
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 82

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 82

A meaningful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

Her first child is almost gone.

Will you refuse to have a second one?

"By the way, why is there no one around you to take care of?"

Lin Jiang thought that her belly was so big, she was about to give birth, why didn't she see a nanny with her?

"I took them all."

Qiao Xin was slightly embarrassed, she didn't want her family to know that Lin Jiang was the father of the child in her belly.


Lin Jiang nodded, Qiao Xin did this, it was nothing more than not wanting the relationship between the two of them to be exposed, this point, he raised his hands in favor.

After all, in the Internet era, the speed of news spread too fast, he didn't want to become an Internet celebrity, and he had no privacy at all.

Qiao Xin took out the car keys from under the pillow and said, "The storage box under the co-pilot of my car has a red house book for you." "

"Fangben? For me? "

Lin Jiang's face was slightly strange.

Qiao Xin, what does this mean?

Give him a baby for free, and give him a house book?


Qiao Xin nodded gently: "In the future, you will come to Shangyuan, so that I can take my child to see you." "


Lin Jiang understood at once.

Dare to love Qiao Xin to send him a house book to facilitate their tryst.

This one can have.

After all, he was already pondering that after Qiao Xin gave birth to a child, he would let her give birth to a second child.

"I accepted the house book, do you have anything else to give?"

Lin Jiang does not feel at all that he has the potential of a little white face, anyway, spending his own children is no different from spending his own, anyway, in another twenty years, the tens of billions of assets of Qiao's Group will all belong to his son.

"What do you want?"

Qiao Xin couldn't help laughing, she really didn't know what Lin Jiang lacked.

"The house is there, what about the beautiful women with luxury cars?" Lin Jiang thought about the beautiful woman in the house and car, which is the standard for successful men.

"What car do you like?" Qiao Xin smiled slightly.

"The car cannot be less than five million, the beauty value cannot be too low, it is best to have a job, the technology is good and not sticky." Lin Jiangdao.


Qiao Xin couldn't help but think, the child and his father are too rogue, what is the technology good and not sticky, do you mean her?

"I usually walk around in a Mercedes Big G, if you like it, you can drive it, anyway, I don't like that kind of big SUV very much."

"Then I thank the child's mother."

Lin Jiang is also not pretentious, he will accept whatever she sends.

"What are you talking about?" Qiao Xin's face flushed a crimson.

"What's shy, wait a few days, our son will croak to the ground, aren't you a child." Lin Jiang said seriously.

"You... You hurry up. "Qiao Xin thought to herself that he was a college student, how could he talk so hooligan and croak to the ground... This word is also too indecent.

"Thank you for the house and car, I'll go first, and I'll come to see you in the evening."

Lin Jiang waved his hand with the car keys, turned around and went out of the delivery room.

After he left.

Qiao Xin took out her mobile phone and made a call.

A moment later, a middle-aged woman came in from the delivery room with two nannies.

The middle-aged woman is Qiao's father and Qiao's mother.

The two nannies are the old people of the Qiao family, who specialize in serving Qiao Xin who is waiting for delivery.

"The person you met was the child in your belly?" Mother Joe said.

"Mom, you actually peep?" Qiao Xin was suddenly a little angry, she spread her family away to see Lin Jiang, she didn't want them to see Lin Jiang.

Qiao's mother is also very angry in her heart, the current young man, too unspeakable, made her daughter's belly bigger, did not pay attention to it, and did not have the slightest sense of responsibility.

Qiao's father didn't say anything, he was also very angry in his heart, how can there be such a man, who makes an adult's belly, but he is irresponsible.


Parking lot.

Lin Jiang took the Mercedes-Benz Big G car key given by Qiao Xin and was looking for the Mercedes-Benz Big G in the parking lot.

Looked for a while.

He found a big white Mercedes G in Zone C.

Press the car key to unlock the lock.

The headlights flashed twice.

He opened the cab door and sat down.

In the storage box under the co-pilot, a red house book was found.

The name on the house book is his name.

No wonder a few days ago, Qiao Xin asked him for ID photos, daring to buy him a house.

There is also this Mercedes-Benz Big G, a big toy for men, the best of desert surfing, and a high-level artifact on Sichuan-Tibet Road.

Lin Jiang started the Mercedes-Benz Big G, took the house book, and prepared to navigate to the address on the house book.


A bang.

The Mercedes Big G shook.

Lin Jiang hurriedly looked up.

I saw the butt of a BMW X6 in front of me, stunned on the front of the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Nima –

Lin Jiang was a little confused.

He didn't drive this car yet, so he got into an accident?

He pushed the car door, went down to take a look, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Not much too big, the bumper of the Mercedes Big G was knocked a little patent leather, slightly concave a little.

It's this BMW X6, and the butt of the car is recessed together.


A plump young woman got down from the BMW X6.

She is about twenty-seven or eight years old, wearing a coffee-colored dress, wearing sunglasses, and she can't see the specific facial features, but judging from the shape of her face and the bridge of her nose, she should be a beautiful young woman.

The young woman got out of the car and took a look at the extent of the accident.

Lin Jiang thought that the problem was not big, there was no need to apply for insurance, each repaired his own, anyway, he couldn't spend a few dollars.

"How do you drive?" The beautiful young woman accused.


Lin Jiang suddenly became angry and said, "Your eyes are on your butt?" "

"How do you talk?" The beautiful young woman said angrily.

"I'm talking like this, you don't drive your own eyes, and you accuse Lao Tzu for no reason, you think Lao Tzu is a dog, you hit the car, and then you blame it, and then you pay a little lost work and mental damage, you eat too much lard, and you want to do good things." Lin Jiang scolded directly.


The beautiful young woman was directly scolded.

That's exactly what she thought just now.

After all, she is a beauty, and in any case, she is privileged.

"You what you, hurry up and call the police, Laozi has no time to compare with you." Lin Jiang is also angry, what kind of thing, and want to reverse black and white, rebel him, what do you want?

"Call the police, call the police."

The young woman took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, traffic police brigade, there is a traffic accident here in the Dongfang Hospital, you guys come and deal with it." "

Hung up.

The beautiful young woman pointed at Lin Jiang and said, "The traffic police will deal with it in a while, you wait." "

"I'll wait in the car."

Lin Jiang turned on the Mercedes-Benz Big G, thinking how unlucky it was, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the young woman's BMW X6 license plate number to save it.

Next, he played with his mobile phone while waiting for the traffic police to arrive.

When he was not paying attention, the young woman drove the white BMW X6, kicked the accelerator down, and actually ran away.

Lin Jiang thought to himself that this woman was poisonous.

Du Tai called the police.

Still dare to escape?

He took out his mobile phone and called the traffic police brigade and asked when the traffic police officer who handled the accident would arrive.

The operator of the traffic police brigade told him that the police had not received a police call near the Oriental Hospital.

Hung up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Jiang reacted instantly.

Damn it.

It's been tricked.

It is said that Shangjian people are masters of playing routines.

He just arrived in Shangyuan today, and he asked his family to teach him a lesson.


Run the monk.

Can't run the temple.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call, reporting the license plate number of the young woman and asking the other party to check the motor vehicle information.

Hung up.

Two minutes later.

Information about the owner of the car is sent to his mobile phone.

The owner of the car is Cui Lan, 28 years old, and his family lives in Pujiang New District....

Lin Jiang's mind moved, and the primary curse technique: cursed Cui Lan to drive to the rear.


A white BMW X6 spers.

Cui Lan held the steering wheel in one hand.

Holding a cell phone in one hand.

Videochatting with someone.

The other side of the video is a good-looking beauty, with a very delicate face.

"When I was reversing in the Oriental Hospital just now, I accidentally hit a Mercedes-Benz Big G, thinking that the owner of the car was a rich second generation, but it turned out to be a poor ghost, not a dime to pay me, but also to call the police to deal with it..."

"You hit someone else's car and asked someone to compensate you..."

"What era is it, we women are a scarce resource..."

Cui Lan looked proud, suddenly, slipped under his feet, did not step on the brakes, the car swooped up, crashed into an Audi car.


Cui Lan's brain door slammed on the steering wheel, and she screamed in pain, her brain was blank, and the cerebral blood supply was insufficient.

Slowed down for a short while.

She only slowed down, pushed the car door and went down to see, and the whole person was shocked.

Her BMW X6 knocked the butt of the Audi car directly into the flower.


Cui Lan was not afraid, with her crash experience, it was a big deal to repeat the old trick, anyway, she experienced this kind of thing many times.

On the Audi car, a beautiful woman with sunglasses with a convex front and back walked down, tall and tall, with a graceful physique 0.......

She is wearing a coffee-colored V one-piece short skirt, a pair of cool high heels on her feet, a delicate and picturesque face, natural formation, eyebrows, big eyes, small and tall nose bridge, pink and red cherry small mouth, bright and moving, gorgeous temperament.

Cui Lan was slightly startled.

How do you get down a female driver?

Shouldn't it be a man?

The beautiful woman with a front and back got out of the car and took a look at the scene, directly took out her mobile phone to call the police, and did not say a word to Cui Lan.

Cui Lan raised her eyebrows and crossed her hands at her waist: "Beauty, how did you drive?" "

The beautiful woman with a convex front and back raised eyebrows frowned slightly, her expression surged with a touch of disgust, crashed the car without apologizing, and also raked upside down, this kind of person is not a city shrew, but also a wicked woman with three views and no bottom line.

"Wait for the traffic police to deal with it."

The beautiful woman with a convex front and back dropped this sentence and turned on the Audi.

Cui Lan glanced at the BMW X6, the front face was concave into a large piece, the bumper and left headlight were all broken, and the maintenance cost was at least one or twenty thousand yuan, and she shivered in distress.

She glanced up at the camera at the traffic light intersection and thought that when the traffic police came, she must be fully responsible, and then she would not only have to pay for repairing the car out of her own pocket, but also have to compensate the Audi car for the maintenance fee.

Her eyes dripped and rolled a few times, the old way, get in the car and run.

She had just started the car and was ready to put on the gas pedal and run.


A white Mercedes G came from the flank and blocked directly in front of her car.

Cui Landing saw that a young man who got out of the Mercedes-Benz big G car was the young guy she met at the Dongfang Hospital.

Cui Lan couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded, the other party could actually catch up with her in the vast sea of cars?

Lin Jiang got out of the car, sneered in his heart, hit the car and wanted to run.

He has a system database, search for Cui Lan's name, where she is, what she is doing, at a glance.

He glanced at the scene of the accident, thinking that this primary curse technique was really powerful, he just cursed silently in his heart, and Cui Lan really crashed and rear-ended.

Lin Jiang strode to the front of the BMW X6, pulled the car door, and dragged Cui Lan in the driver's seat directly out of the car.

"What are you going to do? Be careful if I accuse you of sexual harassment? After Cui Lan was dragged out of the car, she looked full of spicy posture.

"Sexual harassment? Just you? "

Lin Jiang sneered disdainfully, he had checked Cui Lan's information, a fake lady who drove a BMW car, trying to fish the second generation every day, the whole one person sat on the toilet, this kind of woman was disgusting to him.

"You... I'm going to call the police. "

Cui Lan felt the contempt in Lin Jiang's eyes, and suddenly ignited his anger, and took out his mobile phone to call the police.

"Hurry up and call the police, I'm still waiting for the police to do justice." Lin Jiang's expression was full of ridicule.

"You wait..."

Cui Lan directly dialed the police number: "One one zero, I was sexually harassed by someone, and the other party is a male car owner.... "

She just hung up.


A red slap print suddenly appeared on his face.

But it was Lin Jiangshi 3.4 who couldn't bear it and smacked her with a big mouth.

He generally does not hit women, but in general, he does not distinguish between men and women, and whoever messes with him, he hits whomever he wants.

Cui Lan was directly stunned by his slap.

The head is buzzing.

A moment later.

She jumped up directly, glaring and roaring: "Poor ghost, Xiao San, you dare to hit me, if I don't send you in to squat for ten years, I won't be surnamed Cui..." "


Lin Jiang gave her a big ear scraper with his backhand, obviously she was the poor ghost, but in turn he scolded him for being a poor ghost, not smoking her, let alone when.


Cui Lan covered her hot cheeks and smoked angrily.

"You are a rotten product, pretending to be pure love in front of me, the police will come in a while, I will report to them, you pretend to be a celebrity, defraud others of money, extort, and disrupt the social atmosphere." Lin Jiang sneered.


Cui Lan was stunned.

A hint of fear welled up in his eyes.

It is true that she impersonated a celebrity, and it is also true that she defrauded money.

If the police knew about it, she would be finished.

After all, the government is increasingly fighting fraud.

With the money she fraudulently defrauded, she had to squat for three or four years.

"You... You talk nonsense. Cui Lan panicked, her brain buzzing.

"You pretended to be a celebrity, and from the hands of a rich second-generation named Geng Zhengjie, you defrauded 580,000 yuan in living expenses, 60,000 yuan in abortion expenses, and 450,000 yuan in down payment for buying a house..." Lin Jiang directly shook out her old bottom.


Cui Lan was frightened and stupid all of a sudden.

"Is it nonsense, the police asked Geng Zhengjie to understand the situation, or not." Lin Jiang sneered.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 82

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