
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 80

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 80

Chen Shao's doubts rose sharply in his heart.

But it is not convenient to say it directly.

The rest of the relationship.

She was even more secretly surprised.

She found that Lin Jiang and Chen Duling seemed to be very familiar, and when they spoke, they were like acquaintances.

She had a terrible guess in her mind.

It was these days when Chen Duling disappeared, not to Shangyuan, but to be split by Lin Jiang.

She had experienced the same thing, which was a very shameful thing to see.

After a while.

Lin was crying no.

Chen shook him upstairs to breastfeed.

In the living room, Lin Jiang and Chen Duling were left.

Lin Jiang's busy feet these days did not touch the ground, and at this moment, seeing Chen Duling's snow-white long legs and slender waist, he was about to move.

He glanced upstairs.

Chen Shake took at least ten minutes to breastfeed the child.

Immediately, he looked at Chen Duling's eyes, and gradually something was wrong.

The latter keenly noticed the look in Lin Jiang's eyes and was taken aback.

Is this at his house?

Isn't he afraid of being discovered by Chen Huang?

Chen Duling was busy moving away from Lin Jiang, he was just an animal, a tough mess.

But Lin Jiang smiled and walked towards Chen Duling, forced her to the corner of the sofa, and pounced.

Chen Duling said that she really wanted to cry without tears.

What a person is this?

Wilder than a wolf.

Ten minutes later.

Chen Shao carried Lin Jinglei downstairs.

Lin Jinglei, who ate milk, slept very sweetly.

Lin Jiang and Chen Duling each played with their mobile phones, as if nothing had happened.

But Chen Huang saw Chen Duling's pink cheeks turned crimson, full of spring charm.

In an instant.

She understood everything.

Her best friend was taken down by Lin Jiang.

For Lin Jiang.

She had a fear from the bottom of her heart.

Moreover, she gave Lin Jiang a child, which was a deal.

Therefore, no matter who Lin Jiang messed with, she had no right to ask.

But Chen Duling is her best friend.

How could she be with Lin Jiang??

Chen Huang was very angry in his heart, but on the surface, he was pleasant.

This moment.

From the bottom of her heart, she is no longer Chen Duling is a girlfriend.

After all, robbing her child's father's girlfriend is hateful than plastic girlfriend.

And Chen Duling didn't know that she had revealed her stuffing.

At this moment, she was slandering Lin Jiang, donkeys, cattle in her heart...

About half an hour later.

Chen Duling felt Chen Huang's attitude, and suddenly became a lot cold.

She was also embarrassed to stay any longer, so she offered to leave.

Lin Jiang did not shy away and left 240 with her.



Time flies.

Another few days passed.

Lin Jiang has been experiencing a series of good things and happy events recently.

Chen Shao bore him a son.

Gong Xue also bore him a son.

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

He now even walks, with a fluttering feeling.

A 5-star hotel.

Chen Duling's pure face was filled with sadness and a trace of anxiety.

Her great aunt postponed it for a few days this month.

She thought that it was caused by an injury when filming with Lin Jiang, so she didn't take it seriously.

But the eldest aunt had not come for more than five days, so she quickly bought a pregnancy test stick to test.

The result of the test is two bars.

She won the bid.

At this time, Chen Duling wanted to die.

She was running for three, and the first time she did that with a man, she became pregnant.

God seems to have played a big joke with her.

There is no romance.

There is no marriage.

Not even a romantic date.

That's how she hit.

None of this matters to her now.

The important thing is that the seeds in the stomach are germinating day by day....

To or not to?

This question flooded her brain.

She wanted this child in her heart, after all, she was running for three, and it was when the maternal brilliance was at its most abundant.

But you can't ask for it.

Right now is the dividend period of her career.

Advertising endorsements, dramas, variety shows, etc. are constant.

If you get pregnant and give birth, it will be two years off.

If you come back two years later, you will inevitably not be the same as you are today.

An hour later.

Chen Duling took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Jiang's phone to ask him to come to the hotel.

Lin Jiang was in the maternity hospital, and the doctor said that Li Xinyu might give birth today, so he didn't go anywhere, so he stayed in the maternity hospital, waiting for the child to land...

Chen Duling heard that Lin Jiang was reluctant to come.

All of a sudden, the six gods were masterless.

She was pregnant with Lin Jiang's seed.

He didn't even want to come and take a look?

Chen Duling collapsed directly.

A person lies on the bed crying.

In his heart, he scolded Lin Jiang a thousand times - a donkey.

Maternity Hospital.

Lin Jiang is dressed in a suit, sunny and handsome.

At this moment, he walked around the door of the delivery room.

Li Xinyu went in for so long, and he didn't hear the cry of the child falling to the ground, which made him a little anxious.

As for Chen Duling's phone call.

Completely in his expectation.

After all, this month, he and Chen Duling filmed dozens of times.

Every time it is billions of descendants.

Chen Duling didn't eat Yu Ting either.

The winning bid is absolute.


In the delivery room, a baby's cry sounded.

Lin Jiang was overjoyed, he was busy using fluoroscopy to penetrate the wall and saw the doctor holding a baby with a handle.

Another son.

Lin Jiang couldn't help but laugh.

God is not thin on him.

He gave birth to three sons in a row.

The Lin family is prosperous and is just around the corner.

"Gave birth, congratulations to the boss, gave birth to another son." The doctor ran out of childbirth with the baby in his arms and congratulated Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang was also not a stingy person, and said, "Everyone in the hospital, a thousand yuan red envelope per person." "

"Thank you boss." The female doctor busily thanked her.

Lin Jiang glanced at his and Li Xinyu's son, and then at the sky outside, the light rain was dripping, and the breeze was cool, that is, he named his third son: Lin Yu.

【Reward for many children and many blessings: 20 years of life】

[Reward for many children and many blessings; Body strengthening once】

[Duoko Tofu Reward: Primary Magical Curse Technique]

Shouyuan increased again by twenty years, and Lin Jiang's Shouyuan reached one hundred and forty years old.

His body strengthened again, and although it was not yet invulnerable, his body was already immune to ordinary attacks.

Elementary curse, this ability is interesting.

He only needs to move his mind and put a curse on someone, and the cursed person will be unlucky.

For example, if he now curses Chen Fang's husband for falling, the other party will immediately drop a dog to eat. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because it is a primary curse technique, it can only curse some minor disasters.

However, Lin Jiang is already very satisfied with this, with the curse technique, if anyone offends him in the future, he will directly curse the other party for not lifting, not working well, being green, and so on.

Li Xinyu was pregnant in October, and it was not easy to give birth.

He will give her a sea-view villa and a million-class sports car as agreed before.

Considering that Li Xinyu's mother is still hospitalized, he will give Li Xinyu another million.

Lin Jiang was in a happy mood, so he stayed in the maternity hospital all day.

At dusk, he went to the confinement center opposite and took a look at Gong Xue and Lin Jiao.

Only then did I remember that Chen Duling called him today and said that she was pregnant.

Hard piling for a month.

Now the seeds are germinating.

It is necessary for the seeds to thrive in the ground until they blossom and bear fruit.

Coming out of the confinement center.

He drove the Cullinan to the hotel where Chen Duling was staying.

With Chen Duling's nature, when she learned that she was pregnant, she must be mixed, and it is estimated that she did not eat much all day today.

Lin Jiang passed by a Sichuan restaurant and went in to bring her a few meals, chicken, shrimp, fish, and packed two bowls of old hen soup.

Chen Duling will be fine if he is hungry for a day or two.

But the child in her belly was hungry.

Lin Jiang carried the packed meals to the hotel room where Chen Duling was staying.

As soon as you enter the door.

Chen Duling had a cold face, looking at his eyes as if he was killing his father and enemies.

Lin Jiang put the meal he packed in his hand on the coffee table and said, "Eat quickly, the life in your stomach needs nutritional supplements." "

"I don't eat."

Chen Duling thought that he was a bastard with no conscience, he did not spare (ahcg) when he was plowing, and the seeds germinated, and he actually ignored him and did not come to see her all day.

"Don't talk nonsense, eat quickly, and supplement nutrition first." Lin Jiang's eyes widened, thinking that you are hungry and don't starve your descendants.

"Don't eat."

Chen Duling gambled and said, "Anyway, you don't care about the child in my belly, I will go to the hospital tomorrow to do abortion." "

"You dare."

Lin Jiang suddenly became furious: "If you dare to take off Lao Tzu's seed, I will send your mother in to step on the sewing machine." "

"What are you fierce?"

Chen Duling was even more aggrieved in his heart.

She was pregnant with him, and he didn't even have a word of comfort.

Lin Jiang's anger gradually subsided, and said, "For the sake of the child, I don't think about you, go to the hospital tomorrow for an examination, and then take anti-fetal pills and prepare for the fetus." "


Chen Duling Liu frowned: "You have seven or eight women, each woman gives you a child, you have seven or eight children, if I give you another child, will you take care of it?" "

"This doesn't bother you, you are responsible for the birth, and I am responsible for the maintenance." Lin Jiang thought to himself what seven or eight children were worth, and he couldn't even put together a football team.

"No, what if you abandon me and the child in the future?"

Chen Duling wanted to give birth to a child while worrying about it.

Lin Jiang has so many women at a young age, and in a few years, there will be too many women around him to count, if he likes the new and dislikes the old, she and the child will not even have a dependency....

Also, for so many years, she has always been the best child who listens to her mother, and if she doesn't confess to her parents, she has such a big thing as pregnancy....

"Chen Huang also gave birth to a child, did I abandon her and the child?"

Lin Jiang thought to himself what she was thinking about in this head.

As soon as you hear this.

Chen Duling cried again with teary eyes.

Thinking of Chen Huang.

She felt a little guilty.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to the hospital for a check-up, send you to the villa by the sea to raise a baby, and then assign you a nanny to serve you 24 hours a day." Lin Jiangdao.

"No, some things have to be made clear."

Chen Duling didn't want to give birth to Lin Jiang so unclearly, even if he wanted to give birth, he had to make it clear.

"What do you have to say?" Lin Jiangdao.

"First, I am now in the dividend period of career development, I can earn 780 million a year, if I raise a baby, you have to compensate me for this money."

"Second, after I give birth and come back again, I won't earn much money a year, and you have to give me and my child a living allowance every year."

"Third, I must make it clear to my family about my pregnancy, and you will have to accompany me home when the time comes."

"Fourth, you have to come to see me once a day during my pregnancy..."

"Fifth, because you are not human, you are only allowed to touch me once or twice a month, and each time should not exceed twenty minutes."


Chen Duling's conditions are not finished.

Lin Jiang interrupted impatiently: "Are you endless?" "

"If you can't do these conditions, I won't give birth to the baby." Chen Duling thought that Lin Jiang was too spent, and she had to fight for the rights of herself and the child in her belly.

"During your pregnancy, the monthly living expenses are 200,000 yuan, after you give birth, the monthly living expenses are 500,000 yuan, you are pregnant, I can go and tell your family clearly, during the pregnancy, I will come to see you every day."

Lin Jiang can only do this, as for the compensation of 780 million she said, Men'er does not have it, what do you think?

"200,000 a month, this little money is not enough for me to buy online." Chen Duling thought that he was too picky.

"Not everyone is like you, earning tens of millions a year, most ordinary people, only earn two or three hundred thousand a year, if you think the living expenses are small, you can not do it." Lin Jiang thought that in the future, he would find a mother for his child, and he must not find a rich girl, it would be too difficult to serve.

Chen Duling was very angry, but after thinking about it, Lin Jiang was only eighteen or nine years old after all, and he had to feed not only her, but also seven or eight women every month, and it was understandable that there was economic pressure.

"The last condition, I can't blackmail my mother's affairs in the future."


Lin Jiang agreed happily.

He didn't want to send Chen Duling and her mother into the bureau.

Chen Duling saw that he agreed, and then went to eat.

During this time with her, Lin Jiang found that in addition to being a little high-minded, she was also okay in other aspects.

Anyway, he is not marrying a wife, so he does not have so many requirements.


Lin Jiang accompanied her for a while.

Drew her a flatbread.

Make her happy.

Women are all emotional.

When she became pregnant with his species, she naturally obeyed.

Lin Jiang silently calculated in his heart that he now has three sons, next month Qiao Xin will give birth, and a few months later Liu Hua, Yao Kesi, Chen Duling...

At night, he accompanied Chen Duling at the hotel.


He accompanied Chen Duling to a maternity hospital.

Because she was pregnant for so short a time, nothing could be checked.

The doctor prescribed some medicine for her to have an abortion.

Then, he took Chen Duling to the Shahai villa area, No. 16 Seaview Villa.

The decoration and furniture of the sea view villa were ready-made, every day the cleaner came over and cleaned the house, which was clean and spotlessly clean.

He transferred a nanny from a housekeeping company to serve Chen Duling.

He also accompanied her to the street to buy jewelry and clothes.

After settling Chen Duling.

Lin Jiang began to think about ways to make money, and recently, his expenses have been too large.

Moreover, these are only a few women, if there are more women and more children in the future, the cost will definitely double.

Therefore, it is urgent to make money.

Fortunately, his layout in all walks of life over the years has achieved remarkable results.

Especially in the South China Sea, Jiangdi Group, the stock price has risen sharply in recent times.

PS, ask for a monthly pass for flowers,.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 80

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