
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 69

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 69

After Lin Jiang left.

Chen Fang fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, she married Zhang Juncheng, and she was completely deceived by the arrogance shown by the other party.

When she thought about life after marriage, she felt that life had no meaning at all.

Zhang Juncheng was very generous to her, necklaces, rings, branded bags, and even bought her a BMW three-series sedan.

In daily life, Zhang Juncheng is indeed very good to her, and she does not deny this.

But Zhang Juncheng's body is defective, and every time he lives as a couple, it is always difficult for him to lift, even if he occasionally lifts it, it will end quickly.

She urged Zhang Juncheng to go to the hospital many times to take a look, but he just didn't want to go, beautiful name, men are like him.

Chen Fang also talked about her boyfriend before she got married, and knew that a man could not be like Zhang Juncheng.

Zhang Juncheng did not want to go to the hospital, but he could only suffer her, after all, she was a gorgeous woman, married but like a widow.

But the traditional concept of family made her unable to betray Zhang Juncheng.

But now Zhang Juncheng hired a private investigator to investigate her, obviously suspecting her.

With her understanding of Zhang Juncheng, if he knew that he took money to support his mother's family, divorce was inevitable.

She didn't want a divorce.

The reason is that divorce is a second marriage, and it is easy to be pointed at.

Secondly, Zhang Juncheng is not good in that aspect, and his economic strength is quite good.

If she is divorced, she will get married for the second time, where to find someone with financial strength like Zhang Juncheng.

After thinking about it, Chen Fang felt that this matter must not be known by Zhang Juncheng.

It's just that in this way, she is bound to agree to the request of the private investigator.

Although she was a little happy in her heart, the empty room in the past few years made her have a trace of desire to try in her heart.

She hesitated, but she made up her mind.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the private investigator: See you at the Shenghao Hotel.


Lin Jiang was driving and took out his mobile phone a little.

It turned out to be Chen Fang's text message.

A smug smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

In fact, it was only after checking Zhang Juncheng's background information that he knew that he had a wife like a flower, which made him think a little carefully.

Of course, if Zhang Juncheng had a wife who was not slippery, he would not use this means to retaliate.

After all, the beauty has seen too much, and the beauty of the general posture is already difficult to enter his eyes.


San Hao Inn.

Chen Fang came to the front desk of the hotel and opened a luxurious suite.

After opening the room, she went to the pharmacy next door to the hotel, bought Durex, and prepared the safety measures in advance.

She came to the hotel's luxurious suite and sat on the sofa, feeling slightly nervous.

After all, this is marital infidelity, which belongs to moral turpitude.

But she told herself over and over again that she was helpless.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Fangjiao's body trembled, a little at a loss.

She hesitated for a few seconds and went up to open the door.

Lin Jiang flashed in from the room.

He glanced at Chen Fang.

At this moment, Chen Fang has changed into civilian clothes.

But her sexy and hot body is still conspicuous.

She wore a short-sleeved split cheongsam with white embroidered peonies, a pair of white high heels on her feet, and her plump and delicate body was full and delicate, and she was bumpy.

Lin Jiang glanced at her, and from her watery eyes, he saw a trace of longing.

"Teacher Chen."

A bad smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

"Lin... Mr. Lin. "

Chen Fang looked flustered, her eyes were evasive, and she hurriedly closed the door of the room, for fear of being seen.

"Teacher Chen, for your sake, I won't tell your husband about your affairs." Lin Jiang thought to himself that a woman like Chen Fang was okay to play, and the rest would be left alone.

After all, this woman is a typical disciple demon, and how much money she has, she can't wait to give it to her mother's family.

"Thank you... Mr. Lin. "

Chen Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Mr. Lin would keep her a secret, and Zhang Juncheng would never know how much money she gave to her brother.

"No thanks, it's a fair deal between us." Lin Jiang said it directly without absorsement.


Chen Fang also sees it as a trade.

"Teacher Chen, I saw you teaching students fitness in the yoga room today, and I really want to observe your one-word horse level."

Lin Jiang has a soft spot for one-word horses, and among his women, Li Xinyu is the only one who can split a one-word horse, but since she became pregnant, he has not felt the magic of one-word horses for several months.

"One word horse?"

Chen Fang glanced down at the cheongsam on her body, wearing this kind of clothes, how to split a horse?

Moreover, this Mr. Lin has too many things, shouldn't he go straight to the point? What to see a word horse?

Lin Jiang glanced at a row of long red tables in the hotel room, although this kind of table was not as wide as the desk, it was three meters long.

"Teacher Chen, I think ordinary one-word horses are difficult for you, why don't you put a one-word horse on this table?" Lin Jiang knocked on the mahogany table.


Chen Fang can become a yoga teacher in a fitness institution, and the level of a word horse is good, but it is the first time she has split a word horse on the table.

"Teacher Chen, I'll hold you, you can just chop down." Lin Jiang hugged Chen Fang from behind and put her on the table.

Chen Fangjiao's body trembled violently, and she said busily: "Wait... Mr. Lin, I took off my cheongsam. "

Her cheongsam, but a big-name Republican style cheongsam, is worth tens of thousands, if it is a split horse, it will definitely split the cheongsam.

Lin Jiang could only put her down in embarrassment.

Chen Fang took off the cheongsam in front of him, wearing underwear, glanced at the table that was one meter high, Liu Mei slightly frowned, with her yoga skills, she split a word horse on the table, she had the confidence to split down.

The only fly in the ointment is that the table is a little too narrow and not wide enough.

"Teacher Chen, are you ready?" Lin Jiang asked.

Chen Fang nodded gently.

Then, Lin Jiang wrapped his arms around her thin waist and supported her legs with the other, and carried her to the table.

Chen Fang pressed her palms against the wall, her back straightened, and her legs slowly split to the sides.

She forgot to take off her high heels just now, so she didn't dare to move too much when she chopped down.

Lin Jiang pressed his hands on her thin waist, holding it and slowly chopping down.

This kind of difficult one-word horse, ordinary dance students can not chop at all.

However, Chen Fang can chop down with ease, which shows the depth of dance skills.

At this time, Lin Jiang held her from behind and started driving piles.




The mobile phone that Chen Fang threw on the sofa rang.

Lin Jiang turned around and took the mobile phone, glanced at it, and the caller ID was Zhang Juncheng.

He wanted to hang up directly.

But on second thought, hanging up is easy to be suspected.

So, he handed the mobile phone to Chen Fang, who was splitting a horse.

Chen Fang pressed one hand against the wall, held the mobile phone in the other, and pressed the answer button.


"I'm at work."

"Give students an hour of class today."

"You're coming to pick me up? No thanks. "

"Go eat Western food, I'm tired today and don't want to eat anything."

"Ahhh... It's okay, when I split it just now, the legs ... Leg cramps. "

"Ahhh... Hurt....... "

"Hurt... arrived. "

"Old... It really hurts.... "

"Husband... Do not say...... I'm going to be busy. "

The other end of the phone.

In an underground garage. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhang Juncheng sat on the big run and frowned.

Listening to the painful screams of my wife on the phone just now, it should be hurt not lightly.

He wondered if he should go to the fitness facility to see his wife?

Just then, a phone call came in.

Zhang Juncheng instantly threw Chen Fang's splitting injury aside.

On the phone, a delicate voice sounded, Zhang Juncheng's heart blossomed, the other party is the manager of the sales office of a real estate company, today he was shocked by his strength, eat a Western food in the evening, soak his feet together, and then go to the hotel to open a room, and go back before twelve o'clock.

As for his wife Chen Fang, in his mind, Chen Fang is a person with extremely traditional concepts, who will go home after work and will never stay outside for a while.

What he didn't know was that in the Shenghao Xuan Hotel not far from him, Chen Fang split a horse on the table and was ruthlessly driven by Lin Jiang.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Juncheng returned home with a disappointment.

The female manager he asked for, when eating Western food, the lion opened his mouth and asked him for a diamond necklace worth 100,000 yuan, but he did not agree.

100,000 yuan, take it to raise a lover, you can also raise it for two or three months.

So, after he and the female manager finished eating, they dispersed.

At home.

Zhang Juncheng searched the bedroom, living room, and bathroom, but did not find his wife Chen Fang.

He was a little uneasy in his heart, his wife is usually very punctual, he will go home after work, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, it has never changed, why hasn't he come back today?

He glanced at the screen of his mobile phone, and at this point in time, his wife's fitness institution had long been closed.

He opened the address book and dialed Chen Fang's number.

The phone rang over and over again.

There was just no answer.

Zhang Juncheng couldn't help but be suspicious, and continued to call Chen Fang.

On the fifth pass, Chen Fang finally picked up the phone.

"Chen Fang, why aren't you at home?"

"At the hospital."

"Why didn't you tell me when you went to the hospital?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I blame me for being too busy with work and forgetting about it."

"What hospital are you in?" I'll pick you up? "

"Wife, are you in a lot of pain, endure it a little."

"Listening to you shout so loudly, I feel sorry for you..."

"You wait, I'll pick you up now."

Hung up.

Zhang Juncheng felt that he was too much of a thing.

His wife was injured and hospitalized.

Listening to the hoarse voice she had just screamed, it was obvious that the pain was unbearable.

And he thought about the beauty manager, ignoring his wife, which is really undeserved.

Moreover, with his wife's figure and appearance, he completely exploded the female manager.

This is the real reason why he and the female manager broke up.

Zhang Juncheng hurriedly took the car keys and went out and rushed to the city hospital.

He rushed all the way to the city hospital, he called Chen Fang several times, and she did not answer.

Zhang Juncheng ran to the orthopedic inpatient department and emergency department, looking for people everywhere, but found nothing.

He wondered if Chen Fang was angry?


She must have been angry.

Otherwise, how could she not answer the phone.

Zhang Juncheng took out his mobile phone and made several more calls to Chen Fang.

On the last call, Chen Fang answered, her voice seemed to be weak and weak.

"'Wife, you're home?'

"Why don't you talk to me, I'm looking for you everywhere in the hospital."

"Are you better?"

"Okay, I see."

"I'll rush back now."

Zhang Juncheng hung up the phone and drove the big car home again.

And at this time.

San Hao Pavilion Hotel,

Chen Fang just finished splitting the last one-word horse, also known as the one-word horse against the wall.

As the name suggests, the body is next to the wall, one leg touches the ground, and the other leg extends above the head in a straight position.

Rao is her good physical strength, several hours of yoga movements, tired she is like falling apart, like what over the wall a word horse, volley a word horse, against the wall word horse, these difficult movements, not only consume physical strength, but also a test of physical toughness.

Fortunately, she withstood various tests and successfully completed the shooting of various yoga movements formulated by Lin Jiang.

After finishing things.

Lin Jiang offered to send her home.

Chen Fang did not refuse, with her current physical strength, she couldn't drive the car at all.

Fifteen minutes later.

Downstairs of a unit in an upscale complex.

A black Cullinan stopped.

Chen Fang helped the car door and walked down, waving at Lin Jiang: "See you tomorrow." "

Then, with stiff steps, she slowly came to the elevator, pressed the elevator, and entered through the elevator.

One (Wang Nuohao) minutes later.

She returned home.

Living room.

Zhang Juncheng sat on the sofa, with a bottle of canned beer in front of him, his eyes were red, as if he could eat people.

Chen Fang opened the door and came in, and when he saw Zhang Juncheng's cannibalistic expression, his heart sank, but he found it.

"What did you do?"

Zhang Juncheng glanced at Chen Fang and roared angrily.

"I just came back from the hospital."

Chen Fangliu raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "When I was teaching students movements today, I accidentally sprained my foot, and accidentally broke my leg when I went downstairs, where are you?" Who qualifies me to lose your temper with me? "

Listen to this.

Zhang Juncheng thought that Chen Fang had always been a good woman who kept her duty, and thought that he was not wrong to blame her?

He hurriedly got up from the sofa and apologized to Chen Fang: "I'm sorry, I went to the hospital to look for you for a long time, but I didn't find you, and I didn't see you when I got home..." "

"Who told you I went to the hospital?" Chen Fangdao.

"Didn't you tell me you were in the hospital?" Zhang Juncheng frowned.

"I'm talking about a private clinic next to the hospital." Chen Fangdao.

"Maybe the hospital is too noisy, I didn't hear clearly." Zhang Juncheng said.

"You disappointed me so much, today we slept separately, you slept in the master bedroom, and I slept in the second bedroom." Chen Fang limped into the second bedroom, slammed the bedroom door and locked it.

Zhang Juncheng saw the difficulty of his wife's walking, and his legs couldn't fit together, thinking that he was really a bastard, his wife was like this, how could he still be jealous.

Knock knock.

Zhang Juncheng knocked on the door of the second bedroom, and said through the door: "Wife, tomorrow morning I will give you a chicken soup to replenish your body, don't go to work tomorrow, I will call your boss personally to explain." "

In the second bedroom.

Chen Fangli ignored Zhang Juncheng.

She took her mobile phone and texted Lin Jiang: I didn't eat Yuting, it won't be fine, right? .

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 69

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