
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 53

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 53

Lin Jiang is not joking.

He really had that in mind.

In the previous two years, he took a batch of sea-view villas from Nanhai Dragon Real Estate Company, including two sea-view villas with hot spring rooms and swimming pools, which he has never enjoyed.

A massage is standard with hot springs.

There is no private masseuse, and soaking in the hot springs is not interesting.

But if Jiang Shuying becomes his personal masseuse, he is very happy to go to the sea-view villa to soak in the hot spring.

Lin Jiang sat up from the bed, stretched lazily, and his eyes swept over Jiang Shuying's body.

"I lack a private masseur here, if you are willing to stay, the yin and yang contract will not be exposed, and if you are unwilling, I will not force you."


Jiang Shuying's heart was full of anger.

She is a big star, to be his personal masseuse, what do you think?

But then again, she has the right to say no in the hands of others?

"If you lack a private masseuse, I can recruit you two skilled beauty technicians." Jiang Shuying said softly.

"Let's go."

Lin Jiang waved his hand with some impatience.


How dare Jiang Shuying leave.

She went out on the front foot, and the back foot was exposed to the yin and yang contract, discredited, sky-high fines, liquidated damages and so on.

But being a private masseur is also too humiliating.

No matter what, she is also a popular actress.

"Tell me directly, would you like to?" Lin Jiang was not in the mood to waste time, after all, creating people and immortal life was his ultimate dream.

"I... Willing. "

After Jiang Shuying agreed, he hurriedly said, "But we have to agree on a deadline." "

"The term ... Decade. "

Lin Jiang carefully looked at Jiang Shuying a few times, thinking that after ten years, her appearance began to decline, and there was no need to keep her by her side as a foot-washing maid.

"Ten years?"

Jiang Shuying was directly frightened by his words, ten years later, she was in her forties, when her appearance was offline, how could she still make money in the entertainment industry?

"Ten years, in exchange for your safe landing, no loss." Lin Jiangdao.


Jiang Shuying refused.

She just became popular in the entertainment industry, it is a good opportunity to make money, how to be willing to leave here, to be a foot-washing maid for ten years.

"There you go."

Lin Jiang directly waved her to leave.


Jiang Shuying neither agreed nor wanted to leave.

If she just left, what about the Yin Yang contract?

Lin Jiang saw that she was not leaving, so he directly picked up his mobile phone and dialed Third Master Han's number on the spot.


"Third Master, I don't think this Jiang Shuying is worthy to stay in the entertainment industry."

"Block it."

Finish talking.

Lin Jiang hung up the phone.

Jiang Shuying trembled in shock on the spot.

The voice of the man on the phone just now was-Third Master Han.


Jiang Shuying's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

With a word, Third Master Han actually agreed.

With Han Sanye's status in the entertainment industry, as long as she is released to ban her, she will have no place in the entertainment industry, and at that time, she will not be able to receive dramas, be on variety shows, and have no advertisers....

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuying felt that her life was completely over.

"Tomorrow someone from the tax department will look for you, be mentally prepared."

Lin Jiang has never been a kind person, and he can't be used by him, so he sent her where she should go.


Jiang Shuying raised her eyebrows, her expression was indignant, and at this moment, she had the idea of dying with Lin Jiang.

Of course.

The thought just passed in a flash.

The years are so beautiful.

The world is prosperous.

She was reluctant to bury her good years.

"Please give me a way to live." After Jiang Shuying's anger, she gradually calmed down, she could not be banned, let alone exposed to the Yin Yang contract scandal.

"I gave you a way to live, but you didn't choose it yourself."

Lin Jiang thought that he was compassionate enough, if others got the handle of her signing the yin and yang contract, she could only be held in the palm of her hand in this life, like a puppet for others as a wedding dress.


Jiang Shuying thought to himself, how did she choose?

Do you want her to give up her status as a star and serve him as a footmaid for ten years?


She was anxious and said busily: "Do you think this is good, with a period of ten years, every six months, I will give you a full-time masseur for half a year, how?" "

Lin Jiang frowned and said, "You mean, twelve months a year, you only wash my feet for six months?" "

Jiang Shuying nodded busily, she meant exactly this, the year is divided into two halves, half a year is used for filming, variety shows, and the remaining half a year, specially for him as a masseuse.

"Wash for ten years?"

Lin Jiang groaned slightly, he was wondering if this deal was cost-effective.

Blocking Jiang Shuying didn't seem to be of any benefit to him.

"Please give me a chance, it is really not easy for me to get to this day." As Jiang Shuying spoke, tears fell.

It's a drama.

So dedicated.

Say tears, and immediately tears will rain down.

Lin Jiang was still pondering, should he promise her?

"Please, I can do a lot for you." Jiang Shuying's tears rained down, and his hazy eyes were full of hope.

"Okay, I promise you."

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, with his wrist, it won't take long to completely control Jiang Shuying, if she behaves well, he will not be stingy with resources, if she is disobedient, then he will block her.

"However, there are many things that a private masseuse has to do, and you can't do it all less."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to do my job as a private masseur." Jiang Shuying did not understand the meaning of Lin Jiang's words at all.

Private masseurs, just like the private female secretaries around some bigwigs, have something to do with the secretary and nothing to do with the secretary.

"Go to the bathroom to touch up your makeup, and see that the makeup you cry is all spent." A meaningful smile welled up at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Jiang Shuying nodded lightly and said, "Third Master Han's side?" "

"I'll give him a call and ask him to stop blocking you."

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and called Third Master Han again, telling him that there was no need to block Jiang Shuying.

To this.

Third Master Han on the other end of the phone was very puzzled, Lin Jiang made three calls a day, the first call was to knock Jiang Shuying, the second call was to block Jiang Shuying, and the third call was not to block Jiang Shuying..., making him really puzzled, couldn't figure out what Lin Jiang was doing?

Jiang Shuying personally watched Lin Jiang call Third Master Han.

Immediately put your mind down.

Only then did he get out of bed and carry his LV bag to the bathroom to fix up his makeup.

PS, cast flowers and vote for monthly votes, Tintin is longer than Xiao Hei ....

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 53

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