
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 55

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 55

Under the keen care of director Sun Hongtao.

Two female staff members carried a limping Jiang Shuying into the car and returned to the hotel to rest.

At the scene, most people did not suspect that Jiang Shuying was lying, but Qin Lan, who was experienced, noticed that something was wrong with Jiang Shuying.

The walking posture when Jiang Shuying left just now made her puzzled.

Generally, the appendix is under the lower abdomen and does not affect the legs.

Jiang Shuying, on the other hand, showed that his legs hurt absently, and his legs were too far apart, as if they couldn't be brought together.


Jiang Shuying's white skirt seemed to be stained with milk and had already dried.

Therefore, she suspected that Jiang Shuying's appendicitis was feigned, she did not return last night, she may have been injured by someone, and her mobility is inconvenient, but she is embarrassed to ask the crew for leave, so she pretends to be pitiful to win sympathy.

Qin Lan can be so skeptical, it is completely because of her rich life experience, after all, they are all forty-year-olds, and she can still see this.

What made her curious was who Jiang Shuying was with last night, and whether that man was drugged or not, otherwise, with Jiang Shuying's age in his thirties, which normal man could be her opponent?

And at this time.

Jiang Shuying sat in the business car, blowing the refreshing breeze, and returned to the hotel.

She praised her wit, otherwise, in her current state, it would be ugly to force herself to film.

Of course, this is also thanks to her clever wit and decisive run last night and go directly to the hospital to reduce the swelling, otherwise, it is not certain whether she can stand up today.

She scolded Lin Jiang fiercely in her heart, that guy is simply not a person, reckless as a yak, black as a brown bear, comparable to a donkey.

Nanhai University.


Lin Jiang sneezed hard.

Who is scolding me?

Is it Qiao Xin?

Or Jiang Shuying?

Qiao Xin should not be, after all, she carries his seed in her stomach.

Most of them were Jiang Shuying, who ran away in the middle of the night and dared to slander him.

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone with his backhand, and a dazzling operation.

Half an hour later, it's done.

He recruited a skilled beauty technician from the most famous foot bath shop in the South China Sea, and then this skillful beauty technician taught Jiang Shuying how to massage.



Jiang Shuying slept until five o'clock in the afternoon.

She slowly opened her eyes, took the mobile phone on the bedside, opened it, and was suddenly shocked.

Lin Jiang sent her a text message saying that he had found a skilled female technician, who would then teach her massage techniques.

Jiang Shuying suddenly felt that life was endless gray, and there was no trace of dawn in sight.

She is also a well-known actress in the entertainment industry, but she has to learn massage techniques and hold a certificate to work.

She had ten thousand reluctances in her heart.

But thinking of Lin Jiang's relationship with Third Master Han, moreover, Lin Jiang held the material for her to sign the yin and yang contract in her hands, no matter how reluctant she was in her heart, she could only drag her tired body, get up from the bed, wash up, paint delicate makeup, comb her hair behind her head, tie it into a ponytail, and go out in a black loose skirt.

Coming out of the hotel.

Jiang Shuying took a taxi and rushed to the location that Lin Jiang sent her.

Twenty minutes later.

Taxis stop in front of a villa area with sea views.

The security guards guarding the gate refused to allow taxis to enter.

Jiang Shuying scanned the code and paid for the car, walked in from the villa area, and rested for a day, her walking posture was much better, plus a loose skirt as a cover, basically undoubtedly with normal people.

A few minutes later.

She came to the door of a three-storey luxury villa with sea views.

A luxurious sea-view villa like this can't shock Jiang Shuying.

Her mansion in the capital is no less than this villa.

The only difference is that her mansion does not see the sea, while this villa faces the sea with its back.

Jiang Shuying hesitated at the door for a while, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Jiang.

A moment later.

The villa door opens.

A beautiful woman in a white cheongsam walked out of the villa.

From her demeanor, you can see that this is a professional masseuse.

Jiang Shuying was taken into the villa by a white cheongsam beauty, changed into ultra-short, transparent and revealing clothes, and began to learn systematic massage.

Massage is an art.

Start with the 720 acupuncture points of the human body.

Which acupuncture point, what kind of strength, what kind of technique, the white cheongsam beauty talked in detail.



A few days later.

[Let's get married] The crew is finished.

Director Sun Hongtao invited everyone in the crew to have dinner at the Yunjin Hotel.

Jiang Shuying, as the second female daughter, was absent from this dinner.

Everyone didn't care, since Jiang Shuying underwent laparoscopic appendicitis surgery, after filming every day, he disappeared.

In everyone's opinion, her behavior is a little mysterious, but no one cares, after all, everyone is an adult and has their own things to do.

Just when everyone in the crew was happy to have a meal.

In the sea-view villa, Jiang Shuying pulled a suitcase, wore a flight attendant's ultra-short uniform, black silk stockings on her long legs, and stepped on high heels, passing by an indoor hot spring.

Don't get me wrong.

She wasn't going to be a flight attendant.

Instead, go for a massage for a private client.

On an electric massage table.

Lin Jiang was shirtless, wearing a pair of yellow-colored half pants, lying on an electric massage table.

Jiang Shuying pulled the suitcase in, bowed one hundred and eighty degrees, and then began to put water into the wooden basin, poured milk, and then put Lin Jiang's feet into the wooden basin, the movement was cloudy and flowing, not jerky at all.

Then, she began to massage the soles of Lin Jiang's feet, and her technique was no longer the same as when she massaged Lin Jiang for the first time.

Of course, compared to professional masseurs, her technique is still somewhat inadequate.

However, as the party concerned, Lin Jiang is now more and more obsessed with this feeling of pinching his feet.

He closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the massage on the soles of his feet, and asked, "The crew finished today?" "


Jiang Shuying squeezed the soles of Lin Jiang's feet while whispering, "In a few days, I will shoot another new drama in Feihengdian Store." "


Lin Jiang's expression was very flat, and he was not surprised at all.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Shuying said cautiously: "How about I finish filming the next drama and come to Nanhai to be a private masseur for you?" "


Lin Jiang had no requirements for Jiang Shuying.

As long as she is honestly obedient and does her duty as a private masseur, he is too lazy to suppress Jiang Shuying.

After all, his goal is to have many children and many blessings.

And Jiang Shuying is not qualified to become one of the heroines of many sons and many blessings, at most it is a female match.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 55

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