
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 66

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 66

Lin Jiang took the photo, and a meaningful smile welled up at the corner of his mouth.

With a contract and photographs to prove it.

Zhao Wenyun, a charming canary, can't run away.

After all, for Zhao Wenyun, who is dedicated to the road of career, this contract is her lifelong weakness and handle.

"Is that okay?"

Zhao Wenyun stared at Lin Jiang with a pair of flattering eyes, and her eyes were full of hope.

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone and called the man behind him, telling him to withdraw the disciplinary staff, as for the reason, it was a mistake.

Zhao Wenyun breathed a sigh of relief.

A heart that is held tightly ~, slowly put down.

She became a little curious about Lin Jiang's means.

A phone call can get a disciplined staff to be sent above.

Such means, if not for the strong background, categorically cannot be done.

"Your crisis is over."

Lin Jiang had some kind of unknown smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Now it's time to talk about the reward." "


Zhao Wenyun naturally understood what he meant by remuneration.

Moreover, she also knows what her greatest strength is.

"If you want, you can do it whenever you want."

Zhao Wenyun is a very rational and realistic woman, at first disdainful of Lin Jiang, because he felt that he was young, had no money and no power, and now his obedience is that he shows a strong enough background and skill.

"You're obedient."

Lin Jiang was not in a hurry to collect remuneration.

He has one more urgent thing to do than pay,

Zhao Wenyun's sexy pink lips crossed a wry smile.

What if she is disobedient?

Could it be that she was waiting for Lin Jiang to let the discipline staff talk to her again?

Or waiting for Lin Jiang to reveal her old past?

"What do you think of Cheng Haoan?" Lin Jiang suddenly asked.

"Cheng Haoan?"

Zhao Wenyun raised her eyebrows gently.

She and Cheng Haoan have met a few times, but they are not very familiar.

It is only known that he is the son of the richest man in the South China Sea, and his fiancée is Mayor Liu's golden son.

In addition, she had no impression of Cheng Haoan.

"Cheng Haoan is my good friend, he had something today, he was arrested by the police, and he was released at three o'clock in the afternoon, you prepare, we will pick him up together."

Lin Jiang's expression was surging with some kind of bad smile, he couldn't wait to see what kind of mood Cheng Haoan would feel when he saw the woman he secretly admired fall in his arms.


Zhao Wenyun was slightly startled, her identity seemed inconvenient to appear in the public eye with Lin Jiang.

After all, she is the head of the tourism management office and belongs to the system.


Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows, and his voice carried a hint of displeasure.

He bothered to take down Zhao Wenyun's canary, not just for his own enjoyment.

At the same time, it is also to send Cheng Haoan a big gift.

Who let Cheng Haoan play Yin with him today.

If he is not angry with this grandson, how can he be worthy of today's marathon.

"I listen to you."

Zhao Wenyun had an instinctive fear of Lin Jiang, and his expression was enough to make her nervous, so when Lin Jiang showed displeasure, she hurriedly agreed.

Lin Jiang looked at the time, it was now half past two in the afternoon, and there was still nearly an hour before Cheng Haoan was released.

The next time.

It didn't seem to be enough for him to practice Zhao Wenyun.

After all, this kind of thing of sharpening the gun and wiping the rod will definitely not end for a while.

However, this does not prevent him from playing single-player games with Zhao Wenyun for a while.


Around half-past three.

A black Cullinan car drove into the compound of the Longhua Branch.

Two Mercedes-Benz cars were parked in the courtyard.

Lawyers, secretaries, drivers, and Cheng Haoan's friends were waiting for Cheng Haoan to come out.

Cullinan on the car.

In order to welcome Cheng Haoan out, Lin Jiang specially bought a handful of ninety-nine red roses when passing by a flower shop.

At this moment, Zhao Wenyun was sitting on the co-pilot, holding ninety-nine red roses in both hands, a charming face, and a trace of suspicion.

She couldn't figure it out, what was the point of Lin Jiang asking her to give this flower to Cheng Haoan?

Lin Jiang was playing with his mobile phone while looking at the door of the police station office building.

A few minutes later.

Cheng Haoan walked out from the door of the police station.

He looked a little embarrassed.


It was as if he had been subjected to inhuman abuse.

Cheng Haoan glanced up at the blue sky, and then recalled the few hours he had been locked up in the police station, and suddenly found that it was really beautiful outside.

His gaze gradually fell to the police compound, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw his friends, lawyers, secretaries, housekeepers and others all there.


A beautiful woman in a black and white uniform walked over.

After Cheng Haoan saw her, his eyes were hooked, as if he had been evil spirited.

In the heart of every adult, there is a woman who cannot be reached.

Although Cheng Haoan is the son of the richest man, like most adults, he also hides a woman in his heart that fascinates him.

In this instant.

He thought he was blinded.

Zhao Wenyun, how could she appear here?

Moreover, she still holds a large bunch of flowers in her hand, and her sexy pink lips are full of a pleasing smile on his face.

Cheng Haoan thought that he missed Zhao Wenyun so much that his brain hallucinated.

But when he saw Zhao Wenyun, he smiled, full of amorousness, too real.

"Haoan, welcome out."

Zhao Wenyun held the flowers and came to him, softly speaking, and the sound was in his ears, which made Cheng Haoan's bones crispy.

Cheng Haoan took the flowers, his eyebrows opened and smiled, he could be sure that the Zhao Wenyun in front of him was real.

"You... What are you doing here? Cheng Haoan's tongue was almost out of straight.

"Someone told me that if you come out in the afternoon, I will come." Zhao Wenyun's charming face surged with a charming charm.

"Who told you that?"

Cheng Haoan felt that God was really not thin on him.

Liu Hua's slut betrayed him and became pregnant with Lin Jiang's brat seed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Wenyun, who he dreamed of, appeared, and sent him flowers, which can really be described as the old does not go, and the new does not come.

"It's me."

A playful laugh rang out.

Cheng Haoan looked over with the voice, but saw Lin Jiang with his hands in his pockets and walked over with a bad smile.

"Lin Jiang."

Cheng Haoan's eyes were full of resentment and anger.

He was detained by the police for most of the day, and the culprit was Lin Jiang.

And the wound on his face was also given by Bai Linjiang.

What is even more hateful is that Liu Hua's stomach is pregnant with his seed, which is a shame for his whole life and a lingering shadow in his life.

"As a friend, you came out of it, how could I not express it."

Lin Jiang walked over with a smile, and under Cheng Haoan's resentful gaze, he slowly stretched out his palm and grabbed Zhao Wenyun's slender and soft waist.

See this scene.

Cheng Haoan's eyes were full of anger, jealousy, hatred and other complex looks, the hand holding the flowers was trembling, and the white moonlight in his heart was picked up by Lin Jiang, and his heart seemed to be dripping blood.

"Let go of your trotters." Cheng Haoan jumped like thunder, and his voice was as loud as a bell.

"Are you sick, what are you doing when I put my arms around my woman?" Lin Jiang said with contempt, and after speaking, he deliberately hugged Zhao Wenyun into his arms, and although the latter was a little shy, he still let him hold him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Your woman?"

Cheng Haoan was stunned, how is this possible?

Lin Jiang was only seventeen or eight years old.

Zhao Wenyun is twenty-five or six years old.

The difference between the two is seven or eight years old, and he said that Zhao Wenyun is his woman, isn't this nonsense.


Lin Jiang introduced in a serious way: "Let me give you a grand introduction, Zhao Wenyun, she is now my woman." "

Cheng Haoan almost spewed out a mouthful of black blood.

It's too much of a bully.

Robbed his fiancée.

Now he actually snatched the white moonlight in his heart.

"Wen Yun, what he said is true?" Cheng Haoan hurriedly looked at Zhao Wenyun, hoping that she would deny it.

"It's true."

Zhao Wenyun raised her eyebrows lightly, although she didn't know what trick Lin Jiang was playing, she still said very cooperatively.

Heard what Zhao Wenyun said in person.

Cheng Haoan's eyes were dark, and he almost fainted.

"Cheng Haoan, for the sake of our brothers, I will try my best to help when you get married in the future." Lin Jiang said this without a word.

This sentence is heard in the ears of others.

thought that Lin Jiang and Cheng Haoan had a deep brotherly relationship.

But Cheng Hao was clear that Lin Jiang was clearly saying that he married his wife and entered the cave room.

He then thought of his fiancée Liu Hua being pregnant with Lin Jiang's seed, and even the woman he had a crush on in his heart fell into Lin Jiang's arms.

He couldn't help but feel afraid that if he got married one day, Lin Jiang would really enter the cave room.

"Lin Jiang, Wang Baegg, I'll kill you..."

Cheng Haoan's eyes were blood-red, and he rushed towards Lin Jiang like crazy.


Lin Jiang kicked him on the stomach, directly kicked him down, and laughed playfully: "Cheng Haoan, just came out of it, do you still want to go in again?" "

"I . . ."

Cheng Haoan felt that he was living too densely, and was bullied by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man.

"Let's go."

Lin Jiang glanced at Cheng Haoan with full contempt, held Zhao Wenyun's slender little waist, and swaggered away.

Cheng Haoan lay on the ground, looking at their departing backs, his eyes burning with anger, eager to tear Lin Jiang to pieces.

At this time.

Lin Jiang's mood couldn't be more refreshing.

Cheng Haoan dared to play Yin with him.

He didn't mind completely ruining him under repeated blows.

Sometimes destroying a person is more resentful than beating him up.

In the car.

Lin Jiang started the car, kicked the accelerator down, and the Cullinan car roared out of the Longhua branch compound.

Zhao Wenyun sat on the co-pilot and didn't say a word.

She could see that Lin Jiang and Cheng Haoan were friends, and they were clearly enemies.

And Lin Jiang took her to see Cheng Haoan, clearly for Cheng Haoan.

She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, the head of her dignified tourism management office actually became a tool for Lin Jiang to fight against enemies.

Curry's car drove into the main street and sped down the busy street.

After a while, the car came to a secluded and uninhabited place.

Lin Jiang unfastened his seat belt and climbed over from the driver's seat.

Zhao Wenyun resisted slightly.

Although this place is secluded and uninhabited, it is always in the wild, if it is discovered....

"Wait a minute, let's go buy Durex."

"Forgot to tell you, I never used that thing."

"How does that work?"

"If it doesn't work, it has to work."



Towards dusk.

A black Cullinan car drove into the city's Third People's Hospital at a gallop.

Lin Jiang jumped out of the car, held Zhao Wenyun in his arms on the co-pilot, and rushed into the emergency department of the hospital in a fiery manner.

At this point, other departments in the hospital have closed for work, and only the emergency department can be checked.

Emergency Department.

The nurse helped carry Zhao Wenyun to the hospital bed.

"Family, what's wrong with the patient?" The nurse asked.

"That... May be acute appendicitis. Lin Jiang frowned.

"Who are you from the family?"


"When did the patient start hurting?"

"About ten minutes ago."

"What did the patient eat and drink this afternoon?"

"I don't know."

"Has anyone of the patient's blood relatives ever had a similar disease?"

"I don't know."

"How old is the patient?"



The nurse asked a bunch of irrelevant questions and sent Lin Jiang out, they were going to give the patient a color ultrasound.

Lin Jiang came to the bench outside the emergency department, thinking that the difference between people and people is really quite big, this matter should be put on Yao Kesi, rest for a day or two, it will be good.

Half an hour later.

Emergency Department.

The office of a female doctor surnamed Yang.

Zhao Wenyun's face was delicate and pale.

Dr. Yang took the color ultrasound list and CT list, carefully compared them, and asked:

"When did you get a stomachache?"

"About forty or fifty minutes ago." Zhao Wenyun said softly.

Dr. Yang shook his head lightly, and said seriously: "Seeing that you are so beautiful, in the future, in terms of life, you must pay attention, sometimes, it is not appropriate, do not eat hard, after all, your body is limited and cannot accept things beyond the capacity of your body." "

"Yes, I will definitely pay attention." Zhao Wenyun nodded gently.

"Also, it is best to lie down and rest in these two days, and do not move, so as not to open the wound." Dr. Yang instructed.


Zhao Wenyun thought that it was her critical period now, whether she could be promoted or not, depending on her next performance, she could not take a day off.

"I'll prescribe you a few more boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, and you go back and eat them on time." Dr. Yang sighed, young and beautiful women now pay less and less attention to their physical health.

"Thank you."

Zhao Wenyun said thank you.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 66

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