
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 8

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 8

The next few days.

Lin Jiang went to school during the day and played games at night, and the days were relaxed and comfortable.

Chen Huang rested for two or three days, his health gradually improved, and he went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

The doctor told her that when she asked her to find a partner, she would try to find a countryman, although Xiao Hei was tall and big, but he did not match the countryman.

Chen Huang was ashamed to find a seam to get into.

Lin Jiang is a black man, and he is clearly a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

However, then again, in terms of capital, Lin Jiang's capital is stronger than Xiao Hei.

No wonder the doctor told him so.

In the end, the doctor told him that Xiao Hei was a liar, and the places where they lived were poor mountains and bad waters, and they lived the life of primitive people.

Moreover, in the past two years, many girls have married Xiaohei, and the ending is quite bleak.

Some women were abandoned in primitive tribes, and some became severely deformed after giving birth.

Moreover, some girls who have never given birth have loose crotches and thickened thin waist.

Doctors said so.

Chen Shao was suddenly a little scared.

I wondered if she would be like this in the future, with loose hips, thicker thin waist, and bloated long legs.

Thinking about it like this, she felt that she would have to hide from Lin Jiang as much as possible in the future, after all, he was a little more powerful than Xiao Hei.

Compared with Chen Shao, Gong Xue's state is still slowly recovering, and although she can temporarily walk on the ground, she does not dare to push too hard.

Gong Xue has been staying in room 7889 of the Furong Court Hotel these days.

At school, she asked her teacher for leave.

As for her side of the house, she also explained it, thought badly, and went out.

Time flies.

A week passed quietly.

Lin Jiang has had a very comfortable and dull week.

However, he has never forgotten the many children and blessings.

No, Chen Huang had just recovered his radiance, so he let him take him to the beach in the name of seeing the scenery.

The sea is rough.

The tide is surging.

The sunset is late, and it has a special flavor.

By the sea, a man and a woman walk side by side.

The man is about seventeen or eight years old, about one meter seven or eight meters tall, sunny and handsome, with a gentle smile.

The woman is about twenty-three or four years old, with a gorgeous demeanor, white short sleeves, a graceful posture, and a pair of round and straight long legs, which looks very eye-catching.

Lin Jiang didn't have the heart to enjoy the sea view, and he took Chen Huang out to see the sea, just an excuse.

The two strolled around the beach for a while and came to a remote shoal.

What follows cannot be carefully described.

I only knew that when the two returned, Lin Jiang carried Chen Huang on his back and got into the car.

Back at the hotel, Lin Jiang worked hard again, after all, the reward of many children and blessings was too tempting, and he couldn't wait for Chen Huang to get pregnant immediately.

And Chen Huang is powerless about this, after all, Lin Jiang is too mysterious, so that she can't have the mind to resist.


When the first rays of the morning sun shine on the earth.

Lin Jiang walked in the corridor of Nanhai University, occasionally saying hello to familiar classmates.

Walked for a while.

Face to face a high-looking beauty with long legs and a thin waist.

She wore a pair of black shorts with short white sleeves on top, a pair of small white shoes, and long black hair that hung down her shoulders like a waterfall.

Her skin is very white, like a winter snowflake, her facial features are exquisite and picturesque, and her eyes are full of spring waves, glowing with a touch of surprise and complexity.

She saw Lin Jiang, a white jade-like face, full of shock, shyness and other complicated expressions.

She never expected that she would actually meet Lin Jiang on the campus of Nanhai University.

You know, the psychological shadow that Lin Jiang brought her was too big.

She could never forget the scene of her frequent begging for mercy in Furong Pavilion that night.

I can't forget the humiliation that Lin Jiang brought to her during the two or three days when she was recuperating.

"See you again."

Lin Jiang greeted generously.

"You're a student at Nanhai University?" Gong Xuemei's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, since Lin Jiang showed strong ability, she ignored Lin Jiang's true age.


Lin Jiang nodded, his eyes swept from Gong Xue's bumpy and graceful posture, and he had a little more different look, "Do you have time tonight?" "


Gong Xue's face suddenly changed, and she shook her head busily: "No." "

Lin Jiang shrugged slightly, and said regretfully: "Originally, I was going to tell you something, since you don't have time, then forget it." "

After that, he turned around and left, not dragging mud and water at all.

"Wait a minute."

Gong Xue hurriedly called out to him and asked, "What do you have to tell me?" "

"Want to know?"

A playful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth: "In the evening, Furong Pavilion 7889, see you in the old place." "

Gong Xuejiao's body trembled, her beautiful eyes flashed with fear, she shook her head busily, turned around and fled.

Lin Jiang looked at her Miaoman's back, sneered in his heart, got on his thief ship, but did not leave so easily.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone, sent a text message to Gong Xue, and then hummed a small tune and left.

Girls' dormitory.

After Gong Xue returned to the bedroom, a nervous heart gradually eased down.

She took out her mobile phone and was about to send a message to her girlfriend, but found an unread text message, so she clicked it and took a look.

At this point, I couldn't return to my senses for several minutes.

She hesitated again and again and sent a text message back to Lin Jiang: See you at eight o'clock in the evening.

If she could, she didn't want to have anything to do with Lin Jiang in her life, after all, that kind of heart-wrenching pain was enough to experience it once.

But the content of the text message sent by Lin Jiang made her have to obediently obey.

After a while.

She decided to find someone to investigate Lin Jiang's background.

She called her best friend Liu Hua and asked her to help investigate Lin Jiang.

You know, Liu Hua is the mayor Qianjin and has certain privileges.

A few hours later, the background information about Lin Jiang was sent to Gong Xue's mobile phone in the form of a document.

She clicked on the document and read it carefully.

"Lin Jiang, eighteen years old, both parents died, the welfare dean grew up, excellent academic performance since childhood, and treated others kindly..."

I read Lin Jiang's background information.

Gong Xue was a little unbelievable, the demon who tortured her to death was actually an orphan with excellent academic performance, which may be true, but he treated people kindly, as if he was not with Ning Jiang.

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 8

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