
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 76

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 76

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes crossed with shame.

She hesitated for a few seconds.

Turn around slowly.

Her pure pink cheeks, crimson, whispered, "You light." "

Lin Jiang will not be light!

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Dare to find someone to get him.

You have to bear his wrath.


He let go of the foot that was stepping on Qian Zong's brain ~ door.

Under the angry eyes of Qian Zong and Lao Wang.

Lin Jiang raised his slap.

Pump it hard.


Slap down.

Chen Duling, who was beaten, snorted in pain, leaned forward, and almost fell-.

"Bastards . . ."

Chen Duling was slapped firmly on her butt, and she cried tears in pain.

"You dare to scold me!"

Lin Jiang stepped forward, grabbed Chen Duling's arm with one hand, raised it with the other, and pumped wildly like a pile driver.

He didn't show any mercy.

Chen Duling's snort of pain sounded one after another.

In the end, her tears burst into tears and her crying was terrible.

"Bastard... That's enough. "

Chen Duling screamed and struggled.

Lin Jiang was like an elementary school teacher, dragging the primary school student's arm with one hand and spanking with the other.

"Enough . . ." Chen Duling's cry carried a hint of pleading.

Lin Jiang stopped at this time.

Chen Duling felt numbness in her buttocks, as if she had lost consciousness.

She silently counted in her heart just now, and Lin Jiang slapped her a total of seventeen times.

"You bastard..." Chen Duling slowed down and cursed angrily.

"Still dare to fight?" Lin Jiang's eyes widened, and he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to continue pumping her ass.

Frightened, Chen Duling turned around and turned her back to the car door, for fear that Lin Jiang would be crazy and spank her again.

And Lao Wang and Qian, who were lying on the ground, were already stunned.

When the popular actress Chen Duling was actually spanked by a young guy on the street, if it spreads, it will definitely be a big news sensation in the entertainment industry.

"There is a saying in great people, children are not well-behaved, they want to spank."

Lin Jiang smiled, opened the door of Cullinan and sat up, kicked the accelerator out, and the car roared into the villa area.

Chen Duling's tears fell.

She was in pain, angry, and a little ashamed.

Lao Wang and Qian always shut up and didn't say a word.

Chen Duling cried for a while, called an ambulance, and sent Lao Wang and Qian to the hospital.

And she returned to the hotel.

Lin Jiang, that smelly rogue bastard.

Blatantly spanking her on the street.

If this venue is not recovered, how will she still mix in the entertainment industry in the future.

Chen Duling lay on the big bed of the hotel, took out her mobile phone, opened the address book, and checked the phone number one by one.


She flipped to a phone that she had never dialed since she had saved.

As a star, she knows the rich second generation, the boss, and the elites from all walks of life, so many that she can't even remember their names.

But this does not mean that she has forgotten the identity of the other party.

She dialed the number, which she had never dialed before.


"I'm Chen Duling."

"I just arrived in the South China Sea today."


"I'm in a little trouble here."

"No need to help, I can solve it myself."

"How embarrassing is that?"

"Here's the thing, there's a little white face..."

Hung up.

Chen Duling's pure pink cheeks surged with a hint of joy, the person she was looking for this time was much more powerful than Qian Zong.

She felt a hot pain in her buttocks, and the hatred for Lin Jiang in her heart was even worse.

However, she still forced the discomfort in her hips, got up from the bed, and prepared to go out.

This time, she wanted to see Lin Jiang being beaten to the ground, kneeling and begging for mercy.

More than an hour later.

Lin Jiang came out of the confinement center.

The Cullinan car drove out of the gate of the villa.

Prepare to return to the Shahai villa area.


Several cars lined up in a row, blocking his path.

He knows without guessing.

It must be Chen Duling's ghost.

A cold color crossed his eyes.

He looked at Chen Shao's face and had already let Chen Duling go.

Otherwise, as far as she found someone to get herself, he would not easily let her go.

Now, this girl is looking for a venue again.

This time he wasn't so kind.

Lin Jiang stopped the car.

He wanted to see it.

Chen Duling looked for some goods this time.

I hope you don't disappoint him.

A moment later.

In the opposite cars, more than a dozen big men in suits walked down, one by one, wearing sunglasses, full of momentum.

Lin Jiang had to sigh, this look is really amazing, put it in the past, properly help the big brother Fan.

A young man in a suit gets out of a Range Rover in the middle.

As soon as Lin Jiang saw this person, he immediately laughed.

It's really a narrow road.

After the young man in the suit got out of the car, he put his hands in his pockets, looking like a bull.

Lin Jiang pushed the car door and walked down, with a harmless smile on his face.

He got out of the car.

The young man in the suit changed his face suddenly, his legs and stomach cramped, and his eyes were stunned.

Range Rover on board.

Chen Duling leaned back on the car chair, and when she saw Lin Jiang get out of the car, her beautiful eyes were full of schadenfreude.

The people she was looking for this time were very powerful in the South China Sea boundary and even in the southeast area.

She seemed to have seen the picture of Lin Jiang being surrounded and beaten by more than a dozen big men in suits, lying on the ground and begging.


Lin Jiang walked towards the young man in the suit step by step.

The other party's expression was complicated, and a touch of horror appeared in his eyes.

"Shao Xiaodong, long time no see." An unknown smile surged at the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

"Lin Shao."

Shao Xiaodong made a bitter face and slowly lowered his head, like a child who had done something wrong.

He will never forget that on the TV station that day, his son, the chairman of the Shaw Group, bowed to Lin Jiang and apologized.

In this place in the South China Sea, there are not many people who can make his old son bow and apologize, and Lin Jiang is counted as one.

"How did you do during this time!" Lin Jiang asked with a smile as if he was reminiscing with an old friend.

"I... Okay, are you okay? Shao Xiaodong forcibly endured the bitterness in his heart and pretended to ask.

"I'm okay."

Lin Jiang shook his head and sighed: "Qiao Xin is pregnant, in two months it will be due date, Yao Kesi is also two months pregnant, I am now worrying about their affairs, one by one rushing to give birth to me, it's too bad..." "


Shao Xiaodong almost didn't catch his breath.

What did he say?

Yao Kesi is two months pregnant?

Qiao Xin has another two months of delivery?

Qiao Xin just returned it, he only looked at the wealth of the Qiao family and pursued Qiao Xin.

But Yao Kesi is different, at the beginning, he chased her rain or shine for more than a year, seeing that he was about to chase him, but the matter of the illegitimate child was known by Yao Kesi, the chicken flew and the egg was beaten, and Lin Jiang cut off his beard halfway.

What made him most memorable was that he met Lin Jiang at the elevator entrance of Yao Kesi's house that morning, and Lin Jiang asked him where he sold Yuting?

The psychological shadow caused by this incident was so great that he lived in self-pity for a long time.

If it weren't for this time, I saw Lin Jiang again.

Shao Xiaodong swore that he would never hear anything about Yao Kesi again in his life.

"Lin Shao is a blessing."

Shao Xiaodong was no longer willing in his heart, and he had to slap the horse on the face, after all, this was a figure that even his old son could not provoke.

Lin Jiang shook his head with a smile and asked, "Shao Xiaodong, you brought so many people here?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I... I heard that there is fun here, and I brought the company's security guards to gain knowledge. "

Shao Xiaodong hated Chen Duling in his heart, who was not good to mess with, he had to provoke Lin Jiang, it didn't matter if she was looking for a way to die, she had to pull him, and her heart was damned.

"Something fun?"

Lin Jiang looked around, this area is all villa area, didn't see where there is fun?

"Maybe I have the wrong information."

Shao Xiaodong began to retreat in his heart, he couldn't manage Chen Duling's matter, and he didn't dare to care.

"Xiaodong, there is a beautiful woman sitting in your car, why don't you let her down?" Lin Jiang pointed to the Range Rover and said.


Shao Xiaodong was shocked in his heart, and said busily: "Lin Shao, you may be mistaken, there is no one in the car." "


Lin Jiang was suddenly unhappy, and frowned: "You are blind, the girl in the car is wearing a yellow short skirt, small white shoes, and a diamond necklace around her neck, and even, I even saw what color underwear she was wearing." "


Shao Xiaodong looked confused.

This...... Is Lin Shao a human, what kind of eyes is he, so penetrating?

"That... I carried a girl halfway down the road, I didn't know who she was, I didn't know.... "

Shao Xiaodong saw that he couldn't hide it, so he quickly cleared up the matter, he didn't want to offend Lin Jiang again, let his Laozi come to apologize and receive people, too special to hurt his self-esteem and shame.

"Don't know?"

Lin Jiang thought that Shao Xiaodong had learned a lot after the last incident, and he had to be like this, know the progress and retreat, and know the proportions.

"I don't know."

Shao Xiaodong's head is like a rattle.

"Ask her to come down and talk." Lin Jiangdao.

"Lin Shao, it's really halfway, I don't know..." Shao Xiaodong had the heart to cry.

"What nonsense, she comes down." Lin Jiang snorted coldly.


Shao Xiaodong pulled the door of his head and turned around slowly.

In the car.

Chen Duling was impatient.

She couldn't figure it out.

What does Shaw Dong rub?

And what is there to say with this little white face.

Directly let people go up and beat him, it is better to beat him up.

But seeing that, Shao Xiaodong came to the car door, pulled the car door, looked at her, and said, "You come down, Lin Shao wants to see you." "

Chen Duling was a little confused.

Lin Shao?

Who is Lin Shao?

Lin Jiang's little white face?

She got out of the car slowly.

The moment you get out of the car.

Her buttocks rubbed against the armrest of the car door, and she gasped in pain.

But in order to maintain the posture of a popular actress and her identity as a beautiful woman, Chen Duling endured the pain and walked to the front of the car without a word.

"Isn't this Aunt Chen Duling?" Lin Jiang pretended to be surprised and teased.


Chen Duling stumbled on her feet and almost fell to the ground.

Lin Jiang's little white face is also too lacking in virtue, and when so many people face, he actually called her Aunt Chen Duling, isn't this deliberately smearing her age.

Fortunately, in terms of appearance and temperament, she is not inferior to anyone.

After all, she had an ID photo back then.

The whole network is recognized that it is not inferior to the Wuda Colonel Flower - milk tea girl.

"Shao Xiaodong, don't do it yet?" Chen Duling's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of anger, and she lowered her voice.

"I... I don't know you, who are you? "

In order to clear his relationship, Shao Xiaodong directly distanced himself from her, flatly denying that he knew her.


Chen Duling was speechless in shock.

Shao Xiaodong is the young owner of the Shaw Group, and in the second-generation circle in the southeast, he is the number one person.

"Lin Shao, you saw it, I really don't know her, a beautiful girl carried halfway, if it weren't for her beauty, I wouldn't be too lazy to carry her."

Shao Xiaodong is a smart person, offending Chen Duling, there is no, after all, she is a drama, she can't threaten the Shaw Group, but offend Lin Jiang, the nature is very different.


Lin Jiang nodded and said, "Aunt Chen Duling, you are a little bit of a lower status, how can you rub other people's cars when you go out, besides, this car is not very high-grade." "

Shao Xiaodong hurriedly echoed: "What Lin Shao said is that this car is not comparable to your car. "

If Chen Duling still can't understand it, she won't be called Chen Duling.

Obviously, Shao Xiaodong and Lin Jiang are together, and looking at Shao Xiaodong's appearance of only promises, it seems that Lin Jiang is really some kind of great person.

"Lin Jiang, I warn you, don't call me Auntie again, otherwise..." Chen Duling's heart was full of anger and said coldly.

"Otherwise, Auntie will be angry, won't she?" Lin Jiang said with a strange smile.


Chen Duling's delicate body trembled.

"Xiaodong, you really don't know her?" Lin Jiang pointed at the angry Chen Duling and asked.

"I don't know."

Of course, Shao Xiaodong would not admit it, otherwise, wouldn't it show that he was here to stand up for Chen Duling.

"Then let me introduce you, this beauty is Chen Duling, who is popular this year." Lin Jiangdao.

Shao Xiaodong cooperated very tacitly: "Who is Chen Duling?" Haven't heard? "

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it."

Lin Jiang continued: "Milk tea girl, you should always have heard of it? "

"Brother Dong's wife, you know, the last time I went to the capital, I was fortunate to meet with President Zhang." Shao Xiaodong is not bragging, he has really seen Zhang Zetian.

"This Aunt Chen Duling in front of me is said to be purer than the milk tea girl when she was young?" Lin Jiang's expression was full of ridicule.

When Chen Duling heard his words, her eyes turned black, and she almost fainted, what is it that it is said that when she was young, is she very old now?

She is only twenty-nine years old this year, and she has not yet run three, which belongs to the age of grace.

"It's impossible, why didn't I see that she was purer than President Zhang when she was young?"

In order to please Lin Jiang, Shao Xiaodong said things against his will, but he was thinking in his heart that compared with Zhang Zong and Chen Duling, both of them are slender beauties, and they are both famous for their purity, each with its own merits, and it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

"Years are a pig-killing knife, you can't see it, it's not strange." Lin Jiangdao.

Chen Duling was deeply shocked.

For a while, I was a little unconfident.

Did she really become an aunt?

It shouldn't be.

Twenty-nine-year-old, no matter how she said, she is younger and more beautiful than the post-eighties actresses such as Yang Baobei, Yang Mi, and Liu Shishi.

They all still regard themselves as pure girls, how can she become an aunt after ninety? .

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 76

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