
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 58

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 58

Lin Jiang glanced at the young man and woman, thinking what was the situation?

"Scumbag, scumbag, you get out of here." The young woman said angrily.

"Broken car, black engine oil, you get out of the way." The young man said angrily.

"You are short and weak, not a man..." The young woman scolded.

"You have a dark exhaust and have eight abortions..." Not to be outdone, young men are not to be outdone.

"You're done in three seconds, you can't afford to be weak..." The young woman roared.

"You have syphilis all over your body, festering underneath..." The young man scolded with a blue face.

Lin Jiang looked confused.

Who can tell him what is going on with this strange man and woman!

"Little brother, add a VX"

The young woman rushed up and stuck directly to Lin Jiang.

Frightened, Lin Jiang hurriedly retreated to the room.

Just now, this buddy said that this woman's syphilis festering, can't get too close, otherwise, it will be troublesome to infect him.

"Handsome guy, don't add her VX I tried it just now, she is really poisonous, she almost didn't poison me." The young man said.

"What the hell do you two want to do?"

Lin Jiang frowned and asked, he still had business to do, and he didn't have time to deal with these two strange things.

"That's right, handsome guy, I live next door to you with her, the movement on your side, we both heard it, and then we snapped 28, and it turned out that she was a second-hand major accident car, and I proposed to break up with her..." The young man explained.

Finish speaking.

He bowed one hundred and eighty degrees towards Lin Jiang.

"Handsome man, thank you, if it weren't for you, my life would have been destroyed in the hands of this black engine oil, thank you for making me sober in the world."

After the young man finished speaking, he strode away.

"Little brother, how much VX?" The young man's eyes lit up and he asked.


Lin Jiang directly closed the door with his backhand.

The young man's words could not be clearer, the young woman was a crumbling rotten car.

And he has no interest in rotten cars, not to mention, the young woman's appearance is also average, at most it is a small pose.

"Little brother, how much VX..."

Outside the door came the roar of a young woman.

Lin Jiang didn't bother to pay attention to her, and walked directly to Yang Chaoyue.

He didn't expect that Yang Chaoyue was still a virgin today, but he had dealt with it just now.

Yang Chaoyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not fans and paparazzi.

Just now, she was really worried that it was avid fans blocking the door.

Now it seems that she is overthinking.


Then again.

Are they really loud?

How can you hear it next door?

Lin Jiang jumped on the bed, lifted the quilt, carried the gun into battle, continued to charge, and bravely killed the enemy.

It is a pity that Yang Chaoyue, a position that has not been breached for more than twenty years, has been captured many times in a short period of time.

What's next.

Don't talk to outsiders.

Two days and three nights.

Lin Jiang and Yang Chaoyue did not take a step out of the hotel room.

For meals every day, call the hotel catering staff directly and tell them to deliver it to the door of the room.

Lin Jiang and Yang Chaoyue spent two days and three nights in the hotel room.

Because Yang Chaoyue rushed to the capital to participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival program, the two ended a three-day and two-night battle.

In order not to be photographed by paparazzi.

Lin Jiang went out in advance, entered the elevator with shaky spirits, went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car, and went back to the city.

An hour later.

The assistant and bodyguard rushed to the hotel to pick up Yang Chaoyue.

When they arrived at the hotel room, they were shocked.

I haven't seen it for two or three days, Yang Chaoyue's long legs can't be closed, and her pink lips are worn out.

The assistant was directly frightened.

Is this still the icy and jade Yang Chaoyue?


The assistant hurriedly asked the bodyguard to go to the hotel lobby, rented a wheelchair for the disabled, and let Yang Chaoyue go out of the hotel in a wheelchair.

After all, Yang Chaoyue is the hottest post-95 traffic flower in the entertainment industry at present, if fans find that her legs cannot be closed, I am afraid that it will cause an uproar.

Under the ingenious arrangement of the assistant, Yang Chaoyue wrapped up tightly, got out of the hotel in a wheelchair, got into a commercial car and left.

Yang Chaoyue left the South China Sea and flew directly to the capital.

And Jiang Shuying officially resigned to Lin Jiang the day after Yang Chaoyue left and flew to Hengdian to film.

After they were gone.

Lin Jiang's life has once again returned to the ordinary.

Chen Shao's belly grew bigger day by day.

Every time he looked at her belly, Lin Jiang felt a sense of satisfaction.

There were also Gong Xue and Li Xinyu, and their stomachs began to gradually reveal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This made Lin Jiang very happy.

As if he had seen the child croak to the ground, he had the system wool, Shouyuan, power, strengthening... Wait a minute.

The years flew by.

Tempus fugit.

In the blink of an eye.

More than a month has passed.

Winter is here.

For the South China Sea, winter is not scary.

Because Nanhai is located on the northern edge of the tropics, it has a tropical monsoon climate, and the minimum temperature is above 12 degrees.

For people who live in the South China Sea all year round, a pair of trousers and a jacket in winter can survive the winter.

Nanhai University.

It's also about to go on winter vacation.

Lin Jiang's first semester at the university is coming to an end in a dull manner.

This semester, he harvested two school flowers, in addition to this, he also met outdoor friends such as fat people, monkeys, and silly forks.

Of course.

And most importantly.

He found a very fertile beauty at school.

It is the beautiful counselor Liu Hua.

After Lin Jiang returned from Lovers Island, he checked Liu Hua's background information in the system database and found that she was engaged to someone two years ago.

This made Lin Jiang secretly scold God for not having long eyes, such a good fertile woman, actually engaged.

Therefore, he also dispelled his covetousness for Liu Hua.

This day.

Blue sky and white clouds.

A cool breeze blows.

Lin Jiang came to the parking lot and planned to go to the car to get the charging treasure.

When passing a tall and powerful BMW X7, he was suddenly dazzled, and I don't know if he was dizzy or the BMW X7 was shaking.

He fixed his mind and looked carefully, which was his dazzling, it was clear that the BMW X7 was shaking.

653 As an old driver, a parked car is rocking, what it means, he understands better than anyone.


He quietly walked over to the BMW X7, slowly raised his head, lay down to the left rear window, and glanced inside the car.


A flash of joy crossed Lin Jiang's eyes.

Sure enough.

A man and a woman are fighting fiercely.


He knows this man, Liu Hua's fiancée Cheng Haoan, the son of the richest man in the South China Sea, with family assets of more than 100 billion, and a real invisible rich.

As for the woman under him, it looked a little familiar.

Lin Jiang looked at it carefully, and it was actually Fang Jing, who broke his shoes.

The two actually went together.

Lin Jiang was pleasantly surprised.

He was worried that he couldn't catch Cheng Haoan's little handle, isn't this a ready-made handle.


He took out his mobile phone with his backhand, turned on the camera function, pressed the mobile phone camera to the car window, and recorded the indecent scene of Cheng Haoan and Fang Jing.

Inside the car.

Cheng Haoan was immersed in the joy of killing the enemy, and did not notice at all that there was a mobile phone pasted on the window of the car, recording the scene of him fighting to kill the enemy.

Lin Jiang recorded a full two minutes and forty seconds.

When the car stops rocking.

He hurriedly grabbed his phone and hid behind a car.

A moment later.

Fang Jing came out of the BMW X7 in disheveled clothes.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Haoan also got down from the BMW X7, and he muttered a few words to Fang Jing, who turned around and left with a happy face.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 58

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