
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 73

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 73

Campus life is boring and boring.

In addition to playing games every day, Lin Jiang went to find Zhao Wenyun shaking the car.

Or go to Yao Kesi to play office love.

Or go to a fitness institution and find Chen Fang to play a word horse.

It seems that his life is very lubricated.

But carefully a product, like a pile driver, repeats yesterday's things day after day.

What made Lin Jiang happy was that Chen Huang's belly was getting bigger and bigger day by day.

Every time he looked at her big belly, he felt a sense of satisfaction and a hint of excitement.

And Gong Xue, her belly is also getting bigger day by day.

There is also Li Xinyu, her belly is also getting bigger day by day.

Whenever he saw them with big bellies, Lin Jiang's spirit would be greatly lifted, as if he had beaten chicken blood.

He counted the days.

There is only more than a month left before the day of Chen Shao's production.

There are two months until the day of Miyayuki's birth.

It was more than two months before Li Xinyu gave birth.

There are three months before the day of Qiao Xin's birth.

There are seven months since the day of Liu Hua's birth.

At present, Yao Kesi is the most likely to be pregnant.

There is also Zhao Wenyun, she also has a great chance of winning the bid this month.

As for Chen Fang, Lin Jiang didn't take her into account at all.

It is worth mentioning.

The things that Lin Jiang asked Wu Yindi to do have already been done.

In an upscale villa in Longhua District.

A private maternity hospital was established.

This private maternity hospital has four women obstetricians and 12 nurses, and has a variety of advanced medical equipment.

In the villa opposite the maternity hospital, there is a confinement center, which invites more than a dozen professionally trained confinement sisters-in-law and two cooks to make various nutritious meals.

It can be said that Lin Jiang prepared everything he could prepare, and when the time came, he sent Chen Huang and them to the delivery room.

This day.


The sun is like fire.

A black Cullinan car crashed into the TV station.

A handsome young man of eighteen or nineteen years old got out of Cullinan's car and walked in from the TV station office building with strong steps. 07 Second floor.


Yao Kesi sat at his desk, with a beautiful and moving cheek, shining with a bit of joy.

In front of her, a pregnancy test stick was placed on which two bars were displayed.

Yes, she's pregnant.

Although I don't know when I got pregnant.

But definitely this month.

Since she promised Lin Jiang, she would no longer steal Yu Ting.

She felt that something was wrong with her body, her appetite improved, and her sleep quality improved.

Colleagues praised her and said she was brilliant during this time.

In this matter, she had to admire Lin Jiang, too powerful, said to let her get pregnant, really pregnant.

She secretly pondered that after work today, she would give Lin Jiang a surprise.


The office door was pushed open from the outside.

Lin Jiang flashed into the office, his expression was a little wrong, his face was a little flushed, and his eyes were shining like a hungry wolf.

"You are here, a happy event to leave you."

Yao Kesi's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and she hurriedly stood up from the office chair, walked towards Lin Jiang with a pair of round long legs.


Lin Jiang didn't say a word.

A pair of hands directly hugged her waist, and an arrow rushed to the desk, rudely putting her down on the desk.

Yao Kesi was taken aback, Lin Jiang, what's wrong?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jiang pulled her hip-wrapped skirt down.

"Stop... Stop it....... "

"I'm pregnant."

Yao Kesi's crisp voice sounded in Lin Jiang's ears.

He sobered up a lot.

A look of joy welled up in his expression.

These days, he has not cultivated Yao Kesi's good land.

Today I finally waited for the good news that the crops were growing.


At the moment, his situation is slightly bad.

At noon today, he took a pair of Chinese medicine that nourishes the kidney and essence, which almost killed him.

He felt that if he didn't vent it out, he would really explode and die.

But Yao Kesi is pregnant.

Resolutely not touched.

After all, the first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous, forbidden to have sex.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yao Kesi looked at Lin Jiang's expression, his expression surged with a trace of shock, his appearance was really a little terrifying, more frightening than a wolf.

"I'm fine."

Lin Jiang frowned tightly, "It's a good thing to be pregnant, I'll come to you in the evening." "

The voice just fell.

He hurried out of the office.

Yao Kesi sorted out her clothes and got down from her desk, which really frightened her just now.

If Lin Jiang hadn't heard the news of her pregnancy, he would definitely not have stopped.

With his cannibalistic state today, whether she can walk out of the office is unknown.

She couldn't help but thank the child in her belly for saving her once.

After all, she had followed Lin Jiang for several months, and she had a deep understanding of his toughness.


Lin Jiang hurried out of the office building.

At the door of the office building, he ran into Qi Tiangang of the TV station.

"Mr. Lin." Qi Tiangang smiled and hurriedly said hello.

"Director Qi." Lin Jiang nodded and drove to Cullinan.

"Mr. Lin, wait a minute."

Qi Tian just hurriedly called out to Lin Jiang and said, "There is a drinking party on TV station tonight..." "

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jiang had already rushed to the Cullinan car, and after getting into the car, he stepped the accelerator down, and the car disappeared from the TV station compound with a roar.

"This... What's going on? "

Qi Tiangang looked confused, thinking that all this time, he had offered Mr. Lin as an ancestor, didn't make him unhappy?

Could it be that Yao Kesi upset Mr. Lin?

That shouldn't either.

He knew that during this time, Mr. Lin often went to Yao Kesi's office.

Moreover, it takes an hour or two to go in every time.

Qi Tiangang frowned, thinking that he would make another appointment with Mr. Lin this evening, his rising matter had eyebrows, and he needed someone with weight to say hello to the above.

In his opinion, Mr. Lin is the most important big man.


A Cullinan car races wildly through the endless streets.

Lin Jiang threw the throttle and went to the Meiyue Fitness Club.

A few days ago.

In a private name, he bought the Meiyue Fitness Club from the owner of Meiyue Fitness Club for eight million.

Of course, he doesn't like the little money of the health club.

Buy the Bright Moon Fitness Club.

Purely to facilitate the hat with Chen Fang, Zhang Juncheng was put on a hat.

Ten minutes later.

The Cullinan car was parked downstairs at the health club.

He got out of the car and went upstairs while taking out his mobile phone to call Chen Fang.

Now at this time, Chen Fang can save him.

Otherwise, hold it back again.

He really will explode.


"Can't you hear?"

"Come to the office."


"Break the signal."

Yoga room.

Teacher Chen Fang was dressed in pink yoga clothes, with a high ponytail and a hot figure, which made many yoga practitioners secretly envious.

"Below everyone follows my movements and slowly presses down on the legs..."

Chen Fangliu's eyebrows were lightly raised, the yoga room was a closed space, the signal was not good, she couldn't hear what Lin Jiang was saying, after hanging up the phone, she continued to teach the staff to press their legs....

A minute later.

Lin Jiang rushed in from the yoga room with red eyes.

In the shock of the female trainees, he rushed forward, carried Chen Fang on his shoulders, and left like grease on his feet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The female trainees were stunned, who is this person, too fierce, right?

When Chen Fang reacted, she had already been carried out of the yoga room by Lin Jiang.

She was ashamed and angry, in front of a group of female trainees, she was carried away by Lin Jiang, where did she put her face?

Lin Jiang didn't care so much, and directly carried Chen Fang to the general manager's office.

After he bought the Meiyue Fitness Club, he renovated the general manager's office and used it specifically for trysts with Chen Fang.


Lin Jiang rudely threw Chen Fang on the sofa.

"Lin Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Fang also sensed that something was wrong with him, and asked with a palpitation.

"Am I ..."

Lin Jiang's next operation directly made Chen Fang stunned.

By the time she reacted, it was too late.

Movement in the office.

It quickly attracted the attention of the staff of the Mitsuki Fitness Club.

However, no one took it seriously.

After all, what the new boss does, that is the freedom of others.

Besides, these days, former rules are everywhere.

The boss was a yoga teacher in front of him, which was normal.

But as time quietly passed.

Some staff members were acutely aware that something was wrong.

Boss, what is this doing?

It won't be beating Teacher Chen Fang, right?

Why is Teacher Chen Fang's cry so miserable.




A renovation company.

General Manager Zhang Juncheng can be described as a proud spring breeze during this time.

The success of his career made him more confident.

The only flaw.

He is over thirty years old and has no heirs.

This incident was a pain in his heart.

He knew that Chen Fang was not to blame for this, it was his own problem.

He also secretly went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor told him that he was congenital Yangwei, coupled with the hollowing out of the body by wine, so that the chance of a woman becoming pregnant was less than one.

Zhang Juncheng secretly thought of a lot of methods, didn't care about it at all, didn't lift it for a day, and raised a point.


The phone rang.

Zhang Juncheng picked up the phone.


"My wife is hospitalized?"

"When is it?"

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there."

Hung up.

Zhang Juncheng hurried to the hospital.

A hospital in the city.

Inpatient Department.

Eighth floor of gynecology.

Zhang Juncheng rushed to the gynecological inpatient department.

I met my wife Chen Fang in a ward.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Junpeng was shocked, he was fine when he went out in the morning, how to see her one day, she made it like this.

"Today's menstrual holiday is coming, the amount of exercise is a little heavy, I passed out, and my colleagues sent me to the hospital." Chen Fang was lying on the hospital bed, looking haggard, compared with the radiance of the past, it was like having a serious illness.


Zhang Juncheng frowned and said, "Aren't you on the first of every month?" "

"In advance." Chen Fang's eyes did not hide her dislike for Zhang Juncheng.

"That can't be half a month in advance." Zhang Juncheng wondered in his heart, it is normal to have a menstrual holiday two or three days in advance, and half a month in advance, which is obviously not normal.

"I'm annoyed when I see you now, if nothing happens, you hurry up." Chen Fang said in disgust.

"Okay, I won't bother you, I'm guarding outside, call me if something happens." Zhang Juncheng thought that he had to go to the doctor to find out what the situation was.

He came out of the ward and went straight to the doctor's office.

The doctor has long been paid off by Lin Jiang.

"Your wife is bleeding caused by irregular menstruation, there is no big problem, stay in the hospital for two days, hang a few bottles of anti-inflammatory pain relief drip ......."

The doctor's explanation is scientific authority, so Zhang Juncheng does not believe it.

Since there are no other factors, Zhang Juncheng naturally will not let Chen Fang go, he is like a dog, busy fetching medicine, buying food, and so on.

And the culprit Lin Jiang.

Already left the hospital.

It's so dangerous today.

If it weren't for Chen Fang saving him.

He is the one lying in the hospital now.

He couldn't help but feel the urge to beat up the old Chinese doctor.

All blame the old Chinese doctor, saying that he is young and weak and needs 407 to take Chinese medicine that nourishes the kidney and essence.

As a result, a pair of medicine went down, almost allowing him to see Yan Wangye.

But then again.

Chen Fang's situation is a bit bad.

The doctor said that she had injured her body and needed to be well treated for three or five months.

During this period, conjugal life is prohibited.

Otherwise, there is a risk of infertility later.

This made Lin Jiang slightly overwhelmed.

As for Zhang Juncheng's stupid fork, he asked the doctor to call him.

Although Chen Fang slept in a separate room with him, nominally, that silly fork was still Chen Fang's legal husband.

Get out of the hospital.

When Lin Jiang drove back to the Shahai villa area.

I received a call from Qi Tiangang, the director of the TV station.

Qi Tian had just asked him to meet him at a private club.

As for Qi Tiangang's intention to ask him to meet, he knew without guessing.

He thought about it and agreed to Qi Tiangang's appointment.

Lin Jiang is a master of weaving networks.

A person like Qi Tiangang, although it is not of great use, but occasionally where it is useful to him, he will definitely bow down and dare not slack off for half a minute.

This can be seen from his attitude towards Yao Kesi.


Around half past seven.

A glittering private clubhouse.

Lin Jiang, led by the waiter, came to Qi Tiangang's private room.

Private rooms.

There are two people in total.

A man and a woman.

The man is Qi Tiangang.

The woman is a young woman, tall and beautiful, pure and pink.

Lin Jiang came in from outside the private room.

Qi Tian just got up from his seat and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, you are here." "

The tall and beautiful young beauty also got up and nodded gently towards Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang didn't say a word, came to the sofa and sat down.

Qi Tiangang was a very eye-catching person, he saw Lin Jiang sitting down, hurriedly picked up the wine bottle, and poured Lin Jiang a glass of wine.

"Director Qi, if you have anything to say, you can say."

When Lin Jiang spoke, he glanced at the tall and beautiful young beauty, and the meaning was self-evident.

"You wait outside first, I'll have a few words with Mr. Lin." Qi Tian just gave a look to the tall and beautiful young beauty.

The latter nodded in understanding, walked out of the private room with a pair of sexy long legs.

"Mr. Lin, since I met you, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to invite you out and take a seat..."

Before Qi Tiangang's words were finished, Lin Jiang interrupted impatiently, "Let's get down to business." "


Qi Tiangang frowned and said, "It's not a secret, Shangyuan TV Station lacks a deputy director, I want to try it, I beg you to help me." "

"How do you know I can help you?" Lin Jiang thought that his appetite was not small, and he actually eyed the position of deputy director of Shangyuan TV Station, which was a fragrant bounty, and many people squeezed their heads and wanted to go up.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 73

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