
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 67

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 67

Zhao Wenyun felt a little uneasy in her heart and asked, "Doctor, is my situation average or very serious?" "

Dr. Yang shook his head gently, took a small bottle and an apple, and showed her the scene.

"You see, the bottle mouth is only half of the apple, and forcibly stuffing the apple into the bottle will inevitably lead to deformation of the bottle mouth."

"But with a large bottle, you can easily put apples in it."

"It's the same as your body, you can't accept too much hard food."

"Forcibly accepting hard food that is not suitable for you is bound to stretch out."

Zhao Wenyun understood what the doctor meant.

But she had one more question to ask.

"Doctor, what happens if I accept apples that exceed the mouth of the bottle for a long time?"

Dr. Yang couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

Why don't young people listen to advice.

She said that she knew so clearly, she still had to accept apples that did not belong to her, wasn't this her own guilt?

"I can only tell you that if you accept more apples than your body can hold, your body will definitely be greatly affected."

Zhao Wenyun was a little afraid, and hurriedly asked, "The worst result?" "

"The worst outcome, swelling, abdominal discomfort, and body size may be out of proportion, such as larger hips, wider pelvis, and possible X-X legs..." As an authoritative doctor, Dr. Yang does not deliberately exaggerate her condition, but she does not hide it.

"I see."

Zhao Wenyun, like most women, loves beauty more than herself, and a touch of sadness rises in her heart at the thought that she may have her hips enlarged, her pelvis widened, and her legs may walk X.

But this path was chosen by herself.

Even if there was such a day, she would have to grit her teeth and persevere. "Three Seven Zero"

After all, she is a careerist, and she can give up anything in order to reach the top of her career.

"Thank you doctor."

Zhao Wenyun took the film and the checklist and went out of the emergency department with the help of the nurse.


Lin Jiang is playing with his mobile phone.

Suddenly, the nurse shouted: "Zhao Wenyun's family? "

He hurriedly got up from the chair, turned around and saw that the nurse helped Zhao Wenyun out of the door, and he quickly went over to pick up the other party.

The nurse glared at Lin Jiang fiercely: "Be nice to your girlfriend in the future, you don't know what kind of pain she has endured!" "

Lin Jiang thought to himself that the nurses in the hospital now have also begun to be nosy with rats?

What kind of pain Zhao Wenyun endured, he didn't know, and he didn't want to be clear.

From the moment she signed the contract, these pains were what she had to go through.

Just get used to it later.

It's like an elastic band, if you move regularly, it will naturally loosen.

"Let's go."

Zhao Wenyun said softly.

She is not a seventeen or eighteen-year-old little girl, not so pretentious.

"Can you?"

Lin Jiang saw a faint flash of pain between her eyebrows and asked.


Zhao Wenyun thought that if it couldn't be done, no matter what, the road still had to go down.

"I'll carry you."

Lin Jiang saw that her situation was a little bad, and thought that she would not take a few more steps and crack the wound again.

Immediately, he squatted down and carried Zhao Wenyun to the hospital parking lot.

Parking lot.

Lin Jiang helped her into the car and drove her home.

In the car.

Zhao Wenyun thought of a terrible thing and said busily: "Don't forget to buy Yuting." "

"I won't forget it."

Lin Jiang thought that she really had a good memory, her body was so traumatized, but she remembered it very clearly.

Twenty minutes later.

The car was parked under a unit.

Lin Jiang helped her out of the car and took her into the elevator.

"That... If your parents are at home, I won't go in. Lin Jiangdao.


Zhao Wenyun nodded gently, Lin Jiang is indeed not suitable to go to her house, after all, she and Lin Jiang are only trading relationships, and they are not boyfriends and girlfriends, of course, even if they are boyfriends, his age is easy to misunderstand.



Time flies.

More than half a month passed.

This time.

Lin Jiang's focus began to shift to his career.

I went to work at Jiandi Group during the day.

In the evening, he went to Zhao Wenyun and Yao Kesi to discuss the mystery of life.

As for Liu Hua, since she went to live with Gong Xue, Lin Jiang had also tried to attack her, but she refused to agree.

And he can't be tough on Liu Hua.

After all, Gong Xue is pregnant, and if she is shocked, it will affect the stability of the fetus in her stomach.

Just when Lin Jiang was at a loss.

This day.

Liu Hua actually asked him to go to the beach for a walk.

This made Lin Jiang instantly feel that an opportunity was coming.

After all, for her, a good and fertile woman, Lin Jiang coveted it very much.


The wind is a little stronger.

Liu Hua wore a white long-sleeved T-shirt, holding the majestic peak, supporting the mountain higher than the other.

A pair of light blue skinny jeans wrapped her plump buttocks into a very hot buttocks, straight long legs, moist and even.

She has a beautiful face, without the slightest trace of makeup, her ponytail hangs behind her head, gently blown by the sea breeze, and swaying leisurely.

Lin Jiang was wearing a black suit, tie, and big-name leather shoes on his feet, and his hair looked full of spirit.

As the years passed, his appearance was slowly maturing, especially when he was wearing a formal suit, he looked twenty years old, sunny and handsome, and full of vigor.

The two met by the sea.

When Liu Hua saw him, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of surprise and a hint of appreciation.

Lin Jiang, who was dressed in a suit and tie, had a natural momentum between his gestures.

Moreover, against the background of formal wear, his age does not look like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old college student, but like an elite in the workplace.

Lin Jiang glanced at Liu Hua a few times, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and an evil smile sprang up.

There was a faint sadness on Liu Hua's exquisite face, and she directly ignored Lin Jiang's aggressive eyes.

"My marriage contract with Cheng Haoan was canceled."

"I wish you a successful breakup." Lin Jiang thought that Cheng Haoan was also a man, and his fiancée was lying in someone else's arms, if he didn't cancel the marriage contract, would he wait to wear a hat?

"But I...?"

Liu Hua glanced at him, and stopped talking, his expression crossed a little distressed.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Jiangdao.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Liu Hua thought to himself how to tell Lin Jiang about this, although he looked much more mature now, his real age was only eighteen years old.

Lin Jiang didn't care either.

For him.

Today the wind is beautiful.

The sea breeze is cool.

It was really a good weather to fire.

He directly reached out and grabbed Liu Hua's thin waist.

The latter's delicate body trembled slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But there was no opposition.

This made him think secretly, could it be that during this time, Liu Hua had a good impression of him?

He was ready to go further, directly holding Liu Hua's head, and lowered his head to gnaw down.

"Wait... I have something to tell you. Liu Hua said busily.

"If there is anything to say, I will say it again." Lin Jiang couldn't wait to bring her to justice on the beach.

"You wait a minute."

Liu Hua hurriedly pushed Lin Jiang away, dialed the messy sea of flow, and said, "I... I......? "

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Jiang thought to her, is this unspeakable?

Liu Huamei's eyes were full of worry, and she took out a pregnancy test stick from the pocket of her jeans and handed it to Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang took the pregnancy test stick and looked at the two bars.


He looked pleasantly surprised.

She is worthy of being a good and fertile woman.

The odds of winning the bid are great.


Lin Jiang laughed out loud.

"It's not yours, can I get pregnant alone?"

Liu Hua now has the heart to cry to death.

After meeting Lin Jiang.

She was also too unlucky.

More than 20 years of innocence was occupied by Lin Jiang.

Now even in her belly, she is pregnant with Lin Jiang's child.

When she thought of this, she felt that her life was all gray and she saw no hope.

"Liu Hua is pregnant with Lao Tzu's seed."

Lin Jiang was so excited that he roared directly towards the sea.

Since Li Xinyu became pregnant, he has not been so excited for a long time.

After all, Liu Hua is pregnant with a child, which means that he can make wool again.

"Bastards . . ."

Liu Hua was ashamed and angry, and couldn't wait to find a seam to get into.

This bastard is too much of a thing.

How could he talk like that.

What makes her pregnant with him, can't she be gentle.

"Here, let me touch the child." Lin Jiang danced happily.

"Just less than half a month pregnant, I don't even have a fetal shape, what to touch." Seeing him so happy, Liu Hua thought that he probably wanted to leave the child behind.

But if she wants to keep the child, she must have a name, right?

Otherwise, how to explain it at home.

Also, Lin Jiang is only eighteen years old, can he be a father so early?

"When I first looked at you, I thought you were so fertile, but I didn't expect my vision to be so accurate, we only had a few times, and you were pregnant with our seed 0..." Lin Jiang said with a smile in a good mood.


Liu Hua's pretty face turned crimson.

This guy talks too informally.

What is called the first time I see her, I think she is so fertile.

"Can you be a little more elegant?" Liu Hua thought to himself if he could speak a little more subtly, not so bluntly.


Lin Jiang solemnly agreed.

After all, Liu Hua will be his child's mother in the future.

Treat the child's mother with respect.

"You say, what now?"

Although Liu Hua is twenty-five or six years old, this kind of thing, she is also experiencing for the first time, and she is inexperienced.

"What to do?"

Lin Jiang said categorically, "Birth." "

"You're still a college student, how do I give birth to a baby? Also, are you and I lovers? Liu Hua said shyly and angrily.

"What's wrong with college students? Just have money, besides, what does having a child have to do with a lover, give birth to a child, and we will fall in love again, and it will be time. "Lin Jiangguan called getting on the bus first, and making up the ticket later.

"Why doesn't it matter, we don't have any feelings at all, why should I give you a baby, who will raise the child?" Whose last name is he with? How do I explain to my parents? When Liu Hua thought of this, tears were about to fall.

She now regrets it a lot, how she went out to drink with Lin Jiang in the first place, and drank a person who was unconscious, and was given by him.

"Feelings can be cultivated slowly, the child is born, I am responsible for raising it, as for who the child is surnamed, you decide, your parents, or hide it from them first, give birth to the child." Lin Jiang began to flicker, as long as she gave birth to the child, everything was easy to say.

The more Liu Hua thought about it, the more aggrieved he became.

She is a master's student.

She was actually pregnant with a boy seven or eight years younger than her.

There is no emotion, no wedding, and she has to hide from her parents to give birth to the child, why?

"Lin Jiang, you bastard..." Liu Hua scolded with tears in his eyes.

Lin Jiang endured, Wang Baegg, Wang Baegg, as long as she is willing to give birth to the child, she can scold anything.

"I will immediately find you a big villa, hire you two more nannies, and serve you around the clock, and I will definitely serve you thoughtfully." Lin Jiangdao.

"I have no name or score, why should I live in your villa?" Liu Hua cried.

"When I pass the New Year, I will be nineteen years old, and when I graduate from college, I will reach the legal marriage age, and then we will make up the wedding and get a marriage certificate." Lin Jiang used the same set of rhetoric to fool Liu Hua.

"By the time you graduate from college, our children will be able to run." Liu Hua is more and more aggrieved, the best marriage is to fall in love first, then get married, and then get pregnant and have children, how to get to her, all upside down.

Besides, a woman's youth is only a few years, and once she gives birth to a child, it is not worth much.

Moreover, Lin Jiang is seven or eight years younger than her, and in a few years, she will be three years old, and Lin Jiang is just the right age, when he becomes the 5.7 modern version of Chen Shimei, what should I do if I abandon my wife and son?

"Maybe when I graduate from college, our second child will be born."

Lin Jiang smiled secretly in his heart, with Liu Hua's good fertility, three years later, perhaps the second child was born.

"Second child?"

Liu Hua's heart was full of anger.

What did this bastard Lin Jiang think of her, a tool to give birth to children?

"I mean, you are extremely fertile, and when the time comes, you may be pregnant with a second child..." Lin Jiang smiled in his heart, and he felt happy thinking about it.

"You bastard . . ." Liu Hua thought to herself how she could meet Lin Jiang, a guy comparable to a donkey.

Lin Jiang is young, but his emotional intelligence is not low.

On the contrary, he has a very high emotional intelligence.

Know that women need sweet words, make a little commitment, and buy some gifts at such times.

He hugged Liu Hua into his arms, comforted her, took her out of the beach, went to the mall, bought her diamond rings, branded bags, and a bunch of brand-name clothes.

Under his sweet words, Liu Hua finally agreed to give birth to the child.

After all, what she was carrying in her stomach was the first child of the first man in her life, and she was reluctant to take it away.

Moreover, this matter has to be hidden from her parents, after all, it is too humiliating for the Liu family to be pregnant out of wedlock.

Lin Jiang claimed that in the Shahai villa area, buy her a villa, arrange two nannies to take care of her, and when she has time, she can also go to Gongxue's door.

Calm Liu Hua's emotions and coax her to be happy.

Lin Jiang began to arrange the specific matters of Liu Hua's fetus.

PS, ask for a few flowers to evaluate it, let's subscribe so high, the data is a little pulled.


Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 67

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