
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 6

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 6

Seremban Court Hotel.

Lin Jiang came in from the hotel lobby and went directly to the seventh floor to the outside of room 7888.

He pressed his fingerprint on the door lock, and the door opened automatically.

In the room, there was a mess, and black silk torn into pieces was thrown on the floor.

Paper towels are everywhere.

Shoes, clothes, tools, thrown on the ground, a mess.

Lin Jiang glanced at the mess on the ground, his expression crossed a trace of pride, he used to watch a small movie, and felt that Xiao Hei's combat effectiveness was comparable to a fighter, and he knew that Xiao Hei's combat effectiveness was not worthy of lifting shoes for him.

No matter how powerful Xiao Hei is, it is impossible to fire twelve shots in a row in just five or six hours, and the gun hits the bullseye.

In bed.

Chen Huang was still asleep.

She was so tired that she slept until noon at two or three o'clock last night, and then from noon to afternoon.

Lin Jiang stood in front of the bed, looking condescendingly at Chen Shake's face, and a triumphant smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Chen Huang vaguely noticed that there was someone in front of the bed, and slowly opened his eyes to look, but it was Lin Jiang who looked at her condescendingly.

"You... You're back. "

Chen Shao's voice was slightly hoarse.

"How did you feel today?" Lin Jiang asked with a smile.


Chen Huangmei's eyes were slightly coquettish and white at him, she couldn't even move now, legs, crotch, waist, back, buttocks, there was no place that didn't hurt.

Lin Jiang glanced at the head of the bed, did not see the lunch box, and guessed that she might not have eaten, so he said: "You prepare, let's go to the hotel lobby to eat." "

"I'm not going, am I?"

Chen Shake thought that with her current physical condition, it was difficult to move, how to go to the hotel lobby to eat?

"Okay, you have a good rest, I'll go down and pack it for you to bring back." Lin Jiang knew that she was seriously injured, and he did not force her.


Chen Shao nodded gently.

Lin Jiang didn't say much, he cleaned up the hygiene, then went out of the room and went downstairs to the hotel lobby.


In the restaurant next to it.

The guests were full and the crowd was buzzing.

Lin Jiang came in from the restaurant, looked up, and actually saw Gong Xue, who was also eating at the Furong Pavilion restaurant.


Across from her sat a middle-aged man.

Judging from the middle-aged man's dress, he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

The middle-aged man was chattering about something, his expression a little excited.

Gong Xue's beautiful face was surging with frost that was not close to people.

Lin Jiang glanced at the middle-aged man, knowing his identity, he was Gong Xue's father, Gong Tao.

At this moment, Gong Tao was trying his best to explain to Gong Xue his behavior of keeping his lover.

"Xiaoxue, you are twenty-two years old, already an adult, some things are not what you think, although Dad is wrong, but Dad has ever treated you a little badly?"

"My relationship with your mother broke down years ago, just to keep you from getting hurt..."

"Xiaoxue, I hope you can forgive Dad."

Gong Tao sighed secretly while explaining, as a successful businessman, he wanted to have a son who could inherit his family business, so he would have a child with his mistress.

Gong Xue didn't say a word.

There was nothing more devastating to her than her parents' cheating and splitting legs.

She has always been confident and proud, but in the end, she found that her proud parents were her shame.

Moreover, this shame will stay with her for the rest of her life and will be difficult to wear.

Lin Jiang did not listen carefully to what their father and daughter said.

He ordered a few dishes and took them away.

When he left the restaurant, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Gong Xue, asking her to go to room 7889 on the 7th floor of the hotel after dinner.

At the dinner table.

Gong Xue heard her mobile phone ringing.

Click on the text message and take a look.

His expression suddenly changed slightly.

The stranger who called her today actually asked her to go to room 7889 of the hotel.

For a while, she had the feeling of being targeted by thieves.

But thinking that the mysterious person had the clues of her mother's corruption and bribery, she was a little afraid to refuse.

Gong Xue thought twice and decided to go to room 7889 of the hotel.

Now that it was a society governed by the rule of law, she didn't believe anyone dared to do anything to her.

Lin Jiang carried the packed meals, entered from the elevator, took out his mobile phone, and placed an order in the hotel mini program, remarks: Room 7889.

He returned to the room with the meal, Chen Huang leaned on the head of the bed, his spirit was a little weak, a beautiful face was slightly white, and a pair of beautiful eyes flickered, as if thinking about something.

"Here comes the meal."

Lin Jiang put the packed meals on the bedside table, took out disposable chopsticks and handed them to her.

"Thank you."

Chen Shao thanked softly, took the disposable chopsticks, and slowly moved to the bedside table.

"If you need anything, feel free to tell me."

Lin Jiang saw that she had difficulty moving, after all, she had just experienced the pain of breaking melons, and she had to stay in bed for at least two or three days.


Chen Shao nodded slightly, her current physical condition is not much better than the disabled, not to mention walking on the ground, it is difficult to move, of course, this is all to blame Lin Jiang, who made his five limbs stronger than Xiao Hei.


Lin Jiang chatted with her for a while.


The SMS alert sounds.

He took out his mobile phone and looked, Gong Xue: I've arrived.

Lin Jiang looked at the content of the text message, and the corner of his mouth crossed a touch of pride.

He glanced at Chen Huang, who was eating, and said, "I have something to do and need to go out." "

Finish talking.

Without waiting for Chen Shake to speak.

He had gone out of the room.

Room 7889, right next door to him.

He came to the door of room 7889 and knocked lightly.

A moment later.

Gong Xue opened the door from the inside.

The moment the door opens.

Many speculations crossed her mind.

But when she saw that the person standing at the door was actually a young man of seventeen or eighteen, the whole person was directly stunned.

This...... How can it be?

The person who called her was clearly a middle-aged man.

How can it be a young man of seventeen or eighteen?

"You... Did you go to the wrong room? Gong Xueliu's eyebrows furrowed, and her voice carried a hint of suspicion.


Lin Jiang flashed in from the room and said, "I called you today." "


Gong Xue looked a little incredulous.

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone, clicked on the call recording, and replayed the conversation between the two.

After listening to the recording of the call between the two, Gong Xue reluctantly accepted the fact that Lin Jiang was a mysterious person.

"What I have in my hands can send your mother to jail in a short period of time."

"And your father, he not only raised his lover and had illegitimate children, but also evaded taxes."

"If I report them to the relevant authorities, what awaits them will be jail."

"And you who are holding the moon by the stars, losing the aura of your family, can you still be a goddess high above?"

Lin Jiang was not threatening her, but stating the facts.


Gong Xue's eyes flashed a trace of panic.

If one day, she loses her family aura, then she will definitely not end well.

After all, in this world where entertainment is paramount and money is prestigious, beauty is the original sin.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Gong Xue's voice trembled slightly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you lose all your aura and fall from a high goddess to a beautiful woman with high appearance."

"You are a smart woman, there are some things you know in your heart, without the protection of your parents, your end can be imagined."

Lin Jiang looked at Gong Xue with interest, as his name suggests, his whole body was snow-white, his body was bumpy, full of grace, and beautiful and incomprehensible.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Gong Xue's delicate body trembled slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lin Jiang tightly.

"I don't want to do anything."

The corner of Lin Jiang's mouth raised a sunny smile: "I just want you to accompany me for one night, that's all." "


Gong Xue's face was as white as jade, and a flush suddenly appeared.

She wouldn't be surprised if the words came out of the mouth of a man in his twenties and thirties, but the words came from the mouth of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, full of irony and weirdness.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 6

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