
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 64

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 64

Half an hour later.

Cheng Haoan and his party were tired and panting, sweating like rain.

No matter how they chased, they couldn't catch up with Lin Jiang in front, as if he had Scud.

"You stop..."

"Grandson, Liu Hua is pregnant, do you know?"

"You paralyzed, stop me."

"In October of the coming year, please drink my son's full moon wine."

"Wang Baegg, you give me a stop..."

Cheng Haoan's lungs were about to explode, Lin Jiang and Liu Hua, a dog man and woman, not only put a big hat on him, but Liu Hua was also pregnant with someone else's seed in his stomach.


"Chase Lao Tzu."

"Catch him and reward 200,000."

Cheng Haoan's eyes were red and hooked, and he shouted hoarsely.

The seven or eight big men in suits under him were sweating like rain, tired like yaks and panting.

Lin Jiang's soles were greased with oil, and he walked to the door of the villa area.


Two police cars sounded their sirens and drove from the gate of the villa area.

Lin Jiang was immediately relieved when he saw the police car appear.

This gang of bastards chased him too tightly.

If he hadn't been in good shape, he wouldn't have survived to this day.

The police car stopped.

More than a dozen security officers got out of the police car.

At the head is a policewoman.

Probably in his twenties.

Long legs and thin waist.

Dressed in a blue and black uniform, he looks heroic and sassy.

Lin Jiang rushed over with an arrow, came to the female policeman, and said urgently: "Officer, there are members of the Hey Gang chasing and killing me." "


The heroic female policeman was suddenly stunned, the police's sweeping operation has lasted for so many years, and there are still hey gangs in the South China Sea?

"Officer, they're out." Lin Jiang pointed to Cheng Haoan's group behind him.

The policewoman's beautiful eyes swept, seven or eight big men in suits, each with a rubber stick, and the members of the Hey gang were no different.

"Arrest them all." The policewoman shouted coquettishly.


More than a dozen security police officers dispatched together to round up Cheng Haoan's group of people.

Cheng Haoan was a little dumbfounded, how did he recruit the security police?

He reacted and hurriedly roared: "Run." "

As soon as the words fell, I saw him turn around and run.

Others also fled as if they were birds and beasts.

Lin Jiang fixed his eyes and saw that Cheng Haoan actually turned around and ran, how could this work?

This bastard chased him for half an hour.

"Officer, I'll help get him."

As soon as Lin Jiang's words fell, he did not wait for the policewoman to speak, so he chased after Cheng Haoan.

Cheng Haoan was running wildly, hurriedly glanced back, and saw Lin Jiang catching up from behind, using the strength to eat and run forward.

But Lin Jiang was faster than him.

A minute later.

Lin Jiang caught up with Cheng Haoan.

A little under his feet, his body half soared into the air, and he kicked Cheng Haoan's butt fiercely.

Cheng Haoan, who was running wildly, fell forward, fell on the spot and ate, and he screamed in pain.

Lin Jiang crossed his waist with both hands and raised his feet to step on Cheng Haoan's brain: "Dogs are faster than things." "

Cheng Haoan was stunned.

The head of the son of his richest man was actually trampled underfoot.

"Let go of your stinky feet." Cheng Haoan shouted with a grin.

Hearing this, Lin Jiang let go of the foot that stepped on his head as he wished.

Cheng Haoan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and struggled to get up from the ground.

But Lin Jiang is a person who will be rewarded.

He raised his foot and kicked Cheng Haoan's back, head, and legs fiercely.


Cheng Haoan let out a scream like killing a pig.


A coquettish voice came from behind him.

Lin Jiang looked back and saw that it was the heroic female policeman, who chased after him with two security policemen.

He smiled and put down his feet.

"Who told you to declare personal vendettas and deliberately hurt others?" The policewoman asked coquettishly.

"Police officer, it is everyone's responsibility to crack down on Hey Gang members, and as an ordinary citizen, it is my unshirkable responsibility to assist the police in arresting Hey Gang members." Lin Jiang said awe-inspiringly.

The policewoman opened her mouth, stunned that she could not find a reason to refute it.

Cheng Haoan was dragged up by two security policemen, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and two nosebleeds flowed from both nostrils....

"Officer, don't listen to his nonsense, I'm not a gangster, I'm a citizen of the Eight Classics~." Cheng Haoan explained busily.

"Officer, hearing is nothing, seeing is believing, he just led a group of people to chase and kill me, you all saw it with your own eyes." Lin Jiangdao.

"Bring it back to the bureau for investigation."

The policewoman was more inclined to Lin Jiang's words from the bottom of her heart, after all, she had just seen with her own eyes that this gang was running after Lin Jiang with rubber sticks.

Finish talking.

The policewoman turned to look at Lin Jiang: "What's your name?" "

"Lin Jiang."

Lin Jiang carefully glanced at the policewoman, twenty-four or five years old, with a height of one meter and seven two, naturally beautiful, plain face, exquisite facial features, and a touch of heroism between his eyebrows.

"You also go and follow me back to take notes." The policewoman said.

"I will definitely cooperate actively." Lin Jiang said with a smile.


Around eleven.

Longhua Branch.

Security Brigade.

Police Office.

Lin Jiang told the policewoman what happened.

"You say he's the young gang leader of the richest gang?" The policewoman Liu frowned, her expression was puzzled, she had been in Longhua Branch for a while, why hadn't she heard of the name of the richest gang?

"Yes, this person is full of evil, eating, drinking, gambling, smoking, and all kinds of poisons." Lin Jiangdao.

"What is the richest man gang?" The policewoman expressed bewilderment.

"The richest man gang... I can't explain it clearly, but I know that ordinary people call it that. Lin Jiangdao.

"He hunted you down because he took a fancy to your fiancée?" The policewoman thought to herself, this was in line with the Hey Gang's style.

"Yes, he saw that my fiancée was beautiful, and he had evil intentions, forcing me to break up with my fiancée, otherwise, he would chop off one of my arms."

"In broad daylight, Lang Lang Qiankun, in a country of law, such an absurd thing actually happened, I hope the police can give me a satisfactory answer."

Lin Jiang looked indignant, as if he was really a victim.

"Don't worry, if the matter is true, the police will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." The policewoman was a little sympathetic to Lin Jiang, and in the country of the rule of law, he was actually insulted by this.

"Thank you."

Lin Jiang sincerely thanked him.

"Can I ask a personal question?" The policewoman said.

"Of course." Lin Jiangdao.

"How old are you?"


"Eighteen, how can you have a fiancée?"

"We are baby pros."

"Doll dear?"



About twenty minutes later.

Lin Jiang swaggered out from the gate of the Longhua Branch.

And Cheng Haoan and his party were miserable, locked up in the summons room, holding their heads in their hands, and squatting underground.

"Cheng Haoan."

The male officer in the doorway shouted.

Cheng Haoan hurriedly got up from the ground and went to the interrogation room.

Interrogation room.

The policewoman sat in the interrogation booth next to a recorder.

"Name, place of origin?" The policewoman followed the process of questioning.

"Cheng Haoan..." Cheng Haoan was very dismissive, if it weren't for the confiscation of his mobile phone, he would have called earlier and asked people to pick him up and leave.

In the eyes of the policewoman, his dismissive expression is no different from that of the Hey gang members, and he is lawless.

"Are you the young gang leader of the richest gang?" The policewoman asked.

"I am the son of the richest man, not the young gang leader of the richest man." Cheng Haoan said.

"Be honest, explain the question, answer yes or no." The policewoman shouted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I am really the son of the richest man, my name is Cheng Haoan, you can check it on the Internet." Cheng Hao thought that this policewoman was not bought by Lin Jiang? Although his great name Cheng Haoan is not a household name in the South China Sea, he is still somewhat famous in the political and business circles.

"The next question, you took a fancy to Lin Jiang's fiancée's beauty and forced him to break up with his fiancée, but the truth?" The policewoman asked.

"Nonsense, it was he who robbed my fiancée ... No, I robbed his fiancée. Cheng Haoan's words came to his lips and hurriedly changed his words, the son of his richest man, if he was known that his fiancée was robbed, where would he put this face?

"You deliberately murdered other people's lives in order to take his fiancée, but the truth?" The policewoman asked again.

"Nonsense, I just want to beat them up, so that I have this evil breath, and I definitely have no idea of murdering his life." Chen Haoan is not stupid, some things can be recognized, and some things cannot be recognized resolutely.

"But we saw with our own eyes at the scene that you were chasing an unarmed young man with a murder weapon." The policewoman said.

"I wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was so good at running, we chased him for half an hour, we didn't catch up with him, and besides, we were holding rubber sticks, which was not a murder weapon." Cheng Haoan said.



Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and made a call to a certain leader of the Longhua Branch to ask him to take care of Cheng Haoan.

Hanging up the phone, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Haoan, this dog thing.

Dare to play black.

Don't blame him for not being fastidious.

Isn't Cheng Haoan secretly in love with Zhao Wenyun of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau?

Wait for him to come out of the bureau.

Lin Jiang took Zhao Wenyun to pick him up.

Think about that scene, will it make Cheng Haoan crazy, after all, the woman with a crush lies in the arms of other men....

Lin Jiang thought of doing it, and his consciousness sank into the system library to check Zhao Wenyun's background information.

[Zhao Wenyun, one year old, two years old, eighteen years old, twenty-six years old... 】

[Family background, father Zhao Zhuochao, chairman of Senjiang Tourism Group.... 】

[Family background, mother Wang Hongling, deputy director of the Provincial Tourism Bureau. 】

[Social background, girlfriend Ye Ziqing.... 】

[Social background, girlfriend Mana.... 】

[Emotional background: ex-boyfriend Wang Guowei.... 】

It took Lin Jiang nearly an hour to finish reading Zhao Wenyun's background information.

A smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Compared to Liu Hua on a blank piece of paper.

Zhao Wenyun's black material grabbed a handful.

Shake out any black material.

It was enough to disqualify her from ascending.

Cultural and Tourism Bureau.

Tourism Management Office.

Office of the Director.

A 267-year-old woman wore a short-sleeved white shirt and a black hip-wrapped skirt.

One meter seven tall, golden body, curvy.

A charming face, let people look at it, it is unforgettable.

Moreover, she has the momentum of a superior person in her, which is very powerful.

Her name is Zhao Wenyun, the director of the Tourism Management Department, Zhengke.

At her age, she is considered a lucky person in the system to be able to reach the position of Zhengke.

Of course, luck is not enough to get to where it is today.

At the desk.

Zhao Wenyun held a pen in her hand and spun it around like a trick.

A pair of eyes like the ocean of water, as if pondering something.

Tourism in the South China Sea is booming.

As the Director of the Tourism Management Department, she has made a great contribution.

Some time ago, the deputy director in charge of the law enforcement brigade was transferred to other departments.

The vacated spot, she wanted to compete.

After all, mixing within the system, you can't keep up with one step, and you can't keep up step by step.

But with her qualifications, it is a bit difficult to compete for the position of deputy bureau.


The phone on the office desk buzzed and vibrate.

Zhao Wenyun came back to his senses, picked up his mobile phone and glanced at it, it was a strange call.

As the director of the Tourism Management Department, strange phone calls come in every day, some people want to invite her to dinner, some people want to get to know her.

She ignored these unfamiliar calls.

A minute later.

The phone vibrated again.

Or that strange call.

Zhao Wenyun raised her eyebrows, and a trace of impatience flashed through her eyes, so she pressed the answer button.

"'Director Zhao, last year...'"

"May 20th of the year before last..."

"March 8th of this year..."

The voice on the phone.

Zhao Wenyun was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror and a trace of fear.

"Who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Zhao Wenyun's voice had a hint of trembling.

This strange phone call evoked her memory.

Those things that had been crossed her mind very clearly, and some things seemed to have happened yesterday (Li's).

A few minutes later.

The phone hangs up.

Zhao Wenyun was a little nervous and uneasy, and her curvaceous body trembled slightly.

The strange phone call just now asked her to go to the Furong Court Hotel for an interview.

She was a little scared.

Who is the other party?

Or, what does the other party want to do?


It doesn't sound like that.

If the other party extorts money, he will not ask her for an interview.

Could it be that the other party is the owner of the tourism industry and needs her to take care of the business?

She thought about it for a moment and decided to meet the person behind the mysterious call.

After all, the other party is very clear about her details.

If she dares to carry the shelf and not go to see it.

It is difficult to guarantee that the other party will do something irrational when he is angry.

After Zhao Wenyun decided, he immediately left the unit, returned to his place of residence, changed into civilian clothes, put on a mask, and went to the bank ATM to withdraw 20,000 cash.

Get to Seremban Court Hotel.


Room 7888 of Furong Pavilion.

Lin Jiang sits on an e-sports chair playing games.

The Longhua Branch called him just now.

Cheng Haoan's matter, someone above called.

At the latest this afternoon, Cheng Haoan will be released on bail, and as for the seven or eight big men in suits, they will all be detained for half a month.

For this processing result.

Lin Jiang was quite dissatisfied.

But he also knew that Cheng Haoan's behavior was at most an attempt to deliberately hurt him.

Moreover, it was he who robbed his fiancée first, he lost his mind, and his revenge came later.

From a legal point of view, Cheng Haoan's attempted intentional injury is a violation of the Public Security Law and does not constitute a criminal offense.

Coupled with the fact that Cheng Haoan is the son of the richest man after all, with his old son's connections, it is not easy to keep him out.

Of course.

Lin Jiang was already preparing a gift for Cheng Haoan.

At that time, it will definitely make Cheng Haoan moved.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 64

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