
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 85

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 85

Lin Jiang is not a superficial person.

Technician No. 1 worked tirelessly to massage him.

How could he do what he did with the former rulers.

Besides, he has always had sympathy for the hardworking technicians.

Life has forced them to lay down their dignity.

Why did he tear off the last fig leaf of people's houses?

But technician No. 1 didn't think so, and she wished Lin Jiang had made a move.

After all, Mr. Huang promised her that as long as she slept with the boss, 50,000 yuan.

Lin Jiang closed his eyes and comfortably enjoyed washing his feet and stepping on his back to massage a dragon.

Because he was so comfortable, he actually slept through.

Technician No. 1 was full of loss.

She was still waiting to be rolled over and pressed down by her boss.

Why did he fall asleep?

When Lin Jiang woke up.

It was already ten o'clock.

He took his phone and looked at it.

Hurriedly rolled over, took the clothes on the hanger, and quickly put them on.

Qiao Xin sent him a lot of messages, asking where did he bring the night snack?

Lin Jiang silently said that the service of technician No. 1 was fantastic, he was too relaxed and fell asleep all of a sudden.

"Boss, after you fell asleep, how many projects have you not done?" Technician No. 1 saw that he was leaving, and hurriedly kept him.

"What projects haven't been done?" Lin Jiangdao.

"Back push, prostate massage, and Thai back." Technician One Road.

Lin Jiang thought that there were still three projects that had not been done, which was too much of a loss.

But right now, he wants to send Qiao Xin a late-night snack.

The project that was not done, only to do it another day.

"Another day."

"Boss, I can't delay you much time, I'll give you another press?"

As soon as Technician No. 1's words were finished, Lin Jiang had already pushed open the door of the SPA room and went out.

Lin Jiang didn't want to leave either, after all, the technique of the No. 1 technician sister was quite good.

But compared to enjoyment, the child in Qiao Xin's belly is the most important.

He came out of the SPS private room.

The manager hurriedly came over: "Boss, it's so late, what do you need to eat?" "

"Keep the sour soup dumplings for me." Lin Jiang is very experienced, every time he goes to wash his feet, sour soup dumplings are indispensable.

"Yes, boss." The manager said.

"Technician No. 1 served quite well, give her a good review." As soon as Lin Jiang's words fell, he hurriedly went out of the foot bath center.


He found a black duck stewed meat shop, bought a large number of duck goods, and sent them to the Eastern Hospital.


Expected delivery room. 580

Qiao Xin stood up with a big belly and walked slowly on the ground.

She was very angry in her heart, and Lin Jiang was too unreliable, so she asked him to send a night snack, and she has not seen a night snack delivered so far.

Can this kind of unreliable person be a reliable child father?

After a while.

Lin Jiang came to the delivery room with a large pile of duck goods.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qiao Xin walking around on the ground.

This startled him.

Pregnant women should try not to move around for a few days before giving birth.

If you fall, the child in the belly will suffer.

"Hurry up and lie down."

Lin Jiang hurriedly helped Qiao Xin, who had a big belly, onto the bed.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Xin complained.

"I met a woman who reversed and hit the Mercedes-Benz Big G, and the counter-accusation is my problem..." This excuse that Lin Jiang found is absolutely true.

After listening to his explanation, Qiao Xin was a little angry and explained: "Generally, people like this deliberately touch porcelain luxury cars, take the opportunity to meet rich people, and then kill pigs through various packaging. "

"Shangyan people play so six?"

Lin Jiang thought that it was really different places, different customs, and even killing pigs was so creative.

"It's all a scam by fake ladies." Qiao Xin smiled slightly.

Lin Jiang thought that when he went out in the future, he would not drive a luxury car, so as not to be touched by a fake lady.

"By the way, did you go to see the house?" Qiao Xin asked.

"Look, it's pretty good, suitable for private trysts." Lin Jiangdao.

A hint of shame crossed Qiao Xin's eyes, her intention to buy this villa was to facilitate taking her child to meet Lin Jiang, after all, he was the child's father.

"What did the doctor say?" Lin Jiang cares about the child in her belly, and it will take a few days to croak on the ground?

"It takes two or three days to get into the delivery room." Qiao Xin said.


Lin Jiang nodded.


He talked with Qiao Xin for a while.

Qiao Xin answered a call from home, saying that her mother was coming and asked Lin Jiang to leave quickly.

Lin Jiang also didn't want to meet with her family, so he turned around and left, not dragging mud and water at all.

Coming out of the Eastern Hospital.

Lin Jiang was very unhappy.

He gave Yi Yunxi two hours to think about it.

It's been more than three hours now.

She didn't even have a message.

This made him very unhappy.

But. (ahaa)

He didn't call Yi Yunxi.

Instead, he made a call to Yi Yunxi's father, Yiyam.

"Chairman Yi, I'm very sorry to disturb your rest in the evening."

"However, I need to remind you that the person who helped you press that life lawsuit has been retired for three years."

"Don't be so afraid, you are the chairman of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, even if there are old cases that are turned over, it is a big deal to go in and sit for more than ten years."

"When you come out again, you must be gray-haired..."

"You can ask your good daughter Yi Yunxi, she may have a way to help you."

The other end of the phone.

In a resplendent villa.

A man in his fifties crawled out of his bed, looking panicked.

What happened more than ten years ago, does anyone still remember?

Moreover, the other party can call him.

It is enough to show that the other party may hold evidence of the murder case in his hands.

This shocked and frightened him, and if this matter was shaken out, he would have to go in and squat.

He was busy calling his daughter Yi Yunxi.

"Hey, Xiao Xi."

"Someone called me."

"Do you know something?"

"If you can, I hope you can help a bunch of dads."

"Dad doesn't want to go in..."


The top of a skyscraper.

Yi Yunxi was blowing a cool breeze.

The slender and delicate body reflects a very delicate figure.

Her mood was bad.

Just now, her father called, and his voice carried a trace of fear.

Apparently, her father received a threatening call from Lin Jiang.

And Lin Jiang's intention to do this.

It was nothing more than forcing her to comply.

She muttered for a moment.

Take out your phone.

Call Lin Jiang.

"I promise you."

"Where are you?"

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Buy what?"

"Buy two sets of stockings at an adult store?"

"Don't buy."

Hung up.

Yi Yunxi had the urge to drop his phone.

Lin Jiang was on the phone and actually asked her to buy stockings.

This is the humiliation of the red stripes.

She felt that her dignity was trampled under Lin Jiang's feet and trampled on fiercely.

But she also knows that people are knife tricks, she is fish meat, disobedience, and the end is to send her father to squat.

Yi Yunxi hesitated for a while.

With great reluctance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Go down from the skyscraper.

She navigated a self-service adult shop.

Bought the stockings that Lin Jiang said.

And Durex and Yu Ting.


She drove to the door of the hotel.

But he didn't get out of the car.

This moment.

She remembered her boyfriend-to-be Gao Guangbo and apologized.

Gao Guangbo has chased her for more than three years, and if nothing else, next month, she will agree to Gao Guangbo's pursuit.

But creation is tricky.

Kill a surnamed Lin out of thin air.

If you don't love money, you want her body.

This made her heart unwilling.

She is a person who pursues romance and true love.

In her eyes, the best relationship is the companionship that never gives up.

In this era, her thinking is very naïve, in the eyes of most people, love is a fart, where money comes to the truth.

On the contrary, she sees feelings over material life.

It may be because she is not short of money, so beautiful romantic love is what she has always yearned for.

Yi Yunxi silently said sorry in her heart and Gao Guangbo, for her father, for the sake of Yi's Pharmaceutical, she had no choice.


Lin Jiang's phone called.

"What is the grind?"

"Hurry up."

Yi Yunxi was very aggrieved in his heart.

She felt the disrespect in Lin Jiang's words.

It was a tone that made her extremely uncomfortable.

She hesitated for a moment.

Carrying a plastic bag.

Got out of the car.

Enter from Huamao Hotel and take the elevator to the penthouse luxury suite.

Come outside the Deluxe Suite.

Yi Yunxi hesitated, and a touch of impulse to leave welled up in his heart.

But thinking of the nervousness and fear when her dad called.

The urge in her heart to escape was slowly extinguished.

She raised her arm and knocked lightly on the door.

When a knock sounded on the door.

Tears welled up in her eyes, knowing that there was no turning back when she took this step.

In the room.

Lin Jiang was very bored.

He was lying on the sofa in the living room outside the suite, chatting with Chen Duling.

At this point in time, Chen Duling had not slept yet, and the others had already slept.

Chen Duling sent him a sexy pajama photo and asked him how was this pajamas?

Lin Jiang's answer was to lose sleep tonight.

Just when he and Chen Duling were chatting hotly.

There was a knock on the door of the room.

A sneer crossed the corner of Lin Jiang's mouth.

She still came.

He put down his phone and went to open the door.

The moment the door opens.

He saw tears welling up in Yi Yunxi's eyes.

He didn't care.

Some things, at first, she would feel embarrassed and her self-esteem would be humiliated.

But as long as she has gone through an unforgettable stage, she will feel that the current grievances and humiliation are not worth mentioning.

Just like Gong Xue, Li Xinyu, and Qiao Xin, at the beginning, they were the same as Yi Yunxi now, and their minds were full of humiliation and resentment.

But time can dilute all the bad and leave the best.

Lin Jiang glanced at her, turned back to the sofa and sat down.

Yi Yunxi carried a plastic bag, walked on a pair of snow-white round long legs, stepped on cool high heels, and slowly walked in from the door.


She closed the door.

The tears in his eyes could no longer be held back, and they burst out of his eyes.

"President Yi, no, everyone is an adult, there is no need to be so pretentious." Lin Jiang thought to himself that this kind of woman with romantic feelings is trouble, isn't it being piled, as for crying and crying?

"You bastard...?"

Yi Yunxi hated Lin Jiang in his heart.

It was this bastard who threatened her..., breaking her beautiful yearning for love.

"President Yi, don't swear."

Lin Jiang has a black line in his head, thinking that you will scold the fierce at this time, and I will let you shout the fierce in a while, to see who is better.

"I scold you..."

Yi Yunxi had an urge to kill Lin Jiang in his heart.

"Almost, are you bothered?" Lin Jiang thought that he was waiting to enjoy it, not waiting for her to scold.

"No, why are you threatening us so much?" Yi Yun said angrily.

"Flies don't bite eggs, if your Yi family has a clean ass, I will threaten you?" Lin Jiang's patience was almost consumed, in his opinion, he was not a good person, and the Yi family father and daughter were not good people, and even, in order to make the enterprise bigger, they did ten times worse than him.


Yi Yunxi choked for a while.

Lin Jiang is right.

Flies do not bite eggs.

If their Yi family foundation is clean, they will not be threatened by Lin Jiang with a handle.

"President Yi, since you choose to come, then obediently be an obedient woman, maybe I will see your obedience and feel a little sorry for you, otherwise, don't blame me for using you as a tool."

Since Lin Jiang's body strengthened, his kidney function can be called a metamorphosis.

If he wants, he can rest twenty-four hours a day.

But did Evian do it?


Her body is slender and plump.

Plump buttocks and thin waist.

The long snow-white legs look well-proportioned and straight and round.

Endurance should be a little stronger than Chen Duling.


The corner of Yi Yunxi's sexy rosy lips crossed a hint of mockery: "Isn't I here as a tool." "

"You're right to say that."

Lin Jiang didn't talk nonsense with her, pointed to the bathroom door, and said, "Wash the tools." "


Yi Yunxi scolded Wang Baeggan in his heart.

Simply trampled her IQ and dignity to the ground and rubbed.

"By the way, I don't like it when you wear a white uniform suit and change the stockings you bought." Lin Jiangdao.

"I'm curious to know how you could have changed like this. State? Yi Yun said with shame.

Lin Jiang thought to himself what she knew.

It's called love. Interesting.

Now this year, come out to play, who does not buy a few stockings on it, it is her kind of pure romantic who will put love. Fun is change. State.

Two days ago, a hotel cleaning aunt on the Internet told the truth, all the rooms where couples stay, there will be no shortage of three things, torn stockings, durex, mineral water.

"You'll know later that I have more changes. state. Lin Jiang waved his hand and told her to hurry to the bathroom.

Yi Yunxi snorted coldly and carried the plastic bag into the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of the faucet rattling sounded.

Lin Jiang leaned on the sofa, took his mobile phone to Cao Hai, general manager of Jianghai Pharmaceutical, and sent a message asking him to go to Yiyam, chairman of Yi's Pharmaceutical Group, with the acquisition plan tomorrow afternoon, to formally discuss the acquisition.

And Yi Yunxi, who was taking a bath, did not know that Lin Jiang had already set his eyes on the shares in the hands of their father and daughter.

PS, ask for flowers. Ask for a monthly pass, old irons.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 85

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