
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 7

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 7

Lin Jiang did not let Gong Xue give birth to a child at the beginning, which means to hold the warm fire and slow cook.

After all, a beautiful woman like Gong Xue, who has a rich family since childhood, if she is forced too much as soon as she starts, it is easy to backfire.

It is better to take her first, then step by step, and finally let her willingly bear him a child.

At this time, Gong Xue did not know Lin Jiang's true intentions.

If she knew that the seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man in front of her planned to let her have a baby, it was estimated that she would scare her away on the spot.

"Stay with me for one night, change your parents for peace and joy, don't you want to?" Lin Jiang frowned, his voice carrying a hint of displeasure.

Gong Xue was indeed a little reluctant.

She was very proud inside.

This threatening transaction is not acceptable.

Moreover, in her eyes, Lin Jiang is a half-old child, and it is always a little awkward to let her accompany a half-old child for one night.

Lin Jiang took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and pressed hands-free.

When the phone was connected, a majestic voice came from the other end: "What are your orders?" "

"Chang Rong, president of the Changjiang Road Construction Bank, a former subordinate of the rule man, lent money in violation of regulations, had hundreds of millions of bad debts, and received bribes of more than 20 million..."

Lin Jiang's words were not finished.

Then he heard Gong Xue's slightly hurried voice sound: "I promise you." "

A smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and he said to the person on the other end of the phone: "I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear anything." "


The voice on the other end of the phone had a hint of respect.

Hung up.

Lin Jiang raised his eyes and swept towards Gong Xue.

At this moment, her heart was tense, and her watery eyes were full of shock and fear.

Although she didn't know who Ning Jiang had called just now, she knew that once the matter was exposed, her mother's future would be ruined, and she would have to go in and squat.

Therefore, in a hurry, she couldn't care so much, so she agreed to Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang glanced at the time, it was half past six in the afternoon.

Immediately, he pulled over the chair and sat down, kicked off the sneakers on his feet, gave Gong Xue a look, and asked her to take a bath.

"I... That one......? "

Gong Xue looked a little embarrassed, and she stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?" Lin Jiangdao.

"I... You buy boxes of plastic cases. Gong Xue's face was as white as beautiful jade, and a blush appeared.

Lin Jiang shook his head and refused, "I never wear that thing." "


Gong Xueliu frowned, what if she didn't take precautions and won the bid?

So far, she hasn't had a relationship with anyone and doesn't want to win the bid the first time.

"Ten minutes."

Lin Jiang glanced at the bathroom, and the meaning was self-evident.

Gong Xue saw that his attitude was resolute, and he knew that any further words would not help, so he nodded his head lightly, turned around and entered from the bathroom.

About ten minutes later.

Next door, room 7888.

Chen Huang was leaning on the head of the bed to rest.


She heard the sound of a bed shaking next door.

It stands to reason that a high-end hotel like Furong Court should have a good sound insulation effect.

But she clearly heard the movement next door.

She didn't want to know what was going on next door.

What made her wonder was what kind of man next door was, how the force was so great, and the walls on her side trembled slightly.

Chen Huang's sunny and handsome face appeared in Chen Huang's mind, and he thought that the man next door was no different from Lin Jiang's ferocity.

Half an hour later.

Chen shook his ears, and his face was broken by blowing bombs, flashing with a wisp of resentment.

Another half an hour later.

Chen Huang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the torturous voice finally stopped.

But after a while, the ferocious roar sounded again.

Chen Shao had an urge to call the police, which was too loud to disturb the people.

At night.

It's past nine o'clock.

Chen Shao was half-asleep when he heard someone in the next room shouting for help.

She suddenly became excited, could it be that she had misjudged it?


She took out her cell phone and dialed the 110 police number.


"Someone next door to room 7888 of the Seremban Court Hotel shouted for help."

"Okay, you guys hurry up."

Put your phone down.

Chen Huang carefully listened to the movement next door.

The woman was hysterically yelling for help.

And the man was laughing.

She could almost conclude that this was a premeditated strong woman's fight.

She couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman next door, what kind of man she had met, who actually destroyed her with such a hysterical howl.

About seven or eight minutes later.

Several police officers came out of the elevator and came to room 7888.

As soon as they arrived at the door of room 7888, they heard someone in the next room shouting for help.

The police officer on duty immediately made a decision and asked the attendant to enter the electronic lock code.

After the door opened, the police officers on duty rushed in first, shouting:

"Police, don't move."

"Don't move."

In the room.

Lin Jiang was in the middle of the charge, and suddenly saw the police break in.

His eyes were quick, and he rolled up the quilt and wrapped him and Gong Xue up.

"What for?"

Lin Jiang's expression was slightly angry.

"Someone reported it, someone in your room shouted for help." The policeman with the shift said with a serious face.


Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

Could it be that Gong Xue's life-saving voice was too loud and was misunderstood.

And Gong Xue, who was wrapped in a quilt, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally someone came to save her, otherwise, if it went on like this, she felt that she would really die.

"Sorry, my girlfriend and I were happy today, we had a little fun." Lin Jiang explained casually.

The policeman who led the shift glanced at him suspiciously, and then looked at Gong Xue in the quilt and said, "You two put on your clothes and show your ID cards." "

Finish talking.

The police officer with the shift led the others out of the room.

A few minutes later.

Room doorway.

The police officer who led the class said with a serious face: "You are college students, you should pay attention to the impact, the disturbance of the people at night, and the other guests of the noisy hotel do not sleep well." "

"And your girlfriend, what kind of call for help, can that be called casually?"

Under the covers.

When Gong Xue heard this, her white jade face turned crimson.

"We will definitely pay attention to the impact in the future." Lin Jiang thought that he had to find a soundproof room in the future, otherwise, he just had a good time, so he let the police come to the door and disturb his interest.

"Okay, you two don't toss anymore, go to bed early." The police officer with the class secretly shook his head, and the current college students are playing too much.


The civilian police officers and other civilian police officers left the room.

Police officer A sighed: "Young is good, when I was his age, I fought all night." "

Police officer B said: "You just blow it, and fight all night at dawn." "

Police officer C said: "That female college grew up really beautiful, if I had such a girlfriend when I was young, I would be happy to live ten years less." "

The police officer who led the shift reprimanded: "What to say one by one, as a police officer, be cautious in your words and deeds.... "

In the room.

Lin Jiang did not stop at all because of the education of the police, as soon as they left on the front foot, he took Gong Xue out of the bed with his back foot and continued the unfinished business.

Next door.

Chen Huang really wanted to cry without tears.

It's hard to stop.

The mountain began to shake again.

She couldn't help but secretly scold, is that man still human!

What she didn't know was that Lin Jiang drank goji berries and yellow essence medicinal wine all year round, and the yang qi was too strong, and it was hard to find a catharsis, and he would not die.

At night.

Around twelve.

The next room finally stopped.

No more movement was heard.

Chen Shao gradually fell asleep.


Early morning.

After Lin Jiang woke up, he washed up and prepared to go to Nanhai University for classes.

And Gong Xue's situation is a bit bad, and she may have to rest for two or three days.

"You... Can you help me buy a box of Yuting? Gong Xue's voice was a little hoarse, her body was sore and weak, and she couldn't move, so she could only ask Lin Jiang to buy her a box of Yuting.


Lin Jiang promised very happily, but he was smiling secretly in his heart, he wished that Gong Xue was pregnant with this, how could he help her buy Yuting.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 7

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