
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 81

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 81

Another half a month later.

This day.

Confinement centers.

Lin Jiang is teasing the third ~ Zi Lin Yu.


The phone rang.

It is an unfamiliar number -, the place of belonging - Shangjian.

He pressed the answer button.

From the microphone of the mobile phone, there was a pleasant sound.

"My due date is on the fifteenth of this month."

"Can you come to Shangjian?"

This voice was very familiar to Lin Jiang.

Almost every few days, he would talk to the owner of this voice.

Lin Jiang was silent for a moment and replied, "See you tomorrow." "

Finish speaking.

He hung up.

The caller was Qiao Xin.

In the past few months, he and Qiao Xin have contacted once and then.

Of course, there is little affection and love between them, only one hub, the child.

The child in Qiao Xin's belly is his species after all.

Therefore, Qiao Xin would call him every few times to tell him about the child's situation.

Lin Jiang is not a person who favors one over the other.

When Chen Shao, Gong Xue, and Li Xinyu gave birth, he was accompanied in the hospital.

Since Qiao Xin proposed it, he wanted him to go to Shangjian and witness the birth of the child with his own eyes, and he would not refuse.

It just so happened that he had some things in Shangyun that he needed to go over and deal with in person.

After Lin Jiang decided to come down.

He began to arrange his departure from the South China Sea.

This time I went to Kamigen.

Three or five days fast.

As short as a week or two.

The school must have to take a leave of absence.

On the Jiangdi Group's side, Wu Yindi has always been in charge, and he has nothing to worry about.

The only thing that made him feel at ease were a few women who had just given birth, Chen Shao, Gong Xue, and Li Xinyu.

Chen Shao is already out of confinement and takes his children in the villa every day.

Gong Xue and Li Xinyu were still in confinement, and Lin Jiao and Lin Yu had just started breastfeeding.

As for Liu Hua, Yao Kesi, and Chen Duling, the three pregnant women, he was not very worried.

After all, the three of them have not been pregnant for a long time, and they are temporarily in the stage of raising a fetus, and he has nothing to worry about.



Nanhai Airport.

A passenger plane flying from the South China Sea to Shangyuan roared into the air and headed for the blue sky and white clouds.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Jiang's plane landed at Shangyanpujiang Airport.

Shangji, also known as the magic capital.

During the Republican period, it was called the first city in the Far East.

It is one of the most representative cities in the south.

It is also a place where the rich gather.

The richest man in Shangjian is worth more than 300 billion.

And the richest man in the South China Sea is worth less than 100 billion.

It can be seen from this that Shangyuan, whether it is economy, population, culture, etc., is not comparable to the South China Sea.

Pujiang Airport.

Lin Jiang was wearing a white shirt, black suit pants, a pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet, a suitcase in his hand, and a suit jacket on his arm.

This dressed man, he looks like a twenty-year-old left, and he looks like a workplace elite.

At this moment, he walked with a sturdy step, pulled his suitcase, and came out of the passage of the airport.


A man in his thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, quickly greeted him and said respectfully: "Boss, welcome to Shangyuan." "

Finish talking.

He hurriedly pulled Lin Jiang's suitcase over.

This person's name is Huang Wentao.

Nicknamed Brother Tao.

It is a subordinate of Lin Jiang's development a few years ago.

Currently, he is in charge of two bars, a private upscale clubhouse, and two five-star hotels in Shangyuan.

Lin Jiang's investment in Shangyuan covers a wide range of industries, including entertainment, catering, medicine and other industries.

And Huang Wentao is the head of the entertainment industry.

This person's business mind is very average.

But his loyalty is unmatched.

This is also the reason why Lin Jiang used him.

"Boss, I have prepared the most high-grade room for you at Huamao Hotel, you go to the hotel to rest first." Huang Wentao said.


Lin Jiang nodded, this time he came to Shangyuan, and only informed Huang Wentao alone, which showed his trust in this person.

Come to the parking lot.

Huang Wentao loaded Lin Jiang's luggage into the car.

Immediately, he personally drove Lin Jiang to live at the Huamao Hotel.

"Boss, I have prepared a Porsche Cayenne for you as your car in Shangyuan." Huang Wentao said.

Lin Jiang nodded slightly, and did not say a word.

After a while.

The car stopped in front of Huamao Hotel.

Lin Jiang took the room card from Huang Wentao and entered the hotel directly, without saying a word.

Come to the hotel.

Penthouse Deluxe Suite.

He dialed Qiao Xin's phone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I just got off the plane."

"Which hospital are you?"

"If it's convenient, I'll go over now?"

"Okay, got it."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang took out the tea leaves from his suitcase, made him a cup of tea, and rested for a while.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

He came out of the hotel.

Driving a white Porsche Cayenne.

Go to Shangcheng Oriental Hospital.

Dongfang Hospital is well-known throughout the country and even the world.

In particular, the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital is very famous, and many rich people in the southern region like to come here to give birth.


Seventh floor.

One single room.

Lin Jiang pushed open the door of the ward empty-handed and walked in.

In the ward.

A pregnant woman lies on a hospital bed with a big belly.

Lin Jiang glanced at it, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth: "Ms. Qiao, meet again." "

On the bed, Qiao Xin's expression looked a little haggard, and her hands and feet were swollen.

She glanced at Lin Jiang, hurriedly pulled over the quilt, covered her big belly, and looked a little embarrassed, with a bit of shame.

"Here you are."

Qiao Xin's voice is still so affinity, it sounds very comfortable.

"You're going to give birth, can I not come?"

Lin Jiang smiled slightly.

Although he only planted a few seeds in the ground.

But the seeds germinated in Qiao Xin's body, and after October, they thrived, and now they are ripe.

As a cheap father, he came to accompany Qiao Xin to give birth and witness the birth of his bloodline.

"If I don't call you, do you remember that your baby is going to be born?" Qiao Xin's voice carried a hint of reproach.

Lin Jiang did not refute either.

In fact.

Since Qiao Xin's pregnancy.

He really didn't fulfill his obligations as a father for a day.

"Boys? Or girls? Lin Jiang changed the subject.

"Boys." Qiao Xin said.


Lin Jiang frowned secretly.

How are all boys born.

His life is too good.

"We said in advance, the child will take my surname, you are not allowed to repent." Qiao Xin glanced at him and emphasized again.

"Promise you something, I will not regret it."

Lin Jiang doesn't care whose surname the child takes, anyway, it's his species.

Qiao Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Lin Jiang and her would rob the child's surname, after all, the Qiao family did not have a male member, and the child she gave birth to was the only bloodline of the third generation of the Qiao family.

"However, in the next child, the child must take my last name." Lin Jiang added.

"Next baby, you want to be beautiful." Qiao Xinjiao snorted, thinking that he had just sown a seed, but she had to work hard to conceive for ten months... Earth..

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 81

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