
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 77

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 77

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes were furious.

She snorted coldly.

Glancing at Lin Jiang and Shao Xiaodong.

Then he turned away.

In this case, she knew that if she stayed, she would only be humiliating herself.

It's better to leave first, and then find a way to deal with Lin Jiang.

She didn't believe it.

She is a popular actress, will she not be able to clean up a half-sized guy?

Lin Jiang gave Shao Xiaodong a look: "Xiaodong, Aunt Chen is leaving, why don't you persuade her?" "

Shao Xiaodong looked bitter.

Lin Shao wants him to be an evil man.

But he didn't dare not listen.

Compared with Lin Jiang, a district actress, it doesn't hurt to offend.

"Chen... Madam, Lin Shao, please stay. Shao Xiaodong was stunned and did not call out the word aunt, in terms of age, he was not much older than Chen Duling.

"Shao Xiaodong, don't let me look down on you."

Chen Duling was very angry, she never thought that one day, she would do such a thing to shoot herself in the foot.

Asking Shao Xiaodong to deal with Lin Jiang was the stupidest thing she did.

"Chen... Madam, please stay. "

Shao Xiaodong had some losses.

But as a businessman, it is his nature to chase profit.

In terms of commercial value, Jiang is countless times better than Chen Duling.

"You . . ."

Chen Duling was angry and angry.

"Aunt Chen Duling, I don't think about the matter at noon today, it's for Chen Shao's face, but this afternoon, you appeared in front of me again, which made me very unhappy." Lin Jiang sneered.

"What do you want?"

Chen Duling said angrily.

"Xiaodong, I want to ask Aunt Chen Duling to get in the car and talk to her properly, but seeing her like this, it seems that she won't get into my car, what can I do?" Lin "two one seven" Jiang glanced at Shao Xiaodong and said with deep meaning.


Shao Xiaodong's heart was full of bitterness.

Lin Shao's conscience was greatly damaged.

It's about letting the bad guys do it to the end.

Send the girl to the car.

"Ms. Chen, please get into Lin Shao's car." Shao Xiaodong thought in his heart, Lin Shao must not play too much, if there is a big news, he will also have to suffer.

"You... Shameless. Chen Duling said angrily, the young owner of the Shaw Group, but in front of Lin Jiang, he was like a dog, and he really lost his identity as the young owner of the Shaw Group.

"Ms. Chen, I know you have a little background, but this is the South China Sea, how much background do you have, it's useless here, I advise you to get on the car obediently, what is the misunderstanding, talk openly with Lin Shao, Lin Shao is magnanimous, and will not calculate with you."

Shao Xiaodong secretly gave Chen Duling a secretly look.

It implied that she must not try to find someone to deal with Lin Jiang again.

And vaguely persuaded her to bow to Lin Jiang.

"Shameless... Disgusting. "

Chen Duling glared at Shao Xiaodong angrily, not hiding the contempt in her eyes.

Shao Xiaodong's face was a little embarrassed, in the end, this matter was something he did a little unorthodox.

"Xiaodong, I'm still in a hurry." Lin Jiang urged.

"Ms. Chen, please get in the car."

Shao Xiaodong waved his hand, and the big men in suits under his hands quickly blocked Chen Duling's way.

Chen Duling glanced at the big men in suits in front of her, looking at their posture, if she didn't get into Lin Jiang's Cullinan car, they were afraid that they would forcibly stuff her into the car.

"Shao Xiaodong, you remember today's events."

Chen Duling stomped his foot fiercely, turned around and walked towards Lin Jiang's Cullinan car.

Shao Xiaodong was disdainful in his heart, just a popular drama, and wanted to take revenge on him?

"Xiaodong, this is a good thing today, another day when I have time, take your girlfriend out and have a meal together." Lin Jiang said this without other meaning, purely to praise Shao Xiaodong.

But listen to Shao Xiaodong's ears.

But it's something else entirely.

He understood that Lin Jiang asked him to contribute his girlfriend.

Although in second-generation circles, women are like clothes.

But this kind of thing, he Shao Xiaodong can't do it.

"Lin Shao, you misunderstood, I really don't have a girlfriend." Shao Xiaodong looked bitter.

"No girlfriend?"

Lin Jiang's eyes couldn't help but turn cold, could it be that this fork thing was still thinking about Yao Kesi, if this was the case, he could only call Shao Xiaodong's old son again and ask him to bring Shao Xiaodong back to be strictly disciplined.

"Lin Shao, my main energy is currently on work." Shao Xiaodong said busily.

"You won't still be thinking about Yao Kesi, will you?" The warning in Lin Jiang's eyes was very obvious.

"Didn't... No. "

Shao Xiaodong thought to himself how dare he still worry about Yao Kesi, but his old son has spoken, he wants to dare to worry about Yao Kesi and directly drive him out of the house.

What's more, Yao Kesi is now pregnant with Lin Shao's child, and he will not have this idea.

"How could you not have a girlfriend?" Lin Jiang frowned.

"I... Talking. Shao Xiaodong was about to cry, Lin Shao was a wolf, did he dare to say that he had a girlfriend.

"Xiaodong, talk well, when you have a girlfriend, let's have a few drinks together." Lin Jiang patted Shao Xiaodong's shoulder and turned to leave.

Shao Xiaodong thought that in this life, in front of Lin Jiang, it was impossible for him to admit that he had a girlfriend, and the bloody lesson could not be seen as he was not careful.

Lin Jiang returned to the Cullinan car.

Chen Duling opened the rear door and sat up.

She had a cold face, looking at Lin Jiang's eyes, full of anger.

"It's time to settle the accounts of the two of us."

Lin Jiang turned around and glanced at her, frowning, "You found fault with me twice today, which makes me feel very bad." "

"I'm not looking for your stubble, I just feel unworthy for Chen Huang." Chen Duling saw through what happened just now that she might have thought wrong, Lin Jiang was not a small white face, it was possible that he was a rich second generation who was more powerful than Shao Xiaodong.

"Who are you Chen Huang, what qualifications do you have to be worthless for her?" Lin Jiang sneered.

"I'm her best friend, of course I'm going to take care of it for her." Chen Duling said.

Lin Jiang finally knows the reason for the high divorce rate in China, which is because there are too many girlfriends like Chen Duling, in the name of fighting grievances, obstructing and destroying other people's families.

For this kind of girlfriend.

He expressed deep abhorrence.

"How about you take another pass for her?" Lin Jiang sneered.

"Turn it off?" Chen Duling said.

Lin Jiang did not speak, he started the car, stepped on the accelerator, turned around in place, and drove the car back to the confinement center.

Confinement centers.

Actually a villa as well.

It's just that it was decorated by Lin Jiang into a confinement center.

Next to the confinement center, there are vacant parking spaces.

Lin Jiang reversed the Cullinan car into the parking space and turned off the park.

"Don't you like to take care of her, I'll let you do enough." Lin Jiang turned over from the driver's seat, came to the back seat, and sat side by side with Chen Duling.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Duling hurriedly moved to the side of the car door, her beautiful eyes dodged, and her expression was like a frightened rabbit.

"What do I want to do?"

Lin Jiang sneered: "Don't you girlfriends like to dig corners, I'll give you the opportunity to dig corners." "

"Chen Huang and I are real girlfriends, not fake girlfriends, I won't dig her corner, and you can't do anything sorry for her." Chen Duling was taken aback, he wouldn't come really, right?

"Whether it's a real girlfriend, just check it out." Lin Jiangdao.

"How to test?"

Chen Duling secretly took out her mobile phone, and if Lin Jiang came hard, she would call the police.

But she clearly thought too much.

Lin Jiang disdained to be tough.

He could obviously let Chen Duling bow his head obediently.

Why is it hard?

"Your mother's name is Lin Hongying, the major shareholder of Shangyuan Lingrui Entertainment Company, you have been by your side for so many years, escorting you, and making you clean in the entertainment industry like a blank piece of paper."

"There is a saying that when you think life is easy, it is because someone carries the weight for you, and you can be so clean because your mother's hands are too dirty."

"When you filmed the second from the left, the announced salary was two million, but your mother signed a yin and yang contract with Director Su behind your back, and you took eight million for that drama."

"Also, your mother has done more than that, money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, and so on."

Lin Jiang's words were not finished.

Chen Duling looked frosty and interrupted him directly: "It's impossible, you talk nonsense, be careful that I sue you for slander." "

"Is it nonsense, you call your mother now to see how she explains to you?" Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, Lin Hongying's little thing was not a secret in the circle for a long time.

"I... Hit now. "

Chen Duling didn't believe that her mother would do that kind of thing, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed her mother on the spot.

In order to show her innocence, she deliberately put the mobile phone on the hands-free.

A dozen seconds later.

The phone is connected.

"Mom, in the second drama from the left back then, you signed a yin and yang contract with Director Su, and the salary was eight million, right?"

The other end of the phone was silent.

After a short while.

A middle-aged woman's voice sounded: "How do you know?" "

"Mom, are you still laundering black money and evading taxes?" Chen Duling's expression was filled with shock, fear, doubt, and other complicated expressions.

"You... Who did you listen to these things, is there any wind outside? The middle-aged woman's voice was nervous and flustered.

"Mom, how can you do that?" Chen Duling immediately understood that what Lin Jiang said was true0.......

"I... I'm not for you yet, what is the entertainment industry, you are too simple, without me to stand for you in the back, you will be completely blackened by the dye tank of the entertainment industry. The middle-aged woman said.

"Mom, you've disappointed me so much." Chen Duling hung up the phone directly.

Only now does she know that she is not much more noble than others, yin and yang contracts, tax evasion...

"I have evidence of your mother's money laundering and signing yin and yang contracts, as long as I put the evidence on the Internet, with the current supervision of the relevant departments, your mother may sit on the number for five to ten years." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Jiang was purely scaring Chen Duling, he had no evidence at all, but he could call up all the evidence of Lin Hongying's crime from the system database and then make it public.

With the current Internet information dissemination rate, in a few days, Lin Hongying and Chen Duling's mother and daughter will be on the top of the hot search, and by that time, the regulatory authorities will take action.

In this kind of thing, Lin Jiang can not use any connections, and he can also make Chen Duling's mother and daughter discredited.

"You . . ."

Chen Duling was stunned and at a loss.

"Your mother has protected you for so long, and you don't want her to go to jail and be ruined, right?" Lin Jiang sneered.

"What do you mean?" A trace of panic welled up under Chen Duling's eyes.

"What do I mean, you know best." A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth, and the time had come to test whether she and Chen Huang were true girlfriends.

He hoped that Chen Duling could stick to the friendship of best friends.


Chen Duling said that she didn't know what Lin Jiang meant.

Then she is deluding herself.

Since Lin Jiang moved from the front row to the back row, she guessed that he was plotting against him.

"You can think clearly, whether to watch your mother go to jail, or like an obedient dog, obediently lying down."

Lin Jiang has never regarded the drama as a goddess, even if she is a beautiful country, in his eyes, it is just a drama, so there is no respect.

"You . . ."

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes surged with a trace of anger, and his words were ten times more than insults.

"Give you three minutes to choose, and after three minutes, I will hear the answer, and if your answer dissatisfies me, you know the consequences."

Lin Jiang smiled coldly, he liked this feeling of mastering everything, he could not abide by the rules of the game, and he could play as he wanted, all according to his preferences.

In fact.

Chen Duling already had the answer in her heart.

This kind of multiple-choice question, Libra from the beginning, all tilted on her mother's end.

It's just that her arrogance does not allow her to bow her head so quickly.

Three minutes, for ordinary people, is a cigarette, brushing live broadcasts, watching videos.

Lin Jiang lit a cigarette, opened the window, and smoked.

When the time comes.

He threw the cigarette butt.

On Chen Duling's pure pink cheeks, he spat out a mouthful of smoke.

The latter coughed at this puff of smoke.

"When the time comes, how do you think about 4.9?" Lin Jiang asked.

"I... I...... What conditions do you have? Chen Duling really couldn't say it, after all, Lin Jiang's words were too ugly, making her lie on her stomach like a dog.

"My condition is... You have to be obedient like a dog. Lin Jiangdao.

Chen Duling's beautiful eyes crossed a touch of shame, Lin Jiang's words, insult and hurt coexisted.

"I'm human."

"But I want you to be a dog."


"As an obedient dog, the first rule is what the owner says, you can't refute it, understand?"

"No, again, I'm human."

Lin Jiang shook his head slightly, and said regretfully: "Since you don't want to be an obedient dog, I can only release the evidence, you will personally watch your mother go to prison, and you will also be ruined." "


Chen Duling's body trembled.

She admits that her own self-esteem is at work.

But damn Lin Jiang, why can't he put his words a little more tactfully, give her a step, and have to admit that she is a dog with her own mouth?

"I... I...... I promise you. Chen Duling was in shame, letting go of her pride and self-respect.

"What did you promise?" Lin Jiang asked knowingly.

"I promised to be yours... A...? "

The latter word, Chen Duling really couldn't say it.

"Since you are so embarrassed, I don't force you, get out of the car." Lin Jiang said lightly.

"I... I promised to do yours... A... Dog. Chen Duling endured the shame and finally said this sentence.

PS, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for support, I want to burst more.

PS, the author will not press the picture, if you want to see the picture, you can search for Chen Turin directly, it's okay.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 77

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