
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 83

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 83


Cui Lan had a thought in her mind, run away.

But her BMW was blocked by Lin Jiang's Mercedes-Benz Big G.

So, she didn't even want a BMW, turned around and ran.


Lin Jiang saw Cui Lan running away and did not chase.

He meditated in his heart the primary curse technique: curse Cui Lanwei's feet.

Cui Lan just ran seven or eight meters away.

Foot upside down.

Fell to the ground without any image.

The ankles rattled.

Just listen to her let out a pig-killing scream.

Lin Jiang's heart was secretly refreshed, this curse technique was too magical.

At this time, the female owner of the Audi got out of the car with a pair of straight long legs.

Lin Jiang looked up, and an intriguing smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

I have long heard that the beauty of Shangcheng is like a cloud, and sure enough.

The female owner of Audi in front of me is really beautiful.

A pair of long white legs, one meter long, straighter than a telephone pole.

Plump buttocks upturned and moist.

Willow's small waist is like a graceful drawing line.

The two peaks are as high as the Junling Mountains.

A white and picturesque face, bright and moving, full of style.

Long hair shawl.

Luxurious temperament.

The front and back are raised to the small waist, and the interpretation is vivid.

The female owner of the Audi glanced at Lin Jiang, and the willow eyebrows frowned lightly, without saying a word.

Lin Jiang's eyes swept around her golden figure and smiled.

"Who is she?"

The female owner of Audi just saw Lin Jiang smoking Cui Lan's big ear scraper in the car, thinking that Lin Jiang and Cui Lan had something to do with it.

"I don't know her." Lin Jiang shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

The female owner of Audi frowned, did not know people, just hit people with big ears and scrapers, who believes?

"She hit my car, raked it backwards, and ran away." Lin Jiangdao.


The beautiful eyes of the female owner of Audi flashed a hint of surprise.

Lin Jiang's experience seems to be a little similar to her.

They were all rear-ended by Cui Lan and bitten back.


He started beating people for such a little thing, and the young guy in front of him had too tyrannical temper.


I saw a police officer approaching.

Two traffic policemen got out of the car.

They surveyed the site and registered the license plate number.

At the time of registering the main information of the car 07.

Lin Jiang glanced at it and secretly noted the name of the female owner of Audi: Yi Yunxi.

The traffic police did good things and helped Cui Lan, who had a broken foot, to the traffic police car and took her to the hospital.

As for the handling of traffic accidents, wait for the traffic police brigade to issue a ruling on the decision on the handling of the accident.

Before Cui Lan was helped into the traffic police car, he glanced at Lin Jiang, his eyes were full of pleading, hoping that he would not call the police.

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, providing the police with clues about fraudsters is the duty and responsibility of every citizen.

After the matter is processed.

The female owner of the Audi called the insurance company to come and tow the Audi car to the 4S shop for repair.

"Beauty, where are you going, I'll send you?" Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"No need."

Yi Yunxi refused.

After that, she walked on a pair of long legs to the side of the road to take a taxi.

Lin Jiang glanced at her delicate back and turned to get into the car.

Since people don't want to ride in his car, he won't lick her.

After all, how can he, an old man with a handle, do such an unrestrained and unlimited thing as licking.

In the car.

He took out his mobile phone and made a report call to the police: I give you a clue about fraud, Cui Lan, 28 years old, fraud....

Hung up.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Not surprisingly, Cui Lan will soon be arrested by the police, prosecuted, sentenced, and finally sent to the number to step on the sewing machine.

He started the Mercedes-Benz Big G car, continued to navigate, and went to the address of the house that Qiao Xin gave him.

Before leaving, he glanced at Yi Yunxi, who was still taking a taxi on the side of the road, and thought that in a few hours, he would let her lick it.

Half an hour later.

Lin Jiang drove to the door of a single-family villa.

The location of the villa is a bit remote, but it is suitable for a tryst with Qiao Xin here.

He entered the villa and looked at it a few times, it was a small two-story villa, with bedrooms, living rooms, study, kitchen, furniture, everything.

Lin Jiang said that he was very satisfied, and later went to the palace, so he lived here, which was remote and did not disturb the people, and saved him from always being called to report when he was driving piles.


He came to the living room sofa and sat down.

Consciousness sinks into the system database to view Yi Yunxi's background information.

[Yi Yunxi: One year old... Eight years old... Eighteen years old... Twenty-four years old. 】

[Family background: Father Yiyam, chairman of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group. 】

[Family background: mother He Hongmei, university professor. 】

[Social background: Uncle Yishan River, executive deputy department of Shangyuan Energy Department. 】

[Social background, cousin Yimingxin, a well-known lawyer. ] 】

[Character relationship: girlfriend He Xianxian. ] 】

[Character relationship, prospective boyfriend Gao Guangbo. ] 】

Checked the background of Yi Yunxi.

The corner of Lin Jiang's mouth surged with an intriguing look.

The chairman of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group has a bit of background.

However, this background is the same in his eyes.

But I didn't see that she had a pure girl's dream in her heart.

He lay on the couch and thought for a while.

A call was made to Cao Hai, general manager of Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group in Shangyuan.

A few years ago, Lin Jiang sent Cao Hai to establish Jianghai Pharmaceutical Group, specializing in the research and development of medical devices and the production of cancer drugs.

With his covert support, Jianghai Pharmaceutical went public last year, with a market value of more than 4 billion yuan, and he himself holds 52% of the shares.

Although the development of Jianghai Pharmaceutical is good, in Lin Jiang's view, the development of Jianghai Pharmaceutical is still a little slow, compared with the leader of the pharmaceutical industry, Jianghai Pharmaceutical is somewhat insignificant.

He instructed Cao Hai over the phone to draw up a contract to acquire E's Pharmaceutical as soon as possible.

He wants to win Yi's Pharmaceutical, which has a market value of more than 10 billion, and make Jianghai Pharmaceutical famous in the field of medicine.

Of course, with the existing strength of Jianghai Pharmaceutical, it will definitely not be able to eat Yi's Pharmaceutical, which has a market value of more than 10 billion, and if it is forcibly eaten, it will undoubtedly survive.

But behind Jianghai Pharmaceutical, with the support of Jiangdi Group in Nanhai, it will be okay to swallow Yi's Pharmaceutical.


What Lin Jiang wants is not the entire Yi's Pharmaceutical.

He only needs fifty-four percent of the shares in the hands of the Yi family's father and daughter.

According to the current market price, the shares in the hands of the Yi family father and daughter are probably worth more than 7 billion.

A playful smile crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

He dialed Yi Yunxi's phone.

"President Yi."

"Don't ask me who I am."

"Last month, the batch of medical devices exported by E'Pharmaceutical abroad could not meet the standards of customs export, and you gave it to the customs............."

"Last year, the sales team of Yi's Pharmaceutical, which you were in charge of, bribed the purchasing directors of Dongfang, Chaoyang, and Pujiang Hospitals..."

"The year before last, a batch of substandard cold medicines from Yi's Pharmaceutical entered the market, causing many people to get sicker..."

"President Yi is also a master in accounting, and I admire it very much..."

"President Yi misunderstood, I didn't mean to blackmail."

"By the way, I will tell you one more thing, your father is carrying a life lawsuit, although more than ten years have passed since the incident, if the procuratorate re-initiates the prosecution..."

"I said it doesn't matter who I am."

"President Yi, I'll give you half an hour, Huamao Hotel, the foot bath center on the seventh floor, I'll wait for you."

After Lin Jiang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

He loves the taste of being licked by beautiful women.

Just like Qiao Xin, give him a baby, give him a house and a car, and lick him quite comfortably.

I hope that Yi Yunxi can also be as obedient as Qiao Xin and obediently lick him.

Otherwise, if he shakes his hands and accidentally accesses the phone of the procuratorial authority, or the phone of the anti-corruption department, or the phone of the economic investigation detachment, Yi's Pharmaceutical will be finished.

Lin Jiang took the car keys out of the villa, drove the white Mercedes Big G, and went back to the Huamao Hotel.


Qiao Xin sent him a message.

said that she wanted to eat spicy duck rack, duck claw, and marinated vegetables in the evening, and asked Lin Jiang to send it to her.

Lin Jiang agreed.

After all, Qiao Xin will give birth soon, and his body nutrition must keep up, otherwise, what if his son is hungry? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a while.

Lin Jiang drove back to Huamao Hotel.

This Huamao hotel is also his property.

However, he did not directly control it, but Huang Wentao held it on his behalf.

At the door of the hotel, Huang Wentao was dressed in a suit and walked over respectfully: "Boss, do you have any arrangements for the evening?" "


Lin Jiang thought to himself what arrangements he could have, if he couldn't make Yi Yunxi's pile in the evening, he would only be asleep.

"Boss, I'll take you to MISS Bar for two drinks in the evening?" Huang Wentao is a real person, seeing that the boss came to Shangcheng alone, he thought of taking the boss to see the nightlife of Shangyuan.

"Not interested."

Lin Jiang shook his head, although there are many young beauties in the bar, he has no hobby of pick-up, and he doesn't like overnight cannons.

Huang Wentao hurriedly nodded, since the boss was unwilling, he would not say more.

"Lao Huang, go to the foot bath center on the seventh floor to soak your feet for a while." Lin Jiangdao.

"Boss, please."

Huang Wentao suddenly came to the spirit, the boss must arrange to soak his feet in the foot bath center of his hotel.

While following Lin Jiang to the elevator, he sent a message to the manager of the foot bath center, ready to meet the boss.

Seventh floor.

The elevator doors open.

Lin Jiang and Huang Wentao got out of the elevator one after the other and went to the foot bath customer service hall.

Just entered the hall.

I saw two rows of black silk high-heeled beauties standing on both sides of the hall, which was dazzling.

"Hello boss."

All black silk heeled beauties bow in unison.

It's a bit scary.

I don't know, I thought he was here to choose a concubine.

Lin Jiang fixed his mind, slowly swept over these black silk high-heeled technician sisters, nodded slightly, not bad, most of them are young ladies in their twenties, and there are also some in their early thirties, but the proportion is not large.

"Boss, please."

Huang Wentao hurriedly waved a customer service foreman and led the way.

The female foreman twisted her black silk buttocks and took Lin Jiang to the top luxury SPA room.

Huang Wentao hurriedly arranged it again and called the flower of the town shop in the store to serve Lin Jiang.

Generally, places like foot bath centers will raise one or two high-value technicians, mainly to receive big officials and big bosses.

After a while.

A beautiful woman wearing a white short skirt, flesh-colored stockings, and a white belly button vest walked in.

Tall, with plump buttocks and thin waist, and delicate makeup, he looks very beautiful.

"Boss, this is the number one in the store, she will serve you." Huang Wentao said.


Lin Jiang nodded, the No. 1 technician is very beautiful, I just don't know if her technique works, you know, he is a frequent customer of the foot bath industry, the technique is good or not, you can try it out as soon as you get started.

Technician No. 1 smiled and bowed gently, then went to get the wooden basin, poured milk, and put Lin Jiang's feet into the wooden basin.

Lin Jiang was lying on the massage table, comfortably enjoying the rubbing of Miss No. 1. Twist.


The phone rang.

He took a look and saw that it was Yi Yunxi who called.

A smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

"President Yi, you wait at the door."

"I'll have someone pick you in."

Hung up.

Lin Jiang glanced at Huang Wentao: "Go to the door to pick up a beautiful woman and come in." "

"Yes." 967 Huang Wentao turned around and went out of the SPA.

Two minutes later.

Yi Yunxi came in from the SPA.

She was wearing a white women's uniform OL, the buttons of the small suit were about to be stretched out, and the white hip-wrapped skirt below wrapped her plump and round buttocks into a picturesque curve, a pair of white flowers with long legs, without any clothing, the red stripes were exposed to the air, straight and seamless.

Lin Jiang's dark pupils flashed a trace of blue light, and with the blessing of clairvoyance, Yi Yunxi seemed to stand in front of him without concealment.

"It's you."

Yi Yunxi was very surprised, a pair of beautiful eyes surged with horror, and the snow-white melon seed face was filled with an oozing chill.

"President Yi, don't be so surprised, please sit." Lin Jiang waved hello to Yi Yunxi while enjoying the massage of technician No. 1.

Yi Yunxi did not sit, her eyebrows were frowned, and her heart was already turbulent.

She never expected that a stranger in a traffic accident would know her and Yi's Pharmaceutical so well, even the secrets of Yi's Pharmaceutical, he knew everything.

"Are you?"

Yi Yunxi is a workplace elite, and observing words and colors is her masterpiece.


Lin Jiang likes to be simple and rude, and he will do it if he is not convinced.

Don't like verbose social programs.

He waved his hand at Huang Wentao and the No. 1 technician: "You guys go out first, I'll talk to President Yi about something." "


Huang Wentao nodded, beckoned the No. 1 technician to leave, and after going out, closed the SPA door with his hand.

"Mr. Lin."

Yi Yunxi stared at Lin Jiang tightly with a pair of beautiful eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

She couldn't see through Lin Jiang.

But Lin Jiang saw through her.

"Where are you high?"

"I'm a traveler, I call home and travel everywhere." Of course, Lin Jiang would not tell the truth, and said nonsense casually.

"Travel expert?"

Of course, Yi Yunxi does not believe that a travel expert can know so well about Yi's Pharmaceutical?

"President Yi, I asked you to come over to discuss business with you." Lin Jiang said with a smile.

"Since it is to discuss business, Mr. Lin should go to our company to talk, instead of asking me to come to this kind of place." Yi Yunxi said clearly.

"President Yi, I'm not patient, if you carry a shelf like this again, if I accidentally dial the phone of the inspection authority, your father Yiyam's life lawsuit...?"

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, there was a handle in his hand, and he dared to hold it like this, really think he was good-tempered?

"You... What do you want to do? "

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes surged with a trace of nervousness.

"What do I want to do?"

Lin Jiang slowly swept over her delicate body, and a meaningful smile surged at the corner of her mouth.

Yi Yun's body trembled.

She saw a trace of lewdness in Lin Jiang's gaze. Dirty.

The meaning is self-evident.

PS, ask for monthly pass flowers, old irons,.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 83

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