
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 79

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 79

Filming is an artistic job.

Chen Duling as an actress who has debuted for eight years.

Filmed costume dramas.

Acted in modern dramas.

She was once a holy fairy in front of the screen.

She was also the president of beauty in front of the screen.

It was also a pure school flower in front of the screen.

Over the years, she has filmed too many dramas.

She can't remember many of the roles she played.

But the bitterness of the shooting, she has not forgotten

Whether it's sub-zero snow and ice, hot desert areas, or spring with pleasant climate.

But there has never been a drama that can make her so shocked and frightened.

The director of this drama is Lin Jiang, a director who plays cards out of the ordinary.

At the beginning, even foreplay was not filmed, and went straight to the point.

Chen Duling thought about many, many lines, and none of them came in handy.

This made her feel very sad and felt like a tool person.

But during the following filming, she almost collapsed.

The props that Lin Jiang prepared for her almost scared her away from the set, a stick-shaped prop up to 0.25 meters long, she needed two hands to hold.

Chen Duling said that this kind of prop was the first time she had seen it, and it was also something she could not accept.

After all, she is a slender beauty with no chicken power.

As a new director, Lin Jiang will not get used to her, dare not shoot, but also have to shoot.

Who made her promise to take over the show.


Chen Duling's nightmare began.

The first martial arts scene was filmed for about half an hour.

Tired, her body trembled.

A pair of long white legs, straight swing.

Under her repeated requests, stop filming, she has to rest for a while, this kind of martial arts scene, not only consume physical strength, but also destroy the body.

Lin Jiang was very helpless, not only regretting not falling.

I already knew that Chen Duling was so pretentious.

The heroine should not use her.

Zhao Wenyun, the royal heroine of his time, should be used.

The latter's experience and skills in shooting martial arts scenes, as well as physical endurance, are above Chen Duling, and the latter's acting skills are beautiful and delicate, which is different from Chen Duling's pure type.

After resting for ten minutes, under Chen Duling's great reluctance, he continued to shoot.

Filmed for less than an hour.

As a result, because the weapon was too large, he accidentally injured Chen Duling's body.

Once again, the shooting stopped.

Lin Jiang had to rush Chen Duling to the hospital.

Fortunately, it was delivered in time.

The doctor said it wasn't a big problem.

But in the next few days, Chen Duling could no longer film.

This made Lin Jiang very depressed.

Chen Duling was also very aggrieved.

She repeatedly stated that she was really filming martial arts scenes for the first time, but Lin Jiang just didn't listen, and asked her to do some fancy actions.

She felt that it was a miracle that she could survive.

She lay on the hospital bed, tears rolling away, and her heart and lungs hurt underneath.

The doctor said that the wound had broken down so large that it needed to rest for three or five days.

Chen Duling had a retreat in her heart, she was really not the material for filming martial arts scenes.

Therefore, she asked Lin Jiang to withdraw from the filming of martial arts dramas.

Of course, Lin Jiang will not agree, he comforted Chen Duling, the first episode was filmed, gritted his teeth and endured it, and the second and third episodes could also be filmed smoothly.

Chen Duling cried.

It was very sad to cry.

Pear blossoms bring rain.

Wet all the pillows in the hospital.

She is now full of regret, regret that she did not start at the beginning.

I already knew that Lin Jiang was such a donkey, and she would not take this drama if she said anything.

Lin Jiang hired a nurse for her, let her rest well, and then shoot slowly when she is well.


Lin Hongying called Chen Duling.

"Mom, I don't want to film anymore."

"Martial arts play."

"The male protagonist is too ruthless."

"I'm hurt."

"I'm lying in the hospital."

"You don't use it."

"Mom, when I'm well, I'll go back after filming this play."



Time flies.

Another few days passed.

Lin Jiang has been busy these days.

Chen Shao's mother and son are still in the confinement center.

Gong Xue has been transferred to the obstetrics and gynecology hospital.

The doctor told him that Gong Xue's due date was advanced, and the doctor could not judge the specific day of birth.

This day.

Chen Duling, who was hospitalized with injuries by Lin Jiang, was discharged.

First things after discharge.

Of course, it's still filming.

Although Chen Duling was extremely reluctant, he couldn't afford to provoke him as a director, so he could only follow his instructions, obediently put on a costume, put on a pose, and play against him.

The first scene.

It took more than forty minutes to shoot.

Lin Jiang was very satisfied.

Compared to the previous days.

Chen Duling, who returned from hospitalization, greatly improved his experience in martial arts scenes, and he only needed a look, and the latter could take a pose.

Then, Lin Jiang struck while the iron was hot and continued to shoot the next episode.

Shot for a while.

Chen Duling's physical strength gradually ran out.

Sweaty and sweaty.

When playing opponents, he repeatedly begged for mercy.

This made Lin Jiang very depressed.

He couldn't help but think that the next time he looked for a heroine, he must find a plump, slender type like Chen Duling, whose physical strength was too poor, and it was too late to shoot for a while and stop for a while.


The phone rang.

Lin Jiang took the mobile phone and looked at it.

Calls from maternity hospitals.

He busily picked up.

The doctor told him.

Gong Xue is about to give birth.

Listen to this.

Lin Jiang directly stopped filming.


It's a big deal.

Compared with.

Filming is nothing.


He left the set directly and rushed to the hospital.

What he didn't know was that as soon as he walked on his front foot, Chen Duling knelt on the ground, thanked God for opening his eyes, and finally stopped shooting.

Maternity Hospital.

When Lin Jiang arrived in a hurry.

The child was just born.

It's a boy.

Mother and child are safe.

Lin Jiang glanced at the child.

Another look at the sky outside.

Today, the sun is like fire, and the temperature is 38 degrees high.

Immediately, he and Gong Xue's child was named: Lin Jiao.

[Reward for many sons and blessings: 20 years of life. 】

[Reward for many children: body strengthening once.] 】

[Reward for many children: Magical stealth. 】

His lifespan increased from one hundred to one hundred and twenty years old.

After strengthening his body, he clearly felt that all aspects of his body functions had increased. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The only thing that makes him a little bitter is that after the five limbs are strengthened, they are no longer so sensitive, which means that the pile driving time will be longer.

Psychic stealth is a good thing.

As soon as his mind moves, his body will enter a transparent state.

Of course, stealth is very physically and mentally consuming, and can only be used for up to half an hour a day.

He now has the two major powers of perspective and stealth, and the means of saving his life have improved a lot, which makes him secretly happy.

Gong Xue bore him a son this time.

The reward is naturally not less.

He decided to transfer the villa by the sea to her name and buy her a sports car as a reward for her hard work.

Lin Jiang was in a happy mood, so he spent the whole day in the maternity hospital.

It was the day after Gong Xue gave birth to the child.

Opposite the confinement center.

Chen Huang recovered well after giving birth and can go home.

Lin Jiang personally drove the Cullinan car and sent her and the child back to the villa.

In order to grow up healthily, he transferred a confinement sister-in-law from the confinement center to take care of Lin Jinglei.

Chen Huang, who gave birth to a child, exudes a maternal brilliance, and he can't put it down for Lin Jinglei, no matter what he does, he must hold Lin Jinglei.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the entertainment industry has lost a female artist named Chen Huang since then, and there has been an extra young woman at home in the Shahai villa area.

Once a woman has a child.

She can give up anything.

For example, career.

Such as status.

In the eyes of the mother, these external things are not as important as her children.

The days that followed.

Lin Jiang took care of Gong Xue's mother and son, and Chen Shao's mother and son.

From time to time, he still has to go to see Li Xinyu.

The interval between Li Xinyu and Gong Xue's pregnancy was half a month.

The due date is also close.

In order to ensure the smooth birth of the child.

Lin Jiang sent the pregnant woman car of the hospital to take Li Xinyu, who had a big belly, to the maternity hospital, and professional doctors and nurses could observe the situation at any time, and if there were signs of delivery, they could be sent to the delivery room at any time.

Gong Xue stayed in the delivery room for two days, and then went to the confinement center opposite under the heavy wrapping of doctors and nurses.

This day.

Lin Jiang went to Shahai Villa to visit Chen Huang's mother and son.

Unexpected discovery.

A white Porsche sports car is parked in front of the villa.

Lin Jiang was very puzzled, could someone come to visit Chen Huang?

It shouldn't be.

The matter of Chen Shao's production is absolutely confidential.

Even her parents didn't know.

How can it be known by others.

Lin Jiang was full of doubts and entered from the villa.


On the sofa.

A tall, slender beauty, wearing a short white skirt, long hair shawl, and holding Lin Jinglei, who was waiting to be fed, in her arms.

Lin Jiang fixed his eyes, isn't this Chen Duling?

These days, he is busy taking care of Chen Huang's mother and son, Gong Xue's mother and son, and occasionally goes to her to discuss martial arts scenes.

"You're back."

Chen Duling held Lin Jinglei in her arms, a pure pink cheek, full of a heartfelt smile, she looked up at Lin Jiang, who had just entered the door, and blinked playfully.

Lin Jiang secretly raised his eyebrows, he didn't beat her for a few days, she was itchy again?

"Why are you here?" Lin Jiang asked.

"I went to Shangcheng a few days ago to do something, and I just arrived in the South China Sea today." Chen Duling said calmly, and he couldn't see the slightest clue.

Lin Jiang had to admire, worthy of being from an urban drama, lying without blinking his eyes.

She is obviously in the South China Sea these days, but she said that she went to Shangyuan!

Of course, Lin Jiang also understood what she meant, it was nothing more than finding an excuse to deceive Chen Huang.

After all, she was in the South China Sea, but she didn't come to see Chen Huang for such a long time, and she couldn't say it.

"'Lin Jiang, come and see your son, he really looks like you.' Chen Duling chuckled.

Lin Jiang's black line in the brain, his son must be like him, do you need to say this.

He came to the sofa and sat down, and saw that Chen Duling loved Drowning Forest so much, and whispered: "You like children so much, just give birth to one yourself." "

These words made Chen Duling's face turn crimson.

She really likes children.

But the thought of having children.

She was a little nervous again.

Also, having children is not a one-sentence thing.

She just became popular this year, and if she gets pregnant and has a child, it will be a devastating blow to her career.

After all, the actress came back after giving birth, and it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to become popular.

Take Zhao Liying, for example, before she got married, she relied on the red purple of several fairy tales to overwhelm other post-eighty-fifth flowers.

But she made a comeback after giving birth.

Although the popularity is still there.

But it is not as popular as it was in those years.


Chen Duling easily did not dare to get pregnant and give birth.

Compared with Zhao Liying and their eight-five-year-old, although she is running for three, she is not very old and can wait a few more years.


Chen Shao walked down from the second floor.

She was holding a plate of fruit salad.

"Here you are."

Chen Huang put the fruit salad on the coffee table, glanced at Lin Jiang with a chuckle, and then looked at Chen Duling, who was teasing the child, and his beautiful eyes crossed a trace of doubt.

"Just coming."

Lin Jiang said with a smile: "When I just came in from the door, I saw a car parked outside, and I thought that there was a guest at home, but I didn't expect it to be your good girlfriend." "

"Du Ling just flew from Shangyuan to the South China Sea today, and came to see me as soon as she got off the plane." Chen Shao smiled lightly (Qian Hao Zhao), but the doubt in his eyes could not be concealed.

Women's intuition has always been very sensitive.

She felt that Chen Duling had changed a lot during this time.

The eyebrows are full of style.

A glance and a smile.

Full of the charm of a mature woman.

As she tapped on the side, Chen Duling denied that she had a boyfriend.

This made her even more puzzled, how could she have changed so much without a boyfriend?

"We are good girlfriends, you just gave birth now, and I, who is a girlfriend, naturally want to come to see you." Chen Duling's expression swelled with a smile.


Lin Jiang sneered in his heart.

Plastic girlfriends are about the same.

"That... I bought you some gifts in the car. "

Chen Duling handed Lin Jinglei in his arms to Chen Huang, got up and went out to get something.

From the moment she stood up and walked out, Chen Huang's gaze never left her back.

As a woman who had just given birth to a child, she could see Chen Duling's abnormality at a glance.

"What to see?"

Lin Jiang glanced at Chen Shake and thought to himself what she was staring at Chen Duling?

On body looks.

She is both slender.

The difference is that Chen Huang's style can vary a lot, and it can be pure or royal sister.

And Chen Duling can only be pure type, after all, her appearance and figure determine her, and she is not suitable for taking the royal sister route.

"Nothing seedling."

Chen Shao withdrew his gaze and hid the doubts in his heart.

A moment later.

Chen Duling came in from outside carrying a large bag of things.

These are some of the daily necessities she bought for Chen Huang and Lin Jinglei at the supermarket.

The Nanhai RT-Mart font on the plastic bag is very eye-catching.

Chen Huang looked shocked when he saw the big runfa writing on the plastic bag.

Chen Duling said that she got off the plane and came directly to the villa to see her, how could she detour to RT-Mart Shopping Center? .

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 79

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