
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 72

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 72

One word horse, the requirements for the toughness of the body are very high.

And the toughness of Chen Fang's body is definitely a trickle.

I saw that she easily chopped down, and her legs gradually came close to the coffee table.

"I haven't seen it for a few days, and Teacher Chen's level is still so powerful." Lin Jiang smiled and hugged her from behind.

The corners of Chen Fang's sexy lips crossed a hint of pride.

She has practiced yoga since she was a child, and her body is very tough, not to mention a word horse, it is an international high-difficulty yoga movement, and she can also put it out with ease.

"Go to the yoga studio another day, and I'll perform you the hardest yoga move." Chen Fang smiled charmingly.

"Oh, the hardest yoga move, how hard is it?" Lin Jiang was slightly interested.

"Tightrope in the air."

Chen Fangjiao explained: "Hang two red knots in the air, spread your legs, and run parallel. "

"Sounds interesting."

Lin Jiang thought that the so-called aerial tightrope horse is similar to aerial acrobatics, and he must take a good look another day.

Evening, around seven o'clock.

A black run, parked under the unit.

Zhang Juncheng came out of the big running car, and with a quick glance, there was a black Cullinan luxury car parked downstairs in the unit, which was a man's favorite.

He hurriedly circled the car, thinking that the young man who was at the TV station that day also drove such a Cullinan.

Wait for him to take a few more big orders, have plenty of money, and also buy such a Cullinan Chong façade.

Zhang Juncheng thought that he still had business to do, so he hurriedly entered from the unit building and entered the elevator.

In the elevator, he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Fang, but no one answered. "Eight Zero Zero" "What are you doing?" "

Zhang Juncheng shook his head and thought more.


The elevator doors open.

He came to the door, entered the code, and pushed the door in.

"Wife, I'm back."

Zhang Juncheng shouted, and hurriedly went to rummage through the drawers under the TV cabinet in the living room.

In the bedroom.

Lin Jiang was bare-chested and condescending, holding a cigarette in one hand, smoking it.


Zhang Juncheng's big voice sounded outside, and Lin Jiang was shocked.



Chen Fang's voice was full of panic.

She never expected that Zhang Juncheng would actually come back at this time.

Lin Jiang swept around, and the only place in the bedroom where people could be hidden was the wardrobe, and he hurriedly opened the wardrobe and went in.

Chen Fang hurriedly put on a loose pajamas, covered a torn black silk, pulled her messy hair back, and opened the bedroom door to go out.

"Didn't you say that there was entertainment in the evening?"

Chen Fang hated Zhang Juncheng in his heart, and naturally would not give him a good face.

"Where is the contract I got back yesterday?" Zhang Juncheng was rummaging through the cabinets in the living room, and asked without raising his head.

"I don't know." Chen Fang said coldly.

Zhang Juncheng thought that she was still angry, so he didn't care.

He found the contract under the coffee table, took it and turned to go out.

Unexpectedly, I found a lot of paper towels thrown on the floor of the living room.

He frowned: "Wife, why is there so much garbage on the ground?" "

"I have a stuffy nose today."

Chen Fangliu's eyebrows frowned, and she moved wisely, so she was displeased.

Seeing Chen Fang's cold face, Zhang Juncheng quickly picked up all the waste paper towels on the ground and threw them into the trash.

"Wife, I have entertainment in the evening, I may come back late, you sleep by yourself first."

Zhang Juncheng took the contract and hurried out.

Chen Fang saw that he was ready to go out, and he couldn't be more happy in his heart.

Zhang Juncheng walked to the door, turned around and waved to Chen Fang: "Wife... Again....... "

From the time he entered the door until now, he had not carefully looked at Chen Fang's expression, and the glance before leaving the door made him suspicious.

Zhang Juncheng walked slowly towards Chen Fang and frowned, "What is the corner of your mouth?" "


Chen Fang was shocked in his heart, it was not that there were residual bullets.

She hurriedly wiped it with her hand, and sure enough, it was a missed bullet.

"Why are you different today?" The more Zhang Juncheng looked at it, the more puzzled he became, Chen Fang is a delicate woman, even at home, she is completely delicate.

"I was just putting on a mask." Chen Fang replied nonchalantly.


Zhang Juncheng nodded slowly, thinking that it was the remnants of the mask.

"Are you okay?" Chen Fangdao.

"It's okay."

Zhang Juncheng shook his head, thinking that maybe he was suspicious.


He turned and went out the door and took the elevator down.

Chen Fang heard the elevator go down, hurriedly went to the bedroom to open the wardrobe, and said, "He's gone." "

Lin Jiang came out of the wardrobe naked, thinking that Zhang Juncheng was compared to this, such an obvious scene, he was stunned and couldn't see it, he deserved to be hatted.

He came to the bedroom window, looked downstairs for a few seconds, and after more than ten seconds, he saw Zhang Juncheng walking towards a big running car.

Lin Jiang pulled Chen Fang over and asked her to stand at the window and look down.

"He's leaving... Yes....... "

Chen Fang saw Zhang Juncheng walking to the big running car and preparing to get into the car, at this time, Lin Jiang launched a surprise attack from behind, and Chen Fang, who was in pain, let out a loud cry.


Zhang Juncheng opened the door of the big car and prepared to get into the car.

But there was a faint feeling of unease in my heart.

Then I think of my wife Chen Fang's abnormality today.

He decided to turn around and take another look.


He closed the car door and headed back home.

In front of the window.

Chen Fang was roaring hysterically.

Suddenly, she glanced down, and Zhang Juncheng, who was supposed to get in the car and leave, turned around and walked towards the unit building.

Chen Fang hurriedly twisted his buttocks, threw Lin Jiang out, and said in a panic: "He's back again." "

Lin Jiang stretched out his head and looked down, Zhang Juncheng was walking in from the unit building.

"He might have discovered something?" Chen Fang said urgently.

"Don't panic, if he questions you in a while, you will slap him twice and let him get out." After Lin Jiang finished speaking, he went directly to bed, pulled the quilt and lay down.


Chen Fang looked shocked, can this work?

"As long as you are strong enough, he will not suspect it." Lin Jiangdao.


Chen Fang nodded busily, and immediately, in front of Lin Jiang, she took off the hole and black silk, sorted out her appearance, went out of the bedroom, came to the living room sofa and sat down, waiting for Zhang Juncheng to enter the door.

After a short while.

Zhang Juncheng pushed the door in.

He came to the living room.

I saw Chen Fang wearing pajamas, holding Erlang's legs, sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a glass of water in her hand.

"Why are you back again?" Chen Fang didn't seem surprised at all, as if she knew he was coming back.

"I... I forgot to get my car keys. "

Zhang Juncheng thought to himself, could it be that he was suspicious.

Chen Fang saw that the car keys were in Zhang Juncheng's hands, but did not expose his lies.

"That... You rest, I'll go first. "

Zhang Jun smiled sincerely, and the moment he turned around, he saw a cigarette butt in the ashtray.

He hurriedly picked up the ashtray and took a closer look, it was actually Hanako. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And he never smoked huazi.

"Say, who is this person?" Zhang Juncheng's anger burned and he roared loudly.

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Fang's heart was panicked, but his face was calm.

"Who is the person who smoked this huazi?" Zhang Juncheng shouted angrily.

"Today there is an insurance salesman at home, they smoked cigarettes, is there a problem?" Chen Fang replied calmly.

"Why do you take me for a fool? Can an insurance salesman smoke a huazi? Zhang Juncheng roared.


Chen Fang got up from the sofa and slapped her hand with a wave of her hand.

This slap.

Directly stunned Zhang Juncheng.

"My feet hurt these days, my legs hurt, have you ever managed me, now you actually accuse me, I tell you, the people who come to the house today are insurance sales employees, you don't believe you can adjust the monitoring." Chen Fang said angrily.

Zhang Juncheng's anger slowly extinguished.

If Chen Fang really had a ghost, he would never let him adjust the surveillance.

But what she can say is enough to prove that she has no ghosts in her heart.

"I'm sorry, but I'm suspicious."

Zhang Juncheng took the initiative to apologize, thinking that he would find time another day and go to the property to raise the monitoring.


Chen Fang said coldly.

"You dissipate your breath, I'll go first."

Zhang Juncheng saw that Chen Fangfa was so angry, and he quickly flashed people.

As soon as he left.

Chen Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that Lin Jiang's method was really effective, he slapped Zhang Juncheng and let him leave in ashes.

Immediately, she turned and went to the bedroom.

This time.

She and Lin Jiang stood in front of each other in the window and looked down.

Lin Jiang drove piles in the back.

She howled as she looked down 0.......

It wasn't until she saw Zhang Juncheng running away with her own eyes that she closed the curtains with confidence....


Around the wee hours of the morning.

Zhang Juncheng was drunk and was taken home by a friend.

Tonight, he drank too much wine, white, beer, red, and several kinds of wine mixed together, and directly drank him to pieces.

Zhang Juncheng slept on the floor of the living room, and his snoring sounded heaven-shaking.

What he didn't know was that in the second bedroom across the door from him, his wife Chen Fang's voice was louder than his snoring.

Three or four o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Juncheng was woken up by a urge to urinate, and went to the bathroom in a daze, and when he passed the door of the second bedroom, he heard snoring inside, thinking that Chen Fang never snored when he slept, why is he snoring so loudly today!

He was dizzy and didn't think much about it, went to the bathroom to pee, turned around and went to the master bedroom to sleep.

When he woke up.

It was past nine o'clock in the morning.

He hurriedly dressed, washed his face, and prepared to go out.

But I saw that on the table, there were several plates of leftovers, including chicken, eggs, and beef soup.

Zhang Juncheng didn't think much about it, thinking that Chen Fang was eating the rest, so he picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

"Who let you eat?"

Chen Fang's voice came from the kitchen.

"Thank you wife for breakfast." Zhang Juncheng thought that Chen Fang was still angry, and said with a playful smile.

In the kitchen.

Chen Fang's pale and haggard face surged with a touch of disgust, this love breakfast was made by her for Lin Jiang, even if Lin Jiang didn't finish eating, she didn't want to give it to Zhang Juncheng.

"Wife, have you not slept well lately, how do you snore when you sleep?" Zhang Juncheng asked while eating.

Chen Fang thought to himself, could it be that Lin Jiang was snoring?

This is also normal, after all, Lin Jiang has been busy until more than two o'clock in the morning yesterday, and his physical exertion is too great.

"What's the matter with you."

Chen Fang limped out of the restaurant.

"You... Is it sick, why is his face so white? And your feet, are they broken again? "

When Zhang Juncheng saw Chen Fang's pale face, he was immediately startled, and he disappeared for a while, why was she so haggard?

And her feet, how it felt worse than the previous two days

"You don't have to."

Chen Fang had a cold face, limped back to the second bedroom, thinking that she was happy to be so haggard every day.

She returned to the second bedroom, lay down directly, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to Lin Jiang.

Chen Fang: Have you eaten enough for breakfast?

Lin Jiang: Full.

Chen Fang: Husband, you are awesome.

Lin Jiang: Did you call it wrong?

Fang Chen: Huh? What should that call you?

Lin Jiang: What is your name in the morning?

Chen Fang: Dad.

Lin Jiang: Good.

Chen Fang: I didn't eat Yuting, it won't be fine, right?

Lin Jiang 3.8: If there is, you will be born and let Zhang Juncheng raise it for me.

Fang Chen: You're a bad person, but I like it.

Lin Jiang: By the way, you went to the hospital today to take a look.

Chen Fang: Zhang Juncheng's nasty fly hasn't left yet, and when he's gone, I'll go to the hospital to check it out.

Lin Jiang: Well.

Chen Fang: What you put in in the morning, I don't want it to go out.

Lin Jiang: It's okay, I'll give you more in two days.

Chen Fang: Bad guys, you put enough of it.

Lin Jiang: I am young and do not lack this thing.

Zhang Juncheng was eating Lin Jiang's leftovers outside, thinking that his wife was still good, he was emaciated like that, and he made him breakfast....

After eating, Zhang Juncheng knocked on the second bedroom door: "Wife, I talked about a big list yesterday night, your BMW three series, it should also be changed, I will go and bring you a BMW five series today." "

Finish speaking.

He went out of the living room, pressed the elevator, and waited for the elevator to come up.

At this time, the neighbor's aunt on the opposite side opened the door and came out.

The first thing the neighbor's aunt said when she saw Zhang Juncheng was: "Xiao Zhang, can you converge a little in the future, we all live on the same floor, look up and don't look down, Aunt doesn't want to talk about you, but you are too much, knowing that you are young, but you can't do it endlessly, our family still has children, let them listen badly." "

Zhang Juncheng touched his head embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Aunt, I will definitely change it in the future." "

He thought that he must be snoring too loudly and arguing about his aunt's house.

Then again, this house is also quite fucked, and the sound insulation is so poor that a snoring can be heard by the neighbors.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 72

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