
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 61

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 61

Two days later.

School is officially closed.

Lin Jiang, Fatty and others rubbed a meal in the school cafeteria, announcing that they would disperse this year and reunite next year.

Come out of the school cafeteria.

He stopped by to go to the counselor's office~room.

In the past two days, he called Liu Hua several times, but she did not answer and did not return the message.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but think, how could the duck that had already eaten in her mouth make her fly?

Today is the day of school holidays.

He guessed that Liu Hua would definitely come.

Teaching buildings.


In the hallway, the doors of the other counselors' offices were locked, except for Liuhua's office doors.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Walk in from the office.

In the office.

Liu Hua is wearing very conservative clothes today.

A pair of loose black wide-leg pants hides the slender long legs, but the round hips are very dazzling.

I wore a black V-neck long sleeve on the top, and the peak was magnificent, and I couldn't see my toes when I looked down.

Her goose-shaped pretty face, white as snow, picturesque eyebrows, and quiet temperament, give people a sense of elegance.

At this moment, she was looking down to collect the items on her desk.

She is a temporary counselor.

I will take the exam next year.

Therefore, she put away her personal belongings and stopped coming to school.

At this time, a figure suddenly came in from outside the office.

Liu Hua looked up.

Lin Jiang suddenly appeared in front of her.

She was slightly startled.

In the past two days, she has been avoiding Lin Jiang intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, she and Lin Jiang had that kind of thing, and it was a little embarrassing.

"Counselor, didn't you expect it?" Lin Jiang swept over Liu Hua's pretty pink and white face and said with a smile.

"You... What are you doing here? "

Liu Hua looked slightly surprised, she thought that the school was on holiday today, and Lin Jiang had already left.

"I haven't seen Counselor Liu in the past two days, and I don't have a taste in my heart." Lin Jiang smiled, bypassed the desk and came behind Liu Hua.

"Lin Jiang, the incident that day was a misunderstanding, you are young, and you are still in a state of ignorance about feelings ...

As soon as Liu Hua was halfway through speaking, he was busy silent, and his beautiful eyes were full of surprise and anger.

But it was Lin Jiang who hugged her from behind, clinging to her ear, and said, "Counseling Liu, you've seen it, I'm not small..." "

"Lin Jiang... You let me go............. Liu Hua's thin eyebrows furrowed and struggled, and her pretty face turned crimson.

Lin Jiang's strength is very strong, no matter how she struggles, she just can't break away.

Liu Hua had to persuade him with good words: "Lin Jiang, don't be like this, our age gap is too big and unsuitable..." "

"I think we are a good fit, and we complement each other well." Lin Jiang hugged her and didn't let go.

"You are young, why are you such a rogue?" Liu Hua thought to himself how old he was, just such a rogue, and he would have to graduate in the future?

"Counseling Willow, why am I a rogue?" Lin Jiang hugged Liu Hua from behind and asked.

"You let go!"

Liu Hua couldn't help but feel a pang of shame, being held by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, if she was seen, she thought she was a regular little boy.

Lin Jiang smiled and let go of Liu Hua.

Liu Hua breathed a sigh of relief and said with a serious expression: "Lin Jiang, as a student, I hope you will focus on studying and not waste your energy on... "

She was halfway through.

Once again, silence.

Because Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and played a video.

And the heroine in the video is exactly her.

See her in the video.

Liu Hua was ashamed of himself, and he couldn't wait to find a seam to get into.

It's a shame.

In the picture, she hugged Lin Jiang tightly.

He also moved to tear off Lin Jiang's clothes and pants.

"Counseling Willow, your memory is really forgetful, only in the past two days, you have forgotten everything that happened." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

Liu Huaqiao's face was crimson, she was drunk that day, she didn't remember what happened at all, of course, even if there were occasional fragments of that memory, they were selectively forgotten by her.

"Lin Jiang, you rogue..., deleted the video." Liu Huajiao said angrily.


Lin Jiang's head shook like a rattle, and he sighed: "This is an unforgettable memory of Counselor Liu's life, and I want to keep it to enjoy it slowly." "

"You bastard . . ." Liu Hua cursed angrily.

"A bastard is a bastard, I don't care anyway." Lin Jiang shrugged, for the sake of many children and blessings, it is nothing to be a bastard.

"You... Don't face. "

Liu Hua really couldn't think of any other word to describe Lin Jiang.

"You don't have to face to soak a girl." Lin Jiang was not ashamed, but smiled proudly.

"You... Indecency. "

Liu Hua found that he was really unlucky, and was arranged a political marriage by his family, but the marriage partner cheated and went to a bar to buy drunk, but he was possessed by Lin Jiang and was filmed.

"It's not obscene, you know best." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Liu Hua was speechless, she is now regretting not falling, what kind of college student is he, he is clearly more social than a social person.

"Counselor Willow, if you don't want the video to get out...?" Lin Jiang shook his mobile phone, and the look in his eyes could not be clearer.

"You... Dream. Liu Hua was very angry, twenty-six-year-old she was actually threatened by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

Lin Jiang smiled, his expression full of regret: "If this is spread on the Internet, your father's face will be lost, and the face of the Cheng family will also be lost." "


Liu Hua felt an agitation in his heart.

Lin Jiang is right.

If this video is transmitted, not only her face will be lost, but also her father's face.

Moreover, her father is a person who values his face more than his life, and if he sees her indecent video, he is afraid that he will be angry and will no longer recognize her daughter.

"You... Do you know who my dad is? Liu Hua forced herself to calm down, for a moment, she thought a lot, Lin Jiang knew her father's identity, but still dared to threaten her, whether he would be a pawn planted by some big man, deliberately approaching her...

"Of course you know, watching him on TV all day, I'm tired of watching it." Lin Jiang not only knows her father, but also has some connections.

"You want to use this video against my dad?" Liu Hua said coldly.

"I don't want to deal with your dad, I just want to deal with you." An ambiguous smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

"You... Shameless. Liu Huaqi's delicate body trembled.

"Counseling Willow, as long as you promise, I promise to delete this video afterwards." Lin Jiangdao.


Liu Huamei's eyes flashed a touch of contemplation.

She could use drunkenness as an excuse for the incident that night, but today she was extremely sober.

She thought about it, and her beautiful eyes crossed a trace of indignation, "I promise you, but you have to promise to delete this video, and you will not blackmail the video in the future, otherwise, I will choose to call the police." "

"Of course."

In order to show sincerity, Lin Jiang deleted the video on the spot.

Liu Hua saw that he deleted the video, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then, her beautiful eyes crossed a trace of fear, and she involuntarily exclaimed.

But it was Lin Jiang who hugged her waist with both hands and put her on the desk.

"Wait... Wait...... Go and close the door. Liu Hua was angry and angry, and this bastard was too anxious.


Lin Jiang hurriedly walked to the office door, looked left and right, and saw that there was no one in the corridor, so he locked the office door.

"Lin Jiang, without Durex, nothing will happen, right?" Liu Huajiao said angrily.

"Nope." Lin Jiang said yes.


Parking lot.

In front of a Porsche Cayenne. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Cheng Haoan took a few puffs of his cigarette, looking a little impatient.

In the past two days, in order to apologize to Liu Hua, he put down his body, cleaned her home, shopping, etc., and even bought expensive cosmetics for Liu Hua's mother, and bought high-end tobacco and alcohol for her father.

But Liu Hua just didn't pretend to color him.

Like today.

He knew that school was on holiday today.

Liu Hua wants to move office supplies.

Specially came to the school to pick her up.

He waited from noon to afternoon, for several hours, and did not wait for Liu Hua.

Even, she did not answer the phone and did not return the message.

This made Cheng Haoan couldn't help but sulk.

If it weren't for his family's repeated advice, he must obtain Liu Hua's forgiveness, so that he would not die begging Bai Lai to apologize to Liu Hua.

After all, there are thousands of beautiful women in the world, and as the son of the richest man in the South China Sea, as long as he hooks his finger, there are countless beautiful women vying for hugs.

Moreover, compared to those beauties who can be coquettish and cute, what is good about Liu Hua, with a cold face all day, in addition to studying, it is work.

Cheng Haoan waited for a long time.

Seeing the night come to an end.

He decided not to wait.

Go to her office and take a look.

Cheng Haoan walked quickly towards the teaching office.

Today the school is on holiday, the office doors are locked, the corridor is deserted, and there is no one.

He came to the door of Liu Hua's office and raised his hand to knock.


From inside came Liu Hua's voice.

"You said you . . ."

"I didn't hold back for a while."

"What now?"

"I'll go buy Yu Ting in a moment."


Listen to the conversation coming out of the office.

Cheng Haoan's handsome face was livid, and his eyes were filled with endless anger.

Thinking of Liu Hua pretending to be cold and elegant in front of him, and then listening to her conversation with strange men, Gao Leng was a mess.

Cheng Haoan did not lose his mind because of anger, he turned on the mobile phone camera, he wanted to catch the thief and get dirty, catch the rape into a pair, as long as he gets the evidence of Liu Hua and the adulterer, then see how the Liu family will explain?

When he was ready, he raised his foot and kicked hard against the office door.

Just listen to the bang.

Cheng Haoan let out a muffled snort.

The office door didn't kick open, but it flashed his waist.

As a rich second generation, the wine color has long hollowed out his body.

"Liu Hua, let me grab it, open the door..."

Cheng Haoan covered his waist with one hand while kicking the office door with his foot, but the strength on his leg was really unflattering, and after kicking several times, the office door still did not move, but his legs and waist could not be parried.

In the office.

Liu Hua was half-lying on his desk, resenting Lin Jiang's lack of credit.

Suddenly, there was a sound of kicking the door outside, and Cheng Haoan's roar.

Like a frightened rabbit, she hurriedly rolled over and got down from her desk, not caring about Lin Jiang's descendants, and quickly pulled her clothes up.

"What to do?"

Liu Hua suddenly had six gods and no master.

If she was caught by Cheng Haoan, she would not be able to wash herself by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Don't worry."

Lin Jiang swept around, and there was no place to hide people in the office, and as for escaping through the window, it was even more impossible.

As everyone sees, it is often exposed on the Internet that when the man and woman cheated on each other, the woman's husband broke into the door, and the man escaped through the window, accidentally falling from a height to his death.

He didn't want to be the next great young man to fall through the window.

"It's all to blame on you, what should I do?" Liu Hua's mind went blank at this moment, and tension and panic occupied her brain.

Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "What else can we do, open the door and let him in, as long as we deny it, he has no evidence, and he can't talk nonsense, right?" "


Liu Hua nodded slightly, and that was all.

Lin Jiang sorted out her messy long hair, pushed her to the office chair and sat down, and brought her a document to put in front of her, making a full gesture.


He walked behind the office door, opened the anti-lock, and opened the office door.


The office door just opened.

A figure came in from outside, threw himself on the ground, and let out a scream.

Cheng Haoan was lying on the ground wiping his teeth and grinning, his expression was very painful, he was about to kick the door just now, who knew that the door of the room suddenly opened, and he kicked the air and fell a seven-meat eight vegetarian.

He struggled to get up from the ground, crossed his waist with one hand, and pointed at Liu Hua in front of his desk with the other.

"Well, you are a Liu Hua, you play better than me." Cheng Haoan accused angrily.

"What are you talking nonsense, I'm arranging my studies, you kicked my office door for no reason, what do you want to do?" Liu Hua raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"You dare to say that you two didn't just now..., I really listened at the door." Cheng Haoan said angrily, let him catch the scene, and dare to quibble?

"Ahem . . ."

Lin Jiang coughed lightly twice: "Sir, I think you misunderstood, just now Tutor Liu was guiding my homework, not what you think." "

"What are you comparing to me? Do I need to buy Yuting to guide homework? Cheng Haoan turned around and looked at Lin Jiang carefully, seventeen or eight years old, sunny and handsome, proper little fresh meat.

"You really heard it wrong, it's not Yu Ting, it's Yu Ting, a philosophy book." Lin Jiang said seriously.


Cheng Haoan said angrily, "You don't have good ears, don't you?" "

"Sir, it's really a philosophy book, I don't believe I can take you to the bookstore." Lin Jiangdao.

Cheng Haoan would not believe it, he heard clearly at the door just now, and there would be no mistake.

"Cheng Haoan, how far do you want to be vexatious?" Liu Hua said coldly.

"Am I vexatious?"

Cheng Hao'an thought that he was arrested at the scene, and he was still so tough?

"Get out." Liu Hua shouted.

"You let me roll, why?" Cheng Hao'an thought that he had to get the evidence, otherwise, Liu Hua would not admit it, which would also be a troublesome matter.

"You don't roll, I'll go." Liu Hua thought that she had to leave the office quickly, otherwise, being made by Cheng Haoan like this, people would find out that she was not going to lose people.

I saw her stand up sharply from the chair, her expression welled up with pain, and her mouth couldn't help but snort in pain.

"Hahaha..., you two follow me to the hospital for a check-up, isn't it clear?" Cheng Haoan saw the pain on Liu Hua's expression, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and his words were groundless, and medicine proved it.

"What are you, why should I follow you to the hospital for examination?" Liu Hua was slightly uneasy in her heart, if she really went to the hospital for examination, she could check the results without using instruments, after all, she contained Lin Jiang's hundreds of millions of descendants in her body.

"You're weak-hearted, don't you dare?" Cheng Haoan laughed.

"Who is weak-hearted, I just don't want to pay attention to your vexatiousness." Liu Hua said calmly.

In Cheng Haoan's view, she is not only weak-hearted, but also hypocritical.

"Neither of you can leave today, you must go to the hospital with me for examination."

Cheng Haoan couldn't stop his excitement when he thought that he would shoot the test results on Liu Hua's father's face, and her father's face turned green on the spot.


Liu Hua gently gave Lin Jiang a look and signaled him to leave quickly.

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and now this situation was exactly what he couldn't ask for.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 61

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