
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 60

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 60

Seremban Court Hotel.

Lin Jiang booked room 7888 again.

In the evening, he helped a drunken beauty to enter from the hotel lobby and entered the elevator under the strange gaze of the beautiful woman at the front desk.

Liu Hua was drunk.

Drunk mess.

Messy words come out of his mouth.

Lin Jiang put his arm around her slender waist with one hand, pulled her arm with the other, and let her stick to his body and talk nonsense.

He didn't expect that.

A serious counselor.

So bold after being drunk.

Not only teasing him, but also daring to put his hands on him.

He helped Liu Hua to the room, put her on the bed, looked at her powdery cheeks, and couldn't help but move.

He also drank some wine, looking at Liu Hua's delicate face, which was already on the verge of erupting.

In the end, desire easily triumphed over reason.

With Liu Hua's high and honest means, the success rate is zero.

Moreover, her background is white like a piece of paper, he just wants to make a deal through the handle, and it is not feasible.

This evening is a great opportunity.

Lin Jiang held this mentality and pounced like a fierce wolf.



A blinding golden light shone in from outside the window.

Liu Hua opened a pair of hazy eyes and looked at everything strange around him.

Her head hurt, as if she had been hit hard.

I remember going to drink with Lin Jiang yesterday, she was in a bad mood, drank a few more glasses, drank to the back, she was unconscious, and she couldn't remember exactly what happened after that.

She struggled to get up.

A touch of pain made her frown, her expression rushed with pain, and a fine bead of sweat appeared in her eyebrows.

She looked sideways.

A man fell asleep next to him.

About seventeen or eight years old, sword eyebrows are eye-catching, sunny and handsome.

Lin Jiang!

Liu Hua is a very rational person.

When she saw that the person next to her was Lin Jiang, there was no complaint, no anger, no emotion.

As if nothing had happened.

It's not that she looks at it.

But what if she can't see it, things have happened, can she still ask Lin Jiang to return that transparent film to her?


She was also at fault in this matter.

After all, Lin Jiang is young and lacks resistance to beautiful people and things.

If she hadn't been drunk, Lin Jiang wouldn't have been uncontrollable.


Lin Jiang also woke up. 780

He opened his eyes and looked at Liu Hua beside him, his expression seemed to be smiling.

"Can you help me get my clothes." Liu Hua said softly.


Lin Jiang looked a little puzzled.

Shouldn't she be angry? Shouldn't you cry and shout again?

How is it so calm?

It's kind of weird.

He rolled over and got out of bed, picked up the clothes on the floor one by one, and gave them to Liu Hua.


Liu Hua's eyes were full of shock.

She looked at Lin Jiang's red stripe and finally understood why she couldn't even move.

It turned out that the culprit turned out to be it.

She is a graduate student.

I have done some kind of investigation.

The average male in the interior is around twelve.

But Lin Jiang was different, he was more than twenty.

Of course, this is still in a normal state.

In an abnormal state, it may reach twenty-five.

Liu Hua's eyes were full of shock.

I thought that this secret would be exposed.

Lin Jiang may be caught as a guinea pig for research.

After all, in this regard, the Chinese people have always had a dream of surpassing any race in the world.

"Don't stare at me like that."

Lin Jiang was a little hairy by her stare, if he hadn't personally dealt with her for the first time, he would have thought that he had met a female hooligan.

"You're a half-breed?" Liu Hua asked suspiciously.

"It's not."

Lin Jiang shook his head, he was a native of the South China Sea.

"Have you eaten medicinal herbs like aphrodisiac?" Liu Hua asked again.

"When I was a child, I used to drink deer whip wine." Lin Jiangdao.

Deer whip wine?

Liu Hua's eyes crossed with a look that was the same.

Deer verbena is indeed a good thing.

It plays a crucial role in promoting the development of adolescents and children.

After figuring out Lin Jiang's extraordinary, she began to get dressed.

Clothes that normally take a minute to put on took seven or eight minutes today.

Even, the jeans were only put on with the help of Lin Jiang.

Twenty minutes later.

Liu Hua freshened up simply.

She took her cell phone and made a leave call to school leaders.

She is not a counselor, but a temporary counselor hired by the school.

Therefore, the school will not ask her for the set of formal counselors.

Lin Jiang helped her out of the hotel and helped her into the car.

In the car.

Liu Hua glanced sideways at him, with a serious expression: "Yesterday's incident was an accident, don't remember it in your heart, don't have any guilty thoughts, study at ease." "


Lin Jiang's strong psychological endurance once again stood firm.

He didn't have any guilt in his heart, on the contrary, he was still planning how to get her pregnant with a child.

Of course, this kind of thing is urgent, you have to take your time.

He started the car and sent Liu Hua home.

Half an hour later.

The car stopped at City Hall No. 1 Family Building.

Liu Hua got out of the car, took small steps, and slowly entered through Building No. 1.

Lin Jiang didn't stop much and drove away.


Liu Hua sat on the sofa in her living room, reading a book in her hand.

Reading carefully, she is particularly beautiful, and her temperament is quiet and elegant.

A man in his fifties, wearing an old cadre's uniform, with a majestic face, looked like a man in a high position.

"You and Haoan have a conflict?" The man asked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Liu Hua nodded lightly, put down the book in his hand, and looked up and said, "Dad, I was about to talk to you about this, I don't agree with Cheng Haoan, and I am not suitable for marriage life." "


The man said in a deep voice: "The matter of your engagement to Haoan, the entire South China Sea knows, if you regret it now, won't it make people say that our Liu family has no credibility to speak of." "

"It's not about credibility, it's about the lives of two people." Liu Hua's thin eyebrows were raised lightly, and he argued reasonably.

"In short, there is no room for negotiation in this matter, no matter what contradictions you have, find a way to solve it yourself." The man said.

"Dad, I already said that I am not suitable with Cheng Haoan, do you insist on doing this, have you considered my feelings?" Liu Hua Dao.

"I can rely on you for anything, but this matter is not possible, there is no room for negotiation." The man said.

Liu Hua couldn't help but stammer.

She pulled out her phone.

Put the evidence that Lin Jiang sent her a while ago directly in front of her father.

"Cheng Haoan fooled around with girls in the car in the name of picking me up from work, and there is no moral bottom line, such a scumbag, do you still insist that I marry him?"


The man's majestic gaze flashed with anger.

Without even looking at the evidence, he went straight to the study and called his old buddy.


A luxurious and high-end seaside estate.

A man in a Tang costume was so angry that he dropped several teacups in a row.

His name is Cheng Donghe.

Once carried a gun at the border, a hero with great merit.

After retiring, he caught up with the dividends of the country's opening of port trade, opened a small department store, and after making money, engaged in sales agents, real estate, investment in hotels, development of tourism projects, and so on.

After decades of development, he single-handedly created the Donghe Group, with a market value of more than 80 billion.

In the South China Sea business community, he has a weighty position.

But he will always get old.

For family inheritance.

In order that the East River Set (CIAA) regiment will not fall in the future.

He settled a family affair for his son Cheng Hao, who was his old subordinate.

It would have been a good thing.

But his bastard son will not change his death.

actually ran to the school to scream at other female college students, and was filmed on video.

It was a loss of his old face.

After a while.

Cheng Haoan came.

"What is Dad looking for me?"

"On your knees."

Cheng Donghe was born in the military and governed his family very strictly.

Cheng Haoan hesitated and slowly knelt down.

"Messing with things, you don't want face, you Laozi and I still want face, run to the school to do something wrong, and let people shoot videos, extremely stupid." Cheng Donghe scolded angrily.

"Dad, nothing is the big Vs on the Internet who deliberately fabricate fake news to win the attention of netizens." Cheng Haoan denied it.

"You still dare to quibble?"

Cheng Donghe scolded angrily: "My old subordinate can say that his daughter has evidence in her hand." "

"It's impossible, her phone broke me, how can there be evidence?"

As soon as Cheng Haoan's words came out, he immediately regretted not falling, didn't he not fight himself?

"Confused, you think that if you drop your mobile phone, people will have no evidence in their hands?"

Cheng Donghe didn't care about his son's misdeeds, what he cared about was how to do this kind of thing without wiping his tail clean and leaving a handle on others.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"Immediately, go to the BMW 4S store, pick up a BMW 7 Series, send it to Liu Hua, seriously apologize, and strive for forgiveness." Chengdong River Road.

"Dad, I don't understand, our family is the richest man in the South China Sea, how many enterprises are relying on our family's snort to survive, why do we have to marry the Liu family?" Although Cheng Haoan is the son of the richest man, his mind is not as good as Cheng Donghe.

"You understand a fart, since ancient times, wealth and power are indispensable, there are thousands of family wealth, no one in the dynasty, can you keep it?" Cheng Donghe scolded angrily.

"Yes, what you said is, I will go to pick up the car and apologize to Liu Hua." Cheng Haoan nodded disapprovingly.

An hour later.

In front of the No. 1 Courtyard of the City Hall.

A brand new white BMW Series 7 sedan is parked.

Cheng Haoan was dressed in a suit, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and went to the door to apologize.

He came to Liu Hua's house and apologized to Liu Hua in person: "I'm sorry, today's matter is my fault, please forgive me." "

On the sofa.

Liu Hua looked lazy, holding a book in his hand, staring at the book intently, without looking at Cheng Haoan.

A woman in her forties, with eyebrows quite similar to Liu Hua, was busy smiling and taking the flowers in Haoan's hand and letting him sit down and talk.

"Aunt, I'm really sorry, I was obsessed for a while and did something sorry for Liu Hua." Cheng Haoan's apology was very sincere, with a look of sincerity and grief.

"You young people, talk about it yourself." The woman smiled faintly and turned back to the bedroom.

When there are only two people left in the living room.

Liu Hua did not hide her ridicule: "Cheng Haoan, quite capable of acting, why don't you go to the entertainment industry to develop?" "

"I sincerely apologize to you, can you not speak so harshly?" Cheng Haoan frowned.

"I'll tell you again, we broke up, and you can stay cool." Liu Hua said coldly.

"You said break up and break up, and your dad agreed?" Cheng Haoan lowered his voice.

"In short, I will find a way to get the family to agree." Liu Hua snorted coldly.

A sneer crossed the corner of Cheng Haoan's mouth, Liu Hua's father was his old subordinate of the old man, on the battlefield that year, the old man of his family saved Liu Hua's father's life, with this life-saving grace, Liu Hua wanted to break up, and there was no door.

"Uncle Liu won't agree, you will die this heart."


Liu Hua froze.

At this time, Lin Jiang's figure involuntarily flashed in her mind.

"This is the key of the BMW 7 series, and it is also my sincerity to apologize, I hope you can be rational and stop making trouble, otherwise, I am not the only one who will lose face."

Cheng Haoan put the car keys on the coffee table, put his hands in his pockets, and turned to leave.

"Who lacks your car keys?"

Liu Hua picked up the car keys and smashed them directly.

Cheng Haoan didn't care if she was rare or not, and turned his head and went out.

In the study.

Dad Liu lit a cigarette and smoked it.

Mother Liu complained: "Cheng Haoan is too unspeakable, I blame you, I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage in the first place." "

"What do you know, Donghe Group is a leading enterprise in the South China Sea, she married Donghe Group, and she has been rich and worry-free in her life." Papa Liu said.

"But Cheng Haoan's character is not good, and if his daughter marries him, she will not be happy in this life." Mother Liu said.

"Cheng Haoan is a confused bastard, but his old son Cheng Donghe is an understanding person, as long as I don't retreat for a day, the Cheng family will not dare to treat my daughter harshly." Papa Liu's eyebrows gushed with a touch of domineering power of a superior person.

Mother Liu sighed, changed her voice, and whispered: "Have you found anything abnormal about your daughter?" "


Dad Liu shook his head and said, "I didn't find anything abnormal about her." "

A trace of doubt flashed in Mama Liu's eyes, as a person who came over, she did see a little clue, but this kind of thing, she was not good to tell her husband clearly.

"Do you think your daughter will have someone outside?"

"Nonsense, our daughter has been obedient since she was a child, how could she do something like that?" Papa Liu glared at the woman.

Mother Liu sighed secretly, thinking that this matter must not be known by Father Liu, otherwise, with his temper, how could her daughter be good.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 60

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