
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 75

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 75

Chen Duling was angry.

The slender waist of Qi trembled.

She had never seen such a shameless person as Lin Jiang.

Soft rice is hard to eat, and it is said so righteously.

She really didn't deserve Chen.

How did you find such a scoundrel?

Nothing but young and handsome.

"I warn you, don't pester her again in the future, otherwise, I want you to look good."

Chen Duling raised her eyebrows, and her voice was full of indignation.

"I'm still pestering her, what can you do?" Lin Jiang sneered.

"You... Wait. "

Chen Duling was very angry, a little white face dared to be so rampant, really she was easy to mess with.


She walked on a pair of long white legs and turned away.

Lin Jiang looked at her slender and wonderful back, and a meaningful smile crossed the corner of her mouth.

It's good to have perspective.

Look at the past.

Good women and bad women are self-explanatory.

He smiled and turned around and entered the confinement center, first went to the confinement room to see Chen Huang, she recovered well after giving birth during this time, and her face was rosy and shiny.

"Here you are."

Chen Huangming smiled, since giving birth to a baby, her whole person suddenly became cheerful, and when she saw Lin Jiang, she suddenly regarded him as the closest person, after all, he was the father of his own child.


Lin Jiang briefly said a few words about meeting Chen Duling at the door just now.

"She didn't mean to target you, don't be angry." Chen Huang secretly pinched a cold sweat for Chen Duling.

"For the sake of you and the child, I won't count with her." Lin Jiang thought that if Chen Duling took the initiative to trouble him, it would be another matter.


Chen Shao nodded lightly, relieved in his heart.

Lin Jiang accompanied her for a while, went to the baby room to see Lin Jinglei, the little guy's face was round, lying in the cradle, a pair of black and white eyes dripping around.

He teased Lin for a while.

Then he came out of the confinement center.

Go straight back to school.



Lin Jiang drove the black Cullinan car to the confinement center again.

This time, he didn't even enter the gate of the villa area, so he was stopped.

The person who stopped him was a stout man, probably in his thirties, with eagle-like eyes, giving people a sense of conspiracy.

"Who are you?"

Lin Jiang thought that this person had a brain disease, and actually dared to rush directly to the front of the car, fortunately he stepped on the brakes in time, otherwise, this person would have been knocked off long ago.

"Get off."

The burly man yelled at Lin Jiang in the car.

Hit the hard stubble.

Lin Jiang moved his muscles, since his body strengthened, he had not practiced with the 660 hand, and he just practiced with the burly man.

After he got out of the car.

Without saying a word.

Punch it directly.

Hit the burly man on the brain.

The latter did not expect Lin Jiang to be so unsophisticated, and he started without saying a word, and he was punched in the brain, and he grinned in pain.

"Do you still dare to do it?"

The burly man shook his head and slammed a punch on Lin Jiang's chest.

Lin Jiang was impartial and did not hide, and he was punched by Shengsheng.

His chest was a little numb and there was no pain.

This made him happy.

Could it be that after the body is strengthened, the ability to resist blows is also enhanced?

"Come again."

Lin Jiang beckoned towards the burly man.

Seeing Lin Jiang's unbeaten expression, the burly man did not hesitate and smashed it with another punch.

Lin Jiang was punched, his strong body, not moving, his chest buckle was still numb, and there was no pain.

"Here, hit me on the head."

Lin Jiang wanted to see if his head's ability to resist blows had also increased.

"It's a shame."

As he wished, the burly man raised his thick fist and smashed it on Lin Jiang's brain.


A scream rang out.

Not Lin Jiang's voice.

It came out of the burly man's mouth.

At this moment, he grinned and flicked his palm fiercely.

It hurts so much.

It hurts like smashing on an iron plate.

Lin Jiang touched the brain door, except for a trace of pain, there was nothing else, the head was not dizzy, the eyes were not dazzled, and the brain door was very clear.

He couldn't help but laugh heartily, strengthening once, his body was so hard, and then strengthened ten or a hundred times, wouldn't he become a steel bone and could ignore bullets.

"You punched me twice in the chest and one punch in the brain, now it's up to me." Lin Jiang moved his wrist and said with a smile.

"You made me fight?"

The burly man thought to himself that this young man was a bit of an evil sect, how his head was like a stone.

"I'll let you hit you?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself, is this special cerebral palsy?

Do you know that now is a society under the rule of law, and beating people is to squat.

He raised his fist and slammed it into the burly man's chest, who took a few steps back, sat down on the ground, and his chest burned hotly, as if he had been smashed by someone.

Lin Jiang bullied him and kicked him twice.

Just listen to a crisp sound.

The burly man (AHDG) clasped his legs in his hands and screamed hysterically.

Lin Jiang frowned secretly, it wouldn't be so brittle, right? One foot down, kicked him and broke his bones?

"It hurts..."

The burly man yelled in pain.

Not far away.

On board a Toyota Business Van.

Chen Dulingliu's eyebrows furrowed, and her voice carried a hint of coldness: "President Qian, where did you find this person, it's too unreliable." "

Qian is always a twenty-seven-eight-year-old young man, wearing a famous brand, and looking like a rich man.

At this moment, he frowned tightly and muttered, "No, Lao Wang is a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, and he has served as a martial arts instructor in many crews, how can he not beat a twenty-year-old hairy guy?" "

Chen Duling scoffed in his heart, this is also too dish, was he punched down, and he was a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple?

"No, I'll have to go down and take a look."

Qian always saw Lao Wang lying on the ground holding his leg, and thought that his leg was broken.

He quickly pushed the car door down and walked towards the Cullinan car.

"Lao Wang, are you all right?"

Mr. Qian came to Lao Wang and asked busily.

"Qian Zong... Leg...... The legs are folded. Lao Wang's painful face twisted and grinned.

"Broken leg?"

Qian Zong's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Mr. Qian, is he your person?"

Lin Jiang glanced at Mr. Qian, and thought that it was really unfortunate, this Qian Zongqi was a rich second-generation.

He is already so low-key, how can he still provoke the rich second generation?

"You dare to move my people, don't give you a little color to see, I don't know whose Nanhai family belongs to." Qian always put a bold cruel word.


Lin Jiang laughed directly.

It's so much fun.

The surname Qian is so awesome that he dares to say such a big thing.


Qian always took out his mobile phone and dialed a call: "You guys hurry up, I have a hard stubble here..." "


He just finished speaking.

He was punched hard in the brain.

The pain in his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.

"The most annoying thing is that you are a rich second generation, thinking that if you have a few smelly money, it is amazing."

Lin Jiang raised his foot and slammed it on Qian Zong's head.

Qian always screamed in pain, and the screams were comparable to killing pigs.


A clear and slightly panicked voice came from behind.

Lin Jiang looked back, isn't this Chen Huang's best friend Chen Duling?

In other words, her snow-white long legs are very dazzling, slender waist, and a pure and pink cheek.

It's okay to make people not want to pay attention.

"Chen Duling."

Lin Jiang stepped on the door of Qian Zong's brain and asked, "This is the lesson you want to teach me?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Chen Duling choked for a while, and had nothing to say.

She didn't expect that Qian was so wasteful, found a martial arts instructor, was knocked down by Lin Jiang's punch, he personally came to find a venue, and was also punched by Lin Jiang and lay on the ground.

"You said that you should find someone to teach me a lesson, you should also find a few useful ones, how to find such two things, one burly as a pig, the other as weak as a chicken, I haven't warmed up, he two lie down." Lin Jiang had a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Du Ling... Save...... Save me. President Qian was trampled under Lin Jiang's feet, and he shouted with a strong breath.

"You quickly let the people go." Chen Duling said coldly.

"Release people?"

Lin Jiang sneered, "By what? The two of them tried to commit murder just now, and I arrested them, and I had to send them to the police station, and then invite reporters from major media to expose them to a fierce news. "

"The well-known actress Chen Duling hired murderers in the South China Sea, violated art ethics, and her heart was like a femme fatale... Under the pure face is a highly poisonous femme fatale heart. "


Chen Duling was stunned.

This little white face is really difficult to deal with.

No wonder Chen Huang was coerced by him to bear a son for him.

"I advise you, accept it when you see good, otherwise..." Chen Duling's beautiful eyes crossed a cold color.

"Accept it when you see it?"

Lin Jiangjian raised his eyebrows and said, "Then it depends on whether you can prescribe conditions that make my heart move, if your conditions are tempting enough, I can accept it when I see it." "

"Okay, I'll admit it."

Chen Duling also doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, after all, she is a public figure, and if she makes a bad impact, it will reduce her resources in the entertainment industry.

"Two hundred thousand, release people." Chen Duling said clearly.

"Two hundred thousand?"

Lin Jiang secretly said, is she calling Hanako?

"Too little?"

Chen Duling raised her eyebrows, thinking that she only had a salary of about 200,000 for making an episode of a TV series, and only earned five or six million after a serial drama, and giving him 200,000 was enough.

"I'll give you 200,000, and you're standing here and letting me punch?" Lin Jiang will not be open to her because she is a woman, and if she dares to hire someone to get him, she must be prepared to be made by him.


Chen Duling was stunned.

All along, she has met warm men, even if it is filming, the crew takes special care of her.

No one had ever dared to insult her so nakedly.

"How? Unwilling? "

The corners of Lin Jiang's mouth were full of mockery and sarcasm: "Aren't you a drama, when you play an opponent's play, aren't you still beaten by others, you will spend 200,000 yuan to find you to shoot an episode." "


Chen Duling's beautiful eyes surged with a trace of resentment.

She is an actress.

Not a drama.

There is a qualitative difference between the two.

Lin Jiang's words did not hurt much, and the insult was too strong.

"Don't lie too much." Chen Duling said angrily.

"Big sister, make it clear, you are looking for someone to get me, and the person who deceives people too much is you, not me." Lin Jiang thought that she was worthy of being a dramatist, and her ability to reverse black and white was too strong.

"Who is your eldest sister?"

Chen Duling's anger was ignited at once.

A woman's age is a secret.

What's more, she is a star, and age is taboo.

"Aren't you?"

Lin Jiang thought that she was 93 years old, 29 years old this year, in terms of age, she was ten years older than him, but her appearance was pure, and she looked twenty-six or seven.


Chen Duling's long legs of white flowers trembled, and her heart trembled uncontrollably, too polite, wherever she usually goes, she is called by such a sweet title as a young lady.

Damn the little white face, actually called her big sister.

"In terms of age, in fact, I should call you Aunt Chen Duling." Lin Jiang mercilessly pierced the taboo in her heart.


Chen Duling almost fainted.

She is obviously a young lady in her twenties, but he calls her aunt?

"Aunt Chen Duling, how do you plan to be private about this today, I'm still in a hurry."

Lin Jiang also didn't talk nonsense with her, he also rushed to see Chen Huang's mother and son, next, he also had to accompany Gong Xue, and he had to go to see Li Xinyu, in short, time was really tight.


Chen Duling raised her eyebrows, just based on the insult that Lin Jiang had just given her, it was impossible to keep this matter private today.

Lin Jiang didn't talk nonsense, he slammed his feet hard, and Qian Zong's pig killing sound sounded again.

"Du Ling... Doodle...... Save me. Mr. Qian cried out in a wail.

Chen Duling glanced at Qian Zong, and a touch of unbearability flashed in her eyes, after all, Qian Zong also stood out for her affairs.

"What do you want to do privately?" Chen Duling said angrily.

"I don't want money, I don't want your mental compensation, for the sake of you and her being good girlfriends, you punch me, today this matter will pass, I will not call the police, let alone expose the matter." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

Punch him?

Chen Duling glanced at Lao Wang and Qian Zong lying on the ground, and thought that the two big men could not withstand Lin Jiang's fist, how could she, a slender woman, withstand his punch.


Chen Duling refused without hesitation, she didn't want to be punched by Lin Jiang and break her bones and lie in bed for months.

"Then exchange one punch for ten slaps, how?" Lin Jiang thought viciously in his heart, dare to find someone to get him, don't beat her, his breath is difficult to go down.

"Ten slaps?"

Chen Duling still shook her head and refused, her naturally beautiful face is the foundation of her foothold in the entertainment industry, if she is slapped ten times by Lin Jiang, she must not be beaten and deformed?

"This can't work, that's not okay, do you think I don't dare to expose things?" Lin Jiang frowned and said with an impatient expression.

"You... Slap me on the leg ten times, okay? Chen Duling thought that the only place in her body that she could resist was this pair of snow-white long legs.

"Hit you in the leg, when I'm stupid?"

Lin Jiang looked at her slender figure and said, "Slap your ass ten times, you promise, this matter ends here, if you don't agree, wait for the scandal to be exposed and be ruined." "

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of shame.

Her popular actress in her twenties was actually threatened to spank by an eighteen-nine-year-old young man, which is also too shameful.

What's more, there is always Qian Zong and Lao Wang watching, if this is passed on, how will she meet people in the entertainment industry in the future?

If he is not promised, he will expose the matter and hire others to fight and fight, and on this alone, she will be labeled as a bad artist, her resources will be demoted, and her popularity will be lost.

"Yes, I promise."

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes agreed with indignation.

"Turn around."

Lin Jiang thought that if these ten slaps went down, if she didn't beat her incontinence, she would also be beaten and she couldn't get out of bed for three days.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for everything, ask for support.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 75

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