
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 57

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 57

Lovers Island.


Living next door to Yang Chaoyue's room is a couple who are on their honeymoon.

At the moment, the couple is a little embarrassed, because the pile driving next door is very loud.

And the two of them are in the pre-marriage stage, and the woman has repeatedly asked that they are not allowed to cross the line before marriage, and that they should leave the best in the cave room for a candlelight night.

The man agreed, after all, his fiancée is beautiful and has a good figure, and it is possible that he can marry such a beautiful wife, and he is happy in his eyes.

But the sound of pile driving next door broke the agreement between them, and the woman's eyes were slightly confused.

The man was even more restless.

After all, the female voice next door who listened tactfully.

But any normal man cannot be indifferent.

After a short while, the man pounced on his fiancée.

The woman did not refuse his pounce, which made the man very happy.

He couldn't help but thank the men and women in the next room.

If it weren't for the loud noise of their pile drivers, his fiancée wouldn't have come down so easily.

The man was full of joy and was ready to take the blood of his fiancée and draw a successful end to this honeymoon.

Ten minutes later.

The woman's expression was unfinished.

And a hint of contempt.

The man looked furious, and his expression was full of disgust.

The white moonlight fiancée he thought was dark and loose in the exhaust hole, and it was clearly a rotten car that I didn't know how many years it had been driven.

With this kind of rotten car, he is not allowed to drive before marriage.

What is even more heinous is that the bride price, house, and car cost him more than one million, and the family has spent money for many years.

When he thought of this, the man was angry and painful, and his intestines were very repentant.

The woman's heart was full of contempt, thinking that her fiancé was in good shape and should have two strokes, but the result was completed in three minutes, which made her regret it.

I already knew that he was so useless, and I really shouldn't have been engaged to him in the first place.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" The man asked with a palpitation, if he hadn't found that her exhaust hole was scorched black, he would never have thought that the white moonlight was actually black engine oil.

"Something to do with you?"

The woman glanced at him with disdain, the sound of pile driving next door was still echoing in her ears, listening to the physical strength of others, and then looking at her fiancé, a nest of waste.

"I... Let's break up. The man directly mentioned it, he did not require the future wife to be a virgin, at least a new car of seven or eight percent, and she can only be regarded as a new car of fifty percent, and there may have been major accidents.

"Break up?"

The woman raised her eyebrows: "It was you who mentioned the breakup, the 200,000 bride price will not be returned, the house is one and a half, the car is sold, one person and a half." "

"You're really dark enough." The man shook his head, and the crows were not as black as her.

"I have enough conscience, the house and the car are still divided between you, if it is left on someone else, it is impossible for people to give you a penny." The woman was not to be outdone.

"Do your spring and autumn dreams, we have never lived together before marriage, why don't you return the bride price, and the house and car will be divided among you?" The man said angrily.

"Just because you just got on me." The woman yelled.

"You have a broken car, I don't know how many people have refueled it? I still feel sick. "The man felt more disgusting than eating the dumplings.

"You... How short and weak are you, who breaks the car? The woman felt her self-esteem was traumatized and fought back.

"Am I short?"

The man's face turned red, as the saying goes, beating people does not hit their faces, scolding people does not expose short, she is a red stripe insult ah.

"You listen to what's going on next door, and then look at yourself, the nest..." The woman mocked unabashedly.



Next door.

Lin Jiang didn't know at all.

His behavior has caused a fiancée to break up their relationship and embark on the road to breakup.

After a flurry of croaking.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower.

And Yang Chaoyue's eyebrows appeared fine beads of sweat, a pair of beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and a wisp of pain welled up on his delicate face.

She has no regrets.

She can have today, all given by Lin Jiang.

As long as he is happy, no matter what she gives, he will be willing to give it.

A little later.

Knock knock.

A nervous and urgent knock sounded at the door.

Yang Chaoyue's beautiful eyes opened, and a trace of fear welled up.

It can't be that the fans found her, right?

Or was she followed by the paparazzi?

Either way, it's no small thing for her.

She struggled to sit up and wanted to get out of bed, but found that her legs did not listen to the call, moved slightly, tearing the force, and she gasped in pain.

At this time, Lin Jiang came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and he heard a nervous and urgent knock on the door outside.

He turned to look at Yang Chaoyue, who hurriedly pulled up the quilt to cover the exposed snow-white.

A female voice came from outside the door: "Little brother, open the door." "

There was also a male voice: "Handsome guy, don't open the door." "

Lin Jiang was stunned.

What's the situation?

It won't be blocked by Yang Chaoyue's fans, right?

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

Whatever the situation, just open the door and you'll know.


He opened the door.

A young woman in her twenties looked at him with a look of surprise.

"Little brother, is it convenient to add a VX?" The young woman's eyes glanced down, and she really had a great ability.

"Handsome guy, can't add her VX, she's a broken car." A young man rushed to the door and said.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 57

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