
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 59

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 59

Lin Jiang hid behind a car.

The look was ecstatic.

Originally, he thought that Liu Hua was already engaged, and it was difficult to break up people.

After all, in terms of background, he has a bit of friendship with Liu Hua and her father.

But Liu Hua's fiancé Cheng Haoan died himself, and Fang Jing with broken shoes came to the car in the car, and this scene also let him record it.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but think, if he took the video to Liu Hua, what would the latter's expression be?

At this time, Cheng Haoan took out the guy, stood directly in the parking lot, and peed.


Lin Jiang didn't expect this guy to be so disgusting, not to urinate in the pool, and especially the son of the richest man in the South China Sea, a shameful thing.

He took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, put it on several times the speed, and recorded the scene of Cheng Haoan peeing.

After Cheng Haoan finished peeing, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

"I'm in the parking lot."

"Pick you up from work."

"You hurry up."

"I'm going to your house for dinner today."

"I bought all the gifts for your father."

"Isn't school about to go on holiday?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

Cheng Haoan's call was obviously addressed to Liu Hua.

Lin Jiang frowned, moved his fingers, and sent the small video he had just admitted directly to Liu Hua's mobile phone.


Office of the Counselor.

Liu Hua is wearing a pair of light blue skinny jeans today, wrapping slender legs straight, plump buttocks, full of roundness, with a round neck white long sleeves, slender waist is very soft, a touch of mountain peaks heavy mountains, very eye-catching.

Her face is very affinity, her facial features give people a cold visual sense, her temperament is elegant and idyllic, and her beautiful eyes are bright and moving.

She was busy with the matter at hand when suddenly the mobile phone on the desktop tinkled.

She took the mobile phone and clicked on it to see that it was a video sent by Lin Jiang.

For Lin Jiang, her impression is okay, a sunny and handsome male classmate.

She clicked on the video, and the video was a little blurry and not very clear.

She raised her eyebrows lightly and looked at it carefully.

Gradually, she saw a hint of something unusual.

The video looks like a man and a woman doing indecent things in the car.

A trace of indignation surged between her eyebrows, Lin classmate was simply daring, he actually dared to send her such an indecent video, he must warn him, otherwise, he would not dare to post any messy thing in the future.

Her fingers quickly poked a few times on the phone screen.

Content: Lin, send this kind of video by mistake in the future, and directly call the police to deal with it.


Lin Jiang sent another video.

She opened it and looked, and suddenly her beautiful eyes were frosty, and her delicate body trembled.

She just said to call the police, and Lin Jiang directly sent her a video of an adult man peeing.

Simply spicy eyes.



Liu Hua secretly slandered, a young man of seventeen or eighteen, how could his thoughts be so dirty.

At this time, Lin Jiang sent another message: The protagonist is your fiancé.

Liu Hua was stunned slightly, hurriedly clicked on the first video, and carefully observed it several times from beginning to end.

Although the video is very blurry, the approximate outline of the male protagonist can still be seen, and it is indeed somewhat similar to Cheng Haoan.


She clicked on the video of the adult man peeing again.

In the video, the adult man's face just flashed for a moment, and Liu Hua recognized it at a glance as Cheng Haoan.


Liu Hua had the urge to smash his mobile phone.

She and Cheng Haoan belong to the family political marriage.

One is a certain shi chief in Nanhai Province.

One is the son of the richest man in the South China Sea.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are golden children and jade girls, strong marriages.

But only she knows that from the beginning, she didn't like a playboy like Cheng Haoan.

But she obeyed her parents' orders and was still engaged to Cheng Haoan, thinking that the other party could be the same as her, even if she didn't like marriage, she could clean herself up.

But now it seems that she is simply wrong.

Cheng Haoan, a scumbag, fooled around with the girls at the school in the car in the name of coming to the school to pick her up.

Liu Hua's beautiful eyes were full of anger, she got up directly, twisted her plump buttocks and thin waist, and went to the school parking lot.

On the parking lot.

Lin Jiang sat in Cullinan's car, lit a cigarette, swallowed clouds and mist, and waited to see a good show.

After Liu Hua knew that the hero of Che Zhen was Cheng Haoan, he would definitely come to the parking lot.


A few minutes later.

Liu Hua's figure appeared in the parking lot.

Her long legs and thin waist were very obvious, and even from a long distance, Lin Jiang could recognize her at a glance.

Seeing the main owner appear, Lin Jiang hurriedly got down from the Cullinan car and quietly touched the back of the BMW X7.

BMW X7 car.

Cheng Haoan is with a sister who is dancing live.

Suddenly, he saw Liu Hua appear in the front of the car and quickly withdrew from the live broadcast room.

Liu Hua directly opened the cab door and said coldly: "Get out of the car."

"Are you all right?"

Cheng Hao was a little stunned, couldn't it be that Liu Hua heard some wind?

Still, he got out of the car.

Just got out of the car.

Liu Hua then threw Cheng Haoan a loud slap in the face.

This slap.

Directly stunned Cheng Haoan.

"You took the wrong medicine."

Cheng Haoan suddenly became angry and roared.

"You are simply an out-and-out scumbag." Liu Hua cursed angrily.

Listen to this.

Cheng Haoan suddenly understood.

It must be that he and Fang Jing's little slut was known by Liu Hua.

However, he would never admit this kind of thing unless Liu Hua could produce evidence.

"What are you talking nonsense, make it clear?" Cheng Haoan frowned.

"Make it clear?"

Liu Hua took out her mobile phone, directly clicked on the video sent to her by Lin Jiang, and said coldly: "You are really shameless, in the car with female students in the daylight..." "


Cheng Haoan suddenly became fierce, snatched Liu Hua's mobile phone, and smashed it on the ground.


The mobile phone fell on the spot.

Liu Hua was directly stunned, and such a shameless person?

Cheng Haoan spread out his palms, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Where is the evidence?" "

"You... Shameless. "

Liu Hua saw Cheng Haoan's hypocritical face clearly in an instant, and it was simply unfortunate to be engaged to this kind of person.

"Speak with evidence, and don't slander others out of thin air." Cheng Haoan's expression surged with a touch of pride, without evidence, even if Liu Hua wanted to make a fuss about this matter, he would not have a chance.

"You... Enough not to face. "

Liu Huaqi's delicate body trembled.

"Isn't it all because of you, engaged for two years, you let me touch once?" Cheng Haoan snorted coldly, in the past two years, he has proposed countless times that he wants to further communicate with Liu Hua, but she just doesn't agree.


Liu Hua suddenly calmed down.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Cheng Haoan, calm as water.

"Cheng Haoan, let's break up."

"Your engagement ring, engagement dowry, I will return you a lot of these."

Parted? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Cheng Haoan said disdainfully: "The matter of the two of us, without the nod of your father and my father, you want to break up, there is no door?" "

"My dad's side, I'll persuade myself." Liu Hua said coldly.

"That's the best."

Cheng Hao sneered in her heart, she wanted to break up, it was simply a pipe dream.

Liu Hua was too lazy to look at Cheng Haoan's hypocritical face again, and directly turned around and left.

As for the broken phone, it's a big deal to buy a new one.

As for the evidence... Lin Jiang mobile phone must have.

Cheng Haoan watched Liu Hua Miaoman's full back leave, turned into the car, and drove the BMW X7 to leave.

After they left.

Lin Jiang, who witnessed a good show, walked out from behind an off-road vehicle, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and after this incident, Liu Hua and Cheng Haoan were probably going to break.

At this time, it was a good time for him to take advantage of the void.

After all, Liu Hua's physique belongs to the category of good fertility.

It would be a pity to miss it.


He hummed the glorious years and went to school.

Ten minutes later.

Office of the Counselor.

Liu Hua is sorting out materials in the office.

Lin Jiangmen did not knock and came in directly from the office.

"In a bad mood?"

Lin Jiang glanced at her and said with a smile.

"Didn't you see it all?" Liu Hua glanced at her, and with her cleverness, she guessed that Lin Jiang was also in the parking lot at that time.

"A scumbag like him, kicking the most worry-free." Lin Jiang said awe-inspiringly.


Liu Hua came directly: "You don't understand adult things." "

Lin Jiang almost broke his heart when he heard her words, but fortunately he had enough confidence in his own capital and survived abruptly.

"He dropped your phone, I'll go buy you a new one?"

"No, I can buy it myself, besides, you are a college student, your pocket money is given by your parents, don't mess around." Liu Hua Dao.

Lin Jiang Daoxin almost broke his defense again.

Fortunately, he is strong enough inside.

Stood firm again.

"It's okay, it doesn't cost much to buy a mobile phone."

"I repeat, no."

Liu Hua glanced at him and said in a clear voice: "Leave the winter vacation immediately, go home and review the course well." "

Lin Jiang once again ate the closed-door soup.

He was used to it, though.

In Liu Hua's eyes.

He was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old college student.

At the moment, what he has to do is to change his impression in Liu Hua's mind.

Otherwise, want her to conceive her own seed, unless by dishonorable means.

"Tutor Liu, the female student in the car with your fiancé is Fang Jing." Lin Jiangdao.

"It doesn't matter."

Liu Hua also figured it out, she didn't love Cheng Haoan at all, why forcibly tied to him for a political marriage.

Lin Jiang felt a little clueless.

He also checked Liu Hua's life background in the system database, she had no black material, and the white was like a piece of paper.

"Counseling Willow, seeing that you are in a bad mood, please have a drink?" Lin Jiang stiffly invited, thinking that if she refused this time, he could only use some dishonorable means

After all, the mother of such a child who can give birth, he really has no reason to miss it.

You know, since Qiao Xin's pregnancy, the rate of reproduction of his offspring has decreased significantly.

Yao Kesi promised him that he would not conceive the child until February and March next year.

Yang Chaoyue's development in the entertainment industry is smooth, and it is not appropriate to withdraw from the circle for the time being.

As for Jiang Shuying, Tong Susu and the like, Lin Jiang can shoot at them, and many children are blessed.


Liu Hua really wanted to have a drink, such a bad thing happened, drinking a glass of wine to relieve the pressure, it was also quite good, said: "However, I invited you." "

Lin Jiang smiled.

The smile is full of joy.

No matter who asks for this drink, the opportunity will come anyway.

"Counselor Willow, are you almost done?" Lin Jiang asked.

"Three minutes." Liu Hua replied while busy with the matter at hand.

Three minutes later.

Liu Hua finished his business at hand, left the office with Lin Jiang, and headed for the parking lot.

Come to the parking lot.

Liu Hua couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw her mobile phone being shattered, after all, a lot of her study notes were saved in the broken mobile phone.

Lin Jiang took Liu Hua to the black Cullinan car, he pressed the car key, and the Cullinan car light flashed twice.

Liu Hua raised her eyebrows, and her beautiful eyes crossed a trace of surprise and surprise.

She has read Lin Jiang's information, born in a very ordinary family, how can she drive millions of luxury cars?

"Counseling Willow, get in the car."

Lin Jiang glanced at Liu Hua's slightly stunned expression, thinking that he was not old enough, and the luxury car came (Wang Li's) to make up.


Liu Hua nodded, opened the passenger door and sat down.

Lin Jiang started the car and went out of school.


When the car is passing through a busy road.

He got out of the car and bought Liu Hua a Huawei latest mobile phone, called Huawei P6pro.

He handed the new mobile phone to Liu Hua and said, "There is a data card in the mobile phone, you can make do with it first." "

Liu Hua took the new mobile phone and logged on social software such as VX.Penguin and Douyin.

In the age of the Internet, there can be nothing, except mobile phones.

After all, mobile phones are not only social software, but also wallets, ID cards, driver's licenses, food orders, taxi and so on.

"Thank you."

Liu Hua's sexy pink lips surged with a touching smile.

Saying that, she transferred eight thousand yuan to Lin Jiang through VX.

"No thanks."

Lin Jiang drove the car to a stop in front of a bar.

The two got out of the car.

Enter from the bar.

It's still early.

There are no guests at the bar.

Lin Jiang asked for a few bottles of draft beer and poured him and Liu Hua a glass alone.

Liu Hua was in a bad mood today, picked up the wine glass, and drank it all.

If she drinks with others, she will definitely not drink like this, but Lin Jiang is a student, and in her eyes, she is just a young boy who has just become an adult, so she is not guarded, and she drinks openly, cup after cup.

I don't know.

Lin Jiang watched her pour profits down one by one.

My heart blossoms.

It is really intentional to plant flowers and flowers, and there is no intention to insert willows and willows.

Although he is not willing to be a corpse picker, the opportunity is in front of him, how can he miss it.

He poured it for Liu Hua cup after cup, and the latter was the one who did not refuse.

After a while, her eyes were confused and her face flushed.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 59

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