying was shocked beyond belief.

Is he really that mysterious big man?

Age doesn't look like it.

Behavior is more childish.

It looks like a young man who has not yet entered a social university!

Lin Jiang exited from the game interface, put down his mobile phone, and looked up at Jiang Shuying on the sofa.

As a post-eighty Jiang Shuying, he has a strong royal sister style, a delicate makeup, and a special temperament.

She is tall and stylish, a neutral figure, neither plump nor thin.

"The person behind you, he can't protect you."

At this time, Lin Jiang and the young man who was playing the game just now were like two people, a pair of sharp eyes, even Jiang Shuying, could not help but tremble, and his words made Jiang Shuying feel a chill.

"I'm sorry, I've already apologized to Chaoyue, if you are not satisfied, I can apologize to her again." Jiang Shuying got up and bowed.

"Just an apology?" Lin Jiang sneered.


Jiang Shuying thought to himself, this matter is probably not good.

What she couldn't figure out now was what the other party meant.

Is he asking for money, or is he having some other purpose?

"What do I need to do? To satisfy you? Jiang Shuying chuckled.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

He didn't know what kind of conditions to make.

Money, he is not lacking.

As for women, he is even more lacking.

Fame and fortune, Jiang Shuying can't give it.

On a certain level, Jiang Shuying couldn't give him anything he wanted.

"Satisfy me?"

Lin Jiang groaned darkly for a while, and said, "Go and get me a basin to wash my feet and pinch my feet." "


Jiang Shuying's beautiful eyes crossed with a trace of anger.

Actually asked her to wash her feet and pinch his feet?

She is a star, not a little sister in Footwash City.

"If you want to soak your feet, I'll contact you with the most high-grade foot bath shop in Nanhai." Jiang Shuying politely refused.

"I want you to wash."

Lin Jiangjian raised her eyebrows, she was still quite arrogant?

"Sorry, I won't pinch my feet." Jiang Shuying felt a little angry in her heart, she grew so big, she has always been pinched by others, how could she ever pinch someone's feet?

"No pinching?"

Lin Jiang had a way to pinch her, and sneered: "If you want to be discredited, I can fulfill you." "

Jiang Shuying's body trembled.

Just now she was angry.

I forgot about this stubble.

The young man in front of him held the handle of her signing the yin and yang contract.

Moreover, this young man had an unusual relationship with Third Master Han.

Jiang Shuying hesitated for a moment and said softly, "What else do you want?" "


Lin Jiang moved his neck and played several games, his back ached, and he had to press it well.

As for the requirements, let him think about it.

"If you need money, I can give you 10 million." Jiang Shuying said softly.

"Ten million?"

A touch of disdain crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and he said coldly: "I'll give you 10 million, can you stay by my side as a pinching maid?" "

Jiang Shuying's beautiful eyes surged with a trace of indignation, but she didn't say anything, after all, she is now the meat on people's clipboard, and she is left to be held by others.

"I wonder, how exactly can you be satisfied?"

"Pinch your feet first."

Lin Jiang didn't know how to be satisfied.

However, Chong Jiang Shuying's arrogant little nature, he will not spare her.

Jiang Shuying nodded helplessly, turned around and went to the bathroom to take a look, there was no basin, she personally went to the convenience store outside the hotel and bought a basin.

When she returned, she went to the bathroom and brought a basin of hot water to the bed.

Lin Jiang lay naked on the bed, his feet stretched out into the footbasin.

Jiang Shuying took off the diamond ring on his finger and the bracelet on his wrist, reached into the water with a pair of hands, slowly gripped Lin Jiang's feet, and squeezed them gently.

"Use some force."

"Pinch up."

"Pinch your legs again."

"Come up, step on my back."

"Pull me down again."


Almost an hour.

Jiang Shuying rode on Lin Jiang, stepping on his back for a while, pressing his legs for a while, hammering his shoulders for a while, and pressing the prostate gland for a while....

In short, this hour, tossing her enough.

Lin Jiang stretched out comfortably.

I haven't been to Footwash City for a long time.

Reminds him of the massage technique of the sister of the foot washing city, which is called a professional, milk rubbing feet, fire pot cupping, and mountain flowing water, haidai fishing moon.

Look at Jiang Shuying, clumsy, not professional at all, every project, he has to give advice.

"How are you feeling?"

Jiang Shuying's tired wrists trembled, massage is a physical work, and as a star, she has no physical strength to speak of.

"Your technique is too clumsy, tomorrow I will find you a foot-washing city, you go to training, learn the massage technique of others." Lin Jiang really has this plan, he lacks a professional massage technician beside him, Jiang Shuying is good, send her to training for a few days, and take up the post with a certificate.


Jiang Shuying's whole person was numb.

Let her go to the foot washing city to learn professional massage techniques.

She's a star, not a female technician.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 52

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