
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 71

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 71


Zhao Wenyun's eyes surged with a hint of heartbeat.

According to medical authorities.

When two genetically excellent people combined, the child born will be more powerful.

Lin Jiang's genes needless to say, in Zhao Wenyun's eyes, his genes may have changed, otherwise, how could he be stronger than two normal people.

And her genes are not to mention, after all, she is very confident in her appearance.

If the two of them combine and give birth to a child, not only will they have a good appearance, a smart brain, and their bodies may be more different from ordinary people.

But her career has just reached a critical time, and she does not want to delay her career because of giving birth.

Let alone.

Giving birth to a child is not a combination of two people, can be born, at least there must be a name, otherwise, the child is born, the hukou is a problem.


Zhao Wenyun Zhu's lips opened lightly, and he stopped talking.

"Don't worry that having a child will affect your career, with me, your career will be smooth sailing in the future." Lin Jiangdao.


Zhao Wenyun's heart moved slightly.

Mixed up in the system for several years.

She gradually understood a truth.

Outstanding ability, serious work, far less than having a backer behind him.

After all, to promote a person, first look at the background behind him, and then look at the comprehensive ability.

If Lin Jiangken escorted her career and gave birth to a child, it would not be impossible.

She is now at the age of grace, and in a few years, crossing the threshold of thirty and having another child will be in danger.

"If I am trying to get pregnant and have a child, how can I take leave from work with my employer?"

Zhao Wenyun frowned, from pregnancy to childbirth, postpartum recovery, the fastest will take more than a year, she can't always take more than a year of sick leave with the unit, right?

"I'll arrange this."

Lin Jiang thought that it was very easy for him to make a phone call, and he could give Zhao Wenyun a long vacation to study in the province or abroad.

Zhao Wenyun nodded slightly, Lin Jiangken came forward to solve it, there will definitely be no problem, but how will her father explain it?

After all, she lives at home, and if she is pregnant, her belly will grow bigger day by day.

"What other concerns?" Lin Jiang asked.

"How do my parents explain this? When a child is born, where is the hukou? Who will raise it? Zhao Wenyun also didn't care about the shyness in her heart and asked directly.

"Your parents... First conceal, I'll figure out a way to register the account. Lin Jiang thought to herself that as long as she was willing to give birth to a child, any problem would not be a problem.

Zhao Wenyun pondered for a short while, and nodded slightly, if Lin Jiang must have a child, he can only do this, step by step.

After Lin Jiang got Zhao Wenyun, he directly took her to the beach to skewer and drink draft beer.

After finishing the incident, the two shook in the car for two hours.

Zhao Wenyun will go to work tomorrow, and she can't shake for too long.

Lin Jiang is not reluctant, he has been feeling for himself for a long time, and he will be more square in the future.

Two days later.

Shahai villa area.

In villa number two.

The child in Chen Shao's belly is more than six months old.

Today, her belly is getting bigger every day.

Lin Jiang accompanied her to check it, and the child's fetal position was very correct.

Through the abdominal ultrasound, it can be basically determined that Chen Huang is carrying a boy in his stomach.

This made Lin Jiang very happy, as if he had seen the scene of the Lin family's prosperity.

All day, he didn't even go to school and stayed by Chen Huang's side.

After all, a pregnant woman is very lonely in her heart and needs a man to talk with her to relieve her boredom.

In the afternoon, he ate at Chen Huang's place, then went to see Gong Xue, and her stomach gradually bulged, but she was one month pregnant than Chen Huangxi, and the child was only five months old.

Since she was pregnant, Gong Xue has no longer had the arrogance of a cold school flower, and she likes to be clingy very much, and every time she catches Lin Jiang, she won't let him go, and Lin Jiang is very helpless.

However, in order to have many children and blessings, Lin Jiang let her stick to her every time, and when she really couldn't bear it, she would find a reason to leave casually.

No, as soon as Gong Xue saw him, she pulled him to do prenatal education for the child, memorizing the three-character scripture, English, and history.

After doing the prenatal education, he was busy picking out the maternity clothes for the next stage for Gong Xue.

"Husband, let me tell you something." Gong Xue Shen mysteriously said.

"What's going on?" Lin Jiangdao.

"I found out that your cousin Liu Hua is also pregnant." Gong Xue whispered.


Lin Jiang's expression was stunned.

How did Gong Xue find out?

Liu Hua is only about a month pregnant and counts the full count.

"How is that possible?" Lin Jiang pretended to be unbelieving and asked.

"Really, I went to see her today and found that she had signs of morning sickness, and the recipe on her table was a recipe for early pregnant women." Miyayuki Trail.

"Oh... Isn't pregnancy normal? Lin Jiang wanted to find an opportunity to take Liu Hua away from the villa area, otherwise, after a long time, Gong Xue would know that he was the culprit of Liu Hua's big belly.

Although this kind of thing will be exposed sooner or later, at least until the child is safely on the ground.

"Not normal."

Gong Xue whispered: "Liu Hua is such a proud person, how can she get pregnant out of wedlock?" "

"What do you mean?" Lin Jiang couldn't help but feel a little weak.

"I am pregnant with the child in her belly, which may be her ex-fiancé Cheng Haoan." Miyayuki Trail.

Lin Jiang suddenly put his heart into his stomach.

Cheng Haoan...... This buddy is a real person, send him a woman, and give him a black pot.

In the future, when he has the opportunity, he will definitely thank Cheng Haoan in person.

"Cheng Haoan, that scum..." While condemning Cheng Haoan, Lin Jiang thanked Cheng Haoan fiercely in his heart.

"That scum is now a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats, Liu Hua is really pitiful, there is such an ex-fiancé on the stall." Gong Xue couldn't help but sympathize with Liu Hua in her heart, and sure enough, the political marriage was a tragedy.

"I'll go see her later." Lin Jiangdao.

"Go, now is the time for her loved ones to comfort her." Gong Xue chuckled.

Lin Jiang accompanied Gong Xue for a while, then greased the soles of his feet and quickly slipped away.

Liu Hua's sea-view villa is not far from Gong Xue's residence, about two hundred meters on foot.

At first, he arranged Liu Hua to the closest place to Gong Xue to facilitate their movement.

But now it seems that the two of them are not suitable to live so close, otherwise, they will continue to move around like this.

With Liu Hua's cleverness, he will inevitably find out that the child in Gong Xue's belly is his.

Gong Xue will also find out that Liu Hua is pregnant with his species.

In this way, the girlfriend turned against him, and he suffered not to mention it, and he had to affect the children in their bellys.

Come to Liuhua's villa.

Liu Hua is studying the theoretical knowledge of the test editor.

She is a proper student.

As long as I have time, I read books and study.

Lin Jiang came to the living room and waited for a long time before she put down the book.

"Why are you here?" Liu Huamei's eyes crossed a trace of doubt, she didn't come to Lin Jiang this afternoon, he couldn't say it, why did he suddenly come over.

"I'm here to discuss something with you." Lin Jiang said solemnly.

"What's going on?" Liu Huamei's eyes surged with a trace of doubt, Lin Jiang was rare to have such a serious time.

"I found you a villa with convenient transportation elsewhere so that you can go shopping." Lin Jiangdao.

"Not going."

Liu Hua shook his head gently: "I live here very well, with Gong Xue accompanying me, the two of us can visit the door and chat at any time." "

"You are pregnant now, the wind is strong by the sea, and it is easy to get cold." Lin Jiangdao.

"It's okay to have a babysitter to take care of." Liu Hua also thought that Lin Jiang was caring about her, and he couldn't help but feel a little sweetness in his heart.

"You think again." A wry smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, if Liu Hua had been living here, the day he couldn't keep it, his identity as the child's father would be exposed.

"The child in Gong Xue's belly is five months old, now is the time to be accompanied by someone, as her good friend, how can I leave her at this time, after all, she is alone." Liu Hua Dao.

"How do you know that people are helpless?" Lin Jiangdao.

"Although Gong Xue has always been reluctant to reveal who the biological father of the child in her belly is, but for such a long time, I haven't seen him visit Gong Xue once, which shows that this person is morally corrupt and has a despicable character..." Liu Hua was indignant and hugged his girlfriend.

What she didn't see was that Lin Jiang's handsome face changed color slightly.

"Anyway, you can't live here, I'll move tomorrow." Lin Jiang was determined that he had to let Liu Hua move out of here.

"Don't move." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Liu Hua thought to himself that he took the wrong medicine today, living in a sea-view villa to raise a baby, the air is fresh and leisurely, why did he move away?

"For the sake of the children, it has to be moved." Lin Jiangdao.

Liu Hua couldn't resist him, so he had to discuss with him and move away in a month.

Lin Jiang thought for a while, in a month, the identity of the child's father should not be exposed?

He thought about it and promised Liu Hua that he would move away in a month.

It was late that day.

He stayed at Liuhua's place.

Although Liu Hua is pregnant.

But after all, it has only been a month or two.

The tummy is also not noticeable.

Can't drive piles.

But it is possible to play single-player games.

Give her chicken.



Lin Jiang had breakfast at Liu Hua's place and hurried to school.

It is worth mentioning that the school's notice on the handling of broken shoes Fang Jing came down, expelled from the school, and never hired.

Fang Jing made a complete name for Nanhai University on the Internet this time.

When netizens mention Nanhai University, they will first say the two-minute and nine-second video of Fang Jing.

The school has set up a disciplinary investigation team to investigate illegal activities such as shaking cars, drilling into groves, and dormitories.

Even hotels, guesthouses, foot baths, bars and other entertainment industries at the entrance of the school have been forcibly closed and rectified by the relevant departments.

Of course.

These things have nothing to do with Lin Jiang.

He came to school, still as usual, going to class, leaving class, and chatting with the fat man.

The day passed quickly.


Lin Jiang thought about going up to Yao Kesi tonight, and it was important to get down to business.

He got into the car and prepared to leave for the TV station.

The phone dinged.

He took a look.

It was sent by yoga teacher Chen Fang.

In the past two days, Chen Fang has sent him messages very frequently.

Sometimes, send him a few sexy yoga selfies.

Chen Fang sent a selfie of a horse on the ground.

Content: Do you have time today?

Lin Jiang carefully glanced at the selfie she sent a few times and replied: Yes.

Chen Fang: I'm home alone, and I'm a little bored.

Lin Jiang: What about Zhang Juncheng?

Chen Fang: He has entertainment tonight and may not come back.

Lin Jiang: Oh.

Chen Fang: How about you come to my house?

Lin Jiang: Isn't that right?

Chen Fang: Don't worry, he's not there.

Lin Jiang: I want to think....

Chen Fang: I can show you stockings.

Lin Jiang: You wait, see you in half an hour.

Put your phone down.

Lin Jiang said that this is not his business, but Teacher Chen Fang is too enthusiastic.

As a socialist youth, it is his moral obligation to be anxious for justice and righteousness.

As for Yao Kesi's side, first drag it out for a day.

Lin Jiang drove the black Cullinan car, came out of the school, and went directly to Chen Fang's house.

Last time, he sent Chen Fang home and knew the number of her unit.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Jiang parked the car downstairs of the unit, took the elevator, and came to Chen Fang's home.

Chen Fang is wearing very sexy today.

A pair of blue skinny jeans perfectly outlines the plump buttocks, and the legs are straight and round.

A white vest with an open navel was worn on it, and a pair of mountain peaks put the white vest on the verge of bursting.

Moreover, she dressed up delicately, bright and charming, a pair of watery eyes, surging with a hint of hunger.

Lin Jiang glanced at her and nodded secretly, worthy of being a yoga teacher, such an enchanting figure, at a glance, it made people move.

I don't know if Zhang Juncheng's brain was kicked by a donkey.

There is such a beautiful wife around, but she is contaminated with grass outside.

However, then again, if Zhang Juncheng didn't mess with the flowers, Chen Fang wouldn't have cheapened him.

"Teacher Chen."

Lin Jiang's head chuckled.

"You wait a minute, I'll go change clothes."

Chen Fang smiled coquettishly and hurriedly went to the bedroom to change her stockings.

Lin Jiang sat on the sofa in the living room, cocked Erlang's legs, lit a cigarette, and smoked.

A few minutes later.

Chen Fang came out of the bedroom.

She wears a sexy one-piece black silk.

Lin Jiang's eyes straightened when he saw it.

No wonder the world says that Auntie is good.

It turns out that the aunt is Maka.

Chen Fangguan smiled and turned around in front of Lin Jiang.

Then, her palms merged together, and a pair of straight long black silk legs slowly split down.

Landing horses like this.

With Teacher Chen Fang's level, he can easily chop it down, and there is no difficulty at all.


Lin Jiang applauded Chen Fang's black silk landing horse, which was too wonderful.

Chen Fang's face was spring, and a pair of spring eyes flashed with a trace of expectation.

"Teacher Chen, do you want to try the word horse on the coffee table." Lin Jiang glanced at the marble coffee table in front of him and said with a smile.

"A word horse on the coffee table?"

Chen Fang's expression surged with a hint of excitement.

She slowly got up from the ground.

Came to the coffee table and visually measured the length of the coffee table, about one and a half meters long.

The length of her legs is 0.95 meters, and the combined length of her legs is 1.9 meters, which is 0.4 meters more than the coffee table.

"Will you give me a try?"

Chen Fang threw a wink at Lin Jiang.

PS, ask for flowers monthly pass evaluation, thank you and...

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 71

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