
Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 86

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Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 86

Two or three o'clock in the morning.

A terrifying cry.

Alarmed the waiter on the top floor of Huamao Hotel.

The waiter was a young girl named Xiaomin.

Dedicated to the hotel's distinguished guests, providing them with post-stay services.

There are only a dozen luxury suites on the top floor of the hotel, and under normal circumstances, half of the luxury suites are vacant.

Moreover, guests staying in luxury suites have already fallen asleep at this point in time.

Xiaomin, who was a waiter at the top level, also quietly fell asleep after twelve o'clock.

Just when she was dreaming about Zhou Gong, a sharp hysterical scream sounded, which suddenly woke her up~ .

Her first reaction was that there was a fight in the hotel guest room.

She hurriedly looked in the direction of the scream.

Room 8888 on the top floor.

Xiaomin stood in the doorway, looking stunned.

A husky plea for mercy echoed in his ears, accompanied by weeping.

And the sound of crackling.

Listen to this.

Apparently a male guest, beating a female guest.

Xiaomin began to make up her brain, the male resident was beating the female guest in the face at this time, the female resident was beaten and fainted on the ground, and the male guest was punching and kicking her?

What to do?

Report or not call the police?

If the male guest beats the female guest out of the problem.

If the hotel supervision is not in place, if it is found that the guest has beaten the behavior, but fails to stop and report to the police in time, it may bear corresponding compensation.

Thinking of this, Xiaomin hurriedly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

But she suddenly remembered.

The guest of room 8888 was personally explained by Mr. Huang, and it seems to be a big boss.

What if she rashly called the police, and Mr. Huang blamed her and fired her?

Xiaomin hurriedly called the hotel manager and told him about room 8888.

The manager couldn't make up his mind, so he called Huang Wentao for instructions.

Huang Wentao received the call in the middle of the night, and his heart was very angry, as soon as he heard the manager's words, he suddenly became excited, it was about the boss, he must not call the police, he wanted to personally see what happened.

Huang Wentao quickly put on his clothes and went out, rushed to the hotel, and he hurried to the door of room 8888 on the top floor.

Listen to the movement inside.

He glared at Xiao Min and reprimanded in a low voice: "How old are you, you can't hear what is going on inside." "

"Mr. Huang, I'm afraid of losing my life." Xiaomin said aggrievedly.

"What is it in your head, which can kill people? Go back to your place. Huang Wentao said angrily.


Xiao Min turned around and left with a grievance on his face.

Huang Wentao secretly thought in his heart, the boss is young, the physical strength is good, this is after three o'clock in the morning, he is still tossing.

Finish speaking.

With a look of envy, he turned and left the hotel and went back to sleep.


It was past eight o'clock in the morning.

Lin Jiang is dreaming about Zhou Gong.

Suddenly, a vibrating sound of mobile phones sounded.

He picked up his phone from the nightstand and glanced at it, it wasn't his.

He looked for the sound and looked over, next to Yi Yunxi's pillow, the mobile phone screen was on, as if someone was calling.

He took the phone and glanced at it, and the caller ID was highlight.

He didn't know who Gao Guangbo was, but calling Yi Yunxi early in the morning was not a dog, nor was it malicious intent.

Lin Jiang hung up the phone directly, ready to turn his head and sleep for a while, yesterday night almost fought until dawn, even if his body is strong, he is also a little sleepy.

He was putting down his phone.

Surprised, VX shows a new message.

He pulled up the sleeping Yi Yunxi's finger and unlocked his fingerprint.

After the phone is unlocked.

He clicked on the VX message to take a look.

Suddenly there was a lot of anger.

A note is that Tian Gou with a high light wave, early in the morning put poison: Good morning, it's time for the lazy bug to get up, I ordered takeaway for you, there are your favorite courgette xiaolongbao, gray bean soup...

Highlight waves.

Lin Jiang thought back.

When he checked Yiyunxi's information yesterday, in the emotional and social column, his prospective boyfriend Gao Guangbo, began to pursue Yiyunxi three years ago....

Lin Jiang couldn't help but rejoice, thanks to him for starting quickly, otherwise, a beautiful girl like Yi Yunxi would not be given a hand by Gao Guangbo.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

Since someone is rushing to be a dog, if he doesn't take advantage of it, it will be too much.


In the name of Yi Yunxi, he sent a few messages to Gao Guangbo, telling him to immediately buy breakfast for four people and personally deliver it to room 8888 of Huamao Hotel.


He went down to wash up, get dressed, and wait for the dog to bring breakfast.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Huang Wentao's voice came in from outside: "Boss, are you up, I brought you some breakfast." "

Lin Jiang stepped forward to open the door and saw Huang Wentao dressed in a suit and carrying a large plastic bag containing various nutritious breakfasts.

"Boss, I guess you're hungry, let's have some breakfast first." Huang Wentao said busily.

"I'm not hungry, breakfast is given to the hotel staff."

Lin Jiang thought that Tian Dog would deliver breakfast for a while, and eating Tian Gou's breakfast was more fragrant than Lao Huang's breakfast.

"Boss, then you rest for a while, I will send someone to your room for lunch." Huang Wentao said.


Lin Jiang nodded, thinking that Huang Wentao was suitable to be a housekeeper.

"I'm going to work, if you have something, feel free to call me." Huang Wentao is a person who knows the Entu newspaper, and without Lin Jiang, he would not have the status he has today.


Lin Jiang closed the door and came to the sofa to lie down, waiting for Tiandog's breakfast.

Forty minutes later.

There was a knock on the door.

Lin Jiang straightened up with a carp, rolled over from the sofa, shook his spirits, and went to open the door.

The door opens.

A young man in a dark blue suit, about twenty-seven or eight years old, one meter eight meters tall, with a strong physique and handsome appearance.

"Hello, this is the breakfast that President Yi asked me to bring you."

Gao Guangbo had some doubts in his heart, why did Yi Yunxi let him send breakfast for four people here?

However, the goddess has requirements and must go all out.

After all, he has chased Yi Yunxi for more than three years, not worse than the last few days.

"Thank you."

Lin Jiang stretched out his hand to take the breakfast and said with a smile: "Xiao Xi is still sleeping, you come in and sit for a while." "

"Xiao Xi?"

Gao Guang was stunned.

The young man in front of him who was about twenty years old, he said that Xiao Xi was sleeping, how could this be?

Shouldn't she be working in the company at this point in time?

Lin Jiang carried breakfast in from the bedroom, deliberately pulled his voice and shouted: "Xiaoxi, get up, the love breakfast sent by your friend, let's eat it together." "

Unfortunately, Yi Yunxi couldn't hear anything.

She was so tired yesterday that she collapsed, fainted several times, and was woken up by Lin Jiang, and the cycle continued, and she didn't sleep for a while, and she slept fragrantly, even if it was thunder, she would not wake up.

Room doorway.

Gao Guangbo's head buzzed all of a sudden.

Yi Yunxi actually stayed in a hotel?

Shouldn't she be at work?

She opens a house with someone?

Let him bring breakfast? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gao Guangbo suddenly lost his mind.

He rushed into the bedroom.

On the bed, Yi Yunxi was asleep.

Although the quilt wrapped her tightly, Yi Yunxi's face, he would never admit it.

He glanced down at the women's small white suit, vest, hip-wrapped skirt, torn stockings, and tissues at his feet.

He just couldn't be stupid.

I also understand what Yi Yunxi did yesterday night.

As soon as he thought of it, he had paid for more than three years, he had held hands once, and had done nothing else.

He couldn't help but be angry and his eyes were torn.

It's so bullying.

He added her like a dog for more than three years.

But she lay down on another man's bed.

"Yi Yunxi . . ." Gao Guangbo looked hideous, and his teeth were clenched.

"Hey, takeaway brother, it's almost there, what are you yelling at my girlfriend?"

Lin Jiang sneered in his heart, let him see with his own eyes that he had added a goddess for more than three years, lying on his bed, he could wake up in the world, otherwise, this kid has been adding Yi Yunxi, how can he rest assured.

"Your girlfriend?"

Gao Guangbo was angry and burning.

What could be more insulting than this.

His goddess slept in the arms of other men, but he brought them breakfast like a dog.

"Of course, it's not my girlfriend, how did she sleep with me?" Lin Jiang looked at Gao Guangbo like an idiot, thinking that Yi Yunxi would not wake up for a while, and he would say whatever he wanted.

"You—bastard, I'll kill you!"

Gao Guangbo became mad for a moment, and smashed his fist directly towards Lin Jiang.

Lin Jiang did not dodge or dodge, and was punched by him.

Ahh --

Gao Guangbo let out a scream, his fist was like smashing into an iron plate, and he grinned in pain and his face was distorted.

Lin Jiang's body was strengthened three times, and he could be directly immune to ordinary physical attacks.

Gao Guangbo's fist hit him, as if tickling.

"Your name is Gao Guangbo, right? Xiao Xi's suitor, no, she said that you are a Tian dog, send her messages all day, she is about to die of boredom. Lin Jiang laughed in his heart, looking at Gao Guangbo's stunned appearance, he couldn't be more cool in his heart.

"I'm Tim Dog?"

Gao Guangbo's nose was almost crooked.

He chased Yi Yunxi for more than three years, that's how she evaluated him?

"Aren't you adding dogs?"

While eating breakfast, Lin Jiang pointed to the breakfast that had not yet been opened in the plastic bag, the meaning was not clear enough.

"You... I'll kill you. "

Gao Guangbo waved his fist and was about to smash into Lin Jiang again.

Lin Jiang was not so kind this time, and he kicked out.

I heard Gao Guangbo scream, and his body fell out of the bedroom and smashed on the living room floor.

His chest was burning hot, and his internal organs seemed to have shifted.

While eating fritters, Lin Jiang walked to Gao Guangbo, looked at him condescendingly, and mocked: "Laozi became a special soldier at the age of eight, and killed with his bare hands at the age of fifteen, garbage like you, I can spray you to death with a fart." "

Gao Guangbo was painful and angry, he didn't expect that he really kicked the iron plate, this kid is not old, he is actually from a special forces, no wonder he is so powerful, he turned him over with one kick.

"You... Wait. "

Gao Guangbo struggled to get up from the ground and walked out of the door with a lost soul.

"Tim dog, thank you for the meal." Lin Jiang shouted at him.

When Gao Guangbo heard this, he almost spewed out a mouthful of depressed blood, deceived people too much, and really treated him as a dog.

Get out of the room.

Gao Guangbo straightens the waist.

He vowed never to be a dog again in this life.

As for Yi Yunxi, today's insult, he took note.

One day, he will return today's insult to the dog man and woman a hundredfold.

In the room.

Lin Jiang did not take Gao Guangbo's goods to heart at all, let alone worry that he would retaliate.

He now especially wanted to know what kind of expression Yi Yunxi would have when he woke up and knew that her boyfriend-to-be had brought breakfast.

Lin Jiang stayed in the room for a while, a little bored, so he went to the Oriental Hospital to see Qiao Xin, and by the way brought her some nutritious meals, he lay on Qiao Xin's stomach, listened to the child's movements, chatted with her for a while, and then came out of the hospital.

Then, he went to the foot bath center on the seventh floor of the Huamao Hotel to make up for the items that he did not do yesterday.

But the manager of the foot bath center was very enthusiastic and vigorously promoted him a double technician massage.

He repeatedly refused, and the manager said that No. 1 and No. 2 were the flowers of the store, and it might be more comfortable to press the effect together, and his consumption at the foot bath center was all free.

Lin Jiang couldn't resign, so he agreed.

Technicians No. 1 and No. 2 are both about twenty-five years old, and their appearance is also the same.

After all, to become the flower of the town store, the figure and face are definitely not bad.

Number one is responsible for pressing the soles of his feet, and number two presses him on the head.

Lin Jiang has never enjoyed a double technician massage.

I enjoyed it.

I suddenly felt that he was too lonely before, and massage should be like this.

For the next three or four hours, No. 1 and No. 2 gave him a full-body massage, and none of the items that needed to be done were missed.

After the project is done.

Lin Jiang said to add bells.

This can exhaust No. 1 and No. 2.

The two had to press it again.

Fortunately, Lin Jiang is not a nitpicker, and there are some omissions in the technique, and he does not say it.

Until after five o'clock in the afternoon.

He walked out of the foot bath center in high spirits.

The manager kept dropping him off at the door and inviting him to come back next time.

Lin Jiang took the elevator from the seventh floor and returned to Suite 8888 on the top floor.

In the room.

Yi Yunxi has woken up.

She leaned against the head of the bed and cried softly.

Her spirit was a little haggard, a picturesque face, pale and a hint of fatigue.

"Wake up."

Lin Jiang smiled.

"You bastard . . ." Yi Yunxi cried and scolded.

"What happened to you again?" Lin Jiang said he was innocent.

Yi Yunxi opened his mobile phone, clicked on the VX sky interface, and cried: "You sent him a message, and asked him to send breakfast, you are not a person...?" "

"I thought why did I cry you like this, didn't it just let him bring breakfast, anyway, he has added you for so many years, I don't care about adding it more." Lin Jiang said nonchalantly.

"Bastard, you are insulting him." How could Yi Yunxi not understand Lin Jiang's sinister intentions, he deliberately sent a message to Gao Guangbo and asked Gao Guangbo to deliver breakfast, in fact, he wanted Gao Guangbo to know that she slept with Lin Jiang yesterday night.

"What's wrong with insulting him?"

Lin Jiangjian's eyebrows twisted slightly, and said coldly: "Don't forget, you are now my woman." "

"I... I was coerced by you... As a last resort. Yi Yunxi cried.

"How did I coerce you?"

Lin Jiang thought that women like to make excuses for her mistakes, is he forcing Yi Yunxi to bed with a gun? Or did you take a knife to her neck?

"You... You threaten me, if I refuse to sleep with you, you will be exposed.... Yi Yunxi was hated and annoyed in his heart, and the tears of grievance were strung one after another.

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings

Longevity Entertainment: From The Beginning Of The Star, Many Deaths And Many Blessings - Chapter 86

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