
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 63

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 63


A fresh breeze.

The blue sky, dusty.


Lin Jiang drove a black Audi A6L to the No. 1 family building in the city hall.

Coming to the door, he sent a text message to Liu Hua.

A few minutes later, Liu Hua came out of the family building with her suitcase.

She wore a white tracksuit today, a pair of white sneakers on her feet, and her long hair tied into a ponytail that hung down behind her head.

Her figure belongs to the tall and plump type.

Of course, plump is not fat.

It's the ring fat swallow thin, just right.

A pair of round long legs, slightly sewn.

The plump buttocks make people look at it, and they are reluctant to look away.

Slender waist, like a willow.

Looking down and not seeing the majestic peak on tiptoe, it makes countless beauties shame.

A beautiful goose-shaped face, glamorous.

Her temperament is very outstanding, she belongs to the kind of person who feels that she is not an ordinary woman at a glance, like a young lady of a scholarly family, full of coldness and elegance.

Lin Jiang looked at what she was wearing today, and a flash of light surged in her eyes.

He got out of the car and helped Liu Hua load the suitcase into the trunk.

After getting in the car.

He glanced at Liu Hua, "Where are you going with your suitcase?" "

"Go to my friend for a few days."

Liu Hua was in a very bad mood, yesterday there was that incident, her parents' ideological education class, for more than two hours, she simply went to live with a friend for a few days, just to relieve her mood, put her mind on next year's examination.

"Where does your friend live?" Lin Jiang asked.

"Shahai Villa Area 16 Seaview Villa." Liu Hua Dao.


Lin Jiang looked slightly confused.

"Shahai villa area No. 16 sea view villa, if you don't know how to go, open your mobile phone navigation." Liu Hua repeated, she thought that Lin Jiang had never heard of this place.

"I know."

Lin Jiang was puzzled in his heart, No. 16 Seaview Villa is Gong Xue's residence to raise a baby, could it be that Liu Hua's friend is Gong Xue?

Suddenly, he remembered that when he checked Gong Xue's background information before, the social background column recorded that Gong Xue's girlfriend was Liu Hua.

A moment 28.

Lin Jiang was a little unsure.

If Liu Hua knew that he was the culprit of Gong Xue's big belly, she would let him succeed in the future?

"What's your friend's name?" Lin Jiang asked with a casual look.

"Gong Xue." Liu Hua said softly.

Hear this answer.

A wry smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

I hope today is not his Asura field.

"That... I don't think it's very convenient for you to stay with a friend, otherwise, I have an empty house by the sea, very quiet, with the sea at your back, how about you go there for a while? Lin Jiang thought that most of his houses on the beach were vacant, and Liu Hua would have no problem living for a year and a half.

"Your house, do I dare to live there?"

Liu Hua gave him a blank look, what kind of virtue Lin Jiang is, she can now be considered to understand, don't look at him seventeen or eight years old, thief essence, otherwise, her twenty-six years of innocence will not be destroyed in Lin Jiang's hands.

"I can promise never to show up in that house." Lin Jiangdao.

"Thank you for your kindness, my friend lives alone in a large villa, and he is a little bored, let me go over and accompany her for a few days." Liu Hua said softly.

Lin Jiang sighed secretly, it seemed that an Asura hell was inevitable.

He had to drive the car to the Shahai villa area.

Halfway, he pretended to go to WC and called Gong Xue on his mobile phone.


"Today, Mayor Liu's family will go to live with you."

"I'm responsible for sending her."

"Meet in a while, don't expose our relationship."

"She's my cousin, you think too much."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang gave a thumbs up to his wit.

After getting in the car.

His mood suddenly brightened, and even the speed of the car sped up.

Half an hour later.

Shahai villa area.

Underground garage.

The villa area here has private parking spaces on the ground.

But Lin Jiang deliberately drove the car into the basement.

The basement was very calm, with only a few cars and dimly lit.

Liu Hua's mood suddenly became nervous.

What does Lin Jiang want to do when he drives the car into the basement?

The car stopped.

Lin Jiang came closer to look at Liu Hua's pretty face that could be broken.

"You... What do you want? "

Like a frightened rabbit, Liu Hua hurriedly moved to the side of the car door, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

"What do you say I want to do?" Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"We said yes yesterday, just this once, next time... I'll call the police. Liu Hua regretted it for a moment, she shouldn't have let Lin Jiang drive her up, isn't this a sheep into the mouth of the tiger.

"You can call the police." Lin Jiang said seriously.

"Did I really call the police?"

Liu Hua took out his mobile phone and was about to scare him, but found that there was no signal at all on the mobile phone in the basement.

"There is no signal in the basement, if you want to call the police, you have to go out of the basement first." Lin Jiang's eyebrows opened and smiled, thinking who let her dress so beautifully today, no wonder he was.

"You... Don't come nonsense, yesterday we said yes. Liu Hua said urgently.

"Show you this."

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone with a proud look and clicked on a video.

The background of the video is an office.

On the desk, there was a person half-lying down, unable to see the specific face, but her figure was eight or nine points similar to Liu Hua.

See this video.

Liu Hua's beautiful eyes crossed with anger.

She didn't expect it.

Lin Jiang deleted the hotel video and secretly filmed the office video.

It's just... Despicable and indecent, indescribable in words.

"You are shameless."

Liu Hua said angrily.

"I guess Cheng Haoan must need this video very much now, if I give him the video...?" Lin Jiang thought that if he didn't come up with something real, Liu Hua wouldn't give in.

"You... Villain, shameless. "

Liu Huaqi's delicate body trembled, she was really angry this time, she was really blind, Lin Jiang's mind was too terrible, one ring buckled and one ring, Cheng Haoan compared with him, shoes are not worthy.

"Villain, shameless or not, what I want to do, you know it."

Lin Jiangcai didn't care what she scolded, anyway, his purpose was achieved.

Of course, he wasn't there to possess.

Instead, he took a fancy to Liu Hua's good fertility and many children.

"This is the last time."

Liu Hua calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief.

She and Lin Jiang were not once or twice, just as if this was the last farewell.

If there is a next time... She must have chosen to call the police.

"What about Yu Ting you bought?"

"Forgot, didn't buy it."

"Go buy it now."

"Not going."


Two hours later.

A black Audi A6L drove out of the basement and headed straight for Villa 16.

Lin Jiang got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took Liu Hua's suitcase off.

At this time, he saw Gong Xue wearing a loose nightdress and walking out from the door of the villa.

Lin Jiang quickly winked at her and signaled her not to talk nonsense.

Then, he came to the passenger door and opened the door for Liu Hua.

On the co-pilot, Liu Hua saw her best friend Gong Xue come out from the gate of the villa, busy holding the handle of the car, and came out from the co-pilot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Liu Hua, why are you here?" Gong Xue walked over lightly and said with a smile.

"I... It's a bit of a temporary thing. Liu Huafan's face was flushed, and her voice was a little hoarse.

"You are a busy person, and you are finally willing to come and accompany me."

Gong Xue's eyes as she spoke, her beautiful eyes inadvertently swept over Lin Jiang, "This little handsome guy is?" "

"Hello, I'm Sister Liu Hua's cousin." Lin Jiang thought to himself, Gong Xue actually called him a little handsome man, is he small?

"You are Liu Hua's cousin, you look really handsome." Gong Xue raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

"Thank you, the beauty is more beautiful." Lin Jiangdao.


Liu Hua was slightly confused.

When did Lin Jiang become her cousin?

Of course, he said it all.

She is also not easy to debunk in front of Gong Xue.

"Let's go, let's go in." Gong Xue chuckled.

Liu Hua nodded her head lightly, took a step forward, the step was a little big, she frowned in pain, and tears almost came out.

"What's wrong?" Gong Xue wondered.

"My cousin went shopping at the mall today, and she accidentally slipped under her feet and fell down." Lin Jiang explained.

"Oh, yes."

Gong Xue's heart suddenly wondered, how did she feel that Liu Hua was a little similar to her situation before she was pregnant.

However, she didn't think about Lin Jiang.

"Accidentally fell a little." Liu Hua was dying of pain and glared at Lin Jiang fiercely.

"I'll help you in, slow down."

Gong Xue picked up Liu Hua and slowly entered from the villa.

Lin Jiang pulled his suitcase and followed them into the villa.


It's luxurious.

The living room area is more than 100 square meters.

Luxury all-European furniture, the popular new European rhinestone chandelier, full of luxurious luxury style.

Gong Xue and Liu Hua sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted.

After Lin Jiang put down the suitcase, he spoke to them and came out of the villa.

In the name of sending him, Gong Xue followed closely out.


Gong Xue took his arm and coquettishly said, "Husband, come up and accompany me in the evening." "

"On the night... Look again. "

Lin Jiang still has a very good set of training women.

No, Gong Xue, who was a high cold school flower a few months ago, is now trained by him into a clingy goblin.

He and Gong Xue waved their hands and drove away.

But he did not leave the Shahai villa area.

Instead, I went to villa number two.

Chen Shao lived in villa No. 2 to raise a baby.

Lin Jiang went to see her, talked with her for a while, and listened to the movements in her stomach.

Extrapolate by time.

The child in Chen Shao's belly has been more than four months.

These days, she has begun to prenatal education for the child in her belly.

He stayed with Chen Shake for a while, ready to go out.

The latter looked eager to speak, as if he had something to say, but he was embarrassed to say it.

"What do you want to say?" Although Lin Jiang can't give them names, in his place, all women who are pregnant with his child are treated equally.

"I... My good sister Chen Duling, she will come to Nanhai for vacation in a few days. Chen Shaomei's eyes flashed a trace of hope, in the past few months of raising a baby, she was about to lose contact with the outside world.

"Is that Chen Duling who has not been popular for eight years and has been out of the circle for eight years?" Lin Jiang played live broadcast software some time ago, brushed Chen Duling, and quickly came out of the circle by relying on a long month of exhaustion, and is the fastest rising actress in the entertainment industry this year.


Chen Shao nodded gently, she and Chen Duling have been good sisters for many years, in the past, when the two were tepid, they often dined and went shopping together, this year Chen Duling suddenly exploded, and the two of them saw a handful.

"Okay, you will accompany her on vacation then, but be careful of the child in your belly." Lin Jiang is not an unreasonable person, as long as the child's safety is guaranteed, he can give her a certain freedom.

"Thank you, I will definitely be careful." Chen Shao chuckled.

Lin Jiang nodded and turned around and went out of the villa.


He drove the black Audi A6L out of the gate of the villa area.

Just out of the villa area.

Two cars came up in front of them.

A BMW off-road vehicle.

A Mercedes van.

The two cars crashed straight into Lin Jiang's Audi A6L.

Lin Jiangjian frowned, slammed the brakes, and the steering wheel slammed over.

A crunch of brakes sounded.

173 car stopped.

He pushed the car door and went down.

It is clear that the two cars just now had a premeditated attempt to cause a car accident.

After he got out of the car, seven or eight men in suits came down from BMW cars and Mercedes-Benz cars.

The leader is Cheng Haoan.

He was dressed in a black Zhongshan suit and wore sunglasses, thinking that his style was very attractive.

But in Lin Jiang's eyes, he is not only stupid, but also dirty, what age is it, and he still plays this kind of group beating game?

Don't you know that the police sweep is very strong?

"Lin Jiang, I finally caught you."

Cheng Haoan's face under sunglasses was slightly distorted.

There are three major enemies in life.

Murder of parents, robbery of wives, slaves of the country.

Lin Jiang committed the second article, robbing people's wives,

Strictly speaking, Liu Hua is not his wife, and even, now, even his fiancée.

But the anger in his chest must be vented.

If he doesn't remove Lin Jiang's arm today, he won't be called Cheng Haoan.

"Cheng Haoan, I advise you to think clearly."

Lin Jiang glanced around, there were about seven or eight big men in suits, each carrying a rubber stick in his hand.

He secretly calculated that with his skills and bare hands, he would deal with seven or eight big men with his bare hands, and the odds of winning were seventy percent.

But everyone on the other side has a rubber stick in their hands, and if he really starts to move, his chances of winning seem to be small.

"I think very clearly, today I scrap your arm, what is the crime, I will carry it." Cheng Haoan is not stupid, as long as he doesn't kill people and scrap an arm, he won't have anything, after all, his family's richest position is not blown out.

"Shamelessly, I will abolish you first." Lin Jiang roared, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to rush up to do a big job.

Cheng Haoan was slightly confused.

This kid is not sick in the brain, right?

There were seven or eight people on his side, each with a rubber stick.

Lin Jiang is alone, he doesn't even have a guy in his hands, he dares to single out so many people alone?


Just when Cheng Haoan thought that Lin Jiang was going to rush up, he actually greased the soles of his feet, turned his head and ran.

"Damn, I was played, hurry up and chase."

Cheng Haoan saw Lin Jiang running away, and hurriedly chased after the men in suits.

Lin Jiang's physique was quite fit, and his feet were galloping like flying, and in a dozen breaths, he ran to the gate of the villa area and shouted at the security uncle of the gatehouse: "Call one one zero, call the police..." "

The security uncle of the concierge was brushing the live broadcast, and when he looked up, seven or eight men in suits ran in from outside, frightening him with a clever hand, and hurriedly dialed the 110 police number.

Lin Jiang greased the soles of his feet and led Cheng Haoan and his group to race around the villa.

"Kind of you stop."

"Sun Tzu, there is a kind of you coming after me."

"You stop..."

"Grandson, today you can't abolish me, tomorrow you marry your wife, and I will enter the cave room."

PS, old irons, is it good to give a monthly pass for flowers?.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 63

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