
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 68

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 68

Since Liu Hua raised a baby.

Lin Jiang's life is full of busyness.

Go to work at Jiangdi Group on time every day.

I went to accompany Chen Huang at noon, Gong Xue in the afternoon, I had to accompany Liu Hua to eat a candlelight dinner in the evening, and sometimes I had to go to see Li Xinyu.

His busyness made Zhao Wenyun's mental outlook refreshed, and he no longer had to drag the sick body to work every day, nor did he have to take anti-inflammatory drugs every day... The benefits are clear.

Lin Jiang set himself a small goal.

Before the birth of his first child, he wants to become the richest man in the South China Sea.

With such a big plug-in in the system, becoming the richest man in the South China Sea is not difficult for him.

He and Wu Yindi deployed and used the money earned from stocks to kill the South China Sea energy market, first buying those small energy companies, and then cutting off the customers of medium-sized energy companies, gradually monopolizing the market.

Moreover, Nanhai is a developed region in the tourism industry, and he won the development rights of a number of tourism projects from government departments in one go, with a total investment of about 5 billion yuan.

In other areas, Linjiang's Jiangdi Group is also in frequent action.

His operation directly caused a major earthquake in the South China Sea business community, and many people expected that in the near future, Jiangdi Group would definitely become a leading enterprise in the South China Sea business community.

The strong rise of Jiangdi Group has made many listed companies feel uneasy, they have too many actions, and they dare not imagine that they have abundant funds.

Many business bigwigs are inquiring about the behind-the-scenes bosses of Jiangdi Group.

But no one can say the true identity of the big man behind Jiangdi Group.

As the secretary of the chairman and chief CEO of Jiangdi Group, Wu Yindi can be described as the limelight and is talked about by the South China Sea business community.

More than a month passed.

February of the following year.


All things are revived.

Nanhai University has also reached the opening day of school.

Lin Jiang arranged the company's affairs and prepared for enrollment.

This day.


In front of the city TV station.

A black Cullinan was parked in the TV compound.

Lin Jiang sat in the driver's seat, his expression a little leisurely.

These days, he can be described as busy with his feet, going to the company during the day, and accompanying several pregnant women in the morning, noon, and evening.

The number of times you patronize Yao Kesi and Zhao Wenyun 07 can be counted on your fingers.

Right now, school is about to open.

And he also withdrew from the company and left all the things to Wu Yindi to deal with.

After having enough time, he remembered the agreement with Yao Kesi, so he rushed to the city TV station to pick up Yao Kesi from work and go to fulfill the agreement.

He glanced at the time, it was five o'clock, and there was still half an hour before Yao Kesi left work.

He took out his cell phone and sent messages to several pregnant women to send warmth.

Halfway, a black big run stopped next to the Cullinan car, and Lin Jiang didn't care, after all, the TV station was crowded, and it was not unusual to drive a big run.

On the big galloping car, a man of about thirty years old walked down, dressed in a suit, and there was a boss's pie between his gestures.

The boss's headman, holding flowers in his hand, stood in front of the head of the big car, as if showing off something.

Lin Jiang glanced at him and secretly cursed in his heart: What a ratio.

This year, rich people are very low-key, you drive a big car, what is there to shout.

After a while.

Yao Kesi wears a light pink professional OL suit, black silk high heel, exquisite makeup, beautiful and delicate, and the golden body is hot and boiling.

After all, the title of TV station flower is not blown out, and her appearance is definitely worthy of the name of Taiwan flower.

Beautiful women such as Sun Zimeng and Tong Susu on TV stations are inferior to her in appearance.


She walked towards the Cullinan car with a reverie stride, her delicate face surging with a hint of joy.

In the past few months with Lin Jiang, she has become more and more dependent on Lin Jiang.

Sometimes, Lin Jiang didn't come to her for a few days, she would be cranky, tossing and turning, and even insomnia.

She couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, in short, she knew that she couldn't do without Lin Jiang.


She learned that Lin Jiang was waiting for her downstairs.

Deliberately leave work ten minutes early.

At the moment, she is walking with a pair of straight water. Run's long legs approached the Cullinan car step by step.


A man emerged from next to Cullinan's car.

Holding a bunch of flowers, he came to her.

The sudden arrival of this person startled Yao Kesi slightly, after all, she was full of thoughts about where to eat with Lin Jiang, where to live in the evening, and did not notice the person next to her.


The man at the boss's head, holding flowers, said with a smile: "I came to confess to you today, I hope you can accept me." "

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes crossed a cold color.

She knows this boss man, the chairman of a decoration company, a little money, some time ago sponsored a million advertising dollars to the TV station.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I can't accept your confession because I have a boyfriend." Yao Kesi directly refused coldly, the entire city TV station knows that the gold owner behind her is young and handsome, and the news of Boss Zhang will not be so lagging, right?

"Okay, I know you're single." Zhang Juncheng's eyes showed a hint of fire, he saw Yao Kesi on TV some time ago, and he was fascinated by her sexiness and beauty, and today he made up his mind to confess to her.

"I do have a boyfriend." Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes are full of disgust, she now hates men confessing to her the most, in her heart, the only person who can conquer her body and mind is Lin Jiang.

"It's okay, I can wait." Zhang Juncheng is very confident, he has a value of tens of millions, smash one or two million, Yao Kesi will not be moved?

"I don't need you to wait, and besides, don't come to the TV station in the future." Yao Kesi said coldly.

"Cosmos . . ."

After Zhang Juncheng was rejected, he was not discouraged at all, in his opinion, women are rational types, and if the money spent in vain is smashed down, she will not be moved?


Lin Jiang pushed open the door of Cullinan and walked down, coldly glanced at Zhang Juncheng, beautiful women always have no shortage of suitors, this is very clear to him, but this person confessed to Yao Kesi in front of him, which made him unhappy.

"Who pants. The crotch didn't hold back, popping out such a thing as you? Lin Jiang walked over and directly grabbed Yao Kesi's thin waist, and the latter obediently half fell into his arms.


Zhang Juncheng was a little confused, what is the situation?

He asked someone about a mysterious gold lord behind Yao Kesi.

Could it be this eighteen-nine-year-old young man in front of him?

"What are you, digging Laozi's corner in the broad daylight, are you uncomfortable looking for it?"

Lin Jiang was very angry, all this time, it was he who dug other people's corners, who dared to dig his corners.

"When did I dig your corner, I really came to confess to Kesi."

Of course, Zhang Juncheng will not admit that he is digging a corner, in his opinion, a young guy, driving a Cullinan is amazing, with his funds, he can also afford Cullinan, but he just thinks that this car is too luxurious, high oil prices, expensive maintenance, not cost-effective.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

This person is really shameless.

He sank his consciousness into the system database to check the person's identity background.

[Zhang Juncheng... One year old... Two years old... Eight years old... Twenty years old... Thirty years old.... 】

【......。 】

Checked Zhang Juncheng's information.

Lin Jiang's expression was full of mockery and ridicule, and he glanced down at Yao Kesi in his arms and said, "Do you know how disgusting this person in front of us is?" "

"I also think he's disgusting." Yao Kesi smiled very cooperatively.

Zhang Juncheng saw the young man and Yao Kesi singing and reconciling, and suddenly his face was livid, and his eyes were not good.

"He got married three years ago, and after marriage, he also raised a female college student, and after the female student graduated, she kicked him, what do you guess is the reason why the female student kicked him?" Lin Jiang said with a bad smile.


Yao Kesi blinked bright eyes and leaned on his shoulder and whispered softly.

"I think he's short and weak, and it's done in three seconds." Lin Jiangdao. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Yao Kesi laughed directly.

Zhang Juncheng's face turned green on the spot.

He never expected that his ugly affairs would be exposed by young people on the spot.

He just turned around and left, which was too humiliating.

Never come to TV again.

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, dare to dig his corner, he must be prepared to be poached by him.


He hugged Yao Kesi and got into the Cullinan car.

Drive out of the TV compound.

Dining at Seremban Court Hotel.


He took Yao Kesi to the beach for a ride.

Of course, the car ride is just a pretense, and the real purpose is to go to the beach to shake the car.

He and Yao Kesi shook the car for more than an hour.

Everything calmed down.

Yao Kesi lay in his arms to rest.

"It's February, and Yu Ting can't eat anymore." Lin Jiang stroked her long hair and said with a smile.


Yao Kesi's dreamy beautiful eyes opened, and a trace of melancholy surged through his expression.

She feels that now is the peak of her career, and she doesn't want to have a child too early, after all, after giving birth, if she doesn't recover well, her figure may be out of shape.

As a host, she does not allow her image to be flawed in the slightest.

But she promised Lin Jiang to give him a baby in February this year.

"Next year, the prime-time host of the provincial station will be transferred to the central third channel, and if you perform well, I can send you to the provincial station to host the prime-time column of the provincial station."

Although Lin Jiang said so, he never thought in his heart that he would release Yao Kesi out of the cage.

As long as she gives birth to the first child, the second child will be far away.

Moreover, the biggest thing for women is maternal love, once they have children, careers and whatnot, are all clouds of the past.


Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes crossed a hint of joy.

If she can go to the provincial station to host the prime time column, the position of the head of the city station, she will not be rare.

"Of course it's true." Lin Jiang stroked her pink and smooth cheeks and said with a smile.


Yao Kesi nodded gently: "I won't eat Yuting this month." "


Lin Jiang was overjoyed in his heart, turned over, and carried the gun to fight again.

After all, having many children and blessings is his ultimate goal.

Yao Kesi didn't expect that just because she promised Lin Jiang not to eat Yu Ting, she was miserably sharpened by Lin Jiang's inhuman sharpening gun, and she died and almost collapsed.



Nanhai University.

Today is the day of school coverage.

Lin Jiang came to the school for a walk, talked blindly with the fat man and other roommates, and left the school to go to a fitness institution in the city.

His personality belongs to the very vindictive kind, and his eyes will be rewarded.

Yesterday, Zhang Juncheng confessed to Yao Kesi and openly dug him into a corner, which made him very angry.

He was angry all his life, and he was afraid that it was quite serious.

According to the information he obtained from the system database.

Zhang Juncheng's wife is called Chen Fang, a yoga teacher, who is quite beautiful and has a unique figure.

Zhang Juncheng has such a beautiful wife, but he doesn't know to cherish it, and he still messes with flowers and grass outside, and wastes his wife's three acres of good land in vain.

As a great young man in the socialist era, Lin Jiang volunteered and decided to help Chen Fang loosen the soil, water it, and fertilize it a little.


A fitness institution called Meiyue.

Lin Jiang came outside the yoga room and saw Chen Fang.

About twenty-five or six years old, about one meter six or eight meters tall, plump, a round face, white in powder, long tan hair tied into a ponytail, thrown behind the head wave after wave.

She is wearing a black yoga suit 417, which outlines her full curves and graceful posture.

As everyone knows.

Marrying a yoga teacher is a great blessing in life.

After all, the yoga teacher has good physical softness and high toughness, no matter what movement, she can be at ease.

It's a pity that Zhang Juncheng is not physically good and can't serve Chen Fang, who is in Fanghua.


A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He walked towards Chen Fang with tiptoe steps and said hello: "Hello Teacher Chen." "


Chen Fang glanced at Lin Jiang, a young handsome young man, and couldn't help but wonder: "You are?" "

"Teacher Chen, my name is Lin Jiang, I am a private detective, I have something I want to talk to you about." Lin Jiang panicked, but his eyes didn't blink.

Private detective?

Chen Fangmei's eyes crossed a trace of doubt, what did the private detective look for her? However, she still nodded and asked Lin Jiang to speak in the corner of the fitness hall.

The two came to the corner.

Lin Jiang said directly: "Teacher Chen, this is the case, I was entrusted by your husband to investigate your economic transactions, and found that you embezzled the common assets of both husband and wife, funded your brother's purchase of a house, a car, and even, half of the bride price money for your brother's marriage was paid by you." "

"According to the Marriage Law, if a husband and wife embezzle the funds jointly saved by both parties without the consent of the other party to support others, it is considered null and void, and the other party has the right to recover the funds."

"Teacher Chen, you embezzled family savings to fund your brother's affairs, don't you want your husband to know?"


Chen Fang was speechless in shock.

She never expected that her husband, who finished in three seconds, actually hired a private investigator to investigate her.

If Zhang Juncheng knew about this matter, he would definitely sue the court and ask for a divorce.

Moreover, with Zhang Juncheng's shrewdness, before the divorce, he will definitely transfer the property, and when the time comes to divorce, she may not get a penny.

"Your last name?"

Chen Fang hurriedly calmed down, listening to the meaning of this private investigator, he didn't seem to tell Zhang Juncheng the truth.

"My name is Lin Jiang."

An ambiguous smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "Teacher Chen, do you want to tell your husband Zhang Juncheng about what I have investigated?" "

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me about this, I should also ask for something?"

Chen Fang is a shrewd woman, otherwise, she would not have been able to secretly take the family's money from under Zhang Juncheng's nose to fund her mother's family.

"Teacher Chen is so smart."

Lin Jiang's eyes swept over her hot figure, and it was self-evident.

"Mr. Lin, can you let me think about it?" Although Chen Fang did not like Zhang Juncheng and married him, it was also for his economic strength, but she never betrayed Zhang Juncheng.

"Of course you can, but Teacher Chen don't think about it for too long, at the latest this afternoon, otherwise, I can only tell your husband the truth." Lin Jiangdao.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 68

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