
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 84

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 84

Yi Yunxi kept guessing in his heart, who is he and what is his purpose?

In her opinion, this person is planning to collect the handle of Yi's Pharmaceutical, and his intention is not small.

"President Yi, my first condition is that you come with me tonight."

"The second condition, I'll tell you in two days."

Lin Jiang not only craved Yiyunxi's body, he also craved the golden signboard of Yi's Pharmaceutical.

Therefore, he wants to beat the rabbit with grass, and he has both money and people.

Yi Yunxi had a pair of snow-white long legs and trembled gently.

However, she is an elite in the workplace, even if her heart is flustered, her face still remains calm.

"I don't even know what your name is, why should I go with you?" Of course, Yi Yunxi understood that Lin Jiang's underlying meaning was to sleep with her.

"If Mr. Yi is unwilling, you can leave now, but what I want to remind you is that there is only one chance, don't wait until the family is broken and the people and wealth are lost, then regret it, but it's too late."

Lin Jiang's words are very clear, there is only one chance, if she is not willing, he will not force it.

Yi Yunxi frowned.

She's weighing the pros and cons.

Or rather, she's thinking about gains and losses.

A person who doesn't even know her name, let her sleep with her, this is also too crazy?

But she couldn't seem to refuse.

After all, this surnamed Lin holds the handle of Yi's Pharmaceutical, as well as the handle of her and her father.

"Mr. Lin, let's be blunt, how much do you want, set a price, I can go home and discuss with my father, as for beautiful women, as long as there is money, are you afraid that there are no beautiful women?"

Yi Yunxi would rather spend money to eliminate disasters than put himself in it.

"Money ... I don't want a penny. "

Lin Jiang shook his head, he was not a three-year-old child, taking people's money was extortion.

But if it is the person who slept with her, it is a transaction, and it is also an exchange of benefits.

"No money?"

Yi Yunxi couldn't guess Lin Jiang's thoughts, he had mastered so much black material of Yi's Pharmaceutical, didn't he come for money?

"I repeat, you come with me tonight."

Lin Jiang sneered in her heart, Yi Yunxi is a smart woman, she knows how to choose.

"And then?" Yi Yunxi asked.

"And then... It's up to you to make me dissatisfied. Lin Jiangdao.

"If I go with you, what do you have in your hand?" Yi Yunxi raised his eyebrows lightly and asked.

"One night, not enough."

Lin Jiang shook her head and sneered in her heart, she thought it was quite beautiful, and in one evening, she wanted to change the things in his hand.

"So what do you want?"

Yi Yunxi frowned, with what Lin Jiang mastered, even if he proposed 10 million, Yi's Pharmaceutical would not refuse.

"I don't want to do anything, as long as you promise to accompany me for a year, the things in my hands will be offered with both hands at that time." Lin Jiangdao.

"A year?"

Yi Yun's beautiful eyes crossed a trace of shame.

He wanted her to be her lover for a year.

"President Yi, I'm the most impatient, okay or not, give a quick word." Lin Jiangdao.


Yi Yunxi still couldn't make up his mind.

She is the best friend of Yi's Pharmaceutical.

Moreover, the shares in her hands, now sold out, can at least cash out more than a billion.

Let her sleep with him for a year, which is worth more than a billion dollars, how can she be happy in her heart.

"If Mr. Yi can't make up his mind, please leave."

Lin Jiang directly waved to rush people, he likes to trade, but does not like ink.

Yi Yunxi's arrival has seriously affected his foot bathing.

"I... We can talk again. "

"You make a price, no matter how much money it is, I will find a way."

"With money, you can have as many beautiful women as you want."

Yi Yunxi's words are true, in the current society, as long as there is money, there are not a few beautiful women.

"I repeat, money, I don't want a penny." Lin Jiang's expression was a little displeased, he said everything so clearly, what else is there to ink.


Yi Yunxi completely lost his temper.


She all had an illusion.

Is her body worth tens of millions?

"Mr. Lin, how can you guarantee that after one year, you will give me something?" Lin Jiangdao.

"President Yi, you are a smart person, you should know what win-win cooperation is, you let me sleep for a year, in exchange for the survival of your Yi's pharmaceutical industry and family, you have made a lot of money in this transaction."

Lin Jiang didn't mind being blunt.

He is the body of Yu Yiyunxi.

There is no need to embellish this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yi Yunxi's expression floated with a hint of anger.

His words were very harsh and inadequate.

In the same way, he can say it a little more implicitly, a little more cryptically.

"Mr. Lin, I can't answer you now, give me two days, I'll think about it." Yi Yunxi frowned, and decided to delay it for two days first, and then talk to Lin Jiang about it when she thought of a way.

"Two days is too long, I can't wait, at most give you an hour to consider, I will remind you again at the end, use your body, in exchange for the longevity of Yiji Pharmaceutical, and your father's safety, you will not lose money in this transaction."

Lin Jiang thought that if she didn't agree, then he wouldn't be soft-hearted, anyway, beautiful women, there are many in the world.

"'An hour?'

Yi Yunxi frowned secretly and said, "Two hours, okay." "0


Lin Jiang promised her.

Then, he waved his hand and asked Yi Yunxi to leave.

Yi Yunxi nodded lightly, turned around and went out from the SPA private room.

A moment later.

Technician No. 1 came in from outside and continued to massage Lin Jiang's feet.

Huang Wentao also came in from outside and said respectfully: "Boss, do you have anything else to order?" "

"No, you go busy." Lin Jiang shook his head.

Huang Wentao nodded and gave a look to the No. 1 technician who was pinching her feet, asking her to take the initiative and serve the boss well.

Technician No. 1 certainly understood what Mr. Huang meant, and she nodded her head slightly.

"Boss, I'll go to the bar, if you have something else to explain, feel free to call me (Li Dezhao)."

Huang Wentao is a loyal person, and since Lin Jiang gave him this mouthful of food, he has devoted himself to doing things for Lin Jiang.


Lin Jiang closed his eyes and was enjoying the foot massage of technique No. 1, so he waved his hand and signaled that Huang Wentao could leave.

The latter is also very sensible and goes out of the SPA private room.

Come outside.

He called the manager over and instructed: "Take care of the boss, no matter what the boss asks, try to meet it." "

"Mr. Huang, if the boss proposes which..., our store is pure green operation." The manager was a little embarrassed.

"Stupid, no matter who the boss fancy, throw money to get it." Huang Wentao thought that with the beauty of technician No. 1, even if the boss had that meaning, he would only look for her.

And he has already negotiated with technician No. 1, if the boss has that need, No. 1 will try his best to meet it, as for the price, it will cost 50,000 yuan a night.

PS Ask for a wave of flowers monthly pass.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 84

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