
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 78

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 78

Lin Jiang laughed loudly.

The laughter was full of irony.

How did he forget just now that he didn't take a picture of what Chen Duling said.

Years later, he exposed the video.

In those years, how did the dogs who were crazy about Chen Duling feel?

The white moonlight in their hearts, the goddess of purity, is actually someone else's dog....

"You... What are you laughing at? "

Chen Duling's extremely pure pink face flashed a crimson, and the shame in her beautiful eyes made her embarrassed.

"I'm laughing... How long can you and Chen Huang's girlfriend relationship last? Lin Jiang sneered.

"I... And her, of course, are lifelong best friends. Chen Duling argued strongly.


A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Next, it's time to test if they're real best friends.


Chen Duling replied very crisply, without hesitation at all.

Lin Jiang stretched out a lazy waist, leaned into the back seat of the car, tapped Chen Duling's sexy pink lips, and pointed down.


Chen Duling was a little confused, what did Lin Jiang let her do?

"Don't understand?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself that you are running for three, such a simple gesture, you can't understand?

"What do you mean?" Chen Duling looked at his ill-intentioned face, thinking that the eighteen-nine-year-old young man was too capable of tossing people.

"If you don't understand, I'll show you a movie."

Lin Jiang thought to himself that she was really a blank piece of paper, she didn't even understand this, how did she mix up to her aunt's age?

Chen Duling was ashamed and angry.

Lin Jiang, this bastard, is full of reptiles.


Lin Jiang found the hottest movie at the moment, made by the famous director Po.

Chen Duling thought that he was putting on that kind of unhealthy little movie, but he didn't expect that he was putting on a healthy green movie.

"You have to study hard, and next, you have to do better than her." Lin Jiang thought that she was all running for three, and she couldn't even shoot emotional scenes, and she was too outdated.

"You... I don't need to learn from them. Chen Duling thought about a few unknown actors, who had never even heard of their names, and let her learn from them as a popular star, what did he think.

"You don't want to watch your mom go to jail, do you?" Lin Jiang cheered Chen Duling in his heart, hold on, don't give up the principle for the sake of 07 your mother....

But he was disappointed.

Chen Duling listened to his words and looked reluctantly.

Although she doesn't act much, for a popular actress like Chen Duling, whether it is acting skills or techniques, she has never tried it.

Lin Jiang became a director without hesitation, and after the end of his studies, he guided Chen Duling to start acting like a heroine.

Her acting skills are really a little rotten, a dress, pulled down more than a dozen times.

As a director, Lin Jiang is naturally very unhappy, how can she be such an undedicated actor, look at the heroine, the action is fluid, and the posture is beautiful.

Look at Chen Duling's acting skills, which are rotten to the extreme.

I really don't know how she got mixed up after so many years in the entertainment industry?

Qualifications are dull.

It's hard to teach.

A simple scene, she was stunned and more than a dozen times.

"I can't . . ."

Chen Duling was about to cry, the props of the male protagonist were walnuts, and Lin Jiang's props were apples, more than twice as big, she really did not dare to take a mouthful.

"You can do it."

Lin Jiang encouraged her.

After some trying.

Chen Duling finally has acting skills in place.


Lin Jiang's expression was a little painful.

It can only be said that Chen Duling's acting skills are really bad, if it is changed to Jiang Shuying, then the acting skills are superb.

Of course, acting is such a thing, practice a few times, and slowly it will get better.

More than an hour later.

Confinement centers.

Lin Jiang took Chen Duling in from the confinement center.

The former is in high spirits and full of demeanor.

The latter's small mouth was slightly open, and his facial expression was a little tired.

In a fully enclosed room.

Chen Shao lay on the bed watching TV.

As a postpartum woman.

You can't see the wind.

Can't see the light.

Even if it's a mobile phone, you can play for up to two hours a day.


The door was pushed open from the outside.

Lin Jiang took Chen Duling in from outside.

Chen Shaomei's eyes crossed a trace of surprise, why did these two come together?

"You guys... Here it comes. Chen Huang wanted to ask how the two of them came together, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't ask.

"I was just about to enter the door and met Chen Duling, so I came up with her." When Lin Jiang spoke, his expression was indifferent, and he couldn't see it at all.

"Yes, we met at the door."

Chen Duling's words were suspected of being covered up.

Even, she looked at Chen Huang's eyes evasively, as if she had done something wrong.

"You guys... Have you eaten? "

Chen Shake is a very intelligent beauty.

She is not like Chen Duling, who has a mother of a major shareholder of an entertainment company standing for her, she has seen too many pickles in the entertainment industry, and she has her own set of words.

Chen Duling's expression when she spoke just now was evasive, and there was a trace of guilt.

This made Chen Huang think of many things, but smart as her, he would not say it directly.

"Didn't eat."


Lin Jiang and Chen Duling answered the opposite.

"Du Ling, if you are hungry, I will ask the chef to make you some nutritious meals, the chef's skills here are very good, no worse than the taste of the hotel, you can also taste it." Chen Shao chuckled.

"She just ate below, and besides, people eat high-protein nutrients, and she must not be used to eating the nutritious meals for women here." Lin Jiangdao.


Chen Duling's heart trembled violently.

"Really? What high-protein nutritious meal does Du Ling eat? Chen Shao chuckled.

"Don't listen to him, what kind of high-protein nutritious meal can I eat, that is, drink some milk." Chen Duling chuckled.

Chen Shao was even more puzzled in his heart.

All the time.

Chen Duling hated Lin Jiang very much.

thinks that Lin Jiang is a little white face and wants to rely on her to get on the top.

And she couldn't explain it to Chen Duling, after all, her relationship with Lin Jiang was a little difficult to talk about.

At noon today, Chen Duling said Lin Jiang's right and wrong in front of her, and also held her grievances, wanting to teach Lin Jiang a lesson for her.

It has only been half a day, how does she feel, the relationship between Chen Duling and Lin Jiang has suddenly warmed up a lot.

"Drink more milk and be nutritious." Chen Huang secretly pondered in his heart, these two will be fine, right?


Chen Duling nodded absentmindedly, looking a little strange.

"Du Ling, what's wrong with you, not feeling well?" Chen Shao wondered.

"Maybe the milk is a little too much, a little sick and nauseous." Chen Duling patted her chest, and as soon as she thought of the smell of milk, she had a feeling of vomiting.

"You drink more water and press it." Chen Shao chuckled.


Chen Duling nodded.

At this moment, facing her good girlfriend, her heart is full of guilt and regret.

Lin Jiangruo glanced at Chen Duling meaningfully and said, "You guys are talking, I'll go see Lin Jinglei." "

Finish talking.

He turned and went out of the room.

Went straight to the baby room.

In the room.

Chen Shao chuckled and asked, "Du Ling, when do you plan to go back to Hengdian?" "

"I... In a few days. "Chen Duling is idle during this time, there is no appointment, so he is not in a hurry to go back.

"What do you think of him?" Chen Shao's voice changed, and he seemed to ask with deep meaning.

"He... It's okay too. "

Chen Duling scolded Lin Jiang in his heart for a dog blood squirt, which was simply a donkey.

She wondered in her heart, how could Chen Huang accept him like him and give him a child.

Hearing Chen Duling's answer.

Chen Duling can basically confirm that Chen Duling and Lin Jiang have something.

However, with Lin Jiang's transcendent great thing, how could Chen Duling be the same as nothing?

To know.

She was at the Seremban Court Hotel.

But I lay down for many days.

The hospital went to the hospital many times.

If something really happened to them, Chen Duling would never be able to stand in front of her at this time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But as a woman's sixth sense, she clearly perceives the subtle changes in Chen Duling.

Chen Duling's expression was strange, and when she faced Chen Shao, she had an urge to escape.

After a while.

Lin Jiang came out of the baby room.

Came to the room, said a few words with Chen Shao, and left with Chen Duling.

Chen Huang couldn't help but secretly suspect in his heart, if Chen Duling and Lin Jiang really had something, she would definitely not appear in front of him in the next few days...


Chen Duling was complaining about Lin Jiang.

"Can you not talk nonsense in front of Chen Shao, I will be very embarrassed."

"This is what you call a real girlfriend?" A hint of sarcasm crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Chen Duling choked for a while, speechless.

In the car.

Lin Jiang drove a black Cullinan car.

Chen Duling sat in the co-pilot and said, "Can you send me back to the hotel?" "


Lin Jiang said lightly: "I also have a woman with a big belly, I want to accompany her, you wait for me in the car." "


Chen Duling's beautiful eyes were all shocked, he also had a pot-bellied woman, oh my God, is he really only nineteen years old?

"Don't be so surprised, you'll be like them in the future." Lin Jiang glanced at her and said lightly.

"You mean, you're going to get me pregnant too?" Chen Duling's heart sank to the bottom.

"How else?"

Lin Jiang holds her mother's black material in her hands, does she dare to disobey.


Chen Duling decisively refused: "I can promise you anything, but this one can't." "

Lin Jiang didn't think at all, almost every woman told him this at the beginning, but in the end, not all of them obediently conceived his seed, the fetus of raising a fetus, and the birth of a child.

"You didn't say anything about it."

"That's not up to you."

Chen Duling didn't dare to think about it, giving birth to Lin Jiang, then her man and Chen Huang's child are not brothers, she and Chen Shake's best friends... Serve a husband together.

Lin Jiang was too lazy to argue with her.

Wait until you take her.

She was naturally honest.

After a while.

The car came to the Shahai villa area.

Lin Jiang locked Chen Duling in the car and asked her to think about it for a while.

He entered the villa and visited Gong Xue.

Gong Xue's due date is approaching, and her stomach is the boss.

With Chen Shao's experience in giving birth, Lin Jiang decided to send her to the maternity hospital in two days, and professional doctors would observe her status at any time.

He talked with Gong Xue for a while, and listened to the movement of the child in her belly, then came out of the villa and went to the next family to see Li Xinyu, who was eight months pregnant.

In the car.

Chen Duling was once again shocked beyond belief.

Her whole body was numb.

How many women are there in Lin Jiang?

And how many women are pregnant?

The three views are destroyed.

Lapse from virtue.

Chen Duling never thought that this kind of strange thing really existed and happened in front of her eyes.

What's more frightening is that she may also become one of Lin Jiang's women, and may even get pregnant and have children like Chen Shake.

Thinking that she might share a husband with many women in the future, Chen Duling felt the urge to escape.

But she knows better.

She did not dare to escape, nor could she escape.

Because what Lin Jiang has in her hands can make her mother squat, and it is enough for her to be banned by the entertainment industry and discredited. 407


Lin Jiang went to lie down with Li Xinyu again, chatted with her for a while, and ate a meal by the way.

Coming out of Li Xinyu's sea-view room, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He got into the car and drove Chen Duling to the hotel.

"Lin Jiang, you have so many women, how did you raise them?" Chen Duling was already impressed by Lin Jiang's seed ability, which was a nineteen-year-old young man, clearly a large bulldozer.

"Give them a villa to live in, ask a nanny to serve them, give them monthly living expenses, come and chat with them when they have time, and feed them like this." Lin Jiang thought to himself where he went, and in the future, he planned to buy an island abroad, build a large villa area, move his women over, add bricks and tiles to the country, cultivate talents for the society, and completely solve the problem of low population rate.

"You... How many women are there? Chen Duling was stunned, each woman gave a villa, hired a nanny, and returned living expenses, how much did it cost?

"Seven or eight."

Lin Jiang only counted those who were pregnant with his child, and those who did not conceive a child were not counted.

"Are you physically consuming?" Chen Duling was surprised and curious, a man, there are seven or eight women, how does his time arrange?

"My body?"

Lin Jiang glanced at her: "Whether you can eat or not, you don't know?" "

"I mean, how do you organize your time every day, don't you feel inadequate?" Chen Duling said.

"I feel that I have a lot of time, go to school during the day, go to see them at noon, and visit them again in the afternoon, and arrange freely in the evening." Lin Jiang did not feel that time was tight, on the contrary, he felt that most of the time was idle, and he had a feeling of doing nothing.

"What does free arrangement mean?" Chen Duling asked curiously.

"Just like now, I'll take you to the hotel to open a room, this is free arrangement." Lin Jiangdao.


Chen Duling shut up all of a sudden.


In her heart.

Lin Jiang is a big sea king.

Those time management masters who broke the news on the Internet, Sea King or something, compared with him, small witches are not worth mentioning.

Thinking that she was going to be stunned by Lin Jiang, the king of the sea, this evening, a thick unwillingness rose in her heart.

Lin Jiang dared to show his bottom in front of Chen Duling, so he didn't want to let her go.

After all, it was she who took the initiative to provoke him.

After a while.

The car came to the door of the hotel where Chen Duling was staying.

Lin Jiang even saved money to open a house.

After getting off the bus.

The two entered the hotel together and came to the room.

Chen Duling is willing to spend money on staying in a hotel, a luxurious presidential suite, eight thousand eight a day.

The room was spacious, with cloth chairs, sofa, coffee table, double bed, floor-to-ceiling windows, etc.

The bathroom also has a one-meter-eight-long double tub.

Lin Jiang said he was very satisfied.

PS, ask for a monthly pass for flowers,.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 78

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