
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 54

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 54

After a while.

Jiang Shuying finished his makeup and came out of the bathroom.

Lin Jiangzi carefully looked at her from head to toe.

What impressed him most about Jiang Shuying was that she endorsed a legendary game, and her image at that time could be described as a royal sister.

Jiang Shuying, who was now standing in front of him, was full of mature aura, like a blooming flower, if he didn't pick it quickly, in a few years, he would wither until he withered.

She is one meter and seven meters tall, stepping on five centimeters of cool heels, wearing a white long skirt, her figure is tall and full, and she has clear curves.

She belongs to the temperamental type of beauty, the more she looks at it, the more beautiful she feels, her eyes are very bright, and she is shining with an ocean like spring water.

Lin Jiang swept her up and down several times, and was quite satisfied with the appearance of his private masseur.

Jiang Shuying was swept by his burning gaze, without being uncomfortable, nor was he shy.

After all, she is in her eighties, in her thirties, and she has already experienced the things she should have experienced.

In her eyes, the mysterious big man in front of her has a strong background, but at a young age, even if she has ideas about her, she is not afraid.

After all, a young man of Lin Jiang's age has amazing physical strength, but in terms of endurance, he is not as good as an adult.

Lin Jiang pointed to her sexy red lips, and then pointed to herself below, lying down in a large shape on the spot.

Jiang Shuying hesitated for a few seconds, slowly stepped forward, knelt beside Lin Jiang, and slowly opened his seductive red lips....



Life has many ifs.

If you don't promise....

If I had known....

If you regret it....

If given up....

If lying flat....

If you want to die....

Jiang Shuying a few hours later.

The thought in her mind was if she didn't agree... If you refuse him....

But no amount of ifs can change the facts.

The truth is that she's really dying.

As a master.

She never speaks lightly of failure.

But this time, she admitted she had failed.

A mess of defeat.

She underestimated the enemy.

I also looked up to myself.

It is most appropriate to describe the enemy's combat effectiveness in one sentence.

The enemy's guns are large-caliber, and she is a domestic position, which simply cannot withstand the bombardment of large-caliber artillery.

Moreover, the enemy was well bulleted, and in just three or four hours, four bullets were thrown at her position, and she almost fainted.

In desperation.

She can only raise a white flag to the enemy.

But after the enemy captured her, she tortured her in every way and humiliated her in every way.

The most infuriating thing was that the enemy forced her to swallow a bullet alive and hit her in the face.

Dignity was rubbed hard by the enemy on the ground.

Three or four o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Shuying took advantage of Lin Jiang to go to the bathroom and fled the battlefield, and in a panic, he didn't even wear shoes, barefoot, and limped out of the corridor.

She was apprehensive until she ran into the elevator and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Coming out of the elevator, the beautiful woman at the front desk of the hotel, saw Jiang Shuying barefoot, long hair messy, makeup on her face full of flowers, walking with a limp, thinking that she had encountered something, kindly asked her if she wanted to call the police.

Clinker, but Jiang Shuying ignored her, went out from the hotel door with his head down, stopped a taxi on the street, and walked away.

Lin Jiang came out of the bathroom, and he no longer saw Jiang Shuying's figure, thinking that he was careless, and actually let the prisoners of war run away, which really shouldn't be.


It was just getting dark.

[Let's get married] The crew took the bus and rushed to the filming location.

When the director counted the number of people, he found that the female Erjiang Shuying was missing.

As a director, Sun Hongtao was helpless, so he could only call Jiang Shuying, called several times, but no one answered.

He had to ask Jiang Shuying's assistant, who also knew nothing about Jiang Shuying's whereabouts.

Sun Hongtao scolded his mother in his heart, he had never seen such an undedicated actor, and before he became popular, he began to play big names....

Waited for a while.

Sun Hongtao waved his hand directly and set off, not waiting.


It's past eight o'clock.

The crew rushed to the filming location.

On a scenic coast, all departments of the crew acted in a tense and orderly manner, and group performances, cameras, props, etc., should be fully prepared.

But the female Erjiang Shuying still did not appear.

Director Sun Hongtao jumped like thunder.

It's so unbelievable.

I simply don't take the crew seriously.

With so many people waiting for her alone, who did she think she was?

The crew is also talking about everything.

At nine o'clock, a taxi stopped on a side road.

Jiang Shuying got down from the taxi, stepped on a pair of flat slippers on her feet, and saw her covering her lower abdomen with one hand, walking as if she was unwell.

She was pale, haggard, her hair was tied randomly behind her head with a headband, and she was covered in the body, and she still looked like a star.

Director Sun Hongtao was very angry, but after he saw Jiang Shuying, he was still startled, which exquisite and beautiful Jiang Shuying is this?

"You... What's wrong with you? Sun Hongtao hurriedly asked.

"Director, I'm sorry, I suddenly had acute appendicitis last night and went to the hospital for laparoscopic surgery." When Jiang Shuying spoke, he deliberately wiped the hot sweat on his head with his hand.

Ginger, or aunt spicy.

If Lin Jiang is here, he will definitely give her praise, the words are not leaky, and the drama is completely realistic, which is worthy of being the winner of life Jiang Shuying.

"Quick, mix the book shadow, she just had surgery, and her body is still very weak." Sun Hongtao hurriedly let people hold Jiang Shuying, after all, her appearance looked too weak, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

Two female staff members busily picked up Jiang Shuying left and right.

"Shuying, it's such a big thing to do surgery, why don't you tell me, I'll arrange for someone to go to the hospital to take care of you."

Sun Hongtao felt that he misunderstood Jiang Shuying and felt very guilty, after all, Jiang Shuying had just finished surgery, and he forcibly rushed to the crew with his sick body, indicating that she was really a dedicated and good actor.

"The phone is off, I can't contact you."

Jiang Shuying's excuse is very bad, but with the blessing of acting skills, the crew is convinced, after all, her haggardness cannot be pretended.

"After laparoscopic surgery, you can't exercise vigorously, you go back to the hotel to rest well, and when your body is well, you will come out to film." Sun Hongtao is a caring director, hurry up and arrange it.

"Director, I can't delay the whole crew because I'm alone." Jiang Shuying is still holding on to the next stage.

"What nonsense, you are like this, how to film, the priority is to hurry back to rest." Sun Hongtao said.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 54

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