
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 62

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 62

"No one is allowed to leave."

Cheng Haoan saw that Liu Hua gave his adulterer a look, and hurriedly turned around and locked the office door behind the office door.

He pulled out his phone with his backhand and dialed a number.

"Nanhai University."

"Teaching office building, second floor."

"Bring a few people and hurry over."

Hung up.

Cheng Haoan looked proud.

Just get evidence of Liu Hua and the adulterer.

The old man of his family would not force him to marry Liu Hua again.

After all, a water-based poplar woman, no matter how tough her identity background is, their Cheng family is not rare.

Moreover, he had evidence at hand, and the Liu family had nothing to say.


Liu Hua's expression was a little unsettled.

A pair of beautiful eyes flooded with panic and anxiety.

If you wait for Cheng Haoan's people to arrive, it will be difficult to leave.

She couldn't help but look at Lin Jiang, hoping that he would find a way to rush out.

After all, as long as Lin Jiang is not present, she can deny it.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

What did this mean to him.

Immediately, he raised his sword eyebrows, and his eyes were full of mockery as he looked at Cheng Haoan: "To tell you the truth, your fiancée and I were in the office just now... Nothing really happened. "

"Why don't you fart less when I'm deaf?" Cheng Haoan did not believe the adulterer's words and said angrily.

"If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

Lin Jiang shook his head and took two steps forward.

"Want to do it?"

Cheng Haoan rolled up his sleeves, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-old child, he could knock it down with one punch.


A sound.

Cheng Haoan's eyes flickered, and he was punched firmly on the brain.

He screamed in pain, and his body fell directly to the ground "five four zero".


Lin Jiang kicked him like a dead dog.

Cheng Haoan covered his stomach with one hand and his head with the other, lying on the ground and screaming.

Lin Jiang secretly shook his head, this guy was too weak, he didn't use his strength, he lay down.


He pulled Liu Hua, who was still in shock, and ran out of the office.

"Wait... Slow down. "

Liu Hua was pulled by Lin Jiang to run a few steps, and a look of pain welled up on his pretty face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jiangdao.

Liu Hua's thin eyebrows furrowed, and her beautiful eyes glared at him fiercely.

At this time.

I listened to Cheng Haoan laughing in the office, and the laughter was full of lewdness.

Lin Jiang thought to himself that this guy was beaten stupid by him?

Or is it psychologically traumatized and the brain is out of whack?

He pulled Liu Hua and turned back to the office door to take a look.

I saw Cheng Haoan holding the trash can, smirking vigorously, as if the garbage can was evidence.

See here.

Liu Huamei's eyes flashed with a trace of shock, and she said busily: "The contents of the trash can cannot be taken by him." "

Lin Jiang thought to himself, it was really troublesome, what could he do if he took the tissue of the trash can to the hospital for testing.

"Quick, grab the trash can back." Liu Hua urged.

Lin Jiang sneaked in from the office with an arrow, kicked Cheng Haoan's head door, and directly kicked him to the ground.

He then took out his lighter and lit the paper towel of the trash can.

In a moment, smoke filled the trash can and the flames rose.

Cheng Haoan got up from the ground, hurriedly grabbed the smoky garbage can, and suddenly his heart was like ashes, the evidence he just found was so gone?

"Adulterer..., you wait for me."

Cheng Haoan He had been so embarrassed and said angrily.

"I'll wait."

Lin Jiang squatted down and whispered in his ear: "Your fiancée is very good.... "


Cheng Haoan's eyes were scarlet, and he couldn't wait to tear Lin Jiang.

With a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Jiang went out of the office and pulled Liu Hua out of the corridor.

Cheng Haoan lay on the ground for a while, stood up strongly, and smashed all the things in the office.

But this still did not calm the anger and resentment in his heart.

He took out his mobile phone and quickly called his old man.


"Liu Hua was messing around with a little fresh meat at school and was arrested by me at the scene."

"The man ran."

"What now?"

"The evidence was destroyed by them."

"But I know that Liu Hua has evidence in his body."

"We took her to the hospital for a check-up, and we will definitely be able to detect it."


"So what do you say?"

"That's it?"

"That's too much."

"Yes, Uncle Liu and you are brothers in life and death."

Hung up.

Cheng Haoan's expression was resentful.

For Liu Hua's sake, he could expose the matter.

But Liu Hua, the adulterer, deceived people too much, and did not remove one of his arms and legs, and he became the son of the richest man in the South China Sea.


Parking lot.

Lin Jiang pulled Liu Hua to the parking lot.

The latter looked pained, and a dense hot sweat appeared between his eyebrows.


Liu Hua was physically and mentally broken.

was threatened by Lin Jiang, and was blocked by Cheng Haoan.

This kind of unbearable thing, she thought that it would never happen to her in this life.

But it did happen to her.



Liu Hua's mobile phone rang.

She hurriedly took her phone out of her pocket.

The caller ID is her dad.

In an instant, Liu Huamei's eyes flashed with a trace of shock, and her pretty face became more and more pale.

Her slender fingers, trembling slightly, pressed the answer button.


"He talks nonsense."

"Impossible, nothing."

"Going to the hospital for a check-up?"

"Dad, I also have dignity."

"Yes, I'll go home now."

Hung up.

Liu Hua sighed faintly.

Things got bigger.

She turned around and glared at Lin Jiang angrily, blaming him, if he wasn't in the office, he wouldn't have been caught by Cheng Haoan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Don't you want to break up with him? With today's scene, are you afraid that he will continue to pester you? "Lin Jiang didn't mention how happy he was in his heart, winning the good and fertile Liu Hua, having many children and blessings....

"You... I was going to break up with him, but not this way. Liu Hua felt that when he met Lin Jiang, it was all unlucky, and nothing went well.

"Either way, in short, just break up." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"Are you still gloating?" Liu Hua glared at him.

Lin Jiang shrugged, of course he gloated, after all, he coveted Liu Hua not for a day or two, today in her sober condition to get his wish, it is worth a little celebration.

"Go, I'll take you home."

Lin Jiang smiled and got into the Cullinan car.

Liu Hua glared at him fiercely, pulled Cullinan co-pilot and sat down.



After Lin Jiang sent Liu Hua home, he came to a café.

He made an appointment to meet at the café.

School is on holiday.

Chen Shao, Gong Xue, Li Xinyu and the three of them raised the fetus with peace of mind.

He should also be at ease in his career.

After all, he took the route of many children and many blessings, and did not have a certain economic strength, how to feed a large number of descendants.

Over the years, although he has a layout in all walks of life, he is ultimately a small troublemaker.

His current assets add up to less than the assets of a richest man in the South China Sea.

You know, he has a system database, can steal character intelligence, can also query trade secrets, and even, even the future direction of stocks, he knows everything clearly.


In the position by the window.

There is a young and beautiful beauty sitting.

She wore a blue OL uniform suit, black stockings, long legs folded together, a beautiful and incomprehensible face, revealing a touch of shrewdness and charm.

Her name is Wu Yindi, graduated from a well-known foreign university with a master's degree.

Five years ago, when Lin Jiang checked the business elite talents in the system database, he unexpectedly found that Wu Yindi was actually a pair of compound talents with both beauty and wisdom.

He did not hesitate to contact Wu Yindi, sponsored her to study abroad, and gave her a sum of money to invest.

Two years ago, Wu Yindi returned from abroad and came to the South China Sea under his arrangement.

In the past two years, with his secret help, Wu Yindi has become popular in energy, catering, real estate, live broadcasting and other industries, and is known as one of the top ten outstanding private entrepreneurs in the South China Sea business community.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wu Yindi controlled a listed company with assets of tens of billions at a young age, and was a ghost talent in the business world.

But some people in the political and business circles know that there is a mysterious big man behind Wu Yindi, but no one can say who this big man is.


Lin Jiang came to sit opposite Wu Yindi.

Wu Yindi is very beautiful, with a convex figure and a beautiful and moving melon face, surging with ten thousand styles.

But Lin Jiang's gaze was very clear when he saw her, without any trace of impurities.

Because he knew that as long as he said a word, Wu Yindi would be willing to sink under him.

But he never thought that letting Wu Yindi raise a baby and give birth to a baby, after all, letting a business elite raise a baby is a bit tyrannical.

"Lin Dong, why did you think of asking me out today?" Wu Yindi chuckled.

"Two things, first, the company should not stop at this little profit in front of it, it is time to expand the scope of business, and second, it is the Internet era, whoever holds the Internet key is the next richest man in the world." Lin Jiang did not greet her and went straight to the subject..........

"You mean expanding your business and moving into the Internet at the same time?" Wu Yindi raised his eyebrows and thought secretly.

"I predict that in the next few years, the outlook for energy will become more and more optimistic, and our group's business in the energy sector will need to expand its business scope, such as coal power."

"In the future, the catering industry will not be too variable, but the competition will be fierce, so we need to reduce investment in the catering industry."

"As for the film and television industry, the film and television companies under my group should quickly transform into the short drama market and reap the first wave of dividends in the gap period of the market."

"The tourism industry, in the next few years, the tourism industry will show exponential growth, our group can continue to invest in this area, but pay attention to cash flow, do not invest too much."

"In the real estate industry, housing prices in various places have stabilized, coupled with the various measures introduced by the regulatory authorities, the windfall profits of the real estate industry have passed, and our group's business in the real estate sector should not be expanded anymore, just maintain the status quo."


Although Lin Jiang is not doing business every day, his business vision is still very unique, and the business development proposed is also well thought out.

"Okay, Lin Dong, I'll draw up a detailed document tomorrow, please look at it, and then we'll decide on the next investment direction." Wu Yindi said softly.

Lin Jiang nodded and said, "Secretary Wu, there is something you need to do, recruit a group of obstetricians and gynecologists and nurses from major hospitals and society. "


Wu Yindi was slightly puzzled, what was Lin Dong going to do, could it be that he wanted to set up a maternity hospital?

Of course, Lin Jiang did not want to set up a maternity hospital, he was just planning ahead and making arrangements in advance.

After all, Chen Shao, Gong Xue, and Li Xinyu, the three of them will produce in May, June and July next year.

At that time, can't arrange for the three of them to give birth in a public hospital, right?

Moreover, he believed that more and more people would give birth in the future, so it was imperative to set up a private maternity hospital.

"This matter must be hurried." Lin Jiangdao.

"Yes." Wu Yindi nodded gently, although she was full of doubts in her heart, but Lin Dong didn't say, she didn't have much to ask.


Lin Jiang chatted with her about the mall for a while, and told her the trend of several stocks, and asked her to arrange for traders to buy quickly after she went back.

After the two finished talking.

One after the other, they went out of the café as if they didn't know each other.

Lin Jiang glanced at his phone, it was still early.

He plans to go to the TV station.

Since the last time Yao Kesi proposed to get pregnant in February and March next year.

He goes to the TV station less often, every few days.

Lin Jiang got into the Cullinan car and prepared to go.


Phone ding...

He took out a look, caller ID - Liu Hua.

He pressed the answer button.

"Lin Jiang, you should be careful in the past two days, Cheng Haoan investigated your background from the school, which may be unfavorable to you." Liu Hua's voice was very low, and 2.3 was also very urgent, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"Oh, got it."

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, if Cheng Haoan really came to trouble him, he wouldn't mind taking the son of the richest man.

"Also, you come to pick me up tomorrow morning, when you come, don't drive your Cullinan, it's too conspicuous."


"By the way, when you sent me back, you forgot to buy Yuting, you hurry up now and buy a box to send it to me."

"Hey... Feed...... Bad signal.... "

Hung up.

Lin Jiang thought that he had finally planted it, and asked him to buy Yuting to send it, what did he think?


Liu Hua reminded that he had to pay attention.

After all, stable development is king.


He sank into the system database and flipped through the information of Cheng Haoan, the son of the richest man in the South China Sea.

[Cheng Haoan, one year old... Two years old... Eighteen years old... Twenty-seven years old.... 】

[Family background: his father Cheng Donghe, the richest man in the South China Sea, chairman of the East River Group, president of the South China Sea Business Association... 】

[Family background: uncle Zhang Shimin, chairman of Nanhai Airlines.... 】

[Social background: friend Xu Tao, son of the richest man in Shanghai... 】

[Social background: friend Yang Can, son of the Steel King... 】

[Emotional socialization; Ex-girlfriend He Jie, super girl debut.... 】

[Emotional Social: Ex-fiancée Liu Hua, master's degree, Fuda Department Flower.... 】

[Emotional social, crush Zhao Wenyun, director of the Nanhai Tourism and Culture Bureau.... 】

It took Lin Jiang half an hour to finish reading Cheng Haoan's background information.

To his surprise, Cheng Haoan, the son of the richest man in the South China Sea, actually had a secret crush on Zhao Wenyun, the director of the Tourism and Culture Bureau.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 62

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