
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 65

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 65

After a while.

The door bell of room 7888 rang.

Lin Jiang was playing a game, hurriedly picked up the remote control and pressed it, and the door opened automatically.

A young beauty with a golden figure carrying LV walked into the room.

The first time she came in, she looked directly at Lin Jiang on the gaming chair, seventeen or eighteen years old, sunny and handsome, playing the game with a focused expression, and directly ignored her.

Zhao Wenyun couldn't help but have an illusion, did she go to the wrong room?

She took out her mobile phone, clicked on the text message to take a look, and compared the house number to confirm that there was no mistake.

But she still didn't believe it, and it was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man who asked her to meet here.

A hint of doubt flashed her wink eyes, and she picked up her mobile phone to dial the strange number.



The cell phone on the gaming table rang.

Zhao Wenyun's eyes flashed with shock, and the person who asked her was really the seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man in front of her.

She couldn't help but feel a little amused in her heart.

If it was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man asking her to meet.

Then things are much easier.

After all, young men at the age of seventeen or eight are generally short of money.

The twenty thousand yuan in cash in her bag was enough to send him away.

Moreover, she can also take the opportunity to inquire, how did he know about his things?

Zhao Wenyun is within the system, thoughtful, and the city government is quite deep.

She did not show the slightest impatience.

Instead, he put down LV and sat elegantly on the chair, waiting for Lin Jiang to finish playing the game.

Ten minutes later.

Lin Jiang pushed off the enemy crystal and quit the king account.

He took out the huazi, ordered one, and sucked it hard.

Immediately, he slowly walked towards Zhao Wenyun.

Twenty-five or six years old, a delicate face, blowing bombs can be broken, beautiful and incomprehensible, a pair of ocean-like eyes, as if it can hook people's souls.

Her figure is perfect, enchanting, plump and light, golden curves, very eye-catching.

Lin Jiang was slightly startled.

The school flower-level beauties he had seen could not be counted with two slaps.

But it is the first time that Zhao Wenyun is as flattering as this.

Her face and figure, with just one glance, can evoke the primal impulses in people's hearts.

No wonder Cheng Haoan, the son of the richest man, has a crush on her.

This kind of charming and sexy stunner is an instinctive impulse that a man has.

According to the experience of Lin Jiang, an old driver, a woman like her, ordinary men can't resist, and it must be a fighter in an aircraft like him to 327 dry her down.

"Director Zhao, I've been waiting for a long time."

Lin Jiang did not hide the aggressiveness in his gaze.

"No hurry."

Zhao Wenyun smiled, and she ignored Lin Jiang's gaze.

Since she was seventeen or eight years old, this strange gaze has been with her to this day.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

Zhao Wenyun's calmness and calmness made him slightly displeased.

After all, he is the one who holds the initiative.

"I asked you to come here to talk, I want to make a deal with you." Lin Jiang said directly.

"Oh, what deal do you want to make?" Zhao Wenyun was calm from beginning to end, even if she was a little nervous in her heart, her face did not show anything.

"I want to use Director Zhao's body." Lin Jiang did not hide it, and said it redly.


Rao is Zhao Wenyun's delicate mind and introverted city, and he can't help but be confused by his words.

Borrow her body to use it?

What do you mean?

A moment later.

When she saw the look in Lin Jiang's eyes, she understood the true meaning of his words.

"Little brother, are you short of money?"

Zhao Wenyun smiled like a flower, and her charming eyes shone with charming light.

She opened the LV bag, took out 10,000 pieces of cash, and put it on the coffee table, the meaning is self-evident.

10,000 pieces?

Lin Jiang was amused in his heart.

Zhao Wenyun really regarded him as a young man of seventeen or eighteen, thinking that 10,000 yuan could send him off.

"I'm short of money." Lin Jiang stared at the 10,000 yuan in cash and said.

Zhao Wenyun smiled charmingly, took out another 10,000 yuan in cash from LV, placed it on the coffee table, and said coquettishly: "This is 20,000 yuan, you just need to tell me, who told you about the things you said on the phone, 20,000 yuan is yours." "

"Twenty thousand yuan?"

A touch of disdain crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and he took out a car key from his pocket and said, "Director Zhao, how much do you think this car is worth?" "

Zhao Wenyun glanced at the car keys, and the sign on it was the Rolls-Royce logo.

Her charming face flashed an inexplicable smile: "I can give you a hundred such a car logo." "

What she meant was that the car keys in Lin Jiang's hand were a copycat version, specially used to pretend.

Lin Jiang smiled dumbly, she didn't recognize the goods, which could only mean that she was short-sighted.

"Director Zhao, what I just said is very clear, borrow your (ahej) body to use." Lin Jiang didn't want to talk nonsense with her and went straight to the point.

"My body... You can't afford it. Zhao Wenyun thought to herself that her body was not something that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old guy could use, even those rich businessmen who were worth billions were not put in her eyes.

"Oh, so you refused?"

Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows, his voice suddenly became cold, he liked obedient women, and he would not be used to disobedient women.

"Yes, I refuse." Zhao Wenyun said with a smile, she wanted to try Lin Jiang's bottom.

Lin Jiang did as she wished.

He pulled out a cell phone.

Dial a phone number.

"Zhao Wenyun of the Tourism Management Office."

"I have evidence of her disciplinary violations."

"You can give her a warning."

"If she disobeys."

"Send an investigation team in."

Hung up.

A playful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

And at this time, the corners of Zhao Wenyun's sexy lips also surged with a touch of teasing, she wanted to see how Lin Jiang acted in this scene?

Give her a warning, send an investigation team to station?

Is this something that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old can decide?

"Little brother, if you want to scare me, then I tell you, your purpose has been achieved." Zhao Wenyun Miaoman's crisp voice was a little sarcastic.

"If you think I'm scaring you, you can leave, but the ugly thing is ahead, when you come to see me again, the conditions will be doubled." Lin Jiang's dark eyes surged with confidence.

"See you next time."

Zhao Wenyun put the 20,000 yuan of cash on the coffee table back into the LV bag, got up and left with a smile.

Lin Jiang couldn't help shaking his head, are the beautiful women now so confident?

From Seremban Court Hotel.

Zhao Wenyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before seeing Lin Jiang, her mood was nervous and restless.

But after seeing Lin Jiang, her mood completely relaxed.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old guy who can't turn over any waves.

In three days, he will definitely call her again.

At that time, she will find a friend from the police, scare him, and give him some hush money to suppress the matter.

As for the person behind Lin Jiang, she will definitely dig it out.

As a careerist, she did not allow any of her hands to fall into the hands of others.

Zhao Wenyun's style of acting, lean and sophisticated, does not resemble a twenty-five-six-year-old woman at all.

But she missed one thing.

That is Lin Jiang's truth from beginning to end.

Not a word of falsehood.

An hour later.

Zhao Wenyun has returned to her office.

In front of her was a cup of sweetened coffee, which she stirred gently with a spoon.

Ding——(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

SMS alert sounds.

She put down her spoon, picked up her phone, and clicked on the text message.

The text message was sent by a relative of her in the city government.

Her relative is also her background in the city government.

Description: The city sent three disciplined workers to talk to you.

Look at the content of the text message.

Zhao Wenyun's charming face flashed with horror.

The above actually sent disciplined personnel to talk to her?

Obviously, this is a warning.

As a result, her promotion to deputy bureau is very small.

After all, a person who has been warned by a disciplinary officer does not meet the promotion procedure.

She remembered Lin Jiang's words.

Warn first.

Resend the investigation team.


She overturned all her previous assumptions.

Lin Jiang didn't say anything big, nor did he deliberately scare her, he really had this strength.

Zhao Wenyun hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Jiang's number.

All over again...

Two times...

Three times...

She dialed five times in a row.

None of them were answered.

Zhao Wenyun panicked, it was a matter of Shitu, so she couldn't be flustered.

After all, she has put in too much effort to get to this day.

At this time.

The phone on the desk rang.

Zhao Wenyun hesitated again and again and picked up the phone.

The call was from the disciplinary department, asking her to stay in the office and wait for the disciplinary staff to come and talk.

As a staff member of the system, she knows better than anyone that she cannot talk to disciplined personnel, otherwise her career will be over.

But Lin Jiang didn't answer the phone, and she couldn't leave the office....

Zhao Wenyun panicked like never before.

She can be calm in everything, but not in terms of career promotion.

What to do?

Zhao Wenyun looked at the time while hurriedly considering countermeasures.

But the discipline staff arrived immediately, and it was too late for her to find a relationship now.

Zhao Wenyun thought about it and decided to go to Lin Jiang.

She picked up the car keys, hurriedly got out of the office, picked up the car downstairs, and went to the Seremban Court Hotel.

Hibiscus Pavilion.

Room 7888.

Lin Jiang wore a pair of big pants, revealing strong muscles, with Red Bull on the left and Huazi on the right, playing with the king pesticide intently.

He knew that Zhao Wenyun would definitely come.

Almost on the way here.

After all, he had read the latter's background, knew her ambitions, and knew that she valued her career more than her life.

"What, let you cut the back row, you chase the meat and chop..."

Lin Jiang spat on the garbage assassin while focusing on the output in the back row.

Knock knock.

Knock knock.

A tight knock sounded at the door.

Lin Jiang pretended not to hear it, and played feverishly.

Knock knock.

Knock knock.

A nervous and urgent knock on the door sounded again.

Lin Jiang's expression surged with a hint of impatience, picked up the remote control, and pressed the door opening button.

The door opens.

Zhao Wenyun walked in a uniform suit, with a golden figure, bumpy and graceful curves, and a coquettish face filled with panic and confusion.

She stepped on high heels and quickly came to Lin Jiang's side, her crisp voice with a hint of urgency: "What conditions do you have, I promise." "

But Lin Jiang ignored her.

Even, his gaze has been fixed on the game screen on the computer screen, and he has not even looked at Zhao Wenyun.

"No matter what the conditions, I agree."

Zhao Wenyun is very anxious, at most ten minutes, the disciplined officer will rush to the unit, but she is not in the office....

Lin Jiang was still playing the game intently.

Women, anytime.

But the game is lost, and you can only play the next hand.

Zhao Wenyun saw Lin Jiang treating her as air, and she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and lost in her heart.

She is such a beautiful beauty, is it not comparable to a broken game.

"I don't want to ruin my future, please give me a chance." Zhao Wenyun's voice carried a hint of pleading.

"You go and sit on the side for a while, don't disturb me playing games." Lin Jiang said impatiently.

"You . . ." Zhao Wenyun was stunned, in his eyes, the game is so important, he can ignore her as a charming beauty.

"Go sit on the side and wait until I'm done playing this game." Lin Jiang waved.


Zhao Wenyun frowned, took two steps back, and no longer disturbed Lin Jiang to play games.

She held her phone and watched the time pass by minute by minute.

The wait is undoubtedly long.

Every minute is longer than a night.

She kept praying in her heart, hoping that Lin Jiang could finish this game as soon as possible, hoping that the disciplined personnel would be stuck in traffic on the road and go away for a while...

Perhaps her prayers helped.

"Oh yes."

Lin Jiang tapped the keyboard hard, and the game was over, with a 22-0 record.

He picked up Red Bull and took a big sip.

Only then did he turn to look at Zhao Wenyun.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a pair of long black silk legs, straight and round, beautiful legs, plump buttocks, slender waist, proud peaks, and a charming face.

He nodded secretly.

This appearance is definitely a trickle.

Three words are the most appropriate to describe it: moist, pink, and charming.

"It's my mistake, your request, I agree to it all, please give me a chance." Zhao Wenyun put his posture very low for the sake of his career.

"I said, when you come in again, the conditions are doubled." Lin Jiangdao.

"No matter what conditions you have, I agree to them all." Zhao Wenyun is very resolute, she is a smart person, with the background shown by Lin Jiang, he does not lack power, money, and women, and the only thing she can give is the body.

"That's what you said." A conspiratorial smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

"I said it." Zhao Wenyun nodded gently.

Lin Jiang took out a pile of contracts from under the e-sports table.

He knew that Zhao Wenyun would come again.

So, he specially printed the contract.

After all, what is written in black and white is persuasive.

He handed the contract to Zhao Wenyun and said, "Sign the contract." "

Zhao Wenyun had doubts in her heart, so she glanced at the contract a few times.

She probably understood some of the contents of the contract.

She took out her pen and quickly signed her name on the end page of the contract.

"Pick up the contract and I'll take a picture." Lin Jiang turned on the mobile phone camera, and there must be conclusive evidence for such a transaction.

Zhao Wenyun hesitated for a few seconds, picked up the contract with both hands, and let Lin Jiang take a picture.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 65

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