
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 56

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 56

Jiang Shuying massaged Lin Jiang every time.

They are indispensable to be insulted by Lin Jiang.

Just like today, she swallowed a bullet alive again.


But she was very happy inside.

Because in a few days, she will fly to the store to film.

Thinking that in the next half a year, she can stay away from Lin Jiang, do not have to limp every day, and do not have to run to the hospital every day to relieve swelling and pain, she has a joy in her heart to clear the clouds and see the sky.



Lin Jiang opened his eyes.

Jiang Shuying next to him has already left.

He got up to freshen up, get dressed, get out of the villa, and drive the black Cullinan to the school.




The phones rang one after another.

He took a look.

It was Yang Chaoyue who called.

He promised Yang Chaoyue that he would meet her when she finished filming.

I didn't expect her to be so impatient.

The crew just finished yesterday.

Call him today....

He picked up his phone and pressed the speakerphone button.

"Do you have time today?" Yang Chaoyue's crisp and pleasant voice came out of the mobile phone microphone.


"Meet at noon?"

"Lovers Island Hotel?"

"Okay, I'll go over at noon."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang drove to the school parking lot and went to class as usual.

After ten o'clock.

He went to the counselor for leave.

It takes more than an hour to go to the Lovers Island Hotel from the South China Sea, plus he and Yang Chaoyue meet for the first time in the real sense in several years, maybe they will wipe the guns and go wrong, and they will definitely not be able to come back in time.

So, he needs to find a counselor for a day off.


Office of the Counselor.

Lin Jiang walked in from the office.

Four sweeps.

The counselor was missing.

But at the desk, sat a beautiful woman with long hair and a shawl, about twenty-six or seven, wearing a yellow T-shirt, an egg-shaped face, very symbolic, and a pair of watery eyes, like a dream.

"Hello, may I ask where is Counselor Yang?"

Lin Jiang glanced at the beauty with long hair and shawl and asked.

The beauty glanced up at him and said in a clear voice: "What are you looking for him?" "

"Take time off."

"Why take time off?"

"No, why?"

"What's your name?"

"Lin Jiang."

"Which class?"

"Three classes of management."

The beauty glanced at Lin Jiang without a trace of color, and said seriously: "Tutoring Yang had some accidents, and the school arranged for me to take over his work." "


Lin Jiang's sunny and handsome face showed a look of sudden realization, he was still wondering just now, why didn't he see Tutor Yang in the office, and dared her to take over the work of Tutoring Yang.

"Counselor, I need to take a day off."


"There is no reason."


The beautiful counselor frowned secretly, other students asked for leave, at least there was a valid reason, he didn't even have a reason for taking leave, and he wanted to be approved?

What reason does Lin Jiang want to take leave?

The previous Yang tutor, as long as he came to ask for leave, he would be allowed to leave.

"School is disciplined, take leave without a reason, where are you going to be a school?"

The beautiful counselor got up from her office chair and turned to go to the windowsill to get something.

Lin Jiang's eyes gradually became a little wrong.

Just now the counselor had been sitting on the chair, and he didn't notice the figure of the other party.

Now that she stood up, her figure suddenly attracted Lin Jiang's attention.

She is about one meter and seven meters tall, wearing a pair of black tights, slender legs, plump buttocks, round and full, and Lin Jiang is staring.

Can a college counselor be so beautiful?

Lin Jiang said that with the counselor's plump round buttocks, it must be good to be fertile.

"Counselor, do I need a reason for taking leave?"

"Of course."

Liu Hua glanced at Lin Jiang and thought that the current seventeen or eighteen-year-old student is really difficult to manage, and he doesn't even give a reason for taking leave.

"If you have to do circumcision, does it count?" A bad smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.


Liu Hua was directly surprised and speechless.

This student actually took leave to do circumcision?

It's also too straightforward.

He said to go to the hospital, didn't she understand, as for such detail?


Liu Hua reacted and directly granted the leave.

After all, surgery is a big deal.

As a counselor, it is her responsibility and obligation to care for the physical and mental health of each student.

"Thank you counselor, then I'll go."

Lin Jiang's aggressive eyes swept away from the proud figure of the beautiful counselor.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Hua called out to him: "Leave your mobile phone number, in addition, you have surgery... Is one day off enough? "

"138****, one day is enough." Lin Jiang thought to himself that she was quite dedicated.

"After the operation, don't need to rest?" Liu Hua raised her eyebrows lightly, but she remembered that after circumcision, she needed to rest for at least a week, otherwise, there was a risk of infection.

"No need."

Lin Jiang shook his head.

"You are still young, you may not understand much, go to the hospital, ask the doctor what you need to pay attention to after surgery." Liu Hua was also embarrassed to say it too bluntly.

"I'll ask clearly."

Lin Jiang smiled secretly in her heart, she wouldn't really think that she would go for circumcision, would she?

Liu Hua glanced at the mobile phone screen, it was past ten o'clock, and said in a clear voice: "You hurry to the hospital, you should be able to go to surgery before noon." "


Lin Jiang thought that the new beautiful counselor was simply cute, such an obvious lie about leave, she actually took it seriously?

Get out of the counselor's office.

He went straight to the parking lot, took the black Cullinan car, and walked away.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Jing's broken shoe does not know what happened, and she actually did not come to school during this time.

There was no broken shoe clinging to him.

Every time he comes to the parking lot, he no longer has to worry about being stopped.

Lovers Island.

Known as the Maldives of the hinterland.

Rich in vegetation, coconut groves, and clear water, it is one of the tourist attractions in the South China Sea.

At noon, a black Cullinan car was parked in the underground parking lot of the Lovers Island Hotel.

Lin Jiang got out of the car.

He is very well-dressed today.

A small black suit, white shirt, and designer shoes.

This black suit directly made him several years older, and at first glance, he was about twenty years old.

He came to the elevator and took the elevator directly to the twelfth floor.

At this moment, his mood was a little excited.

After all, Yang Chaoyue is one of his future children's mothers.

Originally, his bar mitzvah was prepared to take Yang Chaoyue's sacrificial flag.

But at that time, Yang Chaoyue was filming, so he retreated to the second place, took Chen Shao to sacrifice the flag, and completed the transformation from teenager to adult.

Twelfth floor.

Room 1228.

Lin Jiang came to the door of the room, sorted out his appearance, and knocked lightly on the door.

A moment later.


The door opens from the inside.

A tall and tall beauty with a convex front and back appeared in front of Lin Jiang.

Today's Yang Chaoyue, carefully dressed up, painted a little light makeup, long tan hair draped obliquely over his shoulders, a pink cheek, full of pleasing smiles, watery eyes, a hint of sweetness.

She wore a short white V-neck dress, a blue gemstone necklace around her fair neck, and a snow-white scene could be faintly seen down.

Yang Chaoyue's height of about one meter and seven meters, stepping on a cool heel of five centimeters, is only a little lower than Lin Jiang.


A meaningful smile surged at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

His eyes swept over Yang Chaoyue's blown cheeks.


In terms of appearance.

There are not many female stars in the entertainment industry who can beat her.

After all, she is twenty-four years old, and her appearance is at its peak.

Like what four little Hua Dan in the mainland, they are all over thirty years old, and their appearance is already going downhill, the most typical is that what Boss Yang, a large number of years, but also plays an eighteen-year-old pure girl, watching Lin Jiang can spit it out.

It is still Yang Chaoyue, a twenty-four-five-year-old beauty who looks at it, and it is a pleasure to watch.

Yang Chaoyue looked at Lin Jiang in front of him, and a trace of joy surged in his heart.

Without hesitation, she threw herself forward, wrapped her arms around Lin Jiang's neck, and sent her fragrant kiss.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 56

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