
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 74

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 74

"With Mr. Lin, this little thing of mine is not a matter in your eyes."

Qi Tiangang is a smart man.

He knew to ask Mr. Lin to come forward.

Gifts cannot be less.

He took out a card from his pocket and pushed it in front of Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang glanced at the bank card in front of him.

Slowly shook his head.

He does not lack such a thing as money.


Qi Tiangang's face was a little bitter, and Mr. Lin shook his head, which was equivalent to refusing to help him, which made his heart sink to the bottom.

"Take the stuff back."

Lin Jiang said lightly: "I can help you operate this matter." "

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Qi Tiangang's heart was ecstatic, and Mr. Lin spoke, and this matter could be accomplished nine times out of ten.

"Nothing else, I'm leaving." Lin Jiang nodded slightly, ready to flash people.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Lin."

Qi Tiangang had another thing, he glanced at the door of the private room and whispered: "The school flower who just graduated from Communication University." "

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He likes beautiful women.

But he prefers to get it by his own means.

He is not rare for such beauties to be sent to him as if they were gifts.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I have arranged it, she belongs to you tonight." Qi Tiangang nodded and said with a smile, he thought he had found a horse fart to shoot well.

"No need."

Lin Jiang glanced at Qi Tiangang, thinking that there is a saying on the Internet, the thief can doubt the leader's character, don't doubt the leader's vision.

Qi Tiangang's eyes are vicious, and the tall and beautiful beauty just now is indeed good.


Qi Tiangang was slightly surprised.

Mr. Lin, what does this mean?

Could it be that you can't look at the school flower of Communication University?

You know, in order to invite a tall and beautiful woman, he promised that as long as she accompanies Mr. Lin, the TV station will sign a contract with her and arrange for the other party to work in the broadcasting department.

Lin Jiang shook his head and turned around and went out of the private room.

At the door, the tall and beautiful beauty saw him come out and nodded slightly.

Lin Jiang glanced at her and walked straight away.

She saw Lin Jiang leave and hurriedly entered through the private room.

"Director, how did he go?"

Qi Tiangang glanced at the tall and beautiful beauty, pondered for a moment, and said, "Xiao Zhou, I'll think about your entry into the TV station..." "

"Director, didn't you promise me everything?" The tall and beautiful beauty frowned.

"Xiao Zhou, hard work is rewarded." Qi Tiangang said this seriously.

"I see."

The tall and beautiful beauty nodded, turned and went out of the private room.

Qi Tiangang secretly shook his head, if it weren't for his imminent rise, a school flower beauty like her, Mr. Lin is not rare, he is rare.


Lin Jiang came out of the clubhouse.

A call was made to Yao Kesi.

Ask her out for a walk together.

She is pregnant now and piling is impossible.

After all, Lin Jiang has a deep understanding of himself, if he dares to pull Yao Kesi to drive a pile, the child he finally conceived will definitely fall.

Therefore, he is very self-disciplined in this regard, no matter which woman is pregnant with a child, he will never drive a pile.

What's more, in order to make Yao Kesi pregnant, he spent a lot of things.



Since Chen Fang was hospitalized.

Lin Jiang returned to his ordinary life again.

With Chen Fang's bloody lesson.

He no longer believed the words of the old Chinese doctor's bad old man.

Chinese medicine that nourishes the kidney and essence, said that I will not eat anything again.

After all, if this thing is eaten, it will really kill people.

This time can be safe and sound, but fortunately Chen Fang is practicing yoga, which is to rest on other women, lifelong infertility is possible.

During this time, he went to the hospital to visit Chen Fang when he had time, and her body recovered well, after all, she had a deep yoga foundation and her healing ability was quite fast.

As for Yao Kesi, after she became pregnant, she insisted on attending classes for another three months, and after three months, her belly grew bigger, and she resigned to raise a baby.

Lin Jiang couldn't resist her, so he agreed to let her work for another three months, and when the time came, she obediently went to the villa to raise a baby.

After Yao Kesi became pregnant.

Lin Jiang put all his energy on Zhao Wenyun.

This made Zhao Wenyun secretly bitter.

In the past, Lin Jiang went to find her every three to five.

She can still accept it, after all, there is time for buffering and resting.

Now Lin Jiang goes to find her every day, sometimes she just goes out in the morning, Lin Jiang waits downstairs to take her to shake the car.

Sometimes during the lunch break, Lin Jiang went to the office to find her.

After work, Lin Jiang took her to the beach to shake the car and skewers.

In short, there is only one thing that Zhao Wenyun is worried about now, Lin Jiang is here again....

This day.

Dark clouds.

Black clouds roll in the air.

Thunder roars.

Electric light surge.

A heavy rainstorm is inevitable.

Nanhai University.

In the classroom.

Lin Jiang looked through the window, looking at the dark clouds outside the sky, slightly worried in his heart, thunder and lightning, not friendly to pregnant women, don't scare the child in their belly.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Shao, Gong Xue, Li Xinyu, Liu Hua, and Yao Kesi, asking them to pay attention to their bodies, close the windows, and close the curtains.

Gong Xue: Husband, I'm watching a movie, is there thunder outside?

Li Xinyu: I'm watching a yoga video right now, is it raining?

Liu Hua: I do the test questions, don't bother me.

Yao Kesi: I'm recording at this time, and there is thunder outside?

Lin Jiang said that he was overthinking.

What made him puzzled was that Chen Huang, who usually replied to messages the fastest, did not reply to him after ten minutes.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but be a little worried, Chen Huang's production period was coming, but don't have an accident.

After all, it is not easy to conceive in October, and it is difficult to wait until the child is about to be born, and if something happens, he can cry and faint in the toilet.

A little later.

Lin Jiang's mobile phone rang.

He picked it up and looked at it.

It is the nanny responsible for taking care of Chen Huang.

He pressed the answer button.

"Sir, it's not good, Ms. Chen is afraid that she will give birth..."

The babysitter's nervous voice came over the microphone.

Want to give birth?

Lin Jiang couldn't help but be slightly startled, the day before yesterday he accompanied Chen Huang to go for an examination, and the obstetrician and gynecologist said that her due date was next week.

"You wait a minute, the pre-delivery car will arrive soon."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang hurriedly called the private maternity hospital and asked the hospital to quickly send a pre-delivery car to the villa and pick up Chen Lang to the hospital to give birth.

He was in a hurry in his heart, and directly packed up his things and left, this broken Raushi sub-class, did not attend.

"This student, what are you going to do?" An old pedantic professor asked.

"Go home and hold the baby."

Lin Jiang directly ignored the old professor, walked like a fly, and left the class.

"Holding a baby?"

The old pedantic professor frowned secretly, what does this mean, is it not a new meme from the Internet?

In class.

The students laughed loudly, in their opinion, Lin Jiang did not want to listen to the lecture, and found such a reason that was not a reason to scare the old professor.

What they didn't know was that Lin Jiang was telling the truth, and he was really anxious to go home and hold the child.

Longhua District.


Lightning and lightning.

The typhoon roared.

Drifting, heavy rain poured down.

Private maternity hospital.

At the door of the delivery room.

Lin Jiang was anxious.

Chen was taken to the delivery room for several hours.

Her shouts were heard all the time.

But she couldn't wait for the news of her successful birth.

Afternoon. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The nurse came out of the delivery room and said, "Sir, the baby was born, it was a boy, and the mother and child were safe." "


Lin Jiang almost jumped up with joy, specially, the kung fu paid off, and he could finally make the wool system.

[Reward for many sons and blessings: 20 years of life. 】

[Multiple children and many blessing rewards: Strengthen various functions of the body once. 】

[Toshi Tofu Reward: Psychic Fluoroscopy.] 】


Lin Jiang felt that the blood in his body was burning, and his muscles and bones crackled, like fried soybeans.

His eyes could see directly through the layers of walls and see something twenty meters away.

In the delivery room ten meters away, a newborn baby boy was crying.

On the delivery bed, Chen Huang was pale and weak, but her eyebrows were full of joy.

There are also obstetricians and gynecologists, nurses, what clothes they wear, and their body structure seems to be transparent.

Lin Jiang hurriedly withdrew his gaze.

A trace of ecstasy surged in his heart, clairvoyance, didn't it mean that walking on the street in the future, he only needed to look at it, he could know the structure of this person's body, whether he was sick, and whether he was a place.

He then looked at his properties panel.

His original Shouyuan was eighty years old, and he added twenty years of shouyuan, and his current shouyuan is one hundred years old.

In addition, the functions of the strengthened body have also doubled.

For example, his kidney function is stronger than before, and his liver, muscles and bones, hearing, smell, etc., have also doubled.

This wave of the system is definitely worth the money.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but reverie, when Gong Xue and Li Xinyu were all born, Shouyuan, superpower, strengthening...

After the joy.

Lin Jiang asked the nurse to take the baby out, and he looked carefully, and the little guy's face was seven or eight points similar to him.

This was his first heir.

Also his eldest son.

Lin Jiang glanced at the sky outside and immediately named him Lin Jinglei.

As for Chen Shao, this time she was pregnant in October and gave birth to a son to him, so she had to reward her well.


He decided to transfer the No. 2 villa in the Shahai villa area to Chen Huang's name, and then give Chen Huang the Rolls-Royce Phantom car that he did not often drive.

Other rewards, wait until she recovers.

The next few days.

Lin Jiang has been staying in the maternity hospital, accompanying Chen Shao and their mother and son.

After Chen Huang's health improved, she was sent to the confinement center opposite the maternity hospital, where a professional confinement sister-in-law took care of her postpartum recovery and conditioning.

As for Lin Jinglei, the two confinement sisters-in-law in the confinement center took turns to take care of them, eating milk, changing diapers, and taking body temperature.

After settling Chen Shao's mother and son.

Lin Jiang went back to school.

Go to school on time every day, visit Chen Huang and his son in the hospital at noon, and accompany Gong Xue in the afternoon, after all, Gong Xue's delivery date is also approaching, and it is expected that in two weeks, he will be able to enter the delivery room.

This day.

When Lin Jiang went to visit Chen Shao's mother and son, he accidentally met a beautiful woman.

Twenty-six or seven years old, about one meter and seven meters tall, slender figure, elegant temperament, Zhong Lingyu Xiu, a pink and white face, exquisite and picturesque.

She wore a white shirt on top, a short pale yellow skirt below, and a pair of snow-white long legs, which was very dazzling.

Among the women Lin Jiang knew, she was not the most beautiful, but the elegant temperament on her body, only Liu Hua could compare with it.

"'Hello, see you again.'"

Lin Jiang met her at the door of the confinement center and greeted her with a smile.


The beauty's expression was cold, and there was a trace of disgust and resentment in her eyes.

Lin Jiang looked at her from head to toe with a pair of eyes, and paused slightly when sweeping somewhere.

Then, I saw a look of surprise and a faint joy on his face.

The beautiful Willow frowned, and her clear eyes were full of disgust, as if she hated Lin Jiang very much.

Lin Jiang was also puzzled, he didn't seem to offend her, the last time she came to the South China Sea for vacation, he specially arranged two cars to take her and Chen Lang to play in major scenic spots in the South China Sea.

"I came in a hurry last time, I still don't know what your name is?" The beauty said coldly.

"Lin Jiang."

Lin Jiang frowned and said, "Chen Duling, I offended you?" "

"You didn't offend me, but you let my good sister bear you a child without a name or a score, why?" Chen Duling's voice was a little unhappy.

She and Chen Shake are well-known good friends in the circle.

Chen Huang was clear about having a child out of wedlock.

In her mind, with Chen Shao's clear name in the circle, coupled with her appearance, it is easy to find a tens of billions worth of Hao (Hao Nuo's) door.

But Chen Huang didn't know what evil he had fallen into, and actually gave birth to a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old.

She asked Chen Shake many times why, but Chen Huang refused to tell the truth.

She guessed that Lin Jiang must have used dirty means to get Chen Huang and cause him to become pregnant, and then used the handle to blackmail Chen Huang to force Chen Huang to give up filming and give him a son.


In Chen Duling's eyes, Lin Jiang is a little white face who wants to live a rich life on women.

Of course, she would not give Lin Jiang a good face.

Even, she wanted to ask her friends in Nanhai to come forward, teach Lin Jiang a little lesson, and cheer for Chen.

"By what?"

A teasing smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Everything comes at a price.

Chen Huang's smooth development in the entertainment industry is due to his shelter from the wind and rain.

In return, Chen Shao gave him a son, which is also deserved.

In his view, it was a fair deal.

And Chen Duling was indiscriminate, so he held up for Chen Shake, which made him slightly unhappy.

"Chen Duling, I'm happy today, I'm too lazy to take care of you, otherwise...?"

Lin Jiang snorted coldly, for Chen Huang's sake, he didn't think about Chen Duling today, after all, Chen Huang had just given him a son.


Chen Duling's clear eyes crossed a trace of anger.

In her eyes, Lin Jiang is a complete little white face, and he dares to be proud in front of her.

"I also tell you, you better stay away from her, don't think that if she gives you a baby, you can spend her money and live in her villa." Chen Duling said coldly.

Lin Jiang frowned, Chen Duling didn't know anything, so he came to fight the grievances, and he was really fierce and brainless.

"I also tell you that not only will I spend her money, but I will also eat her, drink her, use hers, and then, let her bear me a bunch of children."

PS, ask for a monthly pass for flowers, ask for a wave.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 74

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